5 more young vaxx deaths as Obama admits billions were unwitting clinical trial subjects, while Trump vaxx zealotry swayed his voters to the needle

April 26, 2022

One year ago today,  The COVID Blog™ published what would become our most-read article to that point. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that man-made genes are patentable.

The Food and Drug Administration’s own website says that gene therapy “is a technique that modifies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease.” It continues, saying gene therapy works by “introducing a new or modified gene into the body to help treat a disease.” Moderna described its mRNA injections as gene therapy in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission. Thus all vaxxed people are genetically-modified humans, and their genome is patentable. But vaxx zealots call the foregoing “conspiracy theory.” More on that in a minute.

Mainstream media propaganda continues forwarding ridiculous excuses as to why so many young people are dying of heart attacks since 2021. “Cannabis use disorder” and high energy bills were the two most ridiculous ones until last month. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology concluded that loud traffic noise causes heart attacks. While researching that, we also found a press release dated June 21, 2021. The FDA approved the first-ever blood thinning drug last year to treat blood clots in children ages three months to 12 years old.

In other words, big pharma has known from the beginning that kids will develop blood clots in unprecedented numbers because of the injections. Politicians have known from the beginning as well. But they are the tools and primary facilitators of The Great Reset.

Trump and Obama tag-team propaganda

Former President Donald Trump is a vaxx zealot who constantly encourages his fans and voters to receive the injections. And now data shows that Trump’s vaxx zealotry is swaying his voters. Stanford University researchers ran an ad featuring Trump and all of his vaxx zealotry on conservative YouTube channels, including Fox News. The study concluded that 100,000 previously non-vaccinated Trump voters received the shots thereafter. The ad cost $100,000, thus $1 to persuade each new Pfizer customer.

Coincidentally or otherwise, the Obama speech in question was also hosted by Stanford University. He was the keynote speaker at the “Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Information Realm” symposium at Stanford on April 21. The entire speech is Obama declaring that he is the truth, similar to how Fauci believes he is “the science”. Obama said disinformation is the biggest threat to democracy. “We lose our capacity to distinguish between fact, opinion and wholesale fiction,” Obama said about people’s freedom of choosing their news sources.

Of course Obama and liberals view the following photo, and unequivocally state that the human being on the left is a woman.

They also state as fact that this person is a woman.

RELATED: The Casey Anthony Act: California introduces laws promoting abortion tourism, legalized infanticide for babies up to a year old (March 31, 2022)


If you deny Obama and his tribe’s “wholesale fiction,” you are called all kinds of pejoratives and “cancelled” by social media. But some truth did come from Obama’s speech. He said, while chuckling, smiling and with unabashed arrogance, the following:

“Despite the fact that we’ve now essentially clinically-tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide, around one in five Americans is still willing to put themselves at risk and their families at risk rather than get vaccinated. People are dying because of misinformation.”

He’s right. People are dying because of misinformation disseminated by himself and Trump, who are the de-facto leaders of the liberal tribe and the conservative tribe, respectively. Here are five more of those likely deaths that add more blood to the hands of the two former Presidents.

Adrianna Bohannan – age 14

It sounds all too familiar. Adrianna Bohannan was a 14-year-old girl in gym class at Alburgh Community Education Center in Vermont on April 14. Reports say she suddenly suffered a “medical situation” before collapsing and dying. There’s no definitive evidence that Adrianna received the injections. But again, this sounds all too familiar. A GoFundMe is collecting funds in her memory.

10-year-old British girl collapses and dies at rec center

This is one of those many stories where the name of the victim is withheld. But again this story sounds like a broken record. The girl was a student at Hotham Primary School in London. She and her classmates were on a field trip at Putney Leisure Center on April 19. Reports say she suffered “cardiac arrest” that afternoon. She was pronounced dead a short time later. There is no definitive evidence that the girl received the injections.

Erin Beebe – 26 years old

Ms. Erin Julia Beebe was a 26-year-old research technologist at Johns Hopkins University. The New Jersey native passed away in Baltimore on April 4. Her obituary says she “passed away peacefully in her sleep.” Johns Hopkins University has both a vaccine and booster mandate.

James Muller – age 32

Mr. James L. Muller is a 32-year-old self-employed carpenter and lifelong resident of Sussex County, New Jersey. He “died unexpectedly” on April 9, according to the Sussex Daily Voice. There is no definitive evidence that Mr. Muller received the injections.

Cameron Lemmons – age 28

Mr. Cameron Jule Lemmons was a U.S. Army veteran and a cop for the Whiteville, North Carolina Police Department. He was on duty, working his regular shift on April 14. Mr. Lemmons came down with a “sudden illness,” according to WWAY-TV 3. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor on or around April 15.

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (May 31, 2021)


Mr. Lemmons passed away on April 19 at McLeod Hospital in Florence, South Carolina. There is no definitive evidence that he received the vaccine.

But they volunteered

There used to be two things that Republicans and Democrats always agreed on since 1948 – Israel bootlicking and war. But the two tribes added one more common denominator in 2021: mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Even Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is thought by many to be the face of non-vaccinated critical thinkers, received a Johnson & Johnson injection. He also, at least once, encouraged people to receive the shots too.

This blogger has pondered many ways, via COVID Legal USA, to help pro se litigants hold someone accountable for their vaxx injuries. There’s plenty of evidence now showing that Pfizer knew all along (or at least since April 2021) that their mRNA injections had nine pages worth of potential adverse reactions.

Employers can perhaps be held accountable if you can show by a preponderance of evidence that their mandate was a direct result of government coercion. But the first affirmative defense for vaccine manufacturers, administrators and employers is that the victim ultimately chose to receive the shots.

The non-vaccinated are the last bastion of true humanity. You are special. Stay that way, stay vigilant, and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

They know what they are doing. Trump and Obama. I do believe they know about bon the deaths and bad injuries yet they still try to get as many vaxxed as they can. And when it is happening like now they feed the news these ridiculous stories to try and cover it up. (the will smith slap, Ukraine and now this week Elon Musk and twitter). Obama and Trump are not stupid. Remember that folks. All by design…

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
2 years ago

I have no pity for the vaccine victims, because every one of them was warned months advance that these mRNA vaccines were deadly, but they were too busy laughing at us and calling us “crazy conspiracy theorists” as the morons allowed themselves to be injected with the death shot. I’ll refrain from enjoying the ‘last laugh” and only say that I’m real sorry you insisted on finding out the truth the hard way.

On the subject of “last laughs”….. the most important part of this article is the photo of Trump and Obama laughing together, because they’re BOTH laughing at all the idiots who constantly fall for the age-old “divide and conquer” tactics employed by the billionaires. They’re constantly dividing us into conservatives and liberals, whites and blacks, or finding any other crack where they can drive a wedge, and incite all the peasants to kill each other so grabbing everything will be easier for them.

The morons will be real surprised to see Trump and Biden (Hunter?) playing golf together, because they’ll never understand that they have no knights in shining armor coming to save America for them. Get off your butt, and save the place yourself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jolly Roger

“I have no pity for the vaccine victims,”

Easier said than done.

When it is someone that one personally knows – not some data bits traveling on internet cables – and that someone is not a bad person at heart and even sometimes trying hard to be a good person too.

In that case, I think there is no way to remain indifferent to the ongoing pre-planned culling of humans.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago

so true. my folks took their first pfizer shots last april, and my then-20 year old daughter took j&j in june. within weeks my father couldn’t eat, and dropped from 150 to 120 pounds almost overnight. it took forever for the doctors to get him in, and in november we found out he had stage 4e dlbcl non-hodgkins lymphoma. he’s been undergoing chemo, and the doctor says the tumors are shrinking. then within the past three months our daughter’s periods have been coming every two weeks. my mother has an appointment to have possible diverticulitis checked out. i’ve spent the past year almost consumed by rage; rage at all three for blowing me off repeatedly, only for every. single. thing. i say to be blown off completely, if not scoffed at. my husband hasn’t taken it, but he also won’t put in any time to look into what i’ve been telling him, and calls it “just some bullshit someone made up”- regardless of what it is (he really turns off at talk of israel, but i can back up every single thing i allege; it’s true y’all- we’ve been lied to about damn near all of it since the very beginning), and what’s really absurd is that things going on right now are things i started talking about when i walked away in 2016, he can see them happening in the news, or even right in front of his face, and he STILL denies it’s all one galactically huge conspiracy our planet is in the middle of. it’s just unreal.

when i found out the three of them had been inoculated after everything i’d told and shown them since february 2nd, 2020, i found myself hardening inside towards them, and i spent a lot of tears knowing that even though my body is collapsing on me so fast that at 47 i find myself disabled, that i will very soon watch my parents and precious child suffer and die (my dad’s already been suffering, and although chemo is supposedly shrinking his tumors, if he doesn’t interrupt the spike protein process, it’ll come right back). the most thing i’ve realized is that everyone in my life thinks i’m a clown, an idiot, with no credibility. it cuts deeper than anything. my husband and our daughter started calling me frohike from the x-files back in 2018, and i laughed so hard because it was funny, and i could see it! lol but they and my parents started tuning me out sometime in 2018/19, and since i lost all my friends when i walked away in 2016, i talk out loud to the cat. i’ve always felt sort of alone, but this has become a goddamned waking nightmare.

be well, everyone.

2 years ago

“What is to give light, must endure burning”

1 year ago

God bless you, I know what you are talking about…Stand your ground, you are right. they all were warned, and made their choices. I have lost a lot of people as well..that does not make it less apinful or us the survivors, their is a reason we are surviving…. we have to fight on..thank you for sharing…

Vicki warren
Vicki warren
1 year ago

you are in my prayers. stay focused on the prize—we will suffer mightily here but will be cleansed and made ready for the real life that awaits. Ask for inner strength. It is a lone walk here, remember WHO resides within you —connect.

2 years ago

Exactly. My parents and my two adult children all are vaxxed, because of advice of doctors and school requirements. It grieves me that I could lose one of them due to the death shot. I can’t utter the words “Well, I don’t feel sorry for you.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Jolly Roger

I have no pity for them either. Even if someone I knew got the clot shot, I’d still remember that it was THEIR CHOICE to take it. I’ve given up trying to tell others not to take any other clot shots. I’m sick of being trampled upon by the swine as I cast my pearls upon them.

I’d rather be an anti-vaxxer than dead or suffering from these clot shots. You can’t save everyone. Better to connect with those who think along the same lines as you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jolly Roger

And the children? Have a heart

Bonnie Macklin
Bonnie Macklin
2 years ago
Reply to  BSTY

My heart breaks for the children forced to take the vaccine by their parents.

Gold Standard
Gold Standard
2 years ago

Love the Covid Blog. One has to connect the dots of the tribe. Most heavy players in the vaccine roll-out are Jewish including the top officials at CDC. Please Christians it is not anti-semitic to call out your enemy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gold Standard

Yep…one of my biggest frustrations are the huge number of Christians who have fallen for the Scofield Bible/Dispensationalist psy-op. These are the folks Jesus was talking about, when He said that in the Last Days He would order them to depart from Him, because they never truely knew Him. There seems to be a theme running through the Gospels that people will be held responsible for their gullibility and lack of due diligence.

There would be no way, if I was a child today I would agree to any vax. As soon as I was physically able to resist, there was no way my parents could get me to take any drug. When I was fifteen in 1975, sitting in the dentist chair…I calmly told the dentist he was not going to x-ray my mouth. He was totally flummoxed…I don’t believe even an adult had ever said that to him before. I can’t remember if my dad ( in the waiting room) was consulted, but I did not get x-rayed.

I have spent a lifetime say: NO. Great practice for these times. I believe that God expects and requires us to SHOW the world that we claim agency over our bodies…and our DNA…the precious gift He has entrusted to us.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

It is because Satan had the door opened to him to come sweeping into the church about 30 years ago through the “seeker sensitive” and “40 days of purpose” Rick Warren crap where churches wanted to get more rear ends into the seats which meant more money in the offering plate. Mainline churches stopped teaching the Bible so not to be offensive to the visitor and worship services became rock concerts. This was all apart of the plan unleashed over 100 years ago to take down America. “Enemies within the Church” is a great documentary that explains it all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Agreed. They are 99% fremasons and kiss the ring of the pope who is obviously behind this whole thing. 1800 years of christian testimony by the best men ever produced agree with this. Study history. You will see it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gold Standard

It was the Jews that called for Jesus’ crucifixion. These people killed your “Lord” and “Savior”. Wake the hell up. Though it is probably already too late if you got injected.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Gold Standard

The same jewish leaders of Jesus’ day are the same in spirit of today’s “jewish leaders”. They just don’t announce they’re “jewish” until it is convenient for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gold Standard

Im a non-vaxxed Israeli Jewish and as far as i can tell, us jewish people are subject to the same big pharma experimentation and even more so (Israel was the first the to this point the only country to mandate a second booster for vaxx pass eligibility). Im really trying to support the cause here, as ive seen first hand what this so called “vaccine” can do, but this kind of rhetoric is wrong in my opinion. We all bleed red and suffer just the same.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Alo

Hi Alo,
My comments are directly related to the non-religious people claiming to be jewish who are running things like Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Business, ect, and not to those who are sincere about their beliefs. I imagine them as pharisees of today. It is a mask they wear to protect themselves from attacks and it is unfortunate more religious jews do not speak out against them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

As if claiming or pretending to be religious is any indication of anything. As a matter of fact, most of the time, it is an indication of being a hypocrite, walking around trying to advertise one’s fake “religioussness”. That includes many of my fellow muslims with their beards and head covering for the females.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

Exactly, Jews that are against tyranny, racism, and scorn are SILENT when it comes to calling out those from “the Synagogue of Satan” who call themselves “Jews.” Even though we don’t see it in our MSM, what’s happening in the so-called “Holy Land” is an evil atrocity. Those hideous walls, fences, and checkpoints looks exactly like Nazi Germany because that’s who is ruling there today.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

Zev Zelenko did, quite forcibly.

lesco brandon
lesco brandon
2 years ago
Reply to  Alo

Hi Alo, Jews are an ethnicity of which many race denominations exist. The “bad” denomination, such as the Ashkenazi and Khazar Jews, and their sympathisers are the ones to watch out for. These “bad” ones hate the other Jews almost as much as they hate Christians and are happy to line them up for experimental gene altering concoctions. Don’t get offended by statements calling out Jews as some people write these posts in haste or they simply do not know that there are good Jews that just want to get on with life and earn a good and honest living so that they can support their families, like any good Christian. Basically, those that subscribe to the Talmud (Babylonian mysticism roots) are the evil ones to watch out for. The US is well and truly corrupted by the evil ones and it shows as the US, and every western nation built upon Christian values, has been progressively turned into a communist state through indoctrination via the media, school system, etc. The Commie agenda has always included the subversion of western nations, especially the US. Anyway, don’t be offended unless you are one of the “bad” ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alo

Thank you Alo for your input. Do not let yourself be affected by the haters in general and by those lurking on this blog in particular. Just like they can not worship an unseen God and had to turn their god into a man, they have to find a scapegoat to put all their BS at his doorstep.

Humans who are not enlightened, are just a thorn in the flesh of existence. Vaxed or not.

In my video uploads I have a fantastic courageous Israeli girl who took a stand against the vax way before most people. The haters here can’t reach her heels even if they stood straight to pretend that they have a backbone.

I am muslim. A few years ago, it was fashionable to hate the muslims. I didn’t give a fook whatsoever and still do not. Please do not seek to appease the haters. Let them stew in the sewer of their hatred.

Big hug to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Alo

Too right. Unfortunately, racists, though small in number, love to shout their mouths off. We all are descended from black people on an evolutionary level. On a cellular evolutionary level, we are descended from a cell, so share ‘ancestry’ with every living organism on the planet.

Gail Blue
Gail Blue
2 years ago
Reply to  Gold Standard

I am Jewish and have worked tirelessly to try to warn my friends and family about the shots, with very limited success. I find your claim that most of the blame is due to Jews to be false. There is too much dehumanization going around already, as unvaxxed have all experienced. We need solidarity to get out the truth, not divisiveness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gail Blue

While human sacrifice in its primitive version is not as prevalent as in ancient times, it is still going on in many other forms. Retards need to sacrifice something/someone to their imaginary gods, in the hope that it will cleanse them of their shortcomings and atone for their sins.

If it is not, the jews, it is the muslims. If it is not the blacks, it is the mexicans. If it is not the chinese, it is the russians.

Isn’t there a major religion in our days, hinging around the concept of “sacrifice” ?. Their god just have to make somebody suffer to appease his anger !!!. YAWWWNNN…..

Just listen to some good music or lecture, smoke some good joint and fly high like the eagle. Don’t give a fook about what others say or think.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

NO politician, even one I voted for, will persuade me to get vaxxed. I make up my OWN mind.

2 years ago

For me, it’s a gray area. The vaxx zealots I do not feel sorry for. They wholesale bought into this BS and ridiculed, bullied and censored anyone who did not agree. They deserve all that happens to them. But the rest of the vaxxed to various levels were submitted to months of pressure, loss of freedom of movement and income, and social and family pressures that I can not broadly condemn them like the zealots. I know that employers are starting to cover their butts. My employer took down all the videos that the head of HR would send out weekly berating the unvaccinated. They were harsh. And now if you are out on medical leave they tell those people they cannot say anything to the rest of the employees. Like they don’t want people to start comparing notes. Hmmm. Karma is coming and it will be a b-tch.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Exactly. Hate can be on both sides of the table. You give into it and you are no better than the swamp creatures.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I withheld and stood my ground due to my religious belief. I’m being asked to come back. However, game playing is not past these people so I’m being careful but optimistic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tom
Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

“around one in five Americans”… Interesting he’s specific to Americans with open borders and open travel between countries..as if Americans only come into contact with other Americans. He’s probably the reason Pelosi and Harris tested positive after his trip to the WH.

2 years ago

The children dying is the saddest. They had no say-so in the matter and were forced by parents or school to comply. This is so evil.

2 years ago

Rajesh Verma, an Indian cricketer has died of a cardiac arrest at the age of 40. Just another coincidence I assume.

2 years ago

I do my own thinking, nobody tells me what to do with my body or my life.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

This is the demonic Catch-22 of the leftist-globalist cabal: damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If you do take the vaxx, you are responsible for any horrendous side effects. If you don’t take the vaxx, you lose your job and your family loses its shelter and starves.

Do you have any iota of a glimmering of an idea how rotten the US legal system is, to allow this situation to occur in the first place?

2 years ago

“All vaxxed people are genetically-modified humans, and their genome is patentable.” Does this mean they are now the property of the pharmaceutical company that owns the patent? How will they use them? Slave labor in harsh deadly conditions perfect for the company owned GMO workers…….if they die…….we got more!!!!! All I can say is we are in the End Times and to get right with Lord Jesus Christ. I put my faith in him and he hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

2 years ago

Absolute truth sets free. Humans also many who are awake are not really awake yet. This whole vaccination crime of murder and causing Harm is rooted in fear of death. Meanwhile there is no death . We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. Ounce jou are aware of that truth and become one with it. No one or nothing can rule jou trough fear because there is nothing to be frightened of. That is the key. The saying which has been thought to us in general” jou only live once ” is wrong. But that is instilled into our consciousness from the moment of birth on purpose. Coincedense does not exist. The real beings behind this vaccination abbomination know that there is no death. But They keep you away from that knowledge so that one can be ruled trough fear. The whole vaccination crime is based on this. Truth and only truth in its absolute form really sets one free. Humans now have dunk BELOW the level of an animal. No animal would Let itsself to be slaughtered freely. Humans are the only species which allow that which we can see now. They even demand to be slaughtered ( demanding vaccination to be protected) and try to persuade others to being slaughtered as well ( get yourself vaccinated and protect lives). Humans are even glad that They are being slaughtered ( proud to have been vaccinated). Humans have been brought to a mental level beneath an animal trough all kinds of tricks. This is all a battle for the free will. This cannot be taken away by force. By no one and nothing. You must give it away freely. You always have a choice. Always. But once jou freely give your free will away it really is game over in a spiritual sense. Jou will become a slave which does not know jou are a slave which will lead to you supporting your won Slavery . Game over. But now on a spiritual level. This means the situation does not end after death. Take care and be wie in your choices.seek truth and Whatever happens remain the master over your free will. It is sacred. All the evil ones gave away their free will. The law of cause and effect will deal with them as it deels with is. Truth sets free but or is brutal as well. And brutal on a spiritual level is from a completely different level then here on earth.do not take Amy vaccination and always , no matter what, remain the master over your free will. Love you.

Sean OC
Sean OC
2 years ago

Well in terms of holding people accountable I’m working on the DFEH of CA, the CA Labor Commissioner and other agencies. I’ve been able to piece together info from http://www.openvaers.com and other sources. Obama’s admission of clinical testing does help the GINA clause that refers to “clinical research”.

Darlena Cartwright
Darlena Cartwright
2 years ago

I have had to accept the fact that in spite of my warnings and documentation including the safety data sheets noting the specific hazardous ingredients that they admit are in those vaccine weapons people I love have gotten vaccinated and have died and now others have diseases they did not have previously. So, there is nothing you can do for them at that point in time. I think it very sad and in particular I feel that way for the young and innocent that have sacrificed themselves …… this is the world we live in now but maybe if we keep shouting the truth …..maybe just maybe it will change the mind of someone…..because ultimately the truth will always be known. We have a duty to never remain silent. It is a heavy burden but one that we can and will carry always…we truly live in evil times. May God bless all those that stand firm in the truth.

2 years ago

President “Barry’s” insidious comments to the Flint Michigan community regarding the politician-created “water contamination crisis” in Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 confirms his disdain for humanity. Check the words above “despite that we’ve now essentially clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide”…”we’ve” huh. But the cabal has forgotten the latter end of things (Isaiah 47:7) because the meek SHALL inherit the earth (Psalm 37:11). Thank you, Brian for holding and shining the light with this outstanding blog!

Black Picard
2 years ago

I’m AMAZED that with all of the toxic “woke” NeoLiberal/NeoCon degeneracy in Amerika that the masses would be revolting by now — just like the pissed of French peons during the French Revolution. But nada!!

The rest of the destabilized world is eagerly waiting for American “patriots” to assist us by reigning in their damn corrupt warmongering government. But nope, this nightmare keeps going on & on & on.

We The People outside of the US ARE tired TIRED of this nonsense. Ya’ll better sort this crap out before you drag us down in your coming Dollar Collapse. smdfh

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