Tuesday Tidings VI: Biden invests in nuclear Armageddon, Technoblade update, scariest vehicle “vaxxident” caught on camera to date, and 20 more sudden deaths

October 11, 2022

This blogger first realized, in his mid-20s, that humans, particularly Americans, are generally not very bright. It was simply mind-boggling to witness how upwards of nine in ten of my fellow countrymen and women believed that “19 Muslims with boxcutters” story after 9/11.

Muslims like Muhammad Ali, Ahmad Rashad, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and others were beloved Americans. But words like Muslim, Islam, al-Qaeda, Taliban, bin Laden, terrorist, etc. triggered so much fear in most Americans after 9/11, that they’d do anything the government told them to do to “stay safe” from Muslims.

The Patriot Act was signed in October 2001, with 74% of Americans approving of it. Those poll results remained consistent through at least 2003. 9/11 marked the true beginning of The Great Reset (then called “The New World Order”). “I have nothing to hide, so I don’t care if the government spies on me” was to 2002, as “I’m happy I got the vaccine or it would have been worse” is to 2022. Same dung, different day – with the same doltish 70% American majority facilitating it all.

RELATED: Tamagotchi Babies: World Economic Forum cronies declare that computer-generated “virtual babies” will replace real babies by 2070 (June 15, 2022)


It’s entirely plausible that both remote mind and physiological body control are happening now among the vaxxed. Granted we prefaced this article with the declaration that Americans (and most Westerners) aren’t necessarily bright. It’s just incredibly surreal witnessing people not only still celebrating the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, but also still receiving perpetual boosters despite all the readily-available truth about the shots.

The following was one of the most-liked Reddit posts across the entire platform yesterday. The Reddit moderators made clear that any truthful comments about the mRNA injections are “disinformation” and will result in a ban from the sub.

The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) are still using their Hollywood and political tools to ensure the most die-hard vaxx zealots continue receiving endless injections until they drop dead.

But some of their tools are either genuinely stupid, extraordinarily obtuse, or just too brain damaged/mind-controlled as a result of receiving the injections themselves. We wrote about Gwen Casten, the 17-year-old daughter of U.S. Representative Sean Casten, D-Illinois, this past summer. Gwen received two mRNA injections, and died in her sleep on June 13. Mr. Casten, a die-hard vaxx zealot, refused to even acknowledge that his daughter received the injections at the time. But that changed last week.

Mr. Casten posted a lengthy Twitter update on Friday. He acknowledged that Gwen died of cardiac arrhythmia (her heart stopped) and that she received at least two mRNA injections. But he also said in the post, “we don’t know what caused the arrhythmia, and likely never will.”

Perhaps it’s a combination of caveat emptor and intense denial because it would kill him to accept that he sacrificed his daughter’s life for faulty beliefs. But Mr. Casten is the rule, not the exception, in 2022 society.

We’re at the point of no return. The global population will drop by at least 40% from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024. All we’re doing now is watching the genocide in real-time, and reporting on all the happenings therein.

U.S. government purchases $290 million worth of drugs to treat radiation sickness – follow the money

It was just two weeks ago when we reported on Russian President Vladimir Putin threatening nuclear war. The U.S. government is apparently taking those threats seriously.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that it is buying $290 million worth of NPlate, aka romiplostim. The drug, manufactured by California-based Amgen, was approved by the FDA in 2008 to treat blood platelet disorders. The FDA acknowledged Amgen’s application to approve NPlate for the treatment of acute radiation syndrome (HS-ARS) in June 2020. The Phase IV trials of NPlate to treat HS-ARS were funded by Fauci’s NIAID, and the drug was approved for radiation sickness in January 2021. But the money trail goes much deeper.

Dr. Stephen Hahn was the FDA Director for this entire process (December 17, 2019 to January 19, 2021). Note that Hahn was the guy who approved the initial emergency use authorizations for both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections in late 2020. When he left the FDA in January 2021, he became Chief Medical Officer and CEO-Partner of Flagship Pioneering, the venture capital firm that founded Moderna. His last act as FDA commissioner was approving Amgen’s NPlate to treat radiation sickness. That’s still not the best part.

Generate Biomedicines, another Flagship Pioneering biotech firm, sign a collaboration agreement with Amgen in January 2022. The deal is believed to be worth upwards of $1.9 billion. The partnership comes as Joe Biden’s Department and Human and Human Services just gave Amgen $290 million for radiation sickness drugs. Biden also warned last week that the world is the closest to nuclear Armageddon since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Again, always follow the money.

Russian gamer dies on live stream, plus Technoblade (Alexander Marshall Gray-Spight) update

This happened in the spring, but it’s relevant to our update.

A Russian gamer who went by the name “OfSet” was live streaming a game called “Escape from Tarkov” on the Trovo gaming app on April 27.  The 49-year-old suddenly lost consciousness and the ability to breathe. He struggled for about three minutes before slumping over motionless in his chair.

The foregoing clip happened around the 20-minute mark of the full stream. It continued broadcasting for another hour before three other people showed up in the picture, with one reportedly being his mother. Some of the other gamers managed to contact OfSet’s uncle and inform him what was happening.

But it was too late, as OfSet was dead. Based on the hundreds of other similar videos we’ve seen, it appears OfSet died of a brain bleed/stroke or ruptured brain aneurysm. If it was cardiac arrest, he would not have been moving around gasping for that long. You basically drop and die when it’s cardiac arrest unless there are paramedics or someone else who knows CPR in the immediate vicinity.

Ironically or otherwise, OfSet’s real name was reportedly Alexei. That is also the real name (Alexander Marshall Gray-Spight) of American gamer “Technoblade.” He died in June at age 23 after hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancer.

RELATED: Technoblade: popular 23-year-old YouTuber announces he has cancer, tells 11 million fans to get vaccinated, dies 10 months later (July 1, 2022)


While the Spight family continues profiting off Technoblade’s videos, several of his fan-kids have been attempting to troll the comments section of our article and write us several emails threatening legal action. This blogger was in a bad mood on one night when a Technoblade child fan wrote in. Our volunteer ethical hacker discovered the 15-year-old child’s address and his parent’s contact information.

The kid is the only child of a single mother in Nebraska. We contacted her via Facebook and told her that she would be held responsible for interstate cyber-harassment. The mother was also told that we were going to publish her and the child’s information. The woman apologized profusely, said she took his phone away, and sent him to live with his uncle.

To be clear, there are no legal grounds to sue for the article. And the anti-SLAPP motion to dismiss any potential lawsuit means all of our lawyer friends are lined up to collect their “name your attorney fees” award. However, the only people with legal standing to sue is the surviving family of Technoblade. It’s unclear if they are the ones orchestrating the interstate cyber-harassment. Thus we are providing this warning to the family and Technoblade fans.

A single mother in Nebraska is a sympathetic individual. A rich California family still making millions from YouTube videos, and a bunch of vaxxed fan kids, are not sympathetic at all. Our responses from here forward will be nothing like the one for the Nebraska mom.

Florida Department of Health: 84% increase in cardiac-related deaths in post-injection young men; and more mRNA truth

“Studies” are necessary to show water is wet and fire is hot. But at least those with the resources to do so, particularly state governments, are taking up the task.

The Florida Department of Health, on October 7, published an analysis of men ages 18 to 39 who received mRNA injections. The data found an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths within 28 days of the shots among said population. Researchers made clear that the study does not conclude a causative relationship between the injections and cardiac deaths. But the data were alarming enough for the state to issue new guidance.

Mens ages 18 to 39 are now advised to avoid mRNA injections altogether in Florida. The state already issued guidance in March, recommending against mRNA injections in all Florida residents under age 18. The risks outweigh any potential benefits, according to the guidance.

There’s also the April 2022 study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. It found that 196,922 non-vaccinated Israelis who tested positive for so-called COVID-19 showed “no increases in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis.”

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Further, the good Dr. Peter McCullough, perhaps the most respected cardiologist in the United States, was banned from Twitter last week. His final tweet on October 6 directed readers to a video by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation called “Are The Kids Ok?”

Every true doctor who told truth about the injections was (or will be) banned from social and mainstream media. Literally none are left on Twitter or Facebook. We have entered full-blown totalitarianism.

Meanwhile Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and 20 other state attorneys general filed an amicus brief on September 29 in a lawsuit against the U.S. Air Force. The brief asks the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to affirm a lower court injunction, blocking the Pentagon from punishing airmen for refusing the mRNA injections on religious grounds.

Last but not least is the story of Maine National Guard Specialist Mathew Bouchard. The military “accidentally” gave him an mRNA injection instead of a flu shot after he refused the shots on religious grounds. All the U.S. military told Mr. Bouchard is that they “felt terrible about it.”

Ömer Odabaşı: 62-year-old Turkish bus driver crashes into five cars and a roadside kiosk after heart attack caught on camera

Vaxxident aftermath. PHOTO CREDIT: turkey.posten.com.

This is by far the creepiest potential vaxxident we’ve covered, probably because the entire thing was caught on tape. It was the afternoon of September 27 in Küçükminare, Sivas Province, Turkey. Bus driver Mr. Ömer Odabaşı appeared to suddenly have his soul sucked out of him. He lost control of the bus and crashed. Mr. Odabaşı then started having convulsions once the bus came to a stop.

Seven people were injured in the crash, including two pedestrians, three bus passengers, and the driver of one of the cars that was struck. NTV reported that Mr. Odabaşı had a heart attack. Nobody suffered serious injuries. There have been no further updates on the bus driver as of publishing.

Turkey mandated masks and injections for public transportation in September 2021. The mask mandate was lifted on May 30, 2022.

All the sudden deaths happening around the globe are the same. Another person, this time a 51-year-old woman, died of cardiac arrest on an airplane. And all the other passengers had to continue the flight from Houston to London with a dead body in one of the seats.

Athletes are dying at a much higher rate than the general population. But there were several scary situations in college football this past week where the victims actually survived. Louisiana State University offensive tackle Will Campbell missed the teams game on Saturday against Tennessee. He suffered “an episode” during Friday’s practice and was hospitalized. “We really don’t know what it was,” Head Coach Brian Kelly said.

University of Michigan running backs coach Mike Hart collapsed on the sideline after having a seizure during the team’s game against the University of Indiana on Saturday. The 36-year-old was rushed to the hospital for testing. As of Monday, he said “things are trending in a positive direction” as it relates to his health.

You’re going to notice a distinct Italian flavor in the following 20 sudden deaths. You’ll also notice the same pattern as in all of these articles: died in their sleep, collapsed and died while [fill in the blank activity], and ruptured brain aneurysms.

Jamie Brannen (47) and Robert Brannen (73): Canadian father and son die suddenly on same day, strange lie that they died in car accident spreads

Mr. Jamie Brannen (L) and Robert Brannen.

Mr. Jamie Brannen was an accomplished curler originally from Nova Scotia. Most Americans had never heard of curling until 1998 when it was officially added as a Winter Olympic sport (and a vast majority, including this former sports reporting blogger, still do not understand the sport).

Jamie Brannen made six appearances in the Canadian curling championships (the Brier), representing New Brunswick. He received at least two of the lethal injections by June 25, 2021.

Jamie “passed away suddenly” in Upper Kingsclear, New Brunswick on September 23. Mr. Robert Morris Brannen “passed away suddenly” about 10 hours later, according to a source. That source told The COVID Blog™ that Robert, who was also an accomplished curler, died while walking his dog.

Two shady-looking websites reported that the father and son died together in a car accident (as if that somehow makes it better). This narrative prevailed on social media, as vaxx zealots attacked everyone who pointed to the obvious in these deaths.

We expect a lot more of these interference/propaganda campaigns as it gets more and more difficult for mainstream media to deflect attention away from the global vaccine genocide.

Beth Pullaro: 64-year-old New Jersey woman dies from sudden, hyper-aggressive cancer nine months after booster shot

Ms. Beth Newman Pullaro can only be described as a proverbial “health nut.” She was an instructor for both Zumba and House Party Fitness. Ms. Pullaro also did daily Fit Body bootcamps. Her entire Facebook and Instagram histories are all photos of her healthy diet, workouts and motivational posts for her students. She frequently posted about taking vitamins and supplements that fight against cancer.

Ms. Pullaro received her third mRNA injection on December 30, 2021, despite having a bad reaction to the second one.


Everything went on as normal until late July. There aren’t many specifics mentioned on social media. But Ms. Pullaro reported being in the emergency room on August 5.

She posted a hospital photo on September 7.

Her last Instagram post came on September 23. She was singing the 1978 song “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor from a hospital bed.

Ms. Pullaro passed away on September 25. Several of her friends and students indicated that she had been diagnosed with some sort of cancer in late July.

Faith Rempe: 31-year-old former Las Vegas news broadcaster dies 11 months after hyper-aggressive blood cancer diagnosis

Mrs. Faith Christine (Gantner) Rempe was a former on-air reporter for KVVU-TV (Fox 5) in Las Vegas. She quit her job to become a full-time mom after she and Mr. Kurt Rempe had their first baby. The couple was blessed with their second son on September 11, 2021. He was born one month premature because Mrs. Rempe had a “blood platelet disorder.”

About five weeks later, on October 25, 2021, Mrs. Rempe announced via Instagram that she had Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS, blood cancer).

A March 2021 case study published in the journal Clinical Case Reports chronicled a patient developing pancytopenia, a blood platelet disorder, one day after receiving an mRNA injection. He was diagnosed with MDS after further evaluation. The patient ultimately died from complications of pneumonia.

Mrs. Rempe underwent at least six rounds of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant from January 2022 to April 2022.

She looked nothing like herself on July 26 when she posted her last Instagram update, declaring herself cancer free.

Mrs. Rempe passed away on September 28. Her obituary says she died of bone marrow cancer. There’s no definitive evidence pointing to Mrs. Rempe receiving the injections. But Mr. Rempe works for the Nevada National Security Site, a nuclear bomb testing facility which is part of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Biden federal workers vaccine mandate was in effect from September 9, 2021 until January 21, 2022. Said mandate has been on again, off again since that time. Thus Mr. Rempe is likely vaxxed, meaning his wife was likely vaxxed as well.

Six rounds of toxic chemotherapy in three months is quite a bit too. We’ll leave it at that.

Louise Shepherd: 57-year-old New Jersey teacher dies after brain bleed, cardiac arrest while driving

Mrs. Elaine Louise Shepherd was born in England, but had lived in the United States since 1985. She was a teacher at Helen Morgan Elementary School in Sparta, New Jersey. Mrs. Shepherd had been married since 1991, and had two adult sons.

She was driving home from a weekend in Boston on Monday, September 26. Mrs. Shepherd “unexpectedly” suffered a brain breed and cardiac arrest while driving her car. She was rushed to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York. But Mrs. Shepherd was pronounced dead later that evening.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order 253 in August 2021, requiring all New Jersey teachers to be fully vaccinated. The Sparta Township Public School District took it a step further, requiring all staff and volunteers to be fully vaccinated by October 18, 2021.

Davis Heller: 22-year-old college baseball player dies of “natural causes”

Mr. Davis Heller was originally from Gilbert, Arizona. He played college baseball (first baseman) at the University of Alabama before transferring to North Greenville University in Tigerville, South Carolina. The strategic communications major was in his first semester at his new school.

Details are scant. But Mr. Heller was found dead at his off-campus apartment on October 5. Mainstream media are reporting that he died of “natural causes.” North Greenville University has a vaccine coercion policy.

Shehzad Azam Rana: 36-year-old Pakistani cricket player dies suddenly from cardiac arrest

Mr. Shehzad Azam Rana was born in Sialkot, Punjab (Pakistan). He played in 182 total domestic cricket matches and 95 first-class matches, according to Cricket Pakistan. Mr. Rana last played in 2020.

He suffered chest pains and went to a hospital on September 30. Doctors discharged him after conducting a battery of tests. Mr. Rana passed away at his home due to cardiac arrest later that evening.

Sara Lee: 30-year-old former WWE wrestler dies, no details released

We are including this story because it contains two quintessential mainstream media propaganda tactics that we’re observing a lot more as they try and cover up the global vaccine genocide.

Ms. Sara Lee practically lived in the gym, was happily married to wrestler Cory James Weston since 2017, and had three kids. Prior to 2021, that life was a recipe for longevity, living into your 80s and even 90s due to health, love, financial security, and balance. But now being young and athletic, married and happy is a death sentence. At least that is what mainstream media want you to believe.

Ms. Lee, originally from Michigan, worked for the WWE from 2015-16. From all appearances, her focuses in life have been family and sculpting her body since that time. Ms. Lee posted an Instagram update on October 4. She had just finished working out despite having a sinus infection.

She died two days later in Orlando, Florida. Zero details have been released, except that her death was “sudden.” It’s now supposed to be normal for a 30-year-old woman who is healthier than 90% of all other 30-year-old women, to die.

It’s still early. Mainstream media may eventually use “suicide” or some other excuse for her death (then call The COVID Blog™ “conspiracy theory”). A GoFundMe page raised over $100,000 in three days.

Jack Burnell-Williams: 18-year-old British guardsman who participated in Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, found dead in barracks

Three weeks ago, we wrote about the British guardsman who appeared to have a brief tremor, before collapsing in front of Queen Elizabeth Windsor’s coffin during the funeral processions. That guard was never identified publicly. But now another guard (or perhaps the same guard) who participated in said processions is dead.

Mr. Jack Burnell-Williams was originally from Bridgend, Wales. He was one of the soldiers who walked Elizabeth’s coffin from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch, according to several reports. Details are scant. But Mr. Burnell-Williams was found dead at Hyde Park Barracks in Knightsbridge, Central London on September 28. His death was described as “sudden” and “not believed to be suspicious.”

Francesco Spadaccia: 31-year-old Italian journalist and lawyer dies three days after being diagnosed with blood clots

Mr. Francesco Spadaccia was the nephew of Italian Radical Party historical leader Gianfranco Spadaccia. Some sources says Francesco was Gianfranco’s grandson, not his nephew. Note that the Radical Party is the equivalent of U.S. liberals, who advocate for homosexual culture and feminism. Francesco resided in Rome and was a member of the Italian Federation of Human Rights.

Gianfranco passed away on Sunday, September 25. Two days later, Francesco “fell ill” while at the funeral home where his uncle’s final ceremony took place. He was rushed to a nearby Rome hospital where doctors diagnosed him with blood clots. No further details about the diagnosis are available. Francesco died on September 29.

Drew Ruehlicke: 21-year-old Pennsylvania college soccer player found dead in his dorm room

Mr. Andrew Ruehlicke was a junior sports management major at York College. Its main campus is in York, Pennsylvania – just south of Harrisburg. Mr. Ruehlicke was originally from New Jersey. He was a member of the York College varsity soccer team, and had a 4.0 GPA.

Details are scant (of course). But Mr. Ruehlicke was found dead in his dorm room on October 8. No foul play is suspected. York College has a vaccine coercion policy which indicates that athletes “may require vaccination.”

Josh Ciocco: 38-year-old Massachusetts college hockey coach “passes away suddenly”

Mr. Joshua J. Ciocco was the Assistant Men’s Hockey Coach at Merrimack College in Andover, Massachusetts. He played junior hockey in Canada, college hockey at the University of New Hampshire and professional hockey in the East Coast Hockey League. Mr. Ciocco was a coach at Merrimack for five years.

He “passed away suddenly” on October 3. Merrimack College has had a vaccine and booster mandate in place since at least the spring semester of 2021.

Daniele Ciolli: 34-year-old Italian freelance writer “dies suddenly”

Mr. Daniele Ciolli was a freelance writer, according to his Facebook page. He was (at least) paraplegic. Mr. Ciolli was an activist for disabled people’s rights. He also authored a book entitled The Fast City. Mr. Ciolli resided in Piacenza, Italy.

He was participating in a meeting with a political organization called Alternativa per Piacenza on September 30 when he “suddenly fell ill.” Mr. Ciolli was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. He had received at least three injections.

Many of his family and friends are on Facebook as we speak, berating “anti-vaxxers” for having the gall to suggest he was killed by the injections.

Jack Pollock: 14-year-old Scottish boy “died suddenly” while vacationing in Portugal

Jack Pollock attended Royal High School in Clermiston, a suburb of Edinburgh, Scotland. He was a member of the Granton Amateur Boxing Club, and described as an “incredibly talented boxer.”

Jack “died suddenly” on September 29 while he, his mother and brother were vacationing in Portugal. He was three days shy of his 15th birthday. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Leonardo Preteso: 19-year-old Italian man dies after two cardiac arrests, carotid dissection

Mr. Leonardo Preteso was a resident of Taranto, Italy. He was “in very good health” with no history of medical issues prior to August 30, according to several reports. But Mr. Preteso went to Santissima Annunziata Hospital that day after complaining of the dreaded “pins and needles” feeling in most of his upper body. This is typically an early sign of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). Mr. Preteso also suddenly could not speak in complete sentences. Doctors told him to schedule an MRI and come back a month later.

The September 6 MRI found a carotid artery dissection. That means one of the two main arteries that carries oxygenated blood to the brain was torn and leaking.

RELATED: Bruce David Ward: 64-year-old Canadian man suffers sudden aortic dissection, dead 30 days after first experimental Moderna mRNA injection (July 8, 2021)


Despite the ominous diagnosis, doctors refused to admit Mr. Preteso. He returned to the same hospital on September 17 with worsening symptoms. Doctors again brushed off his symptoms. They prescribed “cardio-aspirin” and told Mr. Preteso to come back in a month for another MRI.

Five days later, on September 22, Mr. Preteso’s father found him unconscious on the bathroom floor in their home. He was rushed, again, to the same hospital. The father and son spoke on the phone four hours later, as it seemed Mr. Preteso was stabilizing. But shortly after the call, Mr. Preteso went into cardiac arrest, according to Fanpage.it. Doctors got his heart going again and placed him on a ventilator. But Mr. Preteso suffered a second cardiac arrest minutes later. Doctors also discovered internal bleeding.

Mr. Preteso was pronounced dead six hours after arriving at the hospital. The Taranto Public Prosecutor apparently opened a criminal investigation into the hospital. But we’ve seen these kangaroo investigations many times in Italy after apparent post-injection deaths; and nothing ever comes of them. It’s been almost 20 months since Italian prosecutors opened investigations after post-AstraZeneca deaths. The stories have disappeared with no further updates.

Martina Greco: 27-year-old Italian physical therapist dies from ruptured brain aneurysm, doctors keep her alive long enough to harvest organs

Ms. Martina Greco resided in Piedimonte Matese, about 50 miles (82 km) north of Naples. She worked at one of the best-known physical therapy facilities in central Italy.

Ms. Greco was getting dressed to go out and celebrate her birthday on September 11.  She suddenly came down with an excruciating headache while in her bathroom. Ms. Greco was taken to a local hospital, where she suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm either in-transit or upon arrival. She was airlifted to Loreto Mare Hospital in Naples and placed on life support.

Despite being declared brain dead within 48 hours, doctors kept her alive for 15 more days to harvest her organs. Italy has had a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in place since April 2021.

Antonio Salerno: 23-year-old Italian man collapses and dies while walking home after playing soccer

Mr. Antonio Salerno resided in Pontelagoscuro, about 34 miles (54 km) north of Bologna. He was studying architecture at the University of Ferrara.

Mr. Salerno, his twin brother Gabriele, and other friends were played a 5-on-5 soccer game at Circolo Arci Buontemponi recreation center on the evening of September 15. At the conclusion of the game, the Salerno brothers started walking home.

Antonio told Gabriele that he was experiencing chest pains. But the brothers thought nothing of it. When they arrived at the bus stop to get home, Antonio suddenly collapsed. Paramedics arrived within minutes. But Antonio was pronounced dead before they could get him to a hospital. Italy has had a vaccine mandate in place for all college students since August 2021.

Jack Grozier: 23-year-old Scottish man dies in his sleep

Mr. Jack Grozier resided in New Cumnock, Ayrshire. He was the father of a one-year-old son. Mr. Grozier worked as a laborer, and was due to start a new job with a courier business in the coming weeks, according to The Mirror. He was also “planning a future” with his girlfriend, Samantha, who is also the mother of his son.

Mr. Grozier texted Samantha to say goodnight on Wednesday, September 21. He was found dead in his home the next morning. Reports say he “died in his sleep.”

Breeana Wood: 17-year-old Australia boarding school student dies suddenly from asthma attack?

Breeana Wood was originally from Kimba, South Australia. She was completing her senior year in high school (“Year 12”) in boarding school at Immanuel College in Adelaide.

Detail are scant. But The Advertiser reported that Breeana “died suddenly from an asthma attack” on October 9. That is entirely possible. But even the big Pharma-owned Centers for Disease Control concedes that asthma deaths are “rare and…largely preventable.”

Further, a May 2022 study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that all-cause mortality was only higher in asthma patients (versus a control group) who were male, received medical aid (meaning the hospital killed them), and had comorbidities like bronchiectasis and COPD.

Immanuel College doesn’t flat-out say it has a vaccine mandate. But the school’s website has an entire page of instructions on how 14-year-old kids can access their digital proof of vaccination from an Australian government website.

It’s also quite coincidental that this story reminds us of Ms. Caitlin Gotze. She is the 23-year-old Queensland woman who died on November 17, 2021, seven weeks after her second mRNA injection. Her official cause of death was an asthma attack. But Mrs. Raelene Kennedy Gotze, Caitlin’s mother, believes the Pfizer injections killed her daughter.

Kristin Koch: 40-year-old Wisconsin nurse collapses and dies while dancing

Ms. Kristin M. Koch was the Assistant Director of Nursing at River’s Bend Health and Rehab in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, according to her LinkedIn Page. She was a certified nursing assistant (CNA) from 2008 to 2016 before receiving her LPN diploma and RN degree in 2016 and 2017, respectively.

Ms. Koch was a big fan of Halloween. She was participating in a witches dance on September 30 at Windigo Fest 2022, a three-day event dubbed as “Wisconsin’s Largest Halloween Festival.” Ms. Koch reportedly collapsed and died during the dance.

She was a nurse. So the rest of the story writes itself.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory.

The power of propaganda (another update)

Remember the website TheCOVIDWorld.com? COVID Legal USA got it removed from the web in late March due to several blatant violations of trademark and copyright laws. If you go to the site’s former domain, it now re-directs to an India celebrity gossip website.

The former site owner claimed to be from the Netherlands. After our investigation, we concluded that he was an American child. But he’s most likely an Indian scammer based on this new twist. Regardless, there sure are a lot of companies and organizations, including ICANN, still protecting this person’s identity. We still have no answers to this day. It just shows the depths TPTB are willing to go to shut down and/or dilute The COVID Blog™.

Critical thinking is nonexistent with a vast majority of the Western world. Most believe what they are told by their idols, not what they see and hear with their own eyes and ears. An article published yesterday in the liberal publication The Intercept is entitled “The Right’s Anti-Vaxxers are Killing Republicans.” Here is the most telling sentence that proves our premise:

“That reflected a refusal by many conservatives, following the lead of former President Donald Trump, to take the pandemic seriously, choosing instead to treat Covid-19 as tantamount to the flu.”

It is now well-established fact that Donald Trump is a die-hard vaxx zealot. But liberal puppet masters tell their sheep the opposite, and it’s accepted as truth. Fortune magazine published an article last week blaming “long term effects of COVID-19” for all these sudden deaths due to strokes, heart attacks, etc. And the lambs, i.e. left and right vaxxed people, believe it.

Critical thinkers are the newest and most endangered minority in the world. Many people believe they belong to this group despite adhering to tribal politics. As long as you worship an idol of any kind, whether you’re vaxxed or non-vaxxed, you are failing this global human experiment. But you still have a chance at redemption. Keep sharing our articles and always speak and live truth to power, no matter the consequences.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

Brian, I really appreciate your iron will to soldier on in the face of so much opposition. One of the saddest conclusions I came to as an adult was: most people want to hear a lie, rather than the truth. Also, I think most people are so lacking in self-assurance, they find it impossible to trust their lived experience when an athority figure is telling them the opposite. I’ve witnessed this time and time again. People HATE to face the truth, and they will punish those who insist on 100 percent truth in all matters.

After 9/11 was a very dark time for me. The lies people were buying was hard to take…but it was good in that I was able to purge a lot of stupid people out of my life. Therefore, when the scamdemic hit, dealing with stupid friends was not an issue.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

I totally agree that folks don’t trust their own judgment.

Folks have been traumatized and gaslighted into compliance. So. no they don’t know how to trust their own gut.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

People are terrified to die and this is why TPTB’s propaganda worked so well and is still working. This is the only reason people take these vaxxines and any other medical procedures like chemotherapy and radiation, two know cancer causing drugs. When a person is faced with a scenario of if “you don’t take this particular drug the chances of you dying are high”, a lot of people just see “your going to die unless you do what they tell you”, people succumb. Look at Dan Bongino who admits he took the original vaxxines because he was scared. He now says it was the biggest regret of his life and he is really worried about the future. I hope the people behind all these drugs whether vaxxines, cancer drugs and others are held accountable for the damages to health they have caused while getting filthy rich from it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

And of course, the system had very skilfully conditioned these people for years. What was 2010s culture all about? That’s right, Facebook. Social media. Me, Me, Me! Preening posey-wosey all the way. Meanwhile, churches were preaching Prosperity (= materialism). So yes, it’s tough to face your mortality after a lifetime of self-gratification and self-worship.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

“Fear is a market. To instill fear in people also has advantages. Not only in terms of drug use. Anxiety-driven people are easier to rule.” 
Gerd Gogerenzer, Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for Educational Research

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

“Most people want to hear a lie, rather than the truth.” — Truer words were never said. Now, the challenge is finding and grouping with like minded individuals so we can get through this next phase together. And maybe we can build a better social unit, one that encourages critical thinking and uplifts one another in these hard times.

I belong to some free-minded groups, but they are somewhat fragile. Many people enter, hoping to be supported in all their opinions (like in their old friendships). But when some of them encounter push-back or alternate opinions in the group, they shrink away and leave. We will continue to encourage members with a backbone, in order to provide support and strength to those who want to be free.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

This whole thing is set up in a way that believing the lies that lead you to the shot feels like relief.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth.
Carl Sagan

1 year ago

It seems like the days of mentioning only 10 to 12 “sudden” deaths in these updates is becoming a thing of the past. And Mark Crispin Miller calls Italy “the death camp of Europe” for a good reason.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

Amazing they told that Italian guy with a bleeding carotid artery to take aspirin, a known anticoagulant (blood thinner). This is insane – seriously according to all that I know. It would make any bleeding worse.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

I too was astonished when I read that particular detail.
It seems they were either trying to prolong his suffering or kill him quickly.
That’s my opinion.
Thanks, Brian, for all your investigative journalism despite all the barriers, threats and other obstacles being placed in your path.
That psychological warfare would have broken many lesser beings.
Best wishes from Shrewsbury, England.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Be one of two things medical manslaughter or medical murder.

Insane it is as these are insane times.

I was agnostic for a long time.

I pray and praise him now.

1 year ago

It just keeps getting more tragic. Something I noticed in the “Are the kids ok” video that might not draw attention to most people is that the kid in the beginning who is talking has a speech issue and can’t pronounce the letter “r” correctly. My daughter is in 4th grade and she has told me half of the class has this type of speech issue. My conspiracy theory self thinks it is because of all of the other vaccines, but it also certainly seems like it was a marketing technique to appeal to modern Americans to just keep on injecting themselves and their kids no matter what types of developmental and medical issues they develop. Just a thought.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kim

Sounds like the ENTIRE United Kingdom

1 year ago
Reply to  Kim

Yeah, I noticed that too. Between the vaccines and the masks, they’re encountering more and more developmental issues.

1 year ago

Have you noticed how the vax zealots when posting selfies of themselves getting a booster and telling everyone else to follow them all have the very same smug “Holier Than Thou” expression on their faces??? LOL

They are utterly convinced in their own righteousness!

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Mind controlled right to the grave!?

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Liberals in particular all have a certain kind of look about them, hard to explain or pinpoint, but i can usually spot one easily enough just by looking at them. Perhaps there is a spiritual component to it, i don’t know, but i find it interesting nonetheless.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

They’re self-absorbed not very deep. I think that comes across in their social interactions and the way they look.

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

I am surrounded by these covidiots/sheeple. They really still believe that the vaxx works because even though they are sick, get covid multiple times, illness etc, the vaxx prevented them from dying. I nod my head. I am done. If I don’t like them, I pretend to agree and encourage them to follow their science and get all and every shots and boosters available. Yeah it is mean. But it’s where I am at.

Truth seeps out
Truth seeps out
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

When they are gasping their last breath they will be saying God bless Fauci and the CDC. They are beyond any hope.

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Servitude-addicts feel relieved when they finally bend the knee.

The bed of hay in the barn and the whip of the master is comfort to them, compare to the nearby unknowns of the forest where they can run free at least momentarily.

1 year ago

Excellent journalism Brian. You are amazing. Keep up the good fight.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  BlueRose

Yes, I liked the statement ” ‘Studies’ are necessary to show water is wet and fire is hot.” It reminded me of G. K. Chesterton’s “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.”

Artis Gratias
Artis Gratias
1 year ago

I really don’t understand how people decide to put their faith in God once they receive a detrimental prognosis yet put their faith in man for an experimental shot based on fear. God does not give a Spirit of fear yet it took over for the past 3 years.

I spoke with a woman the other day whose 55yo son had liver failure and awaited a transplant. By the time he got the new liver they discovered it was no good. This thing is no joke.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Artis Gratias

Simple. Unlike god, the vax or any other medical procedure is something tangible. When someone present something that is physically there, such as a syringe with a unknown experimental liquid with claims that very syringe you see there will protect you; the God that you can’t see, can’t hear, can’t feel but you have to force yourself to believe in isn’t there to act as the alternative option to the syringe.

I always wonder why the religious that believes that God will heal them put more faith in medical intervention than just letting their God do the work.

I guess praying for that broken femur that is protruding out of your leg isn’t working out too well. I guess nowadays people really going to have to put faith back into their God supposedly all powerful healing magic.

Since now nearly all things medical have shown their true colors.

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

No, the simple fact is people are deciding what they’re placing their trust in, the devil’s lies and an idol, or belief in God. Who’s your allegiance to? It’s kind of akin to someone saying, here, let me have sex with you because I have the magic cure and you need to take this into your body to be safe. You’re surrendering your body, or selling it out, to be polluted.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Teri

Allegiance you say? Pledge your allegiance to the flag, to your God, to your political party, to your sports team.

Why is it that one feel the need to have utter devotion to worship something or someone like they can’t do anything without this approval or permission from whatever their allegiance they subscribe to dictates?

I was already skeptical of doctors long before this pandemic. I have declined doctor’s recommendations for a number of things because I do not take anybody’s word as face value. I didn’t need your magical sky daddy to “guide” my decision.

The only place anyone should be placing their trust is within themselves. Stop giving credit to a poorly written story book character and start having better respect for yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Also, it’s one thing to get a broken bone set, or some emergency treatment like that, than to volunteer your arm for a needle with an unregulated and unknown substance that is not even pharmaceutical grade, because “it will save you from going to the hospital or dying from Covid”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Artis Gratias

They are nominal believers at best. They worship all things from man.

1 year ago
Reply to  Artis Gratias

People put their faith when nothing else works and they need a miracle. The Bible never said to shun medical treatment if they needed it and to alleviate suffering. Why else would the church historically open hospitals. Anything that alleviates suffering is good and right with God. We know that corrupt medical doctors make suffering worse.

1 year ago

Danile Ciolli will be remembered for taking 5 Jabs (one of them a Flu shot ) in 7 months…a crippled defiant Communist who wanted even more of the Kool Aide…long live Science…and Techno-Blade will be remembered as Techno-Grazor…Trusting Big Pharma all the way From Jab to the Slab…Way To Go…Way To Go…

1 year ago
Reply to  Car

Nasty karen, that is what she is.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
1 year ago

Regarding Sara Lee… The severe sinus infection was likely the beginning of brain inflammation (i.e meningitis)

kieran osullivan
kieran osullivan
1 year ago

I dont know whether people are stupidly ”Responsible” ,or Responsibly ”Stupid ” ,but have been so well trained and brainwashed by the System ,not to think ,even well educated ,or high IQ people ,fall for it ,it just boggles belief .Zombies who mindlessly absorb everything on TV and the Media into their Programmed sub conscious mind, then blurt it out later when the subject is raised ,without any rationalizing .Like a spell cast ,Broadcasting !!!

1 year ago

“Like a spell cast, Broadcasting !!!”
That’s exactly what it is. Ever wonder why radio and television broadcasts are called “Programs” and “Programming”? Never thought much of it until a friend mentioned it back in the 1990s. Got rid of my TV not long after that. Looking to do the same for this computer and the internet in the near future.

1 year ago

The organ harvesting is important to consider. Supply and demand. In December 2021, I went out to the DMV and filled out the form to remove the organ donor status and get me off the list.

The lady behind the counter really looked at me funny. And, there were two women in the waiting room talking people not wearing masks, “my daughter tested positive, and she just got the booster.” “I know! Same thing my daughter is boosted and has it now too.” Not making it up.. it was a sobering few minutes in there

1 year ago

“This blogger first realized, in his mid-20s, that humans, particularly Americans, are generally not very bright.”

That’s euphemism at its best. I don’t blame you, otherwise you would have to ban yourself from your own blog !!. (lol)

1 year ago

It was a “bait and switch” from the beginning. Fear of the unvaccinated proved the vaccine was ineffective. American hospitals constantly reported higher numbers of vaccinated Covid patients while other countries claimed the opposite.

Most who received the first shot believed that it would prevent them from getting the disease. Their psychotic break came after they asked for more even after they knew that they had been duped.

1 year ago

I wonder why people never slam on the brake when they have seizures, its always the gas pedal.

1 year ago
Reply to  farmerz

Probably because they’re already pressing down on the accelerator driving like a bat out of hell when it happens. At least that’s my experience driving through the cities to get to where I work.

1 year ago

Vlad Putin has been threatening nuke war for 22 years. The context of his threats have to do with the Great Resetter war against Russia by trying to colonize Ukraine. The government bought the radiation sickness tabs because there will be a false-flag nuke strike in the US or Poland/Ukraine (they’re figuring out still which one to do) which will justify all out war on Russia. Because Russia will NOT let US/NATO succeed in Ukraine.

Now, Vlad Putin is just as evil as Klaus Schwab. But he’s right on this. And I know this because he’s being warning about this very situation for 20 years. Russia is a 3rd world country with a 2nd world military and a 1st world nuke arsenal.

Russia has never, despite what everyone has been saying, tried to establish a “Greater Russia”. Territory seized in Georgia and Ukraine was always in response to coups led by the US/NATO and meant to protect ethnic Russians.

Vlad is evil, not stupid. The US/Great Resetters are both.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

Putin is not evil. Don’t believe the propaganda.

1 year ago
Reply to  mrniceguy

As Brian rightly pointed out in one of his earlier article, Putin is a member of the WEF and Russia could have brought Ukraine to get in line in a 7 days affair.

That whole BS is another part of being in full control of your reality. Good cop, bad cop. Vilains and saviors. Democrats and republicans. Trump and Hillary…etc. All BS but everybody still falls for it, just as every household has at least one TV set to beam the mind control daily into their brain (whatever is left of it).

Most people choose the deceptions that would make them feel attached and belonging to a herd, rather than the truths that would seem to threaten their sense of belonging that they subconsciously associate with their own survival.

There is no greater master deceiver to people but themselves.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago

Correct. Putin is just another WEF / Zio-bastard working in tandem with other world “leaders” (actors) to foment war and destruction. The “confict” in Ukraine is fake, it’s all being coordinated behind the scenes by Russia and Europe/USA. They are not enemies, they are run by the same people. You can be sure the end result will be less freedom, and more slavery / death for ALL OF US, just as the TPTB designed it for.

1 year ago

“You can be sure the end result will be less freedom, and more slavery / death for ALL OF US, just as the TPTB designed it for”

Not on my watch. Over my dead body, maybe.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  mrniceguy

If he had not used the genetic injections, I would agree. Evil or stupid, maybe he, like Trump, got scared about the horrible deadly deadly virus, and thought these injections would help. But, I doubt it.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

Brian, thank you for the update, and so glad you are ok!
The video of the Turkish bus driver was very distressing. Your description of the event seems accurate. As for that nurse dying while celebrating the evil of Halloween……
Take care and I will be ordering my copy of your book. Have you given any thought to how you will send them out internationally so they aren’t intercepted?

1 year ago

And those that see 9/11 as a lie still believe the big lie – the holocaust. The only event that questioning will get you jail time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buzz

I don’t believe it. Only when EVERYTHING about the mainstream narrative of both WWI and WWII is questioned by the masses…will anything ever change.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Brian, as a critical thinker, I found it heart breaking for the most of my life, that the good British people were being led to the slaughter by a corrupt and controlled mainstream media. I was raised in the UK by Pakistani parents. Right from the start I knew there wasn’t something right with the mainstream media. I very rarely watched TV when growing up. When I moved into my own apartment, I never owned a TV. It was always very frustrating being around people who had no critical thinking. People who believed anything their mainstream media or authority told them. The tragedy was people thought they were ‘educated’, and the Western media was the most liberal, trustworthy, transparent and honest in the world! Even now I have friends who have been seriously injured by these vaccines, who point blank refuse to believe it was the vaccines! The ‘sudden deaths’ in the UK are becoming more frequent. And still most people I know believe their deaths had nothing to do with the vaccines. I have always said it, people in the Western world were just sitting ducks for this Covid-19 scam and the subsequent depopulation slaughter. Most people simply do not have the basic intellectual skills needed to tell fact from fiction. In other words, here in the UK, the Brits could not tell the difference between propaganda and actual factual news. That was their downfall.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

“Television. Tell a lie vision.
A schism. Negative realism.”

I quote the rapper (Pete Rock &) CL Smooth from the 1992 track “Anger Of The Nation”.

If people had done their research, they would have known not to trust the mainstream media.

It is just too much effort for too many in the world today to research anything on their own, they treat the mainstream media like the golden calf.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said to friends of mine, look at this paper, watch this video, submit an FOI only to rebutted with “that’s not in the newspaper, that wasn’t on TV, the doctors are the experts, I’ve done my own research” etc.

Adults are like children these days – they cannot think for themselves at all and need to be told what to do all the blooming time (by either the corrupt politicians or the manipulative and mendacious mainstream).

You only need to look at the manic expressions of these so-called experts when they talk to know that they are likely psychopaths!

I’ve given up trying to speak to these people anymore.

One of my workmates told me how she got her 3-year-old son to have the flu vaccine 3 weeks ago and how he “took it like a champ”.

I expressed disapproval but she paid no attention.
See what I mean!

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

What you have said above has been the bone of contention between me and the British people. Over the three decades I tried my best to make people see how corrupt and evil the mainstream media. All I asked from people please think for yourself. Our intellect is what separates us from beasts. It would be an insult to belittle beasts. Animals behave and think exactly the way God and Nature has ordained. Humans should know better. I don’t know what part of the world you are in but here in England the British are immensely proud of the British mainstream media. In particular, they adore the BBC and are immensely proud of BBC World News. It is far too complex to go into the details of why this tragedy happened, but it is fair to say it was people’s own stupidity that was in the end their downfall. In a nutshell, The State owns the people’s minds and given them the illusion of free thinking. Often when I tried to point out how corrupt and controlled the mainstream media was, I was often meant with great hostility. ‘Go back to Pakistan then if you hate our mainstream media that much’ was one comment. ‘Look at the state of the media in third world countries. We are taking civilisation into your backward countries’. Therein lies the answer, the British associate their mainstream media with high culture, advanced human right and great scientific achievements. I have often pointed out to the Brits they are the product of their mainstream media and NOT their history and culture. They would look at me as if I was mad. We reap what we sow. People had ample time to claim their critical thinking and do their own research. They complied with tyranny in the end with their ignorance. In my opinion they can never turn around and say we didn’t deserve this. I think they did.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I’m in Shrewsbury, Shropshire (an Englishman of African extraction) and, yes, the BBC is everything here.
Many of my friends, without fail, refer to the BBC when I try to warn them.
The BBC has, in recent times, been seriously dumbed down, pandering to youth and impartiality rendered obsolete and that has never been more apparent than in their pushing of the entirely bogus Covid narrative.
The BBC is a behemoth, has been around longer than most of us and has no serious competition so I guess if you want news, the BBC is first port of call.
I’ve learnt a lot from several educational programmes broadcast by the BBC over the years and it’s helped me improve my vocabulary so I shouldn’t be overly critical myself but, yes, the dependence on mainstream media is like opium to the masses here and the obsession with the BBC has led many up the gene therapy path and look where that will take them!
It is like a horror movie with no ending – this is only the start!
People need to do their own research and not rely on mainstream media because they are pathological liars.
This is evidenced by events of the last near three years.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

What I also find extraordinary about the British is that they never seem to realise how evil the British Royal Family is. When I try to discuss with them the depopulation agenda and how the British Royal Family has been pushing for it for decades, they laugh at me. I found also the British close down any conversation that questions these evil vaccines, or the established mainstream media narrative, yet South Asians and Blacks are a lot more willing to discuss it objectively. I am amazed the British are still living in a bubble that will burst very soon. It is inevitable the British will eventually collide with reality. The vaccines deaths will change the very demographics of this nation. The mainstream media can only keep up the illusion for so long. Here we are at the most important crossroads in humanity’s future, and most people are still fast asleep. This Covid-19 fake pandemic was the greatest event in human history. A historical event that changed the world forever, and still, no one I encounter in everyday life is talking about it. I sat on a tram a few days ago, the well-heeled English women sitting not far from me were talking about a holiday to Kenya. I could hear two people behind me talking about Eastenders. But most were engrossed with their smart phone. I wondered how many know about the horror that has befallen this nation. How the morgues are filling up with the people who succumbed to the fake vaccine. I wondered how many knew millions in this nation within a few years will be wiped off the face of the earth.

1 year ago

That Pfizer ad shilling shot on the kids makes me want to cry.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gary
Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago

A little girl, only 14 years old, died in Italy. Cause of death: “Fulminant” myocarditis.

Not that having other children would mitigate the grief, but she was an only child. She’d had 3 doses. The Mayor of the town said given that she’d had the last dose Nov. 2021, the vaccine doesn’t even come into play as a cause of death. The Dep’t. Health will look into it and we’ll have the results in a couple of days.”

Asia Benetti has died. Her parents are broken. And all these bastards can do is make stupid pronouncements like these. May they all rot in hell. Rest in peace, little girl.

Student of Mary
Student of Mary
1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Best that we pray for their conversion to Christ and that they would have the humility to admit the truth.

1 year ago

“Mrs. Rempe passed away on September 28. Her obituary says she died of bone marrow cancer. There’s no definitive evidence pointing to Mrs. Rempe receiving the injections.“

At the very least, she did say she was transfusion dependent, so there’s that. Then she passes away shortly thereafter.

The Health Nut took a poison injection every chance she could get, negating everything else she did in her life.

The one good thing that came out of this vaccine insanity for me is to really appreciate my health. Working out more, trying to eat organic and better foods where I can to avoid toxic sludge. Need to be in good shape for my family for possible hard times to come…

1 year ago

I see a lot of those kind of responses on videos on bitchute, of people that look upwards like that, and twist around, and maybe their arms go up and twirl. It’s very strange.

There is no virus
There is no virus
1 year ago

If you notice all these dumb neurotic people are obsessed with “safety”. It’s amazing these people made it this far in life. You would think being this scared of the imaginary virus that they would still be wearing diapers and sitting in a stroller.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

One of my employees in Minnesota went to the ER 2 weeks ago with chest pains. They told him he had a heart attack and found “an infection” in his heart. He and his wife overheard the nurses questioning the ER doctor on what the hell is happening as they are seeing this DAILY. The nurses told him it had to be the covid vax. He told them to keep quiet or they would all lost their jobs. When the cardiologist came in my employee asked him point blank.The cardiologist said “I never said that”. He told him it was an infection that caused an irregular heartbeat that isn’t fatal. They gave him no anti biotic for this “infection”. Dr Peter McCullough said that the spike protein is causing scarring in the heart. My guess is depending where it develops in the heart determines how severe the irregular heartbeat is and whether it is fatal. I wonder if the heart will continue to scar all over ?

Strange happenings
Strange happenings
1 year ago

The spike protein is a Nanobot parasite. Shame on all these losers more concerned about their stupid job then protecting human beings.

Karen F
Karen F
1 year ago

The first time I was warned. The second time I was written up and told I would be fired if I was caught warning people about the deaths I was seeing from the Death Shot. That’s why I no longer work in healthcare. These doctors should be conscience-stricken for being personally responsible for so many deaths. Many of them have no integrity; nurses are braver than they are. Too many doctors flat out lie to people to save their jobs, when they know that many people take their spoken word as gospel truth.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

I am beginning to notice a trend here. At one time it was a few deaths reported, later 10 and now 20. When will it be 30? Many of these are younger people! This is “unheard of”. The same with Netflix and their corporate policy. First one death, then two, then three, now four, and soon 5, 6, 7 … ? I think you will have to increase your staff if you can get more support. (In the movie “Jaws” the captain said “we need to get a bigger boat”.) The “sky may be no limit” if what many fear is beginning to happen, and what the contrarian scientists (those not employed by Big Pharma) and front line physicians (those who knew and spoke out at great risk to themselves) warned about but the Western governments did not heed. This is morbidly funny but not to the “decedents”* and their friends and family.

*Thank you Perry Mason who on TV was portrayed by an actor who later was said to be “gay”.

Karen F
Karen F
1 year ago

The teacher in Sparta, NJ caught my eye. Back when the government was first requiring the death shot for certain people, a group of us used to gather on the busiest corner of Sparta with signs reminding people that forced medical procedures is not freedom, and that their freedom can easily be taken away as well. Most post honked and cheered in agreement and support, but there were several who gave us the finger and jeered at us. I wonder if that teacher was one of those who drove through that intersection and called us idiots.

1 year ago

is this the next movie? Fake a Nuke, require mandatory radiation testing “for public safety” and access to grocery stores, then require mandatory radiation sickness treatments for those who “test positive” (TheCovidBlog 10/11/22: U.S. government purchases $290 million worth of drugs to treat radiation sickness. The FDA acknowledged Amgen’s application to approve NPlate for the treatment of acute radiation syndrome HS-ARS in June 2020. The Phase IV trials of NPlate to treat HS-ARS were funded by Fauci’s NIAID, and the drug was approved for radiation sickness in January 2021)

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