Charles Hatfield: 1916 San Diego floods caused by man known as “the rainmaker” expose all climate change, global warming narratives as international rackets
October 27, 2022

Mr. Charles Hatfield. PHOTO CREDIT: San Diego Public Library.

The more you learn about Dr. Kary Mullis, the easier it is to love the guy. Dr. Mullis was a surfer, married four times, and experimented with hallucinogenic drugs. He was very human. But most importantly, he won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for inventing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Dr. Mullis said over and over again in the 1990s and 2000s that his invention is not a “test.” You can find anything in anybody if you perform enough PCR cycles and perform them well, he said.

His other area of expertise was climatology, which he spoke about in no uncertain terms. “There isn’t a shred of evidence that human beings had any effect [on climate],” Dr. Mullis said in a 2010 lecture at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, California. “Climatology has become kind of a joke. All those people meeting in Copenhagen and deciding that everybody needs to stop cooking over sterno stoves in Africa…those people don’t know nothing.”

Of course Dr. Mullis suspiciously passed away on August 7, 2019, right before “COVID” hit. He isn’t here to tell the world that his invention (PCR) is not a test, and that the billions of so-called COVID-19 diagnoses derived from his invention are/were fraudulent.

RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)


Dr. Mullis is also not here to laugh at mainstream media blaming “climate change” for all the post-injection heart attacks and other illnesses in 2022.

HAARP and “climate change”

Anyone who has followed the so-called “conspiracy space” or alt-news since the turn of the millennium has heard about the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, aka HAARP. The Gakona, Alaska-based initiative was commenced by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1993. It is technically, as of 2015, managed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

We know that HAARP is able to artificially and deliberately manipulate the weather, including earthquakes. “Normies” believe that is impossible, and dismiss said truth as “conspiracy theory.” The government says the main function of HAARP is to measure the effects of sending radiation into the atmosphere. More on that later.

Most people have heard of the Bermuda Triangle.

Since the early 1800, dozens of airplanes and boats traveling through that area have mysteriously disappeared. Most mainstream commentators dismiss the possibility of paranormal activity causing the disturbances. The most common supernatural belief about the Bermuda Triangle is that the millions of enslaved Africans who were dumped into the waters during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade are now haunting the area. Regardless, some of the incidents are too weird to explain.

A U.S. military aircraft vanished into thin air on December 5, 1945. A second military aircraft was sent to find the plane the same day. That aircraft also disappeared into thin air. A total of 27 airmen were never heard from again. Eastern Caribbean Airways Flight 912 departed St. Croix en route to St. Thomas on November 3, 1978. Air traffic controllers spotted the plane’s flashing lights one mile from the runway, and cleared the pilot to land at St. Thomas. The plane suddenly vanished without a trace.

Far fewer people have ever heard of the Alaska Triangle. Coincidentally or otherwise, HAARP is located in the near-exact geographic center of the Alaska Triangle.

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The Alaska Triangle is far more sinister than Bermuda. There are no real official data. But several sources claim that 16,000 people went missing in the Alaska Triangle from 1988 to 2017. The U.S. Department of Justice reported 1,496 more missing Alaskans in 2020. The state only has 732,000 total residents. To put that in more perspective, WALB News 10 reported in 2019 that Alaska had about 42 missing people per 100,000 residents. The next closest state was Arizona, with 13 missing people per 100,000.

Granted Alaska is a giant, cold, largely uninhabited frontier. It’d be pretty easy to get lost and just disappear forever. But there’s no official explanation as to why so many people disappear. The Tlingit are an indigenous tribe native to the region. They believe mythical, shape-shifting creatures called Kushtaka are responsible. That reminded this blogger of the scariest thing he ever saw as a young child on television – the Bunyip in the 1977 Australian animated musical film “Dot and the Kangaroo.”

There’s also those incredible, enchanting aurora borealis, aka Alaska Northern Lights, that are typically most visible between August and April. It just adds more intrigue.

This article is not a comprehensive HAARP piece. For further information, read Angels Don’t Play This HAARP (1995) by Nick Begich, and a more dry, technical book, HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy (1998). The point is that weather has been controlled by TPTB for at least 80 years. Floods, droughts, hardcore hurricanes, etc. have nothing to do with the so-called Climate Change®.

The well-documented origins of HAARP date back to the early 1900s. And if they could control the weather back then, just imagine how things have advanced 100 years later.

Charles Hatfield, “The Rainmaker”

Mr. Charles Mallory Hatfield was born into a Quaker family in Fort Scott, Kansas in 1875. His family moved to San Diego County in the mid-1880s and started a sewing machine business. Mr. Hatfield became a salesman at the family business when he turned 18. But his greatest ambition in life was pluviculture, aka “rainmaking.” Mr. Hatfield left the family business in 1904 to pursue his dream.

He read several books and spoke to other people who were already known as rainmakers. By then, Mr. Hatfield had created a secret mixture of 23 ingredients – including dynamite and nitroglycerin – that he could unleash into the atmosphere via evaporator tanks, to create rain. The key is for there to be clouds in the sky, and to chemically force the water from said clouds to fall to the ground.

Mr. Hatfield’s first paying job was with the city of Los Angeles. The area had been suffering from severe drought for hundreds of years. Mr. Hatfield signed a deal, guaranteeing 18 inches of rain in five months, in exchange for $1,000 (about $33,000 today). It worked, and Mr. Hatfield became a superstar. By 1915, he had completed rainmaking jobs for cotton growers, miners and many others across several U.S. states and territories. His price went up, to about $4,000 ($130,000 today) for four inches of rain by 1915.

Charles Hatfield rainmaking towers in San Diego. PHOTO CREDIT: Chas M. Hatfield.

San Diego County needed rain bad. Mr. Hatfield promised to fill an entire reservoir with 15 billion gallons of water in one year. The price was settled at $10,000 ($294,000 today), according to the San Diego Public Library. As always, it worked. But this time it worked too well. Heavy rains began falling on January 5, 1916. Heavy rains continued almost everyday through January 18. It caused severe flooding throughout the county. The rain finally stopped on January 20, but picked right back up two days later.

The Lower Otai Dam broke on January 27, causing massive flooding and killing at least 19 people. A 20-foot high wall of water ravaged the area. Roads, railroads, farms, and homes were completely destroyed. Survivors were trapped. Some areas reported more than 30 inches of rain in those weeks. Despite all that water, the reservoir Mr. Hatfield promised to fill, still wasn’t full. So he continued his work, sending more chemicals into the atmosphere. Several more dams were in jeopardy of bursting.

Old Town Bridge at San Diego River in Mission Valley. PHOTO CREDIT: City of San Diego.

The reservoir finally filled on January 30; and Mr. Hatfield wanted his money. But he was greeted by mobs of people who wanted to lynch him at San Diego City Hall. The city refused to pay Mr. Hatfield, as that would make them liable for damages from all the people’s lives who were ruined. Mr. Hatfield refused the condition that if the city paid him, he would sign an affidavit, taking full responsibility for the floods. The transaction never happened. But here’s the most interesting part.

Litigation went on for 20 years before it reached the California Supreme Court. It ruled that the floods were “an act of god.” Thus neither the city, nor Mr. Hatfield could be held liable. Mainstream media continued running stories about Mr. Hatfield through the early 1990s, until “climate change” became an industry.

Mr. Hatfield continued his rainmaking career, and became quite wealthy. He died in 1958, claiming to have created rain 500 times in his life. The official story is that the ingredients of his rainmaking concoction were buried with his body. The only people who believe that are the same people who believe mRNA injections are “safe and effective.”

Genocide by weather

The COVID Blog™ has declared several times that the global human population will shrink by at least 40% from January 2020 to December 31, 2024. Most of that will be/is the result of the vaccine genocide and sterilization of humanity via the injections (no more procreation). But famine will play a very significant role as well.

The World Meteorological Organization, a division of the United Nations, declared in 2021 that droughts are the deadliest natural disasters on Earth. TPTB could easily cook up a HAARP/Hatfield Special, bring rain to those places, and save hundreds of thousands of lives. But they’d rather let the people die, and blame “climate change” for the drought. Mainstream media continue pushing the “climate change” narrative whenever a natural disaster happens that they likely cooked up themselves.

But critical thinkers understand that both the methods and the malevolent will to create and/or prevent these deadly weather phenomena exist.

This blogger’s hypothesis, as to all the missing people in the Alaska Triangle, is related to the high levels of radiation emitted by HAARP. It utilizes military-grade radiation for its experiments and endeavors. It’s likely that people just spontaneously drop dead, and get eaten by wolves, bears and/or wolverines. But we’ll never know the whole truth.

The California Supreme Court decision, ruling that the 1916 San Diego floods were an act of god, was strategic by TPTB. Had they ruled against the city and/or Mr. Hatfield, there would today still be a major U.S. court decision proving that rainmaking not only exists, but is done for profit. Any other decision would have prevented TPTB from using Mr. Hatfield’s formula for their own wicked weather manipulation wet dreams (no pun intended) once Mr. Hatfield died.

Climate change is a profitable, global industry. But it has nothing to do with the mass die-offs of humanity in 2021-22, nothing to do with harsh weather phenomena, and nothing to do with critical thinking. It is simply another propaganda deflection that allows TPTB to kill more people via artificial manipulation of weather, on their way to the ultimate goal of only 500 million humans by 2030. What a racket.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

If the Bunyip were the scariest thing you saw as a child, you obviously never viewed the Sleestack in the original Land of the Lost. That was some nightmare inducing stuff!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Lol I’m gen X also & I was terrified of both!

1 year ago

Fascinating. It seems that every technological problem has already been solved, usually by the 1920s, and the solutions have been covered up. What was it about that time in history, when so much discovery and invention took place? It had to be there just wasn’t a system or a strong enough one to control, manipulate, and suppress it back then as compared to now.

It’s hard to imagine what other discoveries, inventions, and technologies have been held back. Reportedly there are 4 or 5 thousand patents kept secret and/or prevented from being used today.

1 year ago

Brian, you’re a breathe of fresh air.

Finally it all makes sense. The heart always knows the truth and will easily reject falsehood, it’s ingrained in us by God. Yes the head may not be able to prove what the heart always knew, but it doesn’t stop the heart. A time eventually comes when the head finally comes up to speed via new or better information and everything just clicks. You just need to be patient.

On the flip side, you can also dull that heart voice or conscience over time when you refuse to give it precedence over the lies and propaganda or engage in ongoing willfull compromise.

Thank you so much. It all makes sense now.

1 year ago

Mr Hatfield sounds like the Pied Piper. Here in Australia we’re seeing massive flooding in rural areas that are very productive agricultural lands. Tptb trying to starve us.

1 year ago

Climate change is just another bs reason to tax the people.

If they cared about the planet they would stop with the plastic and garbage-producing, built-in obsolescence.

Read about the Phoebus cartel for another 100 year old plan by companies to ensure lightbulbs don’t last too long.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Excellent work Brian. There are many videos on YouTube showing weather manipulation, one features Jeremy Clarkson were artificial clouds are created and it rains.

I’ve said it many times, climate change is nothing but a Trojan horse for world unity/globalism, primarily to get people to bow down and worship the anti-christ (The papacy).

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

The real anti-christ is who killed him, literally.

John E. Brennan
John E. Brennan
1 year ago

Great article. Many of us have suspected that there was much more to the great climate change hoax. You’re also onto something with the mysterious deaths, possibly caused by manmade radiation. In his book, The Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firstenberg alleged that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was caused by the new military wireless transmitters, crude but very powerful. It was NOT caused by a transmissible microbe, as a thorough study done at the time on 100 healthy subjects showed that it was not possible to transmit the disease from ill subjects to healthy ones.

1 year ago

The Good Book says that even the creation itself groans for the Parousia. “Climate change” is the rope-a-dope for the (m)asses to look the other way from Him and fail to get a clue.

1 year ago

always like reading your site filed with tidbits of information that make you go”???” keep up the great work we all need more “??”

it's all so destructive
it's all so destructive
1 year ago

They’re terraforming the planet to make it inhospitable to human life. Net Zero carbon means net zero life because all life (plants animals humans) depend on carbon to live.

1 year ago

Then maybe the “people” terraforming the Earth aren’t even human?

1 year ago

I can’t believe HAARP and the manipulation of earthquakes and hurricanes, why not black holes. So I’m a normie Ok

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