Friday Afternoon News: The Joe Biden transhumanism Executive Order 14081, gruesome AstraZeneca skin reaction in Vietnam, and four more sudden deaths
September 16, 2022

Joe Biden speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on September 1, 2022.

Another day, another person collapsing on live television. This time, it was at Westminster Hall in  London. Again this blogger does not pretend to understand all the British royal stuff, except that they dislike Meghan Markle. But a four-day lying in state ceremony commenced on Wednesday for [Queen] Elizabeth Windsor.

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to wait in line for upwards of 30 hours to see the coffin. Lines of mourners stretched more than two miles between Buckingham Palace and Westminster on Thursday, according to the BBC. There’s also a live stream for people to watch. The coffin is on display 24 hours per day from Wednesday, September 14 until Monday, September 19 when the state funeral takes place.

The deceased is obviously a very important person to millions of people. Thus only the best of the best royal guards will watch over the coffin in these four days. But on Thursday, one of said guards experienced something that happens so often now, that it isn’t even shocking anymore.

The guard in question is the one in black, furthest to the left right, in front of the coffin. He appeared to struggle keeping his balance for a few seconds before regaining control. About 15 seconds later, he collapsed face-first to the floor at 12:26 a.m. local time.

RELATED: Hollywood hard knocks: Comediennes Heather McDonald, Chelsea Handler latest to receive their “vaccine” reality checks (February 9, 2022)


The live stream cut off for about eight minutes before returning.

RELATED: Pakistan: police superintendent Malik Imtiaz Mahmood drops dead minutes after experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” (July 3, 2021)


There’s been no update on the guard’s condition. But the pre-collapse stumble, followed by a completely lifeless-looking, hard collapse did not look good at all. We fully expect a Tiffany Dover-like coverup in this situation.

Mainstream media are blaming the six-hour shifts of guards standing completely still. They also tried normalizing these situations, saying it happens all the time. Five members of the British Armed Forces collapsed during the 70th anniversary of Elizabeth II’s ascension to the throne in June. Mainstream media are correct. People collapsing on live television is normal…since 2021.

This blogger cares far more about the post-injection deaths of “nobodies” like 21-year-old John Francis Foley, 13-year-old Jacob Clynick, 19-year-old Simone Scott, etc. than Elizabeth. The idolatry surrounding Elizabeth is a microcosm of the how and why we got to The Great Reset vaccine genocide.

Forget all the other crimes against humanity this woman and her family have perpetrated over the centuries. Elizabeth promoted the lethal injections, while she and her family almost certainly received saline, fake vaccine passports, or none of the above since “rules are for thee, not for me.” Yet millions of people worship this woman like she’s good and noble.

When it’s all said and done, The Great Reset vaccine genocide will make the Holocaust, The Holodomor, Leopold’s genocide in the Congo, Khmer Rouge, etc. combined look like a picnic in Honolulu. Unfortunately, a majority of Western humanity does not even believe the vaccine genocide is happening, despite it being right in front of their faces or perhaps in their own households. And that’s precisely the reason why things are only to get far worse in the coming 2-3 years and beyond.

Joe Biden at it again – this time Executive Order 14081

We first published the COVID Legal USA website on January 8, 2021. All Pfizer and Moderna website links utilized therein were immediately archived. We knew that Moderna would take down or heavily scrub the page previously entitled, “mRNA Platform: Enabling Drug Discovery and Development.” That’s the infamous page that says mRNA technology is “like an operating system on a computer.” Former Moderna CEO Tal Zaks referred to mRNA injections as “the software of life” able to “change lines of code” in human genes.

The transhumanism agenda, led by controlled opposition Elon Musk, is the final step of The Great Reset. In layman’s terms, the powers-that-be (TPTB) want all of humanity to be cyborgs – part human and part machine. They want everyone connected to a central computer for 24/7/365 control and surveillance.

Bill Gates filed patents on his “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data” apparatus in June 2019, right before COVID. Upwards of 70% of humanity from December 2020 to August 2021 were/are trial-and-error guinea pigs for TPTB to determine the most efficient installation processes for this software (mRNA and viral vector DNA injections).

Nearly everyone who received real injections (not placebos) from December 2020 to August 2021 will die by the end of 2024. Those injections were 100% experimental. The fake “full approval” of Pfizer Comirnaty in August 2021 marked the time when the slow-kill mRNA formula was released. It was perfected from the data derived from the vast global human trial with billions of unwitting and willing people. Vaxxed people who survive beyond 2024 have the software installed.

RELATED: Executive Order 14067 update: will paper currency really end in the U.S. on December 13, 2022, and be replaced by government-controlled cryptocurrency? (August 23, 2022)


Joe Biden’s handlers already pushed through the aforementioned Executive Order 14067 on March 9. It instructs the federal government to draft blueprints for the forthcoming U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Now Executive Order 14081 (“EO 14081”), signed on September 12, combines the elements of everything in this article’s subsection, and hastens the transhumanism agenda.

EO 14081 starts off as follows:

“It is the policy of my Administration to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security…The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the vital role of biotechnology and biomanufacturing in developing and producing life-saving diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that protect Americans and the world. “

The EO continues, saying the federal government will invest in a “biological data ecosystem” (referring again to the Bill Gates patent) and “domestic biomanufacturing production capacity and processes.” The EO defines biological data as “the information, including associated descriptors, derived from the structure, function, or process of a biological system(s) that is measured, collected, or aggregated for analysis.” It gets worse.

“In order to facilitate development of the United States bioeconomy, my Administration shall establish a Data for the Bioeconomy Initiative (Data Initiative) that will ensure that high-quality, wide-ranging, easily accessible, and secure biological data sets can drive breakthroughs for the United States bioeconomy.”

The Biden Administration instructed, among others, the Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon, and the Department of Health and Human Services, to execute all this.

EO 14081 is the social credit system necessary for a full dystopian, China-like society in the U.S. But the U.S. version is far more sinister. The Secretary of Agriculture has until September 12, 2023 to submit the blueprints for the biomanufacturing and “food security” (bug-eating) aspects of it all. All the other White House departments have 100 to 240 days to submit their reports.

Initial funding has already been appropriated for this agenda. Thus there’s no stopping it. If you had even one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection, you’re already connected to this grid. The swab tests also potentially installed the software. Thus upwards of 90% of Americans are already connected.

Gruesome AstraZeneca skin reaction in Vietnam, and denial

Ms. Thẩm Mỹ Anna Quỳnh.

Add one more language that this blogger can recognize the word “vaccine” – in this case “vắc xin.” Ms. Thẩm Mỹ Anna Quỳnh is a 36-year-old resident of Biên Hòa, in the Đồng Nai province of Vietnam. It’s in the Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) metropolitan area, in south Vietnam. Her business card says she does spray cosmetic tattooing.

Ms. Quỳnh received her second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection on October 27, 2021.

RELATED: Richard Terrell: 74-year-old Virginia man gets full-body swelling, severe rash after Johnson & Johnson shot (March 31, 2021)


It isn’t crystal clear one way or the other if Ms. Quỳnh received a booster. But she appeared to indicate that she’s only received two shots. Ms. Quỳnh’s problems started around June 13. She reported “itching…like I’ve never had an itch before,” especially in her hands and feet. She blame paint and other environmental factors.

RELATED: Scotland: 41-year-old Leigh King breaks out in “agonizing” full-body rash after AstraZeneca shot (March 31, 2021)


Ms. Quỳnh mentions getting over so-called COVID-19 on July 1.

Her condition worsened on July 19.

One week later, on July 26, she posted a photo of herself in a wheelchair at a hospital. A rash is visible on her hands and neck.

The next day was even worse. She reported having a hard time opening and closing her eye lids. At this point, several of her Facebook followers were pointing to the viral vector DNA injections as the cause of this.

Ms. Quỳnh revealed the full extent of her illness on July 31. She appears to blame an allergic reaction to “worm medicine.” But again, many of her followers weren’t buying it.

She reiterated that all of this was caused by “worm medicine” on August 9. She also lashed out at everyone for blaming the viral vector DNA injections. Ms. Quỳnh also appears to confirm that she had just two injections.

She was finally released from the hospital on August 19. Several people asked Ms. Quỳnh why she cut her hair short. But there was no response to any of those questions. She started working again on September 5, after two months away.

RELATED: Sarah Beuckmann: 34-year-old Scotland woman suffers gruesome AstraZeneca adverse reaction (April 24, 2021)


Her condition is identical to several viral vector DNA (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca) rash cases we covered in 2021. All of those had relatively fast onsets. But we haven’t seen viral vector DNA reactions much at all since the spring of 2021.

The U.S. and most of Europe demoted the viral vector DNA injections in favor of Pfizer and Moderna at that time. We still see them in Canada and Australia. But it’s safe to say AstraZeneca, like Pfizer and Moderna, has modified its formula since mid-2021 to a more “slow kill/onset” mechanism.

We’ll follow up on Ms. Quỳnh in due course. But the following five victims require no further follow-up.

Valencia Prime: 25-year-old “transgender drag queen” drops dead while dancing

This blogger has long ceased trying to understand the irrational fantasy world of homosexual culture.

Mainstream media refer to Valencia Prime as a 25-year-old “transgender drag queen” based in  Philadelphia. For simplicity sake, this person is a man who wears excessive, exaggerated makeup hoping to look like a woman. His Facebook page lists occupations as singer songwriter and “plus size dancing diva.”

Prime was dancing on stage at Tabu Lounge and Sports Bar in Philadelphia on Monday, September 12. He “suddenly collapsed,” according to several reports. Prime was pronounced dead sometime thereafter. No further details were provided. But it’s a classic case of post-injection cardiac arrest involving a proud vaxx zealot.

Jamie Harper: 34-year-old British man collapses and dies during charity soccer game

Mr. Jamie Harper was a 34-year-old resident of Castleford, West Yorkshire. He recently moved into the home of his pregnant girlfriend, Ms. Leah Hayes, and her four-year-old daughter.

Mr. Harper was playing in a five-on-five charity event at Goals Soccer Center in Leeds on Sunday, September 11. He collapsed on the pitch, and died later that afternoon. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Tyler Erickson: 17-year-old Florida high school senior dies suddenly while playing golf

Tyler Erickson was an honor student, Florida Beta Club state president, and golfer at Holmes County High School in Bonifay, Florida. He would have turned 18 on Wednesday.

Tyler returned to the golf course for some extra swings after completing the team’s formal practice on Monday, September 12. But his parents got worried when he did not return home at the expected time. Mr. Clint Erickson, Tyler’s father, used a GPS app to find his son’s location. The parents found Tyler “slumped over” in a golf cart at the 6th hole of a nearby course.

Mr. Erickson performed CPR, while Mrs. Misty Anderson went for help. But Tyler was already dead. Mr. Erickson said via Facebook, “doctor believes he might have had a heart attack or blood clot.”

Nicholas Goshen: 40-year-old U.S. Army soldier dies of “natural causes” while overseas

Mr. Nicholas Goshen was a Lieutenant Colonel and intelligence officer in the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army. He’d been on active duty since 2004, according to

RELATED: U.S. military personnel continue dying suddenly and unexpectedly as mainstream media deflect most attention to suicide (May 3, 2022)


The 101st had been in Eastern Europe since June, in response to what’s happening in Ukraine. Details are scant. But Lt. Col. Goshen “died of natural causes” at Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base in Romania on September 6.

Even the kids that survive are forever traumatized

Most parents will still allow their children to be injected with “routine childhood vaccinations” even after the mRNA and viral vector DNA shots exposed that entire industry for what it is. Nobody knows what is in those syringes, except for the manufacturers. The heads of the CDC and FDA are revolving doors of big pharma CEOs and corporate bureaucrats. Parents trusting any of these injections is the functional equivalent of them trusting Jeffrey Epstein or Jared Fogle as a babysitter.

The Great Reset desires only 500 million people on Earth by 2030. Those who are left will be connected to a real-life Matrix, whether via mRNA, viral vector DNA, MMR, flu, or other injections containing the transmitters. TPTB will get as many people connected to this dystopian transhumanist system by any means.

Beyond that, just imagine the mindsets of Generation Alpha (born 2010 or after). They only know this “COVID-19” world. This is normal to them. The following is a child in a New York City daycare.

Even former mask and vaxx zealot Dr. Leana Wen admitted that her young son’s language development and social skills were harmed by masks in schools. The first 20-year-olds of that generation will appear in the year 2030. If this blogger is alive at that time, he will be watching all of this from a distance.

Truth is always stranger than fiction. The 1993 Sylvester Stallone/Wesley Snipes film Demolition Man was funny because it seemed so unrealistic. But TPTB literally gave us a sneak peak of the true future they were constructing.

That is our real world coming soon, barring mass uprising. But tribal politics, religion and inertia will prevent that. Those who wish to live free will ultimately be forced to die with dignity, die standing up – or comply. It’s your choice.

Stay vigilant and  protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

I would tell the vaxxed not to engage in any strenuous activity (like talking or walking) because they might drop dead, but sleeping seems to be just as lethal. What I really want to know is how anybody can possibly say (with a straight face) that dying in your 20s from “natural causes” is “natural” in any sense of the word. It’s getting to the point that even sleeping is hazardous to your health. After all, living is dying, if you are vaxxed, so they have a point. Stay strong. Do not be assimilated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

My niece’s boyfriend died in his sleep after taking the fax. 26 years old. My twin sister, was so sick after the fax and the doctor who she works for in private practice. At the same time! They had to close the office! They were both out due to “Covid”. I have never heard her so sick over the phone, and we grew up together and exchanged many germs being twins in the same room back and forth. We are used to flu. I asked her why is she so sick if she got the shots. No answer, except to say they will not be getting anymore shots and not give it to her teenage son. She was determined. At least she woke, but too late.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Wishing the best for your twin sister. She needs a better job. Her employer is an idiot

1 year ago
Reply to  John

Thank you for saying that. As if life isn’t hard enough for young people, my niece I worry so much about as her parents worry, my sister and her husband. My twin should have known better, we are older. But my niece is still young, twenties. She had a rough year, and nothing a younger person should have to go through, ever. It all keeps me up at nights.

Thank you.

1 year ago

That woman who forced the mask on the little baby deserves a swift kick in the ass.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

She deserves far far worse than that. She should be water boarded and then imprisoned. She tortured that child.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

I agree with you, Gwen!

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

Yes, it was heartbreaking to watch that video.

Last edited 1 year ago by Alex
1 year ago

Tham cut her hair short likely from what was also occurring on her scalp. She will have life-long scarring all over her body now. Worm medicine my A! This horrid conditions is similar to past mRNA experiences that people have had. When will this delusional woman get her booster?

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  MM

I didn’t like the photos of her condition, but I did enjoy the (bad) translations that accompanied the messages she posted. I least those brought me a few chuckles and smiles.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

She is a lively lady and likes to talk – those translations are hysterical. Her medical condition is “chopsticks”?! Maybe they mean she needs antiviral chapsticks for her lips. It looks like her face cleared up and hopefully the rest of her too. However I am not sanguine about any of these injected people. That pathologist up in Idaho who inspected those unusual “blood samples” sent to him by an Alabama mortician said in a recent interview that there are vaccine components found that shut off cancer suppression factors or genes. If this is true (I am willing to believe it) the vaccine manufacturers did this in ignorance or did this in full knowledge which is far worse. That idea would support the depopulation hypothesis – inject them now and they get cancer later if the microscopic blood clots don’t get them first. I recall a priest in Rome, Alex Bugnolo, said something similar to that – he said the people behind these injections have spent billions building factories and have in their employ many scientists so they know what these injections will do! I would think so too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

And when the masses start dying off of cancer, TPTB can blame climate change and get more power.

1 year ago
Reply to  MM

Oh, this is an up-and-coming Asian / collectivist society. Questioning the vaxx will get you branded an “anti-vaxer”. You might as well tell your family and friends you eat babies for breakfast. I’m not exaggerating.

My family in Malaysia are always asking me about the “Covid” situation where I’m staying overseas. Is it still “Covid everywhere.” How many cases. When I reply, “dunno, don’t care”, the texts stop cold.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

When people say to me “Stay Safe”. I say loudly “From What”? Then I stare at them.

1 year ago

“And he (the false prophet) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or see, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name. ” (666). Revelation 13:16-17.
Judgment is coming to the world. God is going to allow the Devil and his followers to be in complete control while He judges the world with many calamities. God is going to do this because of mankind’s great sin and refusal of His Son Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for their salvation. If you want to escape what’s coming (and it’s going to be far worse than even described on this blog) then you’re only hope is asking Jesus to forgive and save you. Jesus is going to remove His true followers from this earth soon. Then comes judgment. Time is running out for everyone. Don’t stick around and hope for the best, repent and believe in the Lord Jesus to forgive and save you. He will if you are sincere. You will have peace in your heart and mind like you’ve never before experienced, and you will be rescued from what is coming. May you find salvation before it’s too late.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lana

And this is EXACTLY what the author of this article is talking about at the very end. Too many people waiting for a supernatural power to stop all this, and waiting for paradise in the afterlife. It’s fine to be a Christian and believer in Jesus Christ. But we’re all going to die no matter what. Christianity throughout history has made people passive, allowed those in power to take control of them. That’s how all of Africa was enslaved and colonized; and same with South America. Praying for freedom instead of fighting for it. I’m with the author here: “die with dignity, die standing up – or comply. It’s your choice.” Our family will die fighting, with praying a secondary ritual.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

God will intervene soon, but the last few prophecies must come to pass, like the rule of the anti-christ. If you read the Bible, you would know this.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I think you mean the rule of the beast(s). Anti-christ is not mentioned in Revelation.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Teri

The end time prophecies are not confined to Revelation.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

The beast has been around since Nimrod – Eqypt-Assyria-Babylon-Persia-Greece-Pagan Rome-Papal-Rome(from 476 on to today).

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

I criticized the same non action passive response from the religious readers of this site since I started posting on this blog.


Finally other people starting to get it. As much as we want to believe TPTB is some otherworldly sentient species of some sort. The fact of the matter they’re made of the same flesh and blood as we.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

She didn’t say that at all. For those of us who study the Bible, the forces behind all of this and what is driving people is true. You don’t have to agree, but stomping on someone for expressing their opinion and/or beliefs makes you no better than the socialists.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

Yes, no one’s coming out the sky or the water or any other place to save anyone. The reason these things come to pass is because the same set of individuals that control this shit show and sit at the top of the pyramid are the same individuals we ho wrote the Bible, Torah, Koran etc. Religion is manmade. These people planned these things years ago. So many will be fooled because they have fully invested in religion and believe in some kind of “holy” book.

You don’t religion to understand or know there is a divine entity or energy beyond our understanding. I refer to this energy/entity as source. But, I will never claim to know The Who, what, how, where, and when.

What we have been given via religion is a mixture of lies, deceit, and nuggets of truth here and there. The creation of religion is not a mistake. You are praising their Gods and their Gods are NOT from divine source. It’s about time we wake up on all fronts. The same individuals giving you COVID are the same (or have lineage to the same) individuals that gave you Christianity. They can’t be trusted. This they have proven in the medical, food, and religious industries. This reality was created for us by “them.” You will have to start creating a reality void of the bullshit.”

Don’t take the red pill or the blue pill, opt out and start living your life free from all the propaganda and deceit.

I didn’t intend for this to be so long, but it’s time we do away with all lies, false Gods etc. We do this by realizing the lies we have been fed and deciding to live our lives free of them.

Stay well everyone and tuned in to YOU. Our power is plenty. It’s the reason why controlling us is a must. If we wake up to who we are, the lies, and deceit. We wouldn’t go for any of this. They know it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

Scofield bible changed Christians by rewriting that Jews are the chosen people which is why there are so many Christian Zionists. The Jews are the anti-Christ – they killed Jesus yet christians kiss their asses.

As per their vile talmud jesus is boiling in excrement. And christians continue on the jew side. Jews hate you. Watch their own videos of RABBIs stating such.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

“And this is EXACTLY what the author of this article is talking about at the very end. Too many people waiting for a supernatural power to stop all this, and waiting for paradise in the afterlife.”

I’ve heard it said that Christianity, as it’s been presented to us, was a military pacification program for the masses of The Empire by the Roman/Jewish Elite – a program perfected over 1,000’s of years dating as far back as Sumeria.

The older I get, the more that thought makes me go ‘hmmmm’.

Still, having been raised in the church, and having read a fair bit on other religions, I still return to ‘If not Christ, the who? If not now, then when?’.

There’s a reason Christ never wrote anything down, and Paul got more airtime in the NT than anyone; however, I don’t know what that reason is.

One thing I do know from life experience, turning the other cheek guarantees the other cheek will be slapped. Not only that, it encourages the ‘slapper’ to slap the cheeks of others with a feeling of impunity.

How do you build a world worth living it with a paradigm like that? I don’t know.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Turn the other cheek is for petty arguments. Not actual self defense. Did Christ not say sell what you have, so you can have a sword? We have every right to self defense and even kill if someone comes into our home to do us harm.

Jesus Christ is the way to eternal life. It’s a narrow path and few find it. Why? Because the Bible says men lie. Not to put your faith in men. Most people barely read the Bible, and rely on men to tell them about it.

You want to enter life? Read the entire New Testament “yourself.” Don’t listen to anyone else. Then when you’re ready accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And follow his 10 commandments. Most churches don’t preach about following and being obedient to God by following the 10 commandments. This is where the downfall comes from. People rely on others for scripture. But it’s very clear – once you find Christ you’re to be obedient by keeping his commandments. “If you love me keep my commandments.” “Rich Young Man” asks Christ about eternal life. “Keep the commandments.” Read the parable of the Samaritan and the Sheep and Goats for in depth examples from Christ. Jesus Christ didn’t waste time writing anything down – because God is everywhere and is in full control. The Holy Spirit writes it down for those whom are chosen to keep records.

Also, read the Old Testament. There’s plenty of history and scripture there that tells you what God sees as good and bad. What God sees as Holy and un-holy. What God sees as clean and un clean.

One massive false teaching is regarding the Jews in Israel. They only cover 2 out of the 12 Tribes of Israel. The other 10 tribes were the “Lost Tribes.” They were most likely in Europe as they were so quick to let go of their pagan practices, and accept the Gospels. Britain is an example. Then they went to the Colonies into the new world. There’s also evidence even the native Americans are Israelites during the time of King Solomon – when he sent our shipping expeditions worldwide. So anyone could be an Israelite – God’s chosen people. It’s not just the Jews in Israel.

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto

We are learning so much about how the world structure (leaders, governments, financial systems – religious or secular etc.) have lied about so much. Altered history etc.

For all we know; they (the current Jews in Israel) are not part of the original Israelite tribes that the bible speaks of – at all .

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

“There’s a reason Christ never wrote anything down”.
In fact, He did. It is called the Book of Revelation (Jesus did it through the Apostle John). There’s a blessing for those that read it and follow what it says. Hence, I encourage you to read the Book of Revelation, starting on chapter 1.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Re your first paragraph, I would recommend you watch the intro and part one of ‘Zeitgeist’:

I’m posting the link because this is the original, and there are countless altered versions, which have had changes made, and certain images in the introduction censored.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

Reply to Annabeth

You write: “Christianity throughout history has made people passive, allowed those in power to take control of them.”

If you read the lives of Carrie Nation or William Booth or Apostle Paul you will see that followers of Jesus are more active than the average citizen, apart from those that follow the plans of the present god of this age, that is Satan.
Luke 4
 Jesus answered,“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’[b]”
The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.If you worship me, it will all be yours.”
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”

Jesus will return one day very soon, sooner than most us us can imagine.

Let us hope even sooner than sooner ! 🙂

Maranatha !

1 year ago
Reply to  Annabeth

Somewhere along the way the translation got lost. I believe God does not want us to lay down and die without a fight. We cannot give in to evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lana

Neah, it aint going to happen now. In a few thousand years yes, but not now. Now we will have some hardsips, but their plans fail, one after the other. Their lies are in plain sight and everybody see them clear, except the woke lefties, that are also the vax zealots. I dont know how, but the ones deceived are deceived also with the vax, also with other agenda, they believe all lies 🙂 so not such a big lost , is just a cleaning.
I feel for the children, teens, very young people: they were failed by their so called protectors.
Some vaxxed ae waiking up, good for them, I hope more and more, but… as I saw they wake up with the vax and then still take the other lies of the same globalists that lied with the vax. So many are trully hopeless!!! A lost cause. How can you wake up from vax and believe the climate changetheory, when is 1000% provoked by the elites with their cloud attraction technologies and weather manipulation and satelites and so on??? Or how can you believe in other lies of the ones that lied to you once?
Anyway, it wont happen now the Apocalipse, anything these so called elites (that are so stupid and is clear and obvious) will try, will only succeed partially. But we have to do something too, as the authos said!

1 year ago

All I have to say is WTF!? The brainwashing and denial runs deep in the sheeple. I walk around in life in disbelief over all of it. 3 people at my work got the new boosters (tested on 8 mice I think), a new round of vaxxed at work have covid again and it is not even flu season yet. Most of the time I try to be kind, pray for their health and be supportive. Today I am just Whatever! Don’t forget your flu shots too. I will get over my fit of bad behavior. But today I am not. God bless all of you and your families. ❤ I do mean this. ?

1 year ago

Thanks again for continuing to shine light on this horrible darkness. Remember watching WW2 holocaust films in high school so we would never forget? I feel like you are collecting images for the next set of holocaust archives…

Our family is stubbornly mRNA / VV DNA free, I wish I could say we are purebloods, but we have had ‘normal’ childhood vaccines. I do believe these were being reformulated without parents understanding, so looking back, I do see vaxx injuries in my children. After this debacle, I am now 100% antivaxx (fool me once…). But what awaits my daughters, who are also anti-vaxx. What jobs? What spouses? What choices? What freedom?

I am grasping at straws for true health care options. I refuse to wear a mask again, and don’t want to be in waiting rooms and exam rooms full of the jabbed/boosted/masked.
And then there is the matter of digital records feeding the biotech beast, even if an individual practitioner is more sane. (My chiro had to digitize his records too.) The new EO makes it clear that our health cannot be linked to the gov’t in any way. Much like our home education. Which means we are robbed of taxes to pay for the oppression then pay again for something more ‘free’ which is basically less than the care we could get 50 years ago on our own dime, because it’s now a web system — all or nothing.

P.S. The parents who put their child in daycare to be treated like a cog in a government wheel deserve to be kicked in the arse. Just sayin. Better a child’s full personhood with soup and hand-me-downs and boxes for toys than this unnatural life with annual vacations to pedo world, etc.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  CrazyCabbage

Medical records were digitized because of rules under Obamacare. This has all been in the planning for years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

What’s really awful is they are now scanning drivers license and personal id into the medical records. This was happening actually before Obama came into office. It’s really upsetting. With each president, it seems there are more and more incidents of encroachment on the privacy and rights of the citizens…The creation of The Dept. of Home Land Security for example…after 911…

1 year ago
Reply to  CrazyCabbage

be your own doctor. educate yourself as best as possible. we had to do that at the beginning and haven’t looked back. in better health now then ever before with just change of died, food, herbs, teas and learning what plants are in my area that are edible/medicinal.

the choices for jobs,freedom actually will be better then what is ”offered”as the new normal. far better living as a rebel.

1 year ago
Reply to  Highlander

I have also come to this conclusion, yet to implement.

1 year ago
Reply to  CrazyCabbage

P.S. The parents who put their child in daycare to be treated like a cog in a government wheel deserve to be kicked in the arse. Just sayin. Better a child’s full personhood with soup and hand-me-downs and boxes for toys than this unnatural life with annual vacations to pedo world, etc.

This (above)…you are SO right! I never allowed anyone else to care for my kids, never put them in public school (homeschooled), and our family did (and does) everything together. It’s a beautiful life. We had to sacrifice to make it happen so I could stay home. Now with #7 turning 18, we’re almost empty nesters. The need to sacrifice and do without has passed. It was all worth it.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

Well done!

1 year ago

I wonder about the likelihood of being microchipped via swabbing, especially if you only got swabbed once, as I did in May 2020 only to say ‘Never again!’, along with saying ‘No!’ to the not-vaxx. I know I’ve grown only more militant in my stance against the Great Reset, and I don’t see myself waking up one morning with a zombified look on my face, proclaiming ‘I love Big Brother.’

Not saying it couldn’t happen, but it seems to me that the likelihood of being successfully hooked up to any future system via swabbing is low unless you let yourself be swabbed quite a number of times. Hence, the need for injection instead, so as to ensure the fulfillment of both objectives, namely depopulation and microchip-enabled control.

1 year ago
Reply to  drdon1972

Wont happen, nothing forced. Remember, the Satan is the big deceiver. They will not force (like literally) as this means they take your free will and this cause catastrophic consequences for them. So they just deceived people, but also allowed the information (bad about the vax) to circulate. As now they can say: people had all the data, they CHOSED to believe ‘
‘the science” but it was THEIR CHOICE as they had also the other info. Lets nor forget that it was mainstream mass media the one that perpetuated the ”anti-vax” claims! They wrote about: look what this anti vaxer say, look what the other anti vaxer say etc etc. This is a technique to spread the news and they did it on purpose.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Satan is the ruler and god of this world – Paul writes. He’s the master deceiver and the master of temptations (how women dress, porn, movies/social media, gender, false cosmology through the control of nasa, false evolution and Big Bang theories, etc, etc.

But satan will not force you into anything. In the end – it’s your choice whether you want to partake in porn watching, fornication, vaccines, child sacrifice, etc etc.

This world is temporary. If we love this world then the love of the Father is not in you. God allowed his own angels to be tempted by Lucifer (Satan), and Lucifer managed to get 33% of the angels from God. They were all cast down from the heavens to the earth. And once Adam and Eve gave their dominion over to Satan; this has become Satan’s world. Satan now has dominion and is given authority to tempt and deceive. He got 33% of the angels. He’ll prob get at least 66.66% of the sons of men, since Christ said the door is narrow to life for us. Thank God for Jesus Christ – whom we can rely on. That’s why cnn or sport channels cut you off when you dare mention his name. But they allow trump talk all day. Trump is part of the swamp. If he wasn’t they’d avoid you like the plague like they did with Ron Paul. Don’t talk about him in the debates. Don’t ask him any questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  drdon1972

A big part of the early-days covid hysteria had to do with convincing us that the ‘virus’ could live on your phone screen and laptop surface etc. for weeks. Which begged the question, why then climb 6 inches up my nasal cavity to detect a viable sample?…

More importantly, there is a slew of patents that got registered in the 2010s, involving electromagnetic signals and the blood-brain barrier. Nothing to see here, right…

The most benign explanation is, TPTB were data-mining us. Collecting extra info about the human genome, to be wrung through their super-computers.

1 year ago
Reply to  drdon1972

I feel the same. Swabbed once, never again. It had a medicinal smell and sting. There was definitely something on the brush.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  JustJenny

And just think of all the DNA that was collected…..

1 year ago

I can’t say for certain what happened to the British guard, but if you lock your knees while standing at the position of attention, eventually you’ll cut off your blood flow and pass out. I’ve been in formations where it has happened to others and it almost happened to me too.

I hope the Brit just locked his knees and that it’s not something far worse.

Papa Elbow
Papa Elbow
1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

Nope, he was already stumbling all over the place before he was able to stand himself still with the staff momentarily. Replay the video a few times to see this. He was on his way out before his masters put him in that standing position.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

About that lady whose body he was guarding, she is of the House of Hanover (Germany) but since they had some wars with the”Jerries” that was changed to the House of Windsor. “The more you know …”

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Yes, she was German, through and through. I’m Irish, my family left their house from the ruins of Country Clare, dropped it all and went for America in the earliest, 1900’s. A man name Paddy owns their house today, and it’s if they went out for a walk. Everything is in place, even the hair in the hairbrushes.
But the people don’t think today they can try to annihilate you today? Look at my Irish ancestors.

Where did this fabrication of “Windsor” arrive? Well, let’s just name us something called “English”. Just make it up!

Thank you, Atom Man.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

I read an article today…some scientist saying that artificial intelligence will likely kill off mankind. I thought to myself, what a shame, after all the hard work Gates and company put in to save us.

While it might be a curse to live in interesting times, it’s certainly not boring.

I look forward to this winter because the die-off should begin in earnest. If it doesn’t happen, that’s good, right?

I appreciate sites like this that keep me informed and entertained. I know that when I finally pass on that I have lived in the craziest of times.

As for the billions that will die from the vaccine, all I can say is that I hope that they don’t die all at once, because that’s going to smell really bad.

1 year ago

Man-Up and name the enemy, or be complicit, folks -your choice. You can’t hide behind your religion, death stares you in the face.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

The only people you can’t question, the jews. The only event you can go to jail for a differing opinion, the holohoax.

Ursula Haverbeck, Graham Hart, Mr Bond, the Schaefers, Ernst Zundel, David Irving – that’s just a few. Sylvia Stolz – attorney who was jailed for defending Zundel. Read that again.

Wake up people – this is what they want here.

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
1 year ago

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image

both the Mark and the ‘image’ are contained within this filthy witch’s brew called the Vₓₓ ;
cf: the ‘revelations of Jesus Christ’ web-site….

i truly pity some of these poor, unfortunate people…

but: tragically, ‘it-is-what-it-is’ 🙁

1 year ago

When will it end??!!! It’s so hard to keep watching this madness. The worst part has been slowly coming to the realization that no one is coming to save us. Trump was a massive disappointment, Rand Paul isn’t nearly enough…a few little guys like Thomas Renz seem promising, but they might fail too. The reason? TPTB can literally cover this up forever because 70%+ simply refuse to believe reality. Even when it kills their child or turns their body into a horror show. They simply refuse to accept that evil forces are in charge on this planet. That they were tricked into begging for a bioweapon kill shot.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Personally, I can’t wait for the world to end, I wish God would hurry things along.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

I am deciding right now to buy a live abord sailboat or a small farm in the mountains because you will have to save yourself, no one is coming to save you. I feel that the powers that be will cut the unvaxxed off from food and the banking system. I store food, fire wood, water/purification and everything else that we will need once we are pushed out of the system.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Once the Tribulation comes (if you miss the Rapture because you do not believe on Jesus Christ) there will be NO WHERE on this planet that you can go to hide. The bible tells us that men will be trying to hide themselves in rocks and asking the rocks to fall on them to save them from having to face what is coming. You will be screaming for Jesus to come to your aid. God have mercy on your soul.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

I agree this seems to be the only way.

1 year ago

Thats probably the most grotesque reaction to date (second only to that of the Philippine woman covered in the last article). The fact that so many of the vaxx-injured are in denial defies my level of comprehension. Fortunately, there are also many who are not, and have been warning others about how the jabs are dangerous and have ruined their lives. God willing more people will wake up and non-Covid vaccination rates will plummet worldwide.

I personally believe the Great Reset will fail. The whole thing is so utterly ludicrous, twisted, fantastical, and outlandish that no sane person who is even somewhat aware of what is happening would be willing to comply. Those who are far-gone enough to go along with the “live en zee pod and eat zee bugs” will likely be culled by that point anyways.

Thanks again Brian for your excellent coverage.

Edward F.
Edward F.
1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

In my local place in India, many people who had taken the 2 doses, have not taken the booster. So let us see if the mass die off (in billions) really takes place in 3-4 years….though i have to say that presently a few young people are dying here….

1 year ago
Reply to  Edward F.

Just went through the Legacy Obits online for the city I grew up in, Ann Arbor, Michigan for the last year. Couldn’t believe how many deaths I saw for ages 50 and under, with the comment “died unexpectedly.” Several teenagers. I feel like I am living in the land of the walking dead, where it appears there is no reasoning left in many people, whether to get the absurd shot in the first place, and secondly, to have no clue when they or others in their families become sick, and/or die.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

check the obituaries at the local funeral homes too. They don’t always publish the obits in legacy or the local papers. It is a way to cover it up. How many people have no family or friends and are dead in their homes? how many are dying at the hospitals with no one around to say otherwise and they end up in the basement crematorium, swept away?

it is worse then we know or are seeing. all around the globe. mass murder on a global scale. all governments are lock step on this. exactly the same.

we just had a 16 year old that died suddenly and unexpectedly in our area. he was unimportant so doesn’t warrant a news article in the paper but he was someones son. The sickest thing is…his parents had him injected. their whole family was injected. his parents murdered him. their brainwashing killed him and they were suppose to protect him not abdicate that to people who claim to be ‘doctors’…mengele’s yes…but healers? no…none left today.

how many ambulances do you see in your area? how many on the highway? how many people crashing on the highway? we had a police officer that died suddenly and unexpectedly. he warranted a news write up.

millions die and no one notices.

1 year ago

child abusing bitch in the video- hope she gets a vax rash like the Vietnamese woman

1 year ago
Reply to  Daz

Indeed, child abuse. She was getting angry with the little boy and snapped that mask against his face. I wonder what was happening when video wasn’t rolling. I realize that she was only doing what she was instructed to do, but that doesn’t make it right. Following orders didn’t work for the nazis and shouldn’t for these covidians either. This plandemic has caused the rule of law to be thrown into the garbage and created an army of bullies that parrot the government bs and seem to think they have a right to abuse people for the greater good of society. Like most bullies they will target the weakest and most vulnerable, such as children. These kind of people are the lowest form of predators that attack the weak at the encouragement of the government and mainstream society. I don’t wish any harm to anyone, but if she ended up looking like a boiled lobster, I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. What a sick world we now live in.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daz

Sadly, there’s nothing new under the sun… I think of my own childhood in 1970s’ Eastern Europe: Newborns were instantly separated from the mothers; a total assembly belt. I was breastfed for one week; thereafter it was formula all the way. An alphabet of drugs and vaccines. Kindergartens where kids were often left unattended or forced to sleep most of the time. (My brother could read by age 4 – probably a trauma-based super-ability – so the teachers would leave him in charge; make him read to the other kids while they enjoyed their long cigarette breaks.] Many nurses and teachers with not a caring bone in their body. And this was all accepted as modern, scientific, great for the future.

Want to see these children’s hospitals for yourself? You can! Some of the abandoned facilities are where actual Hollywood and French etc. TV crews come to shoot their American Horror Story episodes or ultra-freaky Mylene Farmer music videos nowadays. Why wouldn’t they? Bedstraps, cold-water tubs, sprawling shower chambers, insulin-shock equipment and hoses everywhere: Weaponized childhood never looked so cinematic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daz

I just know up voting this is wrong, but dang – you cracked me up!

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

I still cannot believe that there are still vax zealots out there, how much proof do you have to shove in front of them. Family friend 4x vaxxed, cancer comes back after complete remission, her three cousins age 26, 43 and 47 all perfectly die shortly after the vax. Her solution to the upcoming winter is to have her family all take another vax. When they get sick, they are down hard. My unvaxxed family barely a cold. And I have family members that are almost as brainwashed. My wife gets mad when I preach and provide proof, she says that there is no getting through to them, it only pushes them away. I live with sadness that I will have to watch my family and friends fade away from the vax. I am down to 4 other families aside from mine who are not vaxxed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

I barely know anyone that isn’t vaxxed. Apart from one of my two children and one cousin, the only other people I know are non-relatives.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

Our family is shot free as well, but we only know three other families who FOR SURE aren’t adulterated by these gene therapies. Sadly all of my and my husband’s siblings are double vaxxed and probably many of them boosted. It’s so sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

I only have my youngest daughter and myself that are unvaxxed in my whole family. It’s so sad.

1 year ago

This regime has been effectively caught committing genocide.

When you look at the worldwide “covid-19” response, it appears that international governments are marching in lockstep. Typical governmental responses are to “vaccinate” while ignoring drugs that are recognized as safe & effective — for a disease no more dangerous than the flu. The mainstream media are full fledged partners in this false flag. This would indicate some sort of international treaty to reduce population.

So ….. where do we go from here?

1 year ago
Reply to  MattR

They’re creating a system where certain people can be on the “in’s” (they have to sell out, basically, and not talk about what’s really going on)
. The rest are on the “outs”. According to their plan. It’s pretty crazy.

1 year ago

I liked the ending to this one and can assure you all that I will be dying on my feet, unless a drone blows my legs off.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

I’m surprised vaxxed basketball players aren’t collapsing like soccer players. True, a few basketball players in high school and college have collapsed but very few (any NBA players?) compared to Euro soccer players. Maybe NBA players secretly received a saline jab instead???…yet Kyrie Irving protests?

1 year ago

I am unvaccinated but reading all this makes me depressed and suicidal honestly. ? if this is all true, what’s the point of living? Why were we created?
It just makes me paranoid that we are contaminated beyond repair. Shedding, gmo foods..etc 5G

1 year ago

I wouldn’t believe in a God if there was no karma, no matter what the storybooks tell me. Those who understand that America is getting what it deserves have access to the way out through repentance and salvation. And then we need to make things right with whatever time we have left.

1 year ago

Adam and Eve gave their dominion over to Satan. Satan has dominion and will tempt and deceive. That’s why in scriptures it’s written if we love this world then the love of the Almighty Father is not in you. Find Jesus Christ. Stay obedient to the Almighty Father by keeping his 10
commandments. Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor like yourself. Read the parable of the Samaritan from Jesus Christ, and the parable of the Sheep and Goats from Jesus Christ.

God bless.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

It’s not worth killing yourself. We may be in for very hard times, but if you’re not vaccinated you will survive and you will be needed in the new beginning that will follow. It’s a maddening world, but it’s all we got and we can’t make it better if we’re not here.

My sympathies to you, I know how you feel. Please find the strength to carry on.

1 year ago

Depression is anger turned inward. You are not who you should be mad at. It’s the creeps that are screwing up our pursuit of happiness. Identify that anger and make the energy work for you in productive ways in the battle against bad people—for yourself and those you love. Find something the darkness cannot take away from you.

1 year ago

Well, we were born to be wasted anyway but please don’t hesitate to enjoy life while alive…

1 year ago

Just accept it, dont despair. Humans overpassed terrible hardships, this is an easy one! Real plagues (because people were malnutritioned so there were times when in two years 40% of world population died, invasions, rapes, tortures inimaginable and so on.
We become too weak. Too emotional, as we had too much and didnt needed to struggle for anything actually (basic needs fully covered and more for a huge part of the global population.
Why to leave? But now it really gets interesting! To see how it will be, to finally feel we live, struggling, fighting our way maybe? At one point?
It will be fun. Whats the point in missing all this? Anyway life is a jurney, a go ticket to a certain finish. That is guaranteed. Why bother so much? We all go there anyway, each when it is his time.
The ones that took it took it becuse this is their path.
Maybe it will not be as bad, maybe we will find a cure for many, we dont have to give up fighting and hoping. This is the essence of humans. In the past people went to wars, hard wars, did so much, what if they said: ooo is so hard, lets us all go????
It will be nicer than we think actually

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Maria, I always like your posts, and I love your attitude and insight. I think you are invoking some Hemingway with your post above.
Too many people must have said “May you live in interesting times” because these really are the most interesting times in the history of the world, IMO. Orwell and Huxley predicted the future pretty well, but I think even they would be somewhat shocked with what we are seeing.

Evil in a lab coat
Evil in a lab coat
1 year ago

It’s amazing how many doctors and nurses know exactly what is happening and yet keep lying to people and marching them to their deaths. They are nothing but serial killers. Just today I read an article in my local news telling people that their boosters are now available but apparently no one wants them so they quoted some doctor saying how important it is for people to get their boosters so they are “fully protected” and warning them not to listen to “misinformation”. There is no way this quack doesn’t know what we all know. She is a murderer.

1 year ago

One of my sisters was ready to retire as a nurse practitioner in a northwestern state right as the so-called “pandemic” hit.

When the so-called “vaccine” became available, she jumped in and made a lot of extra money by giving shots in her community. She told me that she made enough money to have central air conditioning installed in her home. She also told me that she was doing it so “we can all get our lives back,” as she had been planning to do some traveling after retirement.

So, her motivation was to make money and save the world.

She’s not a bad or evil person. I still love her, even though I haven’t communicated with her for over a year.

Like a lot of people, she was brainwashed by the television. She loved watching “The View,” telling me once that “those ladies speak my language.”

And, I’d also like to add that I have never taken a covid test and not jabbed even once. Pure blood. And I’m a gay man who’s dodged a lot of “bullets” in my sixty-plus years on earth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas

“a man only hears what he wants to hear and disregard the rest”

Every AH will find a way to rationalize their BS and justify their lies. They are not fooling those who can see, hear and feel. I hope she enjoys her AC while on this side.

God is not saving you
God is not saving you
1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas

Every person I know who got the jab had the same motivations:

“I want my life back” aka I want to go shopping or on a trip. SELFISH.
“Everyone else was getting it and I didn’t want to be left out” SHEEPLE.
” I wanted to do the “right” thing aka I wanted to virtue signal on FB. NARCISSISTS
” I wanted to swear allegiance to my commie masters” TRAITORS

No one did it out of fear of disease.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas

It’s un-natural sex. You’ve ever thought about about turning away from that? God created woman for the man. Not man for the man. The reason you’re here and living is because of God. Read the beatitudes from Jesus:

We live in the age of grace. God came down from heaven in the flesh not for the healthy – but for the sick. I hope you can be drawn to the Son, and reborn.

1 year ago

The term ‘bioeconomy’ sure sounds intriguing. How’s it different from a regular economy? Currency tied to ID that’s tied to the body? Then they’ll say, no vax, no money ?

1 year ago

I was reading obituaries today and discovered some really odd ones and a couple I could verify vaccinated who died of aggressive cancer and the other had a brain tumor, kidney failure, and a heart attack. It is alarming what is going on out there.

Last edited 1 year ago by MM
1 year ago

Corinthians 7:
29 What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; 30 those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; 31 those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

I like that. I wasn’t familiar with those passages. The Quran is also full of warnings not to be seduced and swallowed up by this passing earthly experience.

If only I could heed those warnings when it matters the most.

1 year ago

Thanks. These few lines are a hidden end-time gem within a then contemporary address. Intended for readers perhaps like us today. I like the inclusiveness of it (to silence the critics). Further I find it interesting that the world itself won’t end, just this form. That bolsters some bible students that suggest heaven will return to the earth in the third age. I still love and care for those around me, and attempt to fulfill my obligations, but even before reading this passage, I found myself dis-associating myself in much like the same manner described here – it was a self-preservation measure on my part. Cheers.

1 year ago

Today I had lunch with a couple of friends at an organization where we’re all volunteers. One of the fellows noted an email sent out last night by a fourth person (not present today, usually there on weekends) announcing he had Covid, so he would be sitting things out for a while. One guy breathlessly noted that this guy had briefly sat next to him at lunch before going to sit at another table with someone else. Oh, thank heaven for being saved from the ravages of the dreadful Covid!

The two guys with me are both vax zealots and one proudly stated that he had received his fifth shot.

Because I have avoided all of the shots, I’m seen as a crazed anti-vaxxer.

There’s nothing you can say or show to such people that will change their minds. They are totally committed. Articles about injuries and deaths? Pictures of the clots taken from bodies by embalmers? All just “fake news.”

This is an unshakeable religious faith in vaccines and masks, and we vax-resisters are the heretics. Expect to be treated accordingly. This isn’t over yet.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

Right. People need to remember they tried “delta,” “omicron,” and then the gay “monkeypox.” Something else is coming. Prepare for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

Thank you for posting this Piglet. As someone who lost a relatively high paying tech sales job for not submitting to the medical tyranny and forced experimental injection in May, I’ve been hoping that the vax-craze had died down to some degree. A few minutes ago, I was at a popular financial forum online, which I had never visited before but had heard about. I typed “vaccine” in to the search window and a bunch of threads were listed. Id say that close to 100% of the messaging was that “anti-vaxxers” are evil, Trump voters, should die for not taking the jab etc. The people in that forum also support Biden’s “vaccine” mandates and most of them are obviously Left Wing with a hatred and bias against those who are not. This financial forum is popular and it appears that hundreds of thousands, if not millions are members there. What I read was very discouraging. The Jabbers will never let up, until they are no longer with us and die. Freedom is becoming a very scarce commodity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Your post makes me glad I’m retired. My last workplace was very left wing and jam-packed with gays, although my particular section was fairly normal and I spent my days mainly dealing with customers, not other employees. I’m sure just about everyone at that company has been vaxxed and they’d take a very dim view of anyone who didn’t follow their example.

When the Covid hysteria began, I got used to seeing entire families going for walks in nature while masked up (some with plastic gloves) and glowering at me for not doing so too. These days about half of the people I see going into stores are still wearing masks and no doubt they’ve been vaxxed multiple times. It probably pisses off people who know me when they find out I’ve not died or even been sick.

The marketing job done on getting people to submit to vaxxing has been a true success. At no other period in my life have I known people to be so happy about being stuck multiple times with needles. Most of the time people would just resign themselves to getting it done but didn’t act like it was their birthday party, and they wouldn’t get so angry about others not getting vaxxed too.

A while back I read a good line that went like this: “If you ever wondered what you would have done in Germany in 1939, in 2020 you got your answer.”

How true. Some resisted while others not only went along with it, they totally embraced it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

We maybe treated as scum and it will continue for a while..

… but all the slander from the zombies will end, and it will be over for them (dead).

Hang in there.

I can’t even look at people I know without feeling disgusted by their traitorous behavior by being okay with discriminating against people who chose not to take the untested clot shots still in the clinical testing stage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

With each passing day I find myself becoming more and more comfortable in my title as “heretic”. :0)

1 year ago

Saw an article today that Chicago White Sox Manager Tony LaRussa will miss the rest of the season due to a “minor heart ailment”. I looked up his vax status and sure enough, he received two jabs before the start of the 2021 season. Its unclear if he was boosted.

Lucy the cat
Lucy the cat
1 year ago

In the past 2 weeks, I learned of 3 people who died from a fall. That’s right, people are now dying from falling. My own mom (Canadian- vaxxed and boosted of course) just dropped to the floor 3 weeks ago after exiting the bathroom. She couldn’t get up and had to crawl and knocked on her neighbor’s door (she lives in a condo). They called an ambulance. She went to the ER and doctors said they couldn’t find anything, so she was sent home with instructions to take Tylenol. Whenever I mentioned maybe she shouldn’t take the 5th shot, she just dismisses me and say it had nothing to do with the vax.

1 year ago

It’s been 11 days since your last post. I hope you’re okay, Brian.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

I know. I hope Brian is okay too.

Olivia G
Olivia G
1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

Right, I just keep checking hoping for some sort of update. All we can do at this point is pray and hope for the best…

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