2022 Midterm Elections: rampant homosexuality is the universal eschatological sign of end times; and why Black Americans must non-vote Democrats out of power

October 11, 2022

There is a popular meme circulating on social media. It says something to the effect of “in nature, poisonous creatures display bright colors to warn other species of their toxicity.” This is called warning coloration in biology. Dart frogs, redback spiders and coral snakes are three examples of colorful, toxic creatures that can kill humans.

Monarch butterflies are colorful and fun to watch.

They cannot harm humans (unless you “eat zee bugs” as Klaus Schwab wishes). But birds and other predators get extremely sick when they eat monarchs. That teaches them a lesson to never eat them again, to stay away from monarchs no matter what. Humans are also animals that cannot escape the natural order of the world.

The aforementioned meme typically includes a photo like one of the following, juxtaposed with one of the foregoing colorful, toxic creatures of nature.

It reminds us of Boston Children’s Hospital, which denied providing chemical and physical castrations for children (“gender reassignment surgery”) despite their own advertisements saying they do so. Said advertisements display more warning coloration, along with a scar on the throat (indicating a shaved-down Adam’s apple).

Human warning coloration was rare, even in large U.S. cities, prior to the turn of the millennium. Homosexual culture existed. But it was private and almost never out in the open. Now you see it in every corner of the country, even in what used to be known as the “Bible Belt.” It’s no coincidence that 9/11 and conditioned acceptance of homosexual culture commenced right around the same time, when The Great Reset (former “New World Order”) officially kicked off.

Digging deeper into the depopulation agenda

The COVID Blog™ started the LGBTV (for vaccine) acronym because the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are required for admittance and acceptance into that culture. Both homosexual culture and the injections (vaccine genocide) are vital elements of the depopulation agenda. The previous eliminates procreation, while the latter eliminates human life in real-time.

The COVID Blog™ frequently cites data from the Human Right Campaign (HRC), which brands itself as the “largest LGBT rights organization in the United States.” Its most recent data from March found that 92% of American homosexual culturists have received at least one injection, with 96% boosted or planning to get boosted.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data also confirm that U.S. homosexuals are near-universally vaxxed. White homosexual men and women have the highest vaccination rates of any other groups in the U.S. (94% and 89% respectively), according to the CDC. Black and Latino homosexuals have lower vaccination rates – about 70% and 76%, respectively. But that doesn’t really matter, since the culture is inherently self-deleting.

Homosexuals are the marketing department for Pfizer, Moderna, et al. They neither need, nor want to be paid. For whatever reasons, LGBTV love Fauci, injections and being told what to do as much as they love sexual degeneracy. They are obsequious and obedient, two traits the powers-that-be (TPTB) love in humans. No human is allowed to criticize LGBTV culture in any way, shape or form without being “cancelled” from social media, corporate America, and any/everything else.

RELATED: John Ryan: 59-year-old banking regulator dies unexpectedly, while his “husband” launched near-daily social media attacks on the non-vaccinated (May 25, 2022)


Everybody over the age of 40 watched the homosexual (depopulation) agenda materialize in real-time, beginning in the late 1990s. This blogger wrote an article back in 2009 entitled “Gay is the New Jew, not the New Black,” putting all these observations on paper. For context, the slogan “gay is the new black” was popular back then. You could literally sense and feel the disturbing energy shift in the world from 1999 to 2009.

The article was written after seeing previews of the ABC (USA) television series “Modern Family.” The show and its homosexual themes debuted that fall (2009). This blogger has not owned a television since at least that time. Almost every prediction in said article came true. It was quite easy to see what was happening and the direction of the world at that time, with 9/11 being the fuse to ignite The Great Reset.

The term “homophobic” is to LGBTV culture, as “antisemitic” is to Zionists. Both cultures/religions are completely off-limits to criticism in the United States. LGBTV received the same societal sanctity as Israel. Now the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (that Israelis created) receive that same societal sanctity. The irony is that Israel doesn’t allow homosexual marriages in the country, but recognizes some rights of homosexual people “married” in different countries.

TPTB needed a charismatic liar like President Barack Obama to manipulate a very important and necessary voting bloc for Democrats to win (Black Americans). This blogger even fell for the Obama propaganda before realizing the mistake in mid-2009, and has never voted again.

Obama’s job was to solidify homosexual culture as Americana, in the same realm as apple pie and Uncle Sam. He was also tasked with manipulating a traditionally conservative, but reliably Democratic voting bloc (Black Americans) into accepting degeneracy.

Black clergy and others revolted against Obama once the jig was up prior to the 2012 Presidential Election.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (updated February 6, 2022)


But by that time, a large majority Black Americans were manipulated to the point of worshiping and voting for Obama no matter what.

What is eschatology?

Eschatology is the doctrine of last things. Most Christians associate eschatology with the Book of Revelation and the end times in the Bible. More on that later. But all religions and societies have eschatological doctrines; and nearly all of them have a common theme.

Generation Z (born after 1997) and the youngest Millennials (born from 1990 to 1996) in the West only know a world where homosexual culture is “Americana.” LGBTV is the preferred culture, the preferred “family structure” in mainstream society if you wish to maximize the “American Dream.” Single motherhood and feminism are also promoted as ideal.

Both lifestyles are championed by Democrats/liberals. Generation Alpha (born after 2012) knows only a world of LGBTV, mRNA injections, masks, “social distancing,” Instagram, and mass manipulation. Thus more than one-third of the U.S. population is conditioned beyond repair to accept and champion self-deletion. They were born into eschatological times.

Arguments for and against the injections being the Biblical Mark of the Beast notwithstanding, everything in this world – mass infidelity, homosexuality, usury, etc. – leaves little doubt that these are in fact the end times.

China eschatology and the LGBTV religion

Nearly 70% of humanity is Christian/Catholic, Muslim or Hindu. Add in the population of anti-homosexual China, and all the anti-homosexual African societies, and you have over 90% of the world viewing homosexual culture as a sin, a crime or both. LGBTV is also a religion by definition.

It relies on faith, believing that biological men are really women and vice versa, that homosexuals are “born that way,” etc. Religion is defined as a “superhuman controlling power.” LGBTV declare that they have no choice/do not choose to participate in homosexual degeneracy. Some supernatural force makes them do it, according to their tenets. Anyone who declares LGBTV is a choice commits blasphemy in their religion.

China is mostly atheistic. But the country clearly views the LGBTV religion as an atrocity on the natural order of the universe. The Chinese government banned all homosexual content from television in 2016. A Chinese court ruled that homosexual culture can be called a “mental disorder” in textbooks in 2021. The CCP cracked down harder on degenerate media content in 2021 due to all those effeminate Asian pop groups with boys wearing makeup. Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, CNN, Wikipedia, and all the other LGBTV disseminators are banned in China.

While China bans degenerate pop culture, the White House invites said groups to speak at Americans, under the guise of “Asian hate crimes.”

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The Chinese Education Ministry launched programs in 2020 to “cultivate masculinity” in schools. The aim is to counteract Western emasculation agendas, and teach young boys how to become men, fathers, husbands and fighters.

Meanwhile U.S. schools are teaching boys how to have anal sex with other boys and how to masturbate. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) classifies all innate male behavior, including being attracted to women, as “toxic masculinity.” The APA also says that “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful.” The American Medical Association wants to remove sex completely from birth certificates.

China has surpassed the U.S. economically, a direct consequence of American society erasing men and masculinity. Russia is also expanding its bans on homosexual propaganda, and positioning itself to surpass the U.S. both economically and militarily.

Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity all identify homosexual culture in their respective eschatological doctrines

Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. It has been around for at least 4,000 years. Zoroastrianism was the state religion of Persia (Iran) before the Muslim conquest around 700 CE (A.D.). The religion specifically and unequivocally forbids homosexual acts. But like ancient Greece, today’s United States, today’s Australia, et al., Zoroastrianism appears to be indifferent about pedophilia. But that’s simply proof that TPTB have controlled this planet for millenia.

Homosexuality is also strictly forbidden for Muslims. Islamic eschatological doctrines always mention rampant adultery, usury and homosexuality as sure signs that the end is near. There are at least 13 countries on Earth where homosexual acts are punishable by death. All of them are Muslim countries.

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shut down British sock puppet Piers Morgan and his Western propaganda about homosexual culture in a 2012 CNN interview.

Christianity also forbids homosexuality and equates the culture with the wrath of God. Like President Ahmadinejad did to Morgan in 2012, former Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta shut down President Obama when the latter tried spreading homosexual propaganda there in 2015.

Though many Christian end time prophecies are contained in the Book of Revelation, the signs are sprinkled throughout the Old and New Testaments. Even non-Christians know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. The final straw before God destroyed those two cities was the attempted homosexual rape of the witnesses he sent to confirm the degeneracy.

Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” Genesis 19:4-5.

The Bible goes on to say that future societies would face the same wrath of God for rampant homosexual culture.

In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. Jude 1:7.

Then there’s India. The second-largest country in the world by population criminalized homosexual acts as recently as 2013. But a high court ruling decriminalized homosexual culture in 2018. Liberal media, particularly Wikipedia and its mainstream sources, attempt to interpret India’s long-time recognition of a third sex as acceptance of homosexual culture.

We’re not making any definitive declarations about India and Hinduism. But a 2019 Pew survey found that only 37% of Indians said homosexual culture should be acceptable in society.

It could be a total coincidence that every major and minor world religion and society, all of which encompass 90% of humanity, identify homosexuality as a sign of the end. But the more likely explanation is that the turn of 21st century, when LGBTV culture became normalized, commenced the end times for humanity. But at least the vast majority of humanity recognize what’s happening, and are doing all they can to stop or at least delay Armageddon.

Dear Black Americans: please sit out Election 2022

Black Americans have been reliably voting for Democrats en masse since the 1960s – and have received nothing but disrespect, belittling and insults in return. Democrats simply expect Black Americans to vote for them, like an abused wife stays with a violent husband.

It’s no secret that Black Americans are the least likely of all races to receive the injections in the U.S. Thus, just like we pointed out last week with Jamaica, TPTB have to use other means to ensure mass die-offs of Black Americans. LGBTV culture and mainstream media are the tools that will equalize death rates for Black And White Americans, with a larger proportion of the latter dying from the injections.

Let’s be brutally honest. The only Black women mainstream media allow on television are fat, ugly and/or toxic feminists. All of the following are recognizable Black women everyone knows because they are mainstream media darlings. These are not coincidences.

Singer Lizzo, The Talk host Sheryl Underwood, #MeToo founder Tarana Burke, and The View host Whoopi Goldberg.

No Black man, or any man for that matter, would procreate with or even date these individuals. This is part of the depopulation agenda – dividing the sexes (“genders”) and turning them against one another in mainstream circles. If Black women, particularly dark-skinned Black women, are all ugly (inside and out) feminists on TV and social media, then it gives the impression that they are all ugly feminists in real life – which is obviously not true.

In fact the very-attractive Holly Robinson Peete was a host on The Talk before Underwood.

Holly Robinson-Peete.

Robinson-Peete was released from the show after only one season, and replaced by Underwood. Co-host Sharon Osborne said Robinson-Peete, despite being married for 27 years and having four kids, was “too ghetto” for the show. In real life, that means Osborne and the show’s producers were uncomfortable with an attractive, family-oriented Black woman that presented an image other than obnoxious, overweight, toxic feminist.

The exact same thing happened to Demetria Obilor, the former WFAA (Texas) mainstream media traffic reporter.

Demetria Obilor.

Black women on television and in movies are made to look masculine and rugged. That “Woman King” movie, starring Viola Davis, has far too many liberal agendas to address in this article. But the bottom line is that there is no such thing as a “woman king.” Female monarchs are queens. They make the Davis character look like the ugliest, most manish-looking “woman” in movie history.

Granted this blogger has not and will not see the movie. But he’s told that scenes show these manish-looking women beating and killing effeminate-looking men in the movie. This reinforces the “we don’t need men” feminist agenda and the overall masculinization of Black women agenda to slow and/or stop procreation.

“The Woman King” is a complete flop. It cost $50 million to make, plus another $40-$50 million to market. The movie has grossed $64 million as of publishing, which must be split in half with the movie theaters. “The Woman King” will need to clear $150 million minimum to make a profit. It’s not going to come close. But you wouldn’t know that if you only read mainstream media, which continues calling the movie a smash hit, “Black girl magic,” and a bunch of other disturbing propaganda.

This movie is too important to the feminist and homosexual (depopulation) agendas to allow freely-disseminated truth about the film’s poor performance. Mainstream media had no problem admitting that the other recent homosexual agenda movie released last month, “Bros,” flopped (and blamed it on “homophobia”). But homosexual males are not intelligent enough to realize that they are second-class citizens in LGBTV religion. They are expendable.

RELATED: Mass shootings, abortions, “vaccines” renew U.S. tribal, phony concern for children, who are now commodities for profit and political agendas (June 10, 2022)


Depopulation agendas for Black Americans, orchestrated by Democrats, get much deeper and more sinister. Most Americans (depending on your age) recognize the following mainstream, prominent Black people. It does not take a genius to recognize what is happening here.

No human will save humanity in these end times. But Black Americans have the power to at least buy humanity a little extra time, even if it’s a few months.

Republicans have very little chance of winning the U.S. Senate in November because of poor candidate choices. But the odds are in the GOP’s favor to win back the House of Representatives. Democrats need Black voters to win (at least for now, until immigrants replace Black voters for Democrats). Republicans generally do not. Stacey Abrams will only win the Georgia governorship with very-high Black voter turnout. Democrats don’t even bother promising to do anything for Black folks anymore. They just expect you to vote for them.

White liberals literally believe Black Americans are stupid. Take four minutes to watch this very-cringey video of overprivileged, “educated” white liberals talking about how Black Americans are too stupid to think for themselves.

They do the same thing when it comes to homosexual culture. The white liberal position is that Black Americans and Africans are too stupid to break away from colonial rules, and that’s why Black people in general are against homosexual culture.

Then there is homosexual Democrat Rhode Island State Senator Tiara Mack. She posted the following video on TikTok this past summer. It is supposed to encourage Black voters to go to the polls. This is what Democrats think of you.

Now there’s also the shit-show with the all-Democrat Los Angeles City Council this week. Note all of the involved city council members are Democrat Latinos, showing the party’s universal anti-Black hatred.

You must check self-respect and dignity at the door if you’re a Black American voting for Democrats. Yes it’s true – Republicans do nothing tangible for Black Americans either. And yes, the GOP has hateful elements as well. Note, that is not Ben Carson in the CPAC screenshot below.

Donald Trump will call you racist names. But Joe Biden writes racist lawsa lot of them. Democrats are also the unapologetic facilitators of the global vaccine genocide. Republicans at least somewhat pretend to be on the side of the people with regard to this issue.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for more homosexual culture, more illegal immigrants, more Fauci/vaccines, more feminism, etc. Seriously – why would you vote for this?

This blogger does not vote and does not support political parties. But Black Americans have the power to help themselves and the rest of the world in November. We’re in The Great Reset. So now is the time to reset voting expectations in this country.

Abstain from voting altogether. Your voice can be heard without supporting either party. Abstention by Black Americans means Republicans win a lot of their races. Your contribution is telling the Democrats that your unconditional vote is no more. It’s a tit-for-tat endeavor. Kamala Harris told Black Americans straight up during the 2020 campaign that she will do nothing specific to benefit them; but still expects their vote.

Make Democrats earn your vote, instead of just giving it to them in these end times. This is the Black voter Great Reset. These midterms are likely the last U.S. elections before this country looks and feels very different, with a significantly-reduced population by the end of 2024.

We’re all at the ultimate crossroad of life. Do your part. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

One hundred percent agree with everything in this post…except I did not recognize one person in the pics.

1 year ago

Could also vote 3rd party, which is what I do unless I have a candidate I feel very strongly for, or am strongly against their opposition.
I have cast perhaps 90% of my votes for Libertarian, Green or independents, even a few write-ins. You may call that a throw-away, but it is more of a message than not showing up. Still, I understand that sentiment and can respect it, but it leaves it open for media to call it voter apathy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable


1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Voting matter the very most in the primary election. The biggest problems is the 3rd party usually hurts republicans not the demonic rats. But keep voting third party and maybe someday when America is no more it will make a difference because right now it gives the rats the advantage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

No, the third party just means they have to cheat less. If you still think the voting hasn’t been rigged for longer than the last election you aren’t paying attention.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Thanks. You might as well not vote. Remember Bill Clinton? Ross Perot gave him that election. Sadly we only have one real party in this country. That isn’t going to change no matter how many third parties crop up. Sadly it is a wasted effort and vote. It does nothing.

1 year ago

As this country is still standing, between the child sacrifice [abortion] and sodomy, God pretty much owes Sodom & Gomorrah an apology.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Seriously? God doesn’t owe anybody anything. The only reason any country is still standing is because of Gods mercy. With out God’s mercy all of us would be in hell for eternity. This statement is the most ignorant statement ever and just shows Billy Graham was very disrespectful of Almighty God, everlasting Father and savior of the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

You may want to reread [or actually read] your Old Testament, because if you’re worshiping that thing, you’re worshiping Moloch.

By the way, 60 million abortions in 50 years, to say nothing of the wars, cultural subversion, plagues, etc – there’s your ‘Christian’ nation right there.

Even the civilizations of antiquity that practiced ‘pagan’ worship & child sacrifice would blush with envy & embarrassment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

People created religion, Kiel. You may want to ask the Creator for illumination while you re-read the Original Testament, particularly TMH speaking through the prophet Yeremiah here at 19:5 They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: Baal, Molech, and ALL others to date (Isaiah 42:8) are idols and unfortunately this people on this earth lost their way long ago. Being ever merciful, TMH still has arms stretched out for our 180 degree return to doing what is right. Zoe spoke of the “Almighty God” in her reply to you not moloch. “Think…it ain’t illegal yet” (Parliament Funkadelic)

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Spot on! Yep, Moloch indeed. Yahweh was a. Canaanite God of war…one of the 70 sons of the main Canaanite God EL. True Christians need to educate themselves. The Old Testament is only a history book, which is not altogether true. A good bit of that history was picked up by the Israelites when they were held captive in Babylonia. It is named the Babylonian Talmud for a reason. The early Bible stories are in Samarian clay tablets, that predate the Bible. Christ Jesus came to free us with His she’d blood. We have a New Covenant. When He returns He will say to Zionist Christians: “I never knew you”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

“Yep, Moloch indeed. Yahweh was a. Canaanite God of war…one of the 70 sons of the main Canaanite God EL.”

This was hard for me. My undergrad was in Anthropology, and I was raised attending Christian schools.

I desperately tried to hang-on to my faith, but having grown older, I decided to dive deep into the most recent archaeology, as well as read and reread the Old Testament, upon which everything is founded.

None of it holds water.

The Old Testament is a recipe-book on how to manufacture a personality disordered individual who will serve The State, at best, a foundation myth at worst.

I am NOT an atheist. I have hope in a loving creator that will make things right for all living souls (animal & human), but I will no longer worship that THING in the OT.

Jesus said, ‘You will know a tree by its fruits.’. The state of society, both past and present, is enough for me to know the fruits of The Old Testament.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kiel
1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Nothing wrong with being a Gnostic! Jesus said no man has seen the Father so that knocks out the OT in one fell swoop.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

it is written:
Psalm 119:160
The SUM of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

And a remnant shall be saved

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

That is what the Rev. Billy Graham’s wife said I have read – “if God doesn’t punish America, he need to apologize to Sodom and Gormorrah” … but “the Lord moves in mysterious ways”. As the Hindus and Buddhists would tell you, karma can be indirect. The high % of “vaccine acceptance” among that aforementioned group may result in a high % of you know what.

1 year ago

Our family ALWAYS votes — in every primary and every general election — both state and national. My heritage is Cherokee Indian on my paternal side and, for me, it is always critical to vote.

That said, we have always (100%) voted conservatively. It’s how we raised our 7 kids as well. We also do not identify with any political party (we are NOT registered republicans even though we always vote conservative — which typically means voting republican).

This article is a great read and you are spot on in everything. While I don’t agree with sitting out of the voting, I completely understand your desire to do so, Brian.

I did not want to vote this year because of the rampant corruption and cheating in our voting process, but my husband and I talked it over. He made some excellent arguments as to why we must vote anyway — too lengthy for already too long of a comment. So, I’ve voted in two elections this year and look forward to voting in November; though, I don’t have a lot of hope that our candidates will be named as the victors. God bless!

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

You’re so right, Susan.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

The Republican Party ended slavery in the USA. Lincoln may have been cautious after becoming President until the Emancipation Proclamation but in the Lincoln-Douglas debates (1858?) he said he was not in favor of stealing “the fruits of labor” from the worker – this is what slavery did. The “Radical Republicans” in Congress were all abolitionists and even more “extreme”. After his assassination, much of the repression – the KKK, Jim Crow laws – was due to the Democrats. I understand Teddy Roosevelt integrated the military and Woodrow Wilson re-segregated it. Also the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would not have passed Congress had the Republicans not supported it. I have always found it ironic that black folks would vote for the other party.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

My heritage is Cherokee on the maternal side but I am only 1/16th. My great great grandmother and her husband from Scotland did not go into town much as the locals in South Georgia would harass them.

1 year ago

The way in which “they” have been pushing this agenda forward with sheer, unrelenting ferocity is what is most astonishing to me. I remember almost immediately after the Obergefell v. Hodges decision was made is when they started upping the intensity on the “T” aspect of the alphabet agenda through the Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner rhetoric and later the manufactured controversy over the ratification of House Bill 2 in my state (North Carolina). I remember in the mid-2000s when transgenderism was considered to be taboo, and now we have Desmond is Amazing, My Pregnant Husband, Drag Queen Story Hour, and children on puberty blockers. How all this has happened in so quickly is beyond me.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

It’s called programming for a reason.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

I agree. What infuriates me is reading Bruce Jenner in Twitter acting outraged at this movement (that is moving to legalize pedophilia – that has always been the goal of these demons.). I’ve written him back several times: “YOU did this!’

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

The World Economic Forum is and has been orchestrating it. Their website tells all their methods.

1 year ago

The democrats have been pushing this degenerate agenda while the republicans have been complicit of this with their continued silence, with the exception of a few. The two party system in the US has been a failure for the voters for decades. Congress votes their selves pay raise every few years and at the same time receiving larger sums from lobbyists to do their bidding. Both parties have let our country slide into third world status all the while they have become millionaires. This whole pandemic thing has certainly shown most of us how worthless and dishonest our representatives in DC and state houses are. I don’t think there is much difference in either political party in this country. Their words are meaningless, focus on their actions, or lack of action. They are not in positions of power for any of their constituents, only for themselves. There needs to be campaign reform bills passed by Congress to include yearly financial audits of politicians, end of mail in ballots to all and the end of hackable electronic voting machines. Don’t hold your breath on this one.
I don’t want to sound negative or be a downer but I have watched these people for the last 40 years and it always the same. If you plan to contribute to a candidate be sure to donate to that particular candidate and not the DNC or RNC. They have been known to destroy their own candidates if they don’t tow the party line. I would also encourage you to not vote straight ticket. There’s horrible people in both parties that work to undermine their own party. Do your research, don’t just vote for a candidate according to the capital letter by their name. We simply must start electing more intelligent people to run the affairs of this country. Even if they just have some common sense they will be far beyond some of the dolts that rule now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I think the federal government is corrupt and can’t be fixed at this point without another American Revolution. Local and state governments can still be impacted so we should try to focus there. I have also read some articles about the county sheriff being an important official.

1 year ago

Everything that is going on in the so-called civilized world, reminds me of the outcome of the John Calhoun “Mouse Utopia” experiments. The parallels to those and our world today are eerily similar.

1 year ago

RE: While China bans degenerate pop culture, the White House invites said groups to speak at Americans, under the guise of “Asian hate crimes.”
BTS Visits the White House.

Just to clarify this point if it’s not already known, BTS is South Korean, not Chinese.

1 year ago

I haven’t voted in many years and no plans to vote in the future!

None of these parties, including so-called independent parties, have earned my trust or my vote. Trust and votes need to be earned and it takes time earn them and to prove trustworthiness!

1 year ago

I had the foreman of a concrete crew ask me once, in front of all his men, if I was homophobic?
I told him yes, I was born that way.
Ahmadinejad should have dumped something like that on “Piers”.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago

United Methodist churches in the US are voting to either leave the demonization to follow God’s Word or to continue to throw it in the face of God and say it is wrong. One church where I live voted last night to stay in the apostate church and the homosexuals and those who love them (right into hell) are out celebrating. I told one person at this church several months ago “well, either you chose to believe God’s Word of you don’t.” She just stared at me. Here is the issue as someone told me a whole back: you either believe God is righteous and try or God is a liar. Choose.

Student of Mary
Student of Mary
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Susan, I get how awful this is, but it’s best not to judge who is going to hell. That is reserved for God alone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Susan Jones, I so dislike the UMC. Visiting with my mother over the years, who has been a member for about 40 years, I’ve seen plenty of ministers’ examples of disbelief in the Bible. One minister once said, “Now, I don’t believe for a minute that Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger; there were good people back then, just as there are now, and someone in that inn would have given up their room.” Another, a woman, made sure to point out but not offer any of the explanations for a detail of difference between something mentioned in two of the Gospels. Whenever anything is taught about creation, it honors and obeys the hierarchy, which if you go to Creation Ministries International’s website, you can find a report about the UMC’s official position of believing Darwin over Jesus, basically. They’ll teach you yoga, before they’ll honor Jesus on creation. Jesus, God in human flesh, apparently did not know what He was talking about. He is a liar and sinner, and not sinless, by the way, according to half or more of the Bible versions in the pews. Read No Liars In Heaven, about John 7:8 and what has been done to it, merely by unjustifiably removing one incidence of two, of the word “yet”. DOESN’T MATTER TO THE MINISTER. And women cannot be pastors, according to the Bible.

Abandon ship! Launch a lifeboat and get out! As one former old mainline denomination minister once said on a Christian radio program: “Once a congregation is infected with liberalism, you might as well leave, there’s no saving it. It’s all downhill from there.”

And a good litmus test of a church is if it held a Covid vaccine clinic, which my mom’s did.

1 year ago

My fellow highly educated otherwise wonderful, stable black women friends, all professing Christian, are full 100% all in on the leftist agenda. Their brain has blocked out the cognitive dissonance. They’ll always vote D, and yet blame R or some other nebulous phenomena for the crime and rot in their D-controlled cities. I feel both fascinated and hopeless whenever our discussions wander to these topics.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

I live in a primarily white, well-off area. But there’s a nice size professional black community as well as small pockets of poor inner-city blacks. That a healthy majority of the of the whites have swallowed this scamdemic and demonic narrative i was not surprised. They are idiots. I was surprised that a majority of the blacks in both of these communities did too. I always thought that blacks, with good reason, had a healthy suspicion of government etc. But not on these areas. They are brainwashed as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

“I live in a primarily white, well-off area. But there’s a nice size professional black community as well as small pockets of poor inner-city blacks.”

Mom & Dad grew-up in Philadelphia in the 1930’s, blue collar, one block over was the ‘black’ part of town, They used to shop in the black community every week, their favorite restaurant what there, going there was a part of everyday iife.

My dad worked long hours, and my mother, a petite pretty blond would take my brother in his stroller there to shop, alone, by herself. It was a different world back then, and doesn’t need to be this way now.

We’ve been funneled into this kill-chute by the usual suspects, they’ve yet to realize that they will follow shortlyl

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

It is reminding of the need for a Bible study to determine the answer to the question: Who was Jesus talking about, when He said, I’m sorry, I never knew you.

1 year ago

Been an indepedent. Usually vote conservative but will no longer participate. Win or lose – you participate which means you accept it the outcome. I do not accept criminals, thieves and traitors.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buzz

I hear ya. I’ve been inflicted with voter apathy for a long time. People are forced to choose between the lesser evils, even within the party. I didn’t vote for a couple of decades because of your reasoning. I have the last couple of election cycles, I guess expecting different results. There’s a definition for people like me. Haha

Craig weisman
Craig weisman
1 year ago

John 3:3
John 3:16
Ephesians 5:11

God Almighty is is absolute control, so come to Jesus Christ.

1 year ago

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”
~ Emma Goldman

1 year ago

Demos betrayed the white working class and now it’s betraying blacks. Liberals care only for themselves. I told my liberal friend that south africa is introducing travel passes at the airports. It’s only a question till africans moving across the land borders are told the same thing and the country becomes a nwo hellhole complete with biometrics to stamp out corruption if only eskom can keep the power going and the tech is maintained. None of the possible outcomes occurred to liberal friend who simply enters the zombie void but then manages to point out that vaccines weren’t mentioned in the article. Because he can’t think two steps ahead for some reason. I’m done with liberals. Mayne the Vax is destroying his prefrontal cortex

1 year ago
Reply to  Beth

“Demos betrayed the white working class and now it’s betraying blacks.”

Just wait until ‘oppressed’ middle-class white women find-out they’re next on the laundry list.

1 year ago

I love philosophy and cosmology in general. My experiences with the human race led me to the philosophy of Pessimism. For me humanity is a species that should rather not be because of the bad structure of our brain and mind. Most people have only a very low level of consciousness (LoC) and will never mature to higher levels in their lives.

Many religions reflect the insufficienies of the human mind. I think there are other highly advanced species not far away in our galaxy but they don’t want to interfere with us because of the poor design of the human mind.

Our species was very likely isolated with the so-called 666-seal when the former early human race was conquered and genetically mutulated by Nephilim around 85 thousand years ago. The seal isolates us from the rest of the universe and is tightly bound to the presence of ring planet Saturn which is actually the physical location of Satan.

The rings of Saturn oscillate on a very broad spectrum and interfere with the native cosmic wave form information structure of Earth over the Saturn-Moon-Matrix. That’s why I believe the human race is in end time modus all the time. We always lived in dark times because of the 666-seal, even when our world was less technological developed.

1 year ago

The last time I voted in a presidential selection was in 1992 for “Slick Willie” Clinton because Ross “Can I Finish?” Perot didn’t make it on the ballot. Thereafter, I would write in “Almighty God” for president and then voted on the local statues which I also eventually stopped doing. I was too young to vote in the 1970s but I always wanted to vote for representatives of The Black Panther Party For Self Defense being I am from Oakland, related by blood to the original co-founder, Chairman Bobby Seale, and completely identified with its revolutionary principles. Remember The People’s Party (no corporate money)? There’s always been more than 2 political parties in the U.S. It irks me to witness this liberal vs. conservative, repub vs. demo nonsense (antithesis vs. thesis), clearly a sign of going nowhere. Both are corrupt and two sides of the same coin. I lost friends of all ethnicities when I said I didn’t vote for Obama. “Black faces in high places…”(quote from Fred Hampton Jr.) Hacking Democracy is a documentary worth revisiting if those want clarity on the voting scam they might be into. Peace and thank you Brian for all you’re doing.

Greetings from Spain

Nunca he votado y nunca lo haré

It's all destructive
It's all destructive
1 year ago

Homosexuality is a dead end. After the initial “thrill” of doing something taboo there is no where to go and this is why so many gay men have thousands of partners. It’s like crack, you can never get that same high back of doing something unnatural but you keep trying. In the end they end up lonely and angry at the world for their situation. It’s not much better for lesbians. They lose interest in sex with their partner quickly then become increasingly controlling and unhinged. Domestic violence is very high among lesbians. When the media and the politicians gave them power they used it destructively to lash out at anything normal. they’re trying to create some deranged world where everything we know to be good is deemed bad and replaced by immoral satanic nonsense. They want everyone to be unhappy because they are unhappy.

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