The Great Reset Update: food processing plants burning down all over the world, as Europe, Australia prepare for fuel rationing
April 25, 2022 (updated 3:00 p.m. Pacific)

Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates shake hands at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, January 24, 2008.

GENEVA — World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder Klaus Schwab wants humanity to “own nothing and be happy,” and to eat insects. Bill Gates, who was a close friend of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, owns more farmland than any single person or company in the United States. But instead of producing food on said farmland, Gates is financing and encouraging humanity to eat lab-created meat.

Meanwhile, Ukraine and their WEF member President Volodymyr Zelenskyy are cashing in on what has quickly revealed itself as a staged campaign with a lot of collateral damage, to accelerate The Great Reset. Ukraine has already received close to $17 billion in U.S. taxpayer “aid” since February. Now Zelenskyy is demanding an additional $2 billion per month in “emergency economic aid” from the U.S.

RELATED: Young, sudden post-injection deaths continue, while Ukraine distraction propaganda has a Nazi problem (March 20, 2022)


Russia has the second-most powerful, advanced military in the world after the United States. Russia and WEF member President Vladimir Putin could have easily crushed Ukraine into oblivion in a week or two when this whole thing started in February. But that was never the purpose of this so-called war.

The primary goals of this conflict are disruption of the global food and fuel supply chains, along with distracting the masses from the global vaccine genocide. The secondary goals are prolonged theater, enrichment of Zelenskyy (for whatever reason), and dispersing Ukrainian refugees all over the world (for whatever reason). In fact Ukraine refugees in Ireland can simply swap out their former Ukraine driver’s licenses for Irish ones with no testing or red tape. The entire scheme is working to perfection.

Hundreds of food processing operations burning down

Of course vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But there’s no way all these food processing plant and barn fires, along with strange new laws incentivizing farmers not to work since 2020, can’t be coincidences. It appears most of the food processing plants and farms, especially in the chicken industry, were destroyed in 2020, while the new laws took effect in 2021-22.

There are at least 20 more of these stories that could have been included. Further, a recent study commissioned by The Guardian in the U.K., concluded that Northern Ireland must get rid of 1.2 million sheep and cattle, along with 5 million chickens, to meet required net-zero carbon emissions and 50% reduction in methane emissions. As we noted last week, global food prices are at their highest points in the 32-year history of the Food and Agricultural Organization’s (FAO) food price index.

Get ready for gasoline, natural gas rationing

We also reported last week how U.S. gas prices hit all-time record-highs on March 10. And the situation is only worsening. Hawaii hit a new state record of $5.20 per gallon of gas on March 31. Idaho broke its state record today, with gas now sitting at $4.44 per gallon. The United States doesn’t need foreign oil, and has at least five years of reserves. Yet the Biden Administration continues blaming Putin for high gas prices. The U.S. is unlikely to face gas shortages since domestic demand is down and the U.S. is now exporting oil to other countries. But the landscape is different in Europe and Australia.

Germany and Austria have moved forward with gas rationing policies on national levels. Both countries rely heavily on Russian oil and gas. Russia has been threatening countries that support Ukraine to pay for oil and gas in Russian roubles instead of euros and U.S. dollars. So far that policy has not come to fruition. But German Economy Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, in late March, moved to the first of three stages that ends in national gas rationing. Austria took a similar first step around that time. The European Commission and the International Energy Agency (IEA) are also warning everyone in the E.U. to decrease household energy use.

The situation is even more dire in Australia. The country imports 91% of its oil for domestic use, while it exports 75% of the oil produced domestically, which of course make no sense. And now a new report by The Australia Institute says the country has only 32 to 68 days worth of gasoline in reserves if Australia is cut off from imports. The report admonished Australian policymakers for ignoring the warning signs for years. The longer the conflict in Ukraine persists, the closer Australia gets to facing the foregoing realities.

Vaccine deaths and maimings are peaking right on schedule

Whenever you see the mainstream media phrases “COVID-19 hospitalizations” and “COVID-19 deaths,” that means more people are getting sick and dying from the injections. Australia so-called “COVID-19 hospitalizations” have been steadily rising since mid-March.

Senator Malcolm Roberts of Queensland accused the Australia COVID-19 Select Committee of “running a protection racket for the pharmaceutical industry” earlier this month. Senator Roberts also talked about what he described as “angular, luminous structures” he saw in samples of the Pfizer mRNA shots. He also said the data are “suggesting genocide” for all those who took the injections.

Watch the full Maria Zeee Uncensored podcast episode here. All the distractions from Ukraine to people struggling financially, have even buried Fauci’s dissemination of some new COVID “sub-variant” called BA.2. Of course the only way to protect yourself, according to Fauci and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, is a fourth booster shot.

There are also distractions aimed directly at people who frequent blogs like this. That whole “snake venom” thing is just a sensational claim by a chiropractor that in the grand scheme, helps nothing. Dr. Pierre Kory, who essentially introduced the world to Ivermectin as a treatment for whatever so-called COVID-19 is, called the snake venom video, “ranting of a truth, partial truths, and irrelevancies littered with blatant untruths, inaccuracies, and ignorances.” But look at how easy that story took over the truth news cycle. We’re even receiving a lot of fake stories of vaxx injuries, with the trolls hoping we don’t vet said stories.

Few things in this world happen by accident. Question everything. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Global famines, loss of human rights, gasoline shortages… a small price to pay to rescue a bunch of Ukie Nazis!

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  John

The Reset needs the war…The US is being dragged into it for the Reset

2 years ago

Once again the great fbi will investigate a crime they committed. Nothing will be found other that a coincidence of mysterious origins.

2 years ago

One thing I have learned is when a story takes off and everyone is talking about it. “Snake venom” Thats when you have to look in the opposite direction to see what they don’t want you to see/hear/read about.

2 years ago

I hope people get rakes and shovels when they/we run out of food for chicken farm and food processing plant fires

2 years ago
Reply to  Gabi

Gabi, I’m raising and processing my own chickens. There are meat birds that are good foragers and don’t need as much grain. They are breedable, so they are sustainable.

The typical commercial broilers are highly dependent on large amounts of grain. They are typically hybrids, so they don’t breed true. They are rather unhealthy birds and often wouldn’t live to reach sexual maturity anyway.

We don’t need commercial farming!

2 years ago
Reply to  John

We call those commercial broilers “Frankenchickens”. We processed some for the freezer. Wierdest things I ever saw. They just weren’t normal in chicken behavior. The flavor wasn’t good either. We never got any more. Very high maintenance. They couldn’t even fly. They just laid around, ate grain, and got fat (and fast). Anytime man tries to out-create God, it turns disastrous.

2 years ago
Reply to  J C

Yes, the Cornish cross are genetic freaks. I’m trying Cuckoo Malines and American Bresse… ~14 weeks to process. American Bresse are claimed to be the best-tasting chicken.

2 years ago

Moving into seal 3 – extreme inflation of food prices. Might not happen this year, but the warning signs are there.

2 years ago

Thank you Brian for your ability to see the BS miles away and write eloquently about it.

Amandha Vollmer did a video about that “snake venom” propaganda, if you feel like checking it out.

Lesco Brandon
Lesco Brandon
2 years ago

Only my second post here, but I am constantly visiting. I have looked into the snake venom theory and while it is still just a theory it may be worth waiting a little while longer before dismissing it. After all, we should not be surprised that these evil entities may have figured out ways to synthesize snake venom (it is very common in medicines these days so it is not a new medical phenomenon). Anyway, from the grahene oxide to the DNA mapping/modification to the radiation poisoning to the snake venom….nothing would surprise me at this point in time.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lesco Brandon
Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago

surrender yr lawfully-acquired property ??? yr fire-arms;
get the gov’mt you DESERVE ☹

2 years ago

Siege Warfare, folks – they have us surrounded, and poisoning the well didn’t work, so now they’re going to have to starve & freeze us out.

My goodness, who in history has a reputation for poisoning the well? It’s quite the mystery, but if you can answer that, all the pieces fall into place.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

One upside to this scamdemic is my family is closer than ever and we now have included others who are like minded. It sure has shown us who you can count on and who is a sheeple. Our faith is stronger and focused on the Lord. God bless you all ❤️

2 years ago

Snake venom is really expensive and major quantities would be needed to have an effect on humans if introduced to the water supply. I don’t think that much exists. Their poisoning us in some other way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I don’t disagree with you, however, who knows what tech they have. They could have figured-out how to culture it, or make it synthetically. Nothing surprises me anymore.

2 years ago

Thanks once again, Brian, for tying up all the loose ends into a tidy bundle. I know how much work the research takes.

A friend and I were talking about how the exact same fear-porn game plan was used for the scamdemic and 9-11. Even people who had finally realized 9-11 was a psy-op, still fell for the Covid psy-op, hook, line and sinker. I think that the biggest hurdle for most folks, is they simply can’t believe something so large and so evil could be opperating around the globe for hundreds of years. Once people can accept that FACT, they can see what is coming without getting gobsmacked every time.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

Plague, War, Famine ( on purpose), Pestilence with locust, all leading to a Great Reset a New World Order is orchestrating. If only there was a book that told us all these things would happen at this same time………If only we could have been prepared…

2 years ago

“enrichment of Zelenskyy (for whatever reason)”
The lizards are always amenable to enriching their own at the expense of the taxpayers, for whatever reason.

2 years ago

[KJV 1611] Isa 14:16 They that see thee shal narrowly looke vpon thee, and consider thee, saying; Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdomes?

[KJV 1611] Isa 14:17 That made the world as a wildernesse, and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his prisoners?

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