TGIF: “misinformation takedown portal” between Facebook, Biden Administration exposed, Ben Shapiro vaccine mea culpa, and 25-plus more sudden deaths
November 4, 2022 (updated November 5, 2022)

Every week in these digest articles, we recap a representative sample of vaccine genocide deaths. There’s almost always something about “eat zee bugs” in said articles. This week is no different.

More than 1,000 Australian schools are now selling “cricket corn chips” to kids as young as 5 years old. Circle Harvest, the West Sydney company that produces these cricket chips, wants its products in 6,000 schools, along with nursing homes, by mid-2023. They regurgitate the same bug-eating talking points – high in protein, you’re already eating bugs, and attitudes are shifting. The uniformity of these articles is no coincidence. It’s all about marketing and messaging to promote and condition people into accepting this abhorrent, repugnant agenda.

Monkeypox update

One thing we haven’t mentioned in a while is our old friend monkeypox. That’s because of a simple, obvious truth – monkeypox is a homosexual male disease. Nearly 99% of the 6,027 worldwide cases reported at the end of June were homosexual males, with most of those cases being in Europe. The CDC released data last week on 57 monkeypox cases. Nearly all of them were homosexual men, with 82% (47) of them also having AIDS.

RELATED: Monkeypox: how this all started and where it’s headed (May 25, 2022)


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services renewed its monkeypox “public health emergency” on Wednesday. An article published earlier this week in The New England Journal of Medicine recommended that monkeypox be reclassified as a sexually-transmitted infection (“STI”, formerly “STD”). But that would force mainstream media to tell the truth about monkeypox. So it won’t happen.

The only people in danger of catching monkeypox are homosexual males and people who hang around said crowd. Homosexual culture is given Zionist-like, beyond reproach divinity and protection in the U.S. and Europe. Thus monkeypox truth must be censored, fluffed and/or fallaciously universalized. The entire agenda appears to have backfired, as the original goal was Pandemic Part 2. But only the Western world’s second-most protected class is affected by it.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


Walensky update

We must take all these celebrity and government “I got my booster” social media posts with a grain of salt. Many of them receive placebos or just get the vaccine card/passport forged. But this saga with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky is a page-turner.

She (allegedly) received the “bivalent” booster shot on September 22. It was at least her fourth shot. Some are reporting it was her fifth.

Walensky tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on October 21. She took Paxlovid, tested negative, got sick again, then tested positive again on October 30. Fauci and Biden also got sick again after taking Paxlovid for their so-called COVID-19. Walensky is experiencing “minor symptoms” and isolating at home.

Granted Walensky likely doesn’t run her own Twitter account, or at least has a few assistant interns. But she has not tweeted anything since October 21. Walensky averaged a little over one tweet per day in 2022 before the disappearance. It’s probably nothing. But again, this is 2022.

Missouri vs. Biden case heats up, produces confidential documents showing Facebook/White House “content request takedown system”

The most-powerful legal litmus test for accountability in this entire COVID/”vaccine” racket is the #Pfizergate case (U.S. ex rel Jackson vs. Pfizer et al., 1:21-cv-00008-MJT, Eastern District of Texas). It is led by whistleblower Ms. Brook Jackson, formerly of Ventavia Research Group. The case could potentially rescind Pfizer’s two-layers of legal immunity due to fraud against the public and the government.

But the Missouri vs. Biden et al. case, which is working its way through the Western District of Louisiana, is a close second in importance. The case, filed in May by the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana, seeks to prove collusion between big tech companies and the federal government to suppress and censor what the latter deems “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

An October 21 order by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty compelled several Biden Administration officials, including Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and CDC Chief of
the Digital Media Branch Carol Crawford, to be deposed under oath.

The Court, on Wednesday, affirmed deposition dates of December 1, December 6, and December 9, respectively, for Murthy, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Jen Easterly, and Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of White House Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty. But many interesting and formerly confidential documents are now public as a result of early discovery.

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A treasure-trove of exhibits were filed in the case on August 31. One is a text message chain between Murthy and an unnamed Facebook executive. It discloses that the former Biden “Disinformation Governance Board (DSG)” is now a subdivision of CISA. Instead of Nina Jankowicz, this more-covert DSG is led by Homeland Security Undersecretary Rob Silver.

The text chain also confirms that Murthy and Facebook had meetings in Washington, D.C. Murthy told the Facebook executive via the text chain (read it all here), “[We are] trying to get to a place where [the federal government] can work with platforms to better understand [misinformation] trends so relevant agencies can try to prebunk/debunk as useful.” That’s just the beginning.

Both Facebook and Twitter created online portals that designated U.S. government officials can log into, and directly order the platforms to censor specific posts and links, and kick people specific off the platform.

The documents also show that former Twitter General Counsel Vijaya Gadde met with Homeland Security officials at least ten times since 2021.

Vijaya Gadde.

New Twitter owner Elon Musk fired Gadde last week. Her severance package is said to be worth $35 million. But if government collusion and/or fraud is proven, Twitter may not have to pay it out. There’s also documented evidence showing that the FBI was directly involved in Twitter censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 Elections.

We’ll continue following this case, and update in due course.

Vaxx zealot Ben Shapiro regrets receiving the injections

To be clear, this blogger knew nothing about Ben Shapiro until this week.  In fact for a while, there was confusion distinguishing Mr. Shapiro from the Parkland School shooting guy, David Hogg.

By the same token, and for more perspective, this blogger cannot identify even one Kanye West song despite him being one of the most popular music artists of the last decade or two. The only reason Mr. West was known at all prior to all the recent drama was the Hurricane Katrina clip back in 2005.

That said, Mr. Shapiro is wildly popular among young Republicans. He has over 8 million followers between Instagram and Twitter. Mr. Shapiro is an “Orthodox Jew.” But he only likes other Jews who vote for Republicans.

Mr. Shapiro is high up on the Zionist pyramid, demonstrated by his recent meeting with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv.

Mr. Shapiro is a Harvard law graduate. He was a nationally-syndicated columnist at age 17. Today he hosts The Ben Shapiro Show and is editor emeritus of The Daily Wire. But Mr. Shapiro only showed up on this blogger’s radar in 2021 because he’s a vaxx zealot.

It started on December 8, 2020, when Mr. Shapiro told his followers “get the vaccine, dopes.”

He received at least two mRNA injections. But it appears he bypassed booster shots.

Mr. Shapiro has repeatedly regurgitated all of the most common CDC/Fauci “vaccine” talking points.

But he had a sudden mea culpa last week. Mr. Shapiro said, among other things, on the October 25 episode of his show:

“It is now perfectly clear that we were lied to. And we were lied to at a very high level and from very, very early on by both the vaccine companies, in terms of the ability of the vaccine to prevent transmission, and … by our politicians who apparently knew better.”

He also said that he regrets receiving the injections. This mea culpa was triggered by Pfizer executive Janine Small admitting to the E.U. Parliament on October 10, that Pfizer never tested the injections to prevent transmission of the alleged virus. Thus, the “child prodigy” and Harvard Law graduate, could not discern elephant-in-the-room truth that’s been readily available since January 2021. And now he wants to blame people who “knew better” for his own decisions and vaxx zealotry.

It’s much easier to have sympathy for someone like Mr. Dan Bongino, who humbly admitted that he was wrong about the injections on August 22. Mr. Shapiro could also sincerely and publicly apologize like other reformed vaxx zealots. This guy from last week did it the right way.

You reap what you sow. The good news for Mr. Shapiro is that, based on his connections, he and his family likely received placebos. But time will tell.

RELATED: Tuesday Tidings: “insect protein” at major festivals, NBC News has mea culpa, and 11 more sudden, unexpected deaths in the global vaccine genocide (July 19, 2022)


We know that vaxxed people die while sleeping or drop dead doing pretty much anything from walking to dancing. But there is a definitive and undeniable pattern of vaxxed people dropping dead while biking, swimming, and playing soccer. Now it appear mainstream media are using reverse psychology to encourage the vaxxed masses to kill themselves quicker.

A study published last month in the British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that “regular physical activity…improved vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalization, with higher levels of physical activity associated with greater vaccine effectiveness.” Several mainstream media outlets, including the Washington Post and Fortune magazine, promoted the study.

The research is valid through the lens of truth. The mRNA and viral vector injections were created to kill millions of people. Thus physical activity does in fact make the injections more effective in carrying out their primary intended purpose. Vaxxed people across the globe are the real-world, real-time experimental group in this real-life Oceania called The Great Reset.

Note that a few of these deaths are from August and September, as we try and clean out our email inbox.

Jana Christopherson: 41-year-old Utah woman dies in her sleep

Ms. Jana Lyn Perkins Christopherson resided in Riverdale, Utah. She worked in sales with her father at a company called River Rock Cabinetry.

Ms. Christopherson “passed away unexpectedly and peacefully in her sleep” on August 1.

Lauren Gilstrap: 38-year-old New Hampshire doctor dies without explanation

Dr. Lauren Gilstrap was a cardiologist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover, New Hampshire. She was also a professor at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. Dr. Gilstrap specialized in heart transplants and heart failure treatments. She was said to be a person of “deep faith,” and was “married” to a woman.

Details are scant. But Dr. Gilstrap died on October 21. Dartmouth has had vaccine mandates in place for all students and staff since September 2021 despite several protests against the mandates.

Cormac Roth: 25-year-old California musician dies from hyper-aggressive germ cell cancer

Mr. Cormac Roth was a Los Angeles-based musician. He is the son of British actor Tim Roth. Cormac graduated from Bennington College (Vermont) in 2019. One of his biggest moments in life, according to his Instagram page, was being the opening act in a 2018 Trevor Powers tour.

Mr. Roth announced via Instagram on July 13 that he was diagnosed with Stage 3 germ cell cancer, i.e. malignant testicular tumors, in November 2021. Testicular germ cell cancer is very rare, accounting for only 2% of all male cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute.

But germ cell cancer is the most common cancer for young men under age 35. Normal Stage 3 germ cell cancer has a 5-year survival rate between 87% and 93% depending on age at diagnosis. Normal choriocarcinoma, which was Mr. Roth’s final diagnosis, is even more rare, and more aggressive, but survivable.

RELATED: Yeah that’s normal: three young German federal league (Bundesliga) soccer players diagnosed with testicular cancer in the last three months (August 17, 2022)


Mr. Roth reported that he had lost 60 pounds after several rounds of mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy, multiple transplants and multiple transfusions. He urged everyone to see their doctors because “life is short.”

His final Instagram post on August 16 was a video. He had come to terms with his inevitable death. “Life is short. Be an undeniable force that lives and breathes that thing that you claim you love,” he said in the video. Mr. Roth “passed away peacefully” on October 16.

There’s no concrete evidence that he received the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. But Mr. Roth attended the 74th Cannes Film Festival in France in July 2021. Not only did the festival require a vaccine passport, but France required a vaccine card/passport for travelers entering the country at the time.

Samantha Roske: 25-year-old Minnesota hair stylist dies unexpectedly

Ms. Samantha “Sami” Jo Roske was a hair stylist based in Plymouth, Minnesota. She was studying to become a dental hygienist at Herzing University. Ms. Roske would have graduated in late September.

She died on September 4 “from natural causes of an undiagnosed heart condition,” according to an online obituary. Herzing University has a vaccine coercion policy. But the dental hygienist program requires clinical practice every semester. Herzing stated in its coercion policy that “almost all” of its clinical partners require the injections.

Kayla Lumpkins: 18-year-old Texas woman dies suddenly in her sleep; mother waffles about cause of death

Ms. Kayla Rose Lumpkins was a student at the University of Texas Dallas. She had full academic scholarships due to high achievements in choir, theater and dance, according to an online obituary. Ms. Lumpkins wanted to work as a theater teacher upon graduation.

Ms. Renee Greer, Kayla’s mother, began posting in the Facebook “Died Suddenly News” group last week. She announced that Kayla went to sleep on Thursday, September 8 and never woke up. You are not allowed to use any forms of the words “vaccine” and “death” in combination on Facebook. If you do, your posts are censored and your profile is banned. Thus Ms. Greer used the word “cupcakes” in place of vaccine. Note the usual workaround is using carrot emojis to indicate the lethal injections.

Kayla received a booster shot seven months before her death.

That post has since been deleted, as has another one that said, “I am 999999999999% certain that the cupcakes did this” to Kayla. Ms. Greer has deleted all posts from her Facebook profile that pointed to the injections killing her daughter. Perhaps that is because there is a GoFundMe page collecting funds in Kayla’s memory. GoFundMe also censors and deletes campaigns that even remotely insinuate that the lethal injections killed someone.

Aaron Marston: 47-year-old Maine soccer coach dies unexpectedly from cardiac arrest

Mr. Aaron Peter Marston was a professor of exercise science at the University of Maine’s Presque Isle campus. He was also the women’s head soccer coach. Mr. Marston received tenure at the university earlier this year, meaning his job was secured for as long as he wanted to keep it.

Mr. Marston died unexpectedly on October 19. His obituary lists the cause of death as “probable acute cardiac arrest.” All University of Maine campuses have had vaccine mandates for students and staff since August 2021.

Delaine Ford: 18-year-old South Carolina high school senior dies “unexpectedly”

Ms. Delaine Ford resided in Walterboro, South Carolina, according to her Facebook page. She was a senior at Colleton County High School, and captain of the school’s band.

Details are scant. But Ms. Ford “passed away unexpectedly” on October 29. She posted the following on Facebook earlier this year.

Adam Zimmer: 38-year-old NFL assistant coach found dead in his home

Mr. Adam Zimmer had been an assistant coach in the National Football League (NFL) since 2006. His longest stint was with the Minnesota Vikings as linebackers coach and co-defensive coordinator from 2012 to 2021. His father, Mike Zimmer, was the head coach of that Vikings the entire time. Adam joined the Cincinnati Bengals coaching staff as an offensive analyst for the 2022-23 season. His position was remote.

Mr. Zimmer was found dead at his Mendota Heights, Minnesota home during a police welfare check on Monday, October 31. No foul play is suspected. The NFL has had vaccine and booster mandates in place for all coaches and staff since April 2021. There is no mandate for players. Several coaches, including one Vikings coach, quit due to the mandates.

Andrew Allen: 7-year-old Kentucky boy dies from “sudden illness”

Andrew James Allen was a second-grader at Pikeville Elementary School. He loved being home with his family and playing board games with them, according to an online obituary.

Initial reports said Andrew died on Saturday, October 24 at University of Kentucky Children’s Hospital. The cause of death was “a medical issue.” A few days later, the same news station said the cause of death was “a sudden sickness.”

Paul Lichtenauer: 41-year-old Missouri teacher collapses and dies while riding a bike

Mr. Paul Lichtenauer was a teacher at Raymore-Peculiar Academy and at the vocational LEAD Center, both in suburban Kansas City. He played guitar for a band called Twice on Sunday. Mr. Lichtenauer was also a member of the Kansas Cycling Association, according to KHSB 41 News.

Mr. Lichtenauer was cycling on Rock Island Trail in Raytown, Missouri on Saturday, October 29. He suddenly collapsed. Reports say other cyclists and walkers tried to revive him. But Mr. Lichtenauer was pronounced dead at the scene. Several of his friends and acquaintances are blaming #ABV.

Michaela Bateman: 34-year-old British woman dies suddenly while getting her kids ready for school

Ms. Michaela Bateman resided in Frimley, Surrey, England. She was the mother of three young children, including a five-month-old. Ms. Bateman worked at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, according to her Facebook page.

She was getting her 9-year-old son dressed for school on September 29 when she suddenly screamed out in agony. Ms. Sharon Massingham, Michaela’s mother, said the pain quickly intensified, prompting her to call an ambulance. Michaela went into cardiac arrest upon arrival at the hospital. She was pronounced dead less than two hours later. The cause of death was a “catastrophic pulmonary embolism.”

Either Sharon or her husband now must quit their job to take care of their three grandkids. There’s apparently no father. The family lost Michaela’s grandmother/Sharon’s mom just ten days earlier. Here is Michaela’s Facebook post from March 10, 2021.

Whitney Oliver: 36-year-old Chicago art gallery manager dies in her sleep while 22-weeks pregnant

Mrs. Whitney Reising Oliver was the assistant studio manager and social media director at Project Onward, an art gallery in Chicago. She was 22-weeks pregnant with their first child. It was also the first child for her husband, Mr. Alex Oliver.

Mrs. Oliver “passed away peacefully while asleep” on October 29. Felix, their unborn son, also died.

The following is a Facebook post by Mrs. Oliver in April 2021.

Hannah Sicora: 31-year-old Minneapolis artist living in Mexico suffers heart attack and dies during art performance

Ms. Hannah Jillane Sicora lived in the Minneapolis-area for most of her life. She moved to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in 2021. Ms. Sicora painted pictures of animals. But she also did sexually-charged paintings and performances.

Ms. Sicora “experienced a heart attack during an intense art performance” on October 22, according to an online fundraiser. No further details are available.

Amy Greenwood: 22-year-old British woman collapses and dies from asthma attack?

We’re on the verge of at least adding an Asthma category to The COVID Blog™, and potentially another chapter to The COVID Blog™ book.

A search of the word “asthma” on this website brings up several cases of young people dropping dead, with asthma attacks or asthma being named as the cause of death. We know that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections reactivate dormant cancers and hasten new cancers. Further, asthma is a known, documented adverse effect of the mRNA injections, according to Pfizer’s own data. Vaxxed people with preexisting asthma have placed their lives in serious jeopardy.

Ms. Amy Greenwood resided in Skelmersdale, Lancashire. Her asthma was well-documented on social media.

Yet for some reason, she chose to receive the mRNA injections very early in the global rollout.


The positive news is that she still gave birth to a baby on July 2, 2022. But Ms. Greenwood suddenly collapsed in her home on October 19. Her heart stopped beating, aka cardiac arrest. Ms. Greenwood was rushed to the hospital. But doctors took her off life support on October 21.

A 2010 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Resuscitation followed 2,558 cardiac arrest patients over 14.5 years. It found that only 17 (0.66%) of said cases were caused solely by asthma. A total of 40, or 1.6% of the cases, were caused by a combination of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The average age of the 40 patients was 56, with 58% being men. Researchers concluded that “cardiac arrest caused by asthma/COPD is rare and overall survival is good.”

Ms. Greenwood was one of the most unlucky people on the planet if she really died from an asthma attack. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory.

DiShondra Goree: 40-year-old Washington state volleyball coach dies unexpectedly at home

Ms. DiShondra Goree was the head volleyball coach at Columbia Basin College in Kennewick, Washington. She held the same position at Kentucky State University and Shaw University (North Carolina) prior to her current job.

Ms. Goree posted a Facebook update on October 22 at 12:11 a.m. local time. It was a newspaper screenshot recognizing her teams 23-1 record start to the season.

She collapsed and died in her home hours later. Ms. Goree posted the following via Facebook in May 2021.

Victoria Moody: 18-year-old Arkansas cheerleader dies unexpectedly from pulmonary embolism

Ms. Victoria Leann Moody was a senior at North Little Rock High School. She was a member of the varsity cheerleading squad. Ms. Moody had already earned scholarships to attend the University of Arkansas or Mississippi State University in the Fall of 2023.

Ms. Moody was rushed to the hospital on October 23 because she was feeling ill. She died that night at the hospital. The cause of death was pulmonary embolism.

Kevin Williams: 37-year-old California coach and teacher dies unexpectedly

Mr. Kevin Tyrell Williams was a career and technical education (CTE) teacher at Gaston Middle School in Fresno. He was also head football coach and an assistant basketball coach at the school.

Details are scant. But Mr. Williams died unexpectedly on October 27. California has had a vaccine mandate for all teachers since August 2021.

Atamai Caetano Moraes: 27-year-old Brazil vaxx zealot doctor and lawyer collapses and dies of heart attack while on ICU duty

Dr. Atamai Caetano Moraes resided in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, according to his Facebook page. He worked at several area hospitals. Dr. Moraes also had a law degree from The Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. He’d done studies at both Harvard and Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Moraes was on ICU duty at Santa Casa de Prudentópolis on October 23. A co-worker found him unresponsive. Dr. Moraes was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of death was a heart attack.

This guy is one of the top 2 or 3 obnoxious, virtue-signaling vaxx zealots we’ve covered on The COVID Blog™. Dr. Moraes said he was in the hospital for four days after his first mRNA injection in January 2021. He suffered from encephalitis, seizures, high fever and memory loss. Despite all that, Dr. Moraes said, “I was, am and will continue to be fully in favor of mandatory vaccination.”

He also supported lockdowns and punitive punishments for the non-vaccinated.

Daniele Gonçalves Souza: 39-year-old Brazil event planner collapses and dies while working at a party

Ms. Daniele Gonçalves Souza, aka Dani Catiroba, resided in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. She was part of a band called Oz Bambaz, and managed a singer named Rubynho.

Ms. Souza was working at a party in the city of Barreiras on October 23 when she collapsed from a “sudden illness.” Paramedics attempted CPR. But Ms. Souza was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of death was a “massive heart attack.”

Eugenio Aranda: 11-year-old Argentina boy collapses and dies while playing soccer

Eugenio Aranda played indoor soccer for Club Atlético Victoriano Arenas in the city of Valentín Alsina, Buenos Aires Province. Details are scant. But from all accounts, Eugenio collapsed and died during a soccer game on October 22.

Annabel Greenhalgh: 11-year-old British girl dies unexpectedly

Annabel Greenhalgh was a Y7 student (i.e. first year of junior high) at Alcester Grammar School in Warwickshire. Few details are available. But Annabel “died unexpectedly” on October 14.

Michael Beaton: 28-year-old Scottish electrician dies suddenly

Mr. Michael “Mick” Beaton resided in Glasgow. He was a freelance electrician for the BBC. Mr. Beaton was a father of one and big fan of the The Celtic Football Club.

Details are scant. But Mr. Beaton died suddenly on or around October 20. None of the mainstream media reports listed a cause of death or even an exact date. But several of his friends were posting about it on Facebook as early as October 20.

Kayron Vanderson Silva Bezerra: 12-year-old Brazil martial artist dies suddenly from heart attack

Kayron Vanderson Silva Bezerra resided in Picos, Piauí, Brazil. He attended Escola do Professor João Carlos Nunes, and was training in jiu-jitsu.

Kayron suffered a heart attack at his home on or around October 27. He died a short time later. Some local outlets appear to be blaming the heart attack on a foot infection.

Katie Donnelly: 18-year-old Irish woman dies suddenly

Katie Donnelly was a student at Mount Lourdes Grammar School in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Few details are available. But Katie “died suddenly” on September 14.

And don’t forget about the robot takeover

The vaccine genocide, depopulation by famine, government-run digital currencies, and destroying the food supply are the most talked about aspects of The Great Reset. But police and military personnel are dying off all over the world due to mRNA mandates. Someone or something has to serve as protectors and enforcers for the powers-that-be (“TPTB”). Enter the robot class.

China has drones flying all over villages and cities warning people not to leave their homes. The follow video is from August 17 in Wuxi City, Zhejiang Province. The drone is saying “Community is in lockdown. Stay inside!” Nearly all of the drones are equipped with machine guns.

The United States started using these same drones during the 2020 lockdowns.

Then there’s those robot dogs that are being used by militaries and police (including the U.S.) across the globe.

China also uses drones to deliver the armed robot dogs to military and police scenes.

And the cute, nice R2D2 robots can malfunction at anytime and do serious damage to people. A Russian chess robot crushed and nearly ripped off a 7-year-old boy’s finger back on July 19 at the Moscow Chess Open. It took four adults to free the boy from the robot.

A Chinese porcelain factory worker somehow survived after a robot malfunctioned, and stabbed him with 10, one-foot-long spiked metal rods.

That happened in late 2018. And depending on where you live in the U.S., you may have run into”Marty the Grocery Robot” in your local supermarket.

This world will be completely unrecognizable by the end of 2024. Earth’s population will be 40% lower from what it was on January 1, 2020. The U.S. will lose at least 100 million American citizens and gain millions of immigrants. Cricket and grasshopper “food products” will be normal everywhere. Beef and chicken will be too expensive for anyone making under $400,000 per year to buy. There will be no cash, only central bank digital currencies. And 90% of humanity will be connected to a transhumanist, real-life Matrix.

Just think of how much has changed in this world already since 2020. A lot of the global population has digital vaccine passports on their smartphones. Free speech is long gone. It’s “normal” to see people driving around by themselves wearing masks. Vaccines and their manufacturers are now irreproachable deities. And people just spontaneously drop dead by the tens of thousands every day, while the masses deny it’s happening. The ride will only get bumpier.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Jim Gleeson
1 year ago

Concerning Ben Shapiro.

He was one of the first disappointments in the war against Covid related restrictions and regulations. He bought into masks and all the rest of it out of concern for his mother and father. I am not knocking him for that, but rather for not understanding the intellectual inconsistency of it. I don’t know Shapiro’s family history, but the question was, was he wearing masks/doing the hand sanitizer marinate, and the social distancing mambo each prior flu season. My speculation is, he was not. If that is so, he was acting intellectually inconsistent. Now he could get around that, by doing all these things that do not work into the future and making his visits with his parents that much more miserable, but hey, I am no doctor, nor do I play one on television.

Shapiro is the smart, fast talking conservative of the Daily Wire. (but you probably know that now) and I enjoyed listening to him, but since his stance on Covid, it was hard to listen to him realizing that everyone (myself included) has their breaking point.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

My problem with all the vaxxers is they pushed all the restrictions and mandates because they were afraid. Fine. Mask up and stay in your home. Do not violate my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because of your issues. He is as guilty as the rest of the vaxx zealots. Worse as he used his platform to validate and encourage others to harm themselves. I know no one had to follow him but it is still a dick move. No one should follow him now. I will never forgive and never forget.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I completely agree! I use to listen to him quite a bit, but I got so sick of “my wife is a doctor” schtick. He thinks vaccines are life saving because he believes his wife’s indoctrination is fact…when it is nothing more than regurgitated, unscientific nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

Yes, Jim, we all have a breaking point, but the problem with Ben is that HIS breaking point is set a lot lower than the bar is for many of us. How low are we supposed to lower the bar? Instead of raising the bar and encouraging us to overcome fear and societal pressure, they bowed to it. I have NO respect for any of that.

Ben is one of many “on our side” who showed his true colors during the covid scam. If covid and all the problems associated with it have a silver lining, it’s that peoples’ true colors were revealed. It’s about time we seriously evaluate who we listen to and who we respect.

And, by the way, my own mother, deep into dementia, is just as much a concern for me as Ben’s parents are to him. However, I did not give into the fear. I protected her from the medical/industrial complex and their desire to get her vaccinated. She is still alive to this day.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

As hard as I tried to keep my Mother out of the hospital, and caught them doing bad things, watching like a hawk, saving her life a few times, but they gave her a hospital acquired infection that took her life–just when she was ready to go home. I think they slipped her a V, which she KNEW NOT TO EVER TAKE!

1 year ago
Reply to  Crystal

I think you’re right Crystal. I wouldn’t put it past the hospital to do that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Ben Shapiro isn’t on “our side.” He’s a distraction. Misdirection. Controlled opposition. The man loves his money, and he won’t do anything to jeopardize his position, including toeing the line of abnormal Leftist behavior or anything else.

I, too, bought in to his “intelligent” personality. But things he has said or done in the past three years (prior to the plan-demic) opened my eyes. I was bitterly disappointed when I realized he’s in it for himself and his family.

I didn’t realize he was a vaxx-zealot, until now. At least he changed his mind. But when the government mandates something, Ben…. why didn’t you question it?

1 year ago
Reply to  ImChiquita

You are right.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

Not acting inconsistent, just plain ACTING… I have been watching the msm carefully for the past several months. At first the release of vax truth was a trickle. These last few weeks it has become a sizable creek…I predict it will really swell, soon. Now very high-profile media folk are being tasked with the new job of slowly releasing the truth. The timing of the Atlantic article calling for “amnesty” for former vax zealots, was carefully planned. Somehow, the coming election has something to do with a global type “civil war”. The globalists are clearly planning pitting one side against the other, with Musk playing good cop, against the Gates, Soros, Schwab etc. bad cops. The leaders will escape, of course…probably faking their deaths.

I saw my first person drop dead in the nature park last Sunday. He was dead before the ambulance could get there. I figured I would see this first in the park that I visit often. I will probably stumble on my first dead body there, as well.

By the way, I wouldn’t know Mr. West if I saw a photo without a caption. All I know is that he’s famous for something.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

Yup. It’s hard to admit I was listening to people dumber than me. One by one they went down as they pledged themselves to the jab narrative—locally a radio lawyer named Moreno to B Sexton, to F Graham, to Shapiro and many more. Only one local talking head survived my scrutiny. I’m wary of the next disappointment. Trust your own instincts and gut! Congrats if you did.

Van Franklin
Van Franklin
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

Bens been a disappointment to me for years. Always shilling for never ending neocon wars, he gives good jews a bad name. Prove me wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

I can’t remember for sure, but think I quit visiting the Daily Wire when it stopped allowing comments.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

I’m Center Right and I never liked or trusted Ben Shapiro. First of all, he is so full of himself and thinks he is smarter than what he is. Secondly I saw a chart once which traced the people who are backing and funding him, and its the same usual suspects tied to the Globalists. He is “controlled opposition” if there ever was such a thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

Aaargh, he lives in a bubble of intellectualized naivety. He was fully on board with the scandemic hype from day one. Constantly citing the fake CDC data and Fauci 3-wks-to-flatten-curve BS as unquestionable gospel truths…plus his previously endearing good boyscout attitude now sounded a bit sanctimonious.

He ardently believed the election results and refused to even acknowledge the blatant irregularities like switching off at midnight and turning back on with 100% flipped results next day.

By the time the vaxx was rolled out and he jumped on board, I was unsurprised, and I was done with him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

Shapiro is a prime example of how one can be very smart yet without a lick of wisdom. Of course, he’s an avowed cult member and cultists outsource their executive mind to their dear leaders. His narrow, in-the-box, slave-to-the-machine thinking is why I stopped listening to him a few years ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Gleeson

You are being very, very generous. I believe the man is bought and paid for, and only ‘expressed regret’ once it became clear the damage was too big to hide. Bear in mind, he has shown himself to be an excellent researcher. (apparently only when he wants to be!) A fact that doubtless helped persuade many in his audience to go out and get themselves shot up!!! How many died as a result? We may never know….
I don’t hat-e the man, but he NEEDS to repent and get right with the Lord. (as do those working with him.)

1 year ago

I am gonna go ahead and add that my manager has had many, many medical appointments this year. A couple weeks ago, she said she had to pop out for a few minutes for an appointment at the pharmacy. Is there anything you make an appointment for at a pharmacy aside from the jab? Well, now she had another medical appointment last week, and one day this week she was overtaken by nausea and took the rest of the day off. I am thinking the writing is on the wall and I am sad for her. She is a nice person and not a zealot about the jab, but apparently she believes in it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

There are many such people where I work. One lady got a booster and two days later collapsed in a meeting, and had a few days off work. She survived, for now. Others who still wear masks and I know have had boosters are sick, look sick and have aged tremendously. I’m truly surprised none have died yet, maybe they’ll start falling one by one. btw there was never a mandate where I work, they did it all voluntarily.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Daz

Some of these people indeed have been “boosted” if by that you mean boosted into the graveyard before their time. It is “touching” to read the posts “I got my COVID vaccine. We can do this!” Yes we can – die that is and all of us will eventually but it looks like the “early adopters” are going to get there ahead of the rest of us. VAERS (US) and EUDRA Vigilance (EU) are said by statisticians to give a gross undercount of the “events” but already they show more “official” deaths and side effects than all other so-called vaccines over a 20 year period. One must conclude that if we had honest governments this mass “vaccination” program would have been stopped long before now. The only conclusion most people who think for a living would have is that somehow they must be ‘in on it” whether it is social control or even worse the implementation of a mass depopulation program. “We’ve gone too far to back out now” to paraphrase an old rock and roll song.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daz

It was fear. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I got fired in May for not taking the jab, from a high paying tech sales job. I have not worked since and am working on my own business. I am so sick of corporate life. Out of the team of 6, I was the only one who did not get injected. One guy named Joel, about 50 got his jabs and about a month later in August, 2021 I heard “Joel is having liver problems”. He then began missing a lot of the virtual weekly sales meetings. He was in Minnesota, I am in CA and the rest of the team is all over the country. In March, 2022 he announced officially that he had a “rare blood cancer” and is going through chemo. I texted him some encouragement and he texted back “there is no cure for this”. I dont know what happened to him because I was fired a month later and not only 1 person out of the team got in touch with me after I was fired to send their encouragement and support. Out of those 5, all got Covid, Joel got cancer and another guy had a heart attack after their “vaccines”. I had none of that as a Pure Blood.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Shapiro now regrets getting these suicide jabs. Many who are jabbed will reach similar conclusions. Some of my vaxxed neighbors recently told me they too regret getting these suicide jabs. I do get a feeling of envy from some of them who know my wife and I are not jabbed. One neighbor already has heart issues and said he’s been jabbed 4 times, but says he’s not getting anymore. Might be a little too late for him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I tried to tell everyone in my family and my workplace and my friends. None of them listened except my son. And his girlfriend was in nursing school so she got jabbed. He has been exposed via sexual relations with her. Got the disease in September this year. She is always sick and testing positive. My oldest daughter has just realized that only the jabbed are getting sick and dying. I feel so bad for all of these people. They were deceived. I keep praying every day for help from God.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucy

Sadly, casualties of war. Some are innocent collateral damage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucy

I am sure you are aware the tests do not mean squat in terms of your son’s GF’s illnesses. What it really means is the jab poison is slowly destroying her body.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucy

I heard having sex with jabbed people is risky? I am not searching for a wife for now

1 year ago

I still wonder if the jabbed are detectable by black light.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Lucy

“She is always sick and testing positive.” Interesting, isn’t it? I think she is + from the injection causing her cells to produce spike proteins. You probably heard that CDC recently dropped without any fanfare a paragraph from their site on the injections. That paragraph said the molecules or whatever from the injections stay in the arm. Well, that statement is GONE. There is already too much evidence that they travel throughout the entire body. Ahhh, now we know, too late for many.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I hear regrets, but not from the following, their mindset has not changed. My husband’s nephew is now sick with Covid, off for a week or so, his mother and he and his sister got the shots. He’s eighteen. I see these young people presented here and I just think…

Not surprised you get the feeling of envy from your neighbors, and you certainly sound like a good one to them, but just be cautious and casual towards them. We unvaccinated will feel and hear more of this in the coming year. Jealousy can be a destruction emotion.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Cat, you and I are on the same page re: being cautious around my vaxxed neighbors. Some of my vaxxed neighbors are coming to the realization that these jabs have unintended consequences. While chatting with them, I can see the look on their faces as they try to figure out who to blame for their jabs. I live in western Washington state and over here many (not all) people (in western WA, not eastern WA) have been well trained to be victims e.g. it’s always someone else’s fault, so I’m wondering who my vaxxed neighbors will try to blame first. Of course, they won’t take responsibility. LOL!

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Let’s hope they don’t blame you, Frank!

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Sadly, they are going to blame the unVex’d. Because they didn’t get ’em, the fake variants are happening. They WILL turn us in, as the Bible says. Because they will be controlled if they survive. Also, they will get credits for doing so. Boost their digital allowance for finking on others. My only Sister turned against us with a passion. That is more heart breaking than losing them.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago
Reply to  Crystal

I think you are correct. The pure bloods will get blamed, but let’s hope it’s not across all of the US. My bet is only the most communist/fascist states and cities will do this e.g. western WA state, western Oregon, most of California, parts of Colorado and NY state, DC, Boston, Chicago, Austin, Houston etc. etc. In the state I live in, they were building a couple Covid19 camps before they were caught and quietly closed them. I look forward to when I leave this state.

1 year ago

When you’re a doctor and lawyer and vax zealot too, that’s A Moraes.
When you’re jabbed and nearly died, yet claim you are fine, that’s A Moraes.

You singing “Vita Bella”, muchacho?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, that was incredibly stupid. If the Rx gives you serious problems, you STOP taking it. “The cure is worse than the disease”. Truer words about all this have never been spoken until now.

1 year ago

Ben Shapiro is a joke. Like Jordan Peterson, he “says” some good things every now and then, but why so many on the right like these idiots, I’ll never know. Have we lost our ever-loving minds??

Because he is a fast talker and debates college leftists, folks think Ben is some sort of right wing savant. But he has a history of being on the wrong side of things, and this is not his first rodeo where he fell off the bull in the first second.

Then, lo and behold, when time proves people like me as the ones who were right in the first place, retards like Ben stick their heads above the fox hole and proclaim we were all duped, “How could we have known!?!?”

Well, Ben, I am not a fast talker with an IQ of 300, I am not a lawyer, and I have no accomplishments under my belt. I am not worth millions of $$$, and I am an absolute NOBODY, yet I could smell this whole covid scam a light year away, from the very beginning.

Save your mea culpa. Too little, too late, you dope.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

He is not smart. He was just prepared and trained to speack, mass media, things. And then he has a team. He was pushed into the position to do exactly what he does now.
He influenced the REPUBLICANS! They needed him, controlled opposition.
And now they give him the ”script” of saving himself by saying he was wrong, bla bla bla, others responsable etc. They prepare to wash this genocide, to say it was a mistake.
Maybe a few in CDC and FDA will have their possition changed, fake deadly accidents for others and identity changed. Some others – lots are actually vaxxed and would perish too.
I dont believe he took it, i do believe he lied the whole time and he is maneouvered and was recruted since his teens. Like others.
Not a genious he just sold his soul and does his part of the contract. thats it. The ones behind all are investing in both parties, in one way or another they carry with their agenda and can regroup. Also some others are infilrtrated, people that want the best and that sabotage them all the time. Sometimes allowing lots of sacrifices of course or otherwise would be exposed and neutralised and would not be able to win the final battle which is the most important one!
He was wrong many times because he is not that smart. With vax was maybe planned. High chance. Or he was used, didnt knew the whole story and then allowed to apply for amnisty 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

I am in the exact frame as you and get this. I have recently learned 0f governments of the world shooting missiles at seed banks. Destroying bazzilioms of seeds of all types. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to people like myself who ate soybean burgers in the 90s during school lunch but I think it needs to be spread about.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

You are right Maria, Ben Shapiro is controlled opposition. His main purpose is to make it look like there are dissenting voices within the overwhelmingly LEFT WING Jewish community, when for all intents and purposes there aren’t. In other words he’s playing the “nice conservative Jewish boy” but you can rest assured he’s actual playing for the same team as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc.

1 year ago

The best way to listen to Shapiro is by slowing down the speed (as one can do on Youtube) from normal to .25. He was badly shredded by the BBC’s Andrew Neil a while back though I forget on what.

When I was a schoolboy (decades ago) a boy in the class below mine who was asthmatic went in the holidays somewhere not good for asthmatics and died. That is the only person I have known under the age of say forty-five who has died unexpectedly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Opus

I’m 57 and there was only one person I knew in my life who died young and unexpectedly. That class mate died less than a year after graduation, reportedly of mononucleosis, but I would just guess he actually died of some vaccine he took just before starting college.

1 year ago

Brian, thank you for these reports. I made it my personal mission to witness all these stories. Some, as in the case of hateful vaxx zealots, I have no sympathy. But others and the children harmed deserve to not to have died in vain. As long as I am alive I will stand against this tyranny. I look forward to your book. God bless you ❤

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

What is especially valuable are those where the clear link to the experimental injections has been found. Even absent that, these stories are troubling. My grandfather died from a pulmonary embolism at age 82 but an 18 year old girl who was active as a cheerleader and not obese? No way!

1 year ago

There was a piece in “The Atlantic” earlier this week, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty,” by Brown University economics professor Emily Oster. She suggests that all of us who used our brains and acted with common sense to refuse masks, distancing, vaccinations, etc. should now give all of the people like her who relentlessly ostracized those of us who pushed back and refused to comply a free pass or amnesty since the narrative is falling apart. She says that we shouldn’t gloat for being right, but should forgive. I don’t gloat, instead I’m angry! I am not going to give her a free pass. No where in the article does she apologize for the self-righteous attitudes she and others had towards us. I want to see those in power who pushed the lies and destroyed so many held accountable and brought to justice. Ever since Brian started this blog he has brought to light all the lies and corruption surrounding the covid narrative. He has also highlighted unimaginable suffering as a result of the “safe and effective” vaccines. It will be hard for me to forget all of that to give a free pass to those responsible.

1 year ago

As a point of curiosity, I wonder how much the death rate has changed (if at all) since covid and the jabs began. Providing that all of the notices of deaths (much of which occurred at some point after receiving one or multiple jabs/boosters) are accurate, it seems to me that the vast media collusion to hide cause of death (CoD) of what I have read just on this BLOG is part of a massive media (other than this BLOG) disinformation campaign. Before all of this craziness began, it wasn’t uncommon to see CoD in obituaries.

I suspect that death rate now compared to pre-covid is significantly higher; but it would be interesting to see at least some rough numbers.

1 year ago
Reply to  SandreS

Life expectancy at birth for women in the United States dropped 0.8 years from 79.9 years in 2020 to 79.1 in 2021, while life expectancy for men dropped one full year, from 74.2 years in 2020 to 73.2 in 2021.
this data is from the CDC that like to play with the number to show thing as mild a reality,probably lot worse

1 year ago
Reply to  SandreS

There are actuaries calculating exactly that. (life insurance companies MUST look at the data)

1 year ago

There seems to be a high death rate in vaccinated professions that work with glycerine or glycol products (e.g. hair stylists and physiotherapists)? Darpa has made a type hydrogel that can grow inside you and eventually kill you; hyrdogel can be infused into glycerine, glycol and microcrystalline cellulose.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rick

Uh, Rick? Glycerine is in a TON of products, you might be surprised how many. Do you have a corroborating link? Now you are really gonna make me paranoid, as if I wasn’t enough already.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Today, a major car park in the city centre of Birmingham UK, was cordoned off by police. Another ‘medical episode’ was being reported by the local media. I have no further details, but I suspect he/she is dead. The police only cordon off a certain area if it is a murder or to use the vogue expression ‘sudden death’. This is now the second ‘medical episode’ in the city centre in a month. A young man ‘died suddenly’ a few weeks ago outside the famous cathedral. The area had to be cordoned off by police. A local young woman dropped dead in our supermarket. Fine one moment, dead the next. Nationally the amount of people just dropping dead when out and about is shocking. God have mercy on the dead ones.

1 year ago

Hats off to the man in the video coming forth & admitting that he was wrong. We need more like him. A LOT MORE !!

Because, sad to say, there is that big mob out there that will NOT wake up and smell the coffee, even if the coffee gets dumped over their heads.

1 year ago
Reply to  shadowman

It is Borg-ification. You will be assimilated, resistance is futile. Remember that?! No, it is not futile—JUST SAY NO. I feel so bad for the billions who were not aware, and all the broken hearts of their families..of which I am one. Almost my whole family gone. Trust only in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only trustworthy Great Physician. We can no longer trust any doctor or hospital.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crystal

Sorry, about your losses, Crystal. Given what you told me, I’m grateful for the success that I’ve had warning my own family, plus two other families about this accursed soft-kill bio-weapon jab that’s been peddled under the guise of “Covid Vaccine”.

My case against the Covid jab was too overwhelming right from the get-go, as
I had already learned about HCQ, Ivermectin.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crystal

I’m really grateful that my husband and teen daughter are both unjabbed, though my teen seems a bit like she’s just indulging me and thinks it’s cute I’m a conspiracy theorist. At least she loves me enough to obey me I guess…worried for when she crosses into being adult in a couple years but…however, the rest of my family….mom, dad, brothers, sister in laws (one post delivery of a beautiful baby girl and immediately breast feeding)….all my extended family took the jabs. Most stopped after 2 because my dad had a severe reaction he still has not recovered from. Every night I’m begging God to mitigate the disaster.

Elizabeth Johnston
Elizabeth Johnston
1 year ago
Reply to  Crystal

Oh my, thanks for the reminder that He is the Great Physician!

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
1 year ago

A friend I made while boating is a retired heart surgeon and former professor at a well-known USA university. We would meet up once or twice each summer while anchoring out . At any rate, he started to consider me a tin-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist and “anti-vaxxer.” A few weeks ago he texted me, teasing me because I had told him that the (Federally required) fact sheets that come with the vaxx boxes say “Intentionally Left Blank.” I pointed out that it’s hard to have informed consent when the facts are not provided. Then last week he sent me a link to a medical journal article “proving” that Ivermectin doesn’t work. I wrote back a lengthy email pointing out the flaws in the study (not used early in symptoms, too-little dosages, did not also use zinc and azithromycin, mixed vaxxed and unvaxxed people in the ivermectin and control groups) and then I pointed out that in the study six people died of venous thromboembolism. The study omitted reporting whether those people were vaxxed or not. His response? He apologized for starting the thread with his text messages, but then… he said that people like me are the reason the country is being ruined and that I’m not smart enough to understand science. SMH (Shaking My Head).

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

These people are brainwashed. They will all come to enlightenment suddenly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

A joke at the risk of too many comments: perhaps that doc was instructed by an AI to think and say what he did, via his neurolink/vaxxuplink.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

I know the feeling. I’m a “mormon” and my prophet is a retired heart surgeon who supports the jabs. He’s 98 years of age. Many members including my parents have taken the jabs because they are dedicated to follow the prophet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

It’s like a cult… but a worldwide cult.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

I used to be a ‘catholic’…. when I see the current marxist jab-pusher climate-cultist lgbt-loving Pope, I’m so glad I left 25+ years ago and have found true faith in the real Jesus, by directly studying the Word without human priests and prophets to control the narrative for their agenda. I pray the same for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

Have u tried emailing him this particular blog and ask that he read it to the end with an open mind. Perhaps those coming around will wake him up, if not maybe the dead will.

If not, then he’s really lost n only God can.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

They can never refute the facts. Instead they resort to ad hominem attacks or just want to end the conversation. My Covid vax zealot dad did that to me before his dementia progressed post jabs and booster. He hasn’t asked my mom to bring him in for any more boosters because I don’t think he has the cognitive ability to want them anymore—which is probably why he is not dead yet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

I wonder what he thinks of Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Marik, and some other prominent older physicians. There’s also the “well known” cardiologist from the the UK who has come out against the injections.

There are SO many studies on the FLCCC website (ivermectin page) regarding the effectiveness of ivermectin that it’s mind boggling!!! And the ~15 minute trailer for the Plandemic 3 movie talking about ivermectin. Astounding!

Of course, one has to be curious, open-minded, humble, and willing to search for truth for any resources to be of use to them.

1 year ago

Have to give RIP to Dr. Moreas but the man was clearly brainwashed or being paid to push jabs despite his horrible shot reactions. And he didn’t need to be so mean to the nonjabbed.

Thanks for covering the unexpected death of the Fresno Unified coach in CA. I gotta wonder why he and another young teacher passed suddenly this year. Most educators I know were willingly jabbed. Not too bright for educators.

1 year ago

Thank you. You provide truth against Big Pharma. It is heartbreaking to see how many Americans have been deceived.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

” It is heartbreaking to see how many Americans have been deceived.”

Yeah, RIGHT !!!. “They” have such a long documented history of being madly in love with truth and facts, and putting their neck out for them. It is such a shame.

Where is Trump to build us a wall to protect us from brown people who don’t even speak english ?.

1 year ago

Regarding the first article above and “eat ze bugs”…….I can’t remember if it was a previous Covidblog article or another source which might explain why the global/UN monsters insist on eating bugs. The talk is the exoskeletons of the little critters contain graphene oxide in them, the substance that helps develop human/Borg circuitry. It’s so bizarre just to comment on this.

1 year ago

For the first time in my life I seen the coroner drive by yesterday & today while out walking my dog. My first thought was “there’s another one added to the genocidal agenda”.

1 year ago

There are four 18 YO deceased jabbed females in this reporting. I fear for my 18 YO granddaughter, who never admitted to being jabbed but I know she was not only from going to NY to see a concert where the venue required testing or jab proof, but now she is in college. I tried to save her way before they unleashed this weaponized CONVID upon us by sharing my jab injured story linking 94 health issues to my childhood & 9 adulthood jab poisonings, but the programming successfully runs very deep beginning at an early age.

Very few believe me when I say jabs disabled me by causing mental issues due to heavy metal toxicity not to mention almost killing me many times & almost paralyzing me by causing Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & double herniated neck surgery aka spinal inflammation. My vertebra is so very deformed I am surprised I am not in severe pain.

I am just very grateful I now know the truth I was deceived for 51 years thinking jabs are safe & effective. The only thing every single one of their jab bioweapons are effective at is disabling like they did me making millions off my jab injuries & killing like they almost did to me more times that I can count on my two hands. It is extremely frustrating when your own family gaslights you when you speak the truth they refuse to hear because they are too ignorant &/or proud to do their own research.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

And now, believe it or not, Mike Adams who has his own lab and has been studying the junk jab juice has noticed that there is much more metals in the samples that have passed through a hypodermic needle. What the f ack.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

OH, how I know. They make millions off of our major injuries, and never get a definitive diagnosis, or false ones, like I got with brain lesions. I finally learned to give up on ALL Doctors and Rxs, as it was Vexine injuries via Hep B (my last V’s ever!) and they are not allowed to EVER even hint it is due to Vs or Rxs. Hardly anyone traces it back to vexines, due to delayed problems, and then added Rxs that add more problems. ALL “SORCERIES” designed to keep us sick, like you said, making billions for the hospitals, doctors, Rome owned medical establishments. So we can share to help others, but people still wouldn’t believe me about the Vexes, and took them. There is only one physician that we can trust now. THE GREAT PHYSICIAN Jesus Christ.

1 year ago

Some may have regrets and some may ask for forgiveness in pushing vaxxes but the MSM has not missed a beat in promoting them and vilifying the unvaxxed. A recent LA Times article is titled “Are the unvaccinated still a danger to the rest of us?” and it contains gems such as this:
“Clearly, the unvaccinated are a threat to themselves,” said Dr. Jeffrey Shaman, an infectious disease specialist at Columbia University. As recently as August, their risk of dying of COVID-19 was six times higher than for people who were fully vaccinated and eight times higher than for people who were vaccinated and boosted, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The article goes on to spew falsehoods in nearly every paragraph, and people believe this BS. Of course, there’s not a hint of people suddenly dying from being vaxxed.

People are still reading and believing such MSM articles and they’re still going to blame US for THEIR horrible mistakes in being vaxxed and boosted and still getting sick or worse.

I’ve given up on trying to show anyone the light. To them any misfortune will be due to ABV. Besides, now that they’ve gotten themselves vaxxed, there’s nothing to be done for them anyway. Either they received a placebo or their clock is ticking downward to their appointment with destiny.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

I sent a good friend of mine, my only Democrat friend who I have left…a link to the “Real Anthony Fauci” documentary earlier this week. In the link I asked him to “watch this with an open mind”. Ive texted with him about our fantasy football league 3X since then and he has not mentioned the movie. I bet he won’t bother to even watch it and give it a chance. People don’t want to hear anything that goes against their brainwashed preconceptions and ideology. Only 20% of the population are true critical thinkers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

And those who know the Lord, and know not to put their trust in man. Bible explains why all of this is happening. Not enough people read it and believe it! No wonder Jesus said, “My people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge”, and they retained not a love of the TRUTH. OR a love for our Savior, who died a gruesome death to save us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

I’ve got Omicron once in 2021 and the symptoms lasted less than 24 hours (Shivers and Dizziness)… Not bad for a guy that has a 6 times higher chance of dying… Had nothing since and my line of work makes me travel in many stores and commerces, obviously being close to vaxxed people… Nothing. Meanwhile, most vaxxed people, they often miss job because they are sick… I like being a pure-blood now ! haha

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

“I’ve got Omicron once in 2021”.

Me too. I got Oh-my-cron. Turned the TV off : BAM,, cured on the spot, cold turkey !!.

1 year ago

The red flags were clearly visible… The manufacturers have 100% legal immunity. If their product was truly “safe and effective”, such legal immunities would not have been needed. They stopped counting flu cases and called them “covid” cases. The death rate from”all causes” in 2020 was LOWER than 2019 where there was no covid… that is, until they “revised” the numbers. Finally, a family member is a pathologist. That family member said avoid this jab at all costs. Why? Simply because they refuse to list the ingredients. With no ingredient list, it’s impossible to make an informed decision to take the jab… which is a violation of the Nuremberg code.

1 year ago
Reply to  Expat

Exactly! It was in trials, you were forced to take it and also to sign that you agree with all those side effects and is all your responsability. How crazy is that?

1 year ago

That Netflix show Black Mirror is becoming more of a reality every day.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

The latest Jurrassic World movie might gives mondialists some ideas to create famine for the common folks… That locust swarms scenario was horrifying !

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Same people who make the movies make the famines. Read about the Holodomor. Then ask yourself why there is ONLY ONE holocaust we are forced by law to learn about when it didn’t even happen in our country.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

These types of movies were not made prophetically, not presciently, not as warnings, but as THREATS! (imo)

1 year ago

Ben Shapiro is an israel firster. If you don’t know the story of the USS Liberty – Israel attacked a US ship. The men that survived this attack are still alive. The US govt squashed this. Ben constantly sides with Israel and not with the dead & injured AMERICANS.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Perhaps, at the least he should side with the hordes of injured n dead Isrealis…

At the end of the day, “we all bleed the same and will end up in heaven or hell at the end of the day”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stepping22

They don’t believe we all bleed the same way. They believe we are less than human, and their word for us translates to: cattle. In their planned New World Order, they will each own 2000. cattle…meaning the lucky survivors of this genocide. How does one deal with this kind of ideology? You don’t just roll over and take it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stepping22

Wow. Once again a jew making themselves the victim when they were the murderers. And no concern for Americans.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

As for the monkeypox thing, if only something very detrimental came about that specifically targeted and took out all female LGBTQ perverts. Afterall, it is completely unfair that the males have to deal with such things, but not the females, ya know, where is the equality in all of this? They should pay dearly too.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

Why is it the vaxxed do not want to believe the truth that is right in front of them? Just earlier I had a close friend tell me she was sad because her best friend had just died. I was being very sympathetic and caring as could be she was telling me she still didn’t understand it. That she had just talked to her earlier and she seemed healthy and fine. I asked her was it sudden and she said yes. That she had cancer a few year years ago but was was in remission and sounded healthy. I then asked was she vaxxed? Because as we all know this sounded like it could very well be an #abv case. She flew off the handle like I touched a nerve. Saying its wrong time and she needed her space. I’ve learned its like asking the worst thing to them they don’t even consider it. Just like the Paul Lichtenauer case. Also my grandmother is still in hospital now hooked to a feeding tube because she refused to eat in the last seven weeks. When I asked her how it was working she said its better that there was a metallic taste in her mouth before. Very scary to me. This is all hitting home big time

1 year ago

I am praying for your grandmother. I am so very sorry. To date no one has gone off on me for asking if their loved one was jabbed who suddenly died like your friend did. They all lie to me saying no they weren’t when I know in my heart they were because they were young & healthy & then bam dead. They also look at me like I am lying when I say I am disabled since 2004 from being poisoned by vaccines telling them I suffer from heavy metal toxicity aka autism. That is probably why they lie to me because they know I am bat sh*t crazy.

It is infuriating most including my own family think I have been mentally ill for most of my 50 years. It just couldn’t be what was injected in my body…mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, antifreeze, graphene oxide, polysorbate 80, yeast, bacteria, viruses, etc. etc….beginning with my childhood poisonings & then 9 adulthood poisonings. Nah, it couldn’t be. Those toxic chemicals surely keep us healthy. Anyone who believes that is a moron. I wish someone educated me on what was in vaccines. I know I would have done my own research unlike those I warn.

I feel so very stupid for trusting vaccines were safe & effective because the psychopaths said so. NEVER AGAIN! They made millions off of making me sick with my childhood poisonings & keeping me sick with 9 more. I also recently found out they inject two nasty bacteria in your arm via a TB test I know I had in order to get a medical billing job in 2001. It is beyond evil what they have done to my body, but once I took control of my health in 2016 the only time I ended up sick was September 2001 from my PCR tested niece, but I was back to healthy in a few days after taking ivermectin.

I am proud to say they haven’t made a penny off my body since I am now in control of my health 6 years ago curing majority of my 94 health issues such as asthma. allergies, eczema & skin issues, IBS, swollen neck lymph nodes, etc. I healed myself so much I haven’t suffered from body odor since 2018 no longer having to wear deodorant. Body odor is a toxic body.

The most difficult to cure is the heavy metal toxicity because they are constantly spraying us with them, in our water, etc., etc. But I have had success with zeolites. I have been on TRS, PBX, & Clean Slate, but it seems like the corrupt companies change the ingredients hoping customers will experience the placebo effect which I didn’t because I am no longer stuck on stupid. I just began Chelation B recommended by a very intelligent RN friend of mine.

1 year ago

I always wonder why vaxxed people gets on their high horses each time we want to know if someone that died was vaxxed… These people lost loved one that were healthy and ask no questions and accept it… meanwhile, pharmaceuticals are laughing at them all the way to the bank !

Patrick Tobin
Patrick Tobin
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Their terrified of dying. Oh ye of little faith.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Big Pharma is definitely laughing at them. m-ode RNA CEO Stephane Bancel has announced they have a new mRNA injection to help treat heart damage after a heart attack. Can’t get anymore Kafkaesque than that.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sin_Nombre
1 year ago

It’s like a self preservation or survival method to preserve their world models. It’s like there’s an innate instinct that drives them to avoid the mental pain and anguish of having to face the possibility that their faith and trust in systems and governments have been ill placed.

Someone, maybe Matthias Desmet speaking of mass formation, mentioned curiosity being one of the key character traits in people who are willing to change their views.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

I know most here know it, but we are at war. This(covid and the jabs) are the first strike, energy the second and food shortages and scarcity the third. All mentioned are man made; global entities through the literal purchase of politicians and elections implement these to align society for their benefit. Become as self sufficient as possible so there is no need to bend to their will or you will eat the bugs, live in a stack and pack 300 square foot apartment with shared bathrooms, not own a car (no freedom to travel), climate control by your keepers (and no it wont be comfortable), require permission to travel outside your general area and most important of all, to exist in this world created by them for you (they will live like royalty) you will be forced to take any vax or medical treatment “recommended” for you, if not you will not be able to participate in the above “luxuries” provided to you.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”

not woke
not woke
1 year ago

Death all around them and they continue their ways. Regarding that so called doctor in Brazil, Atamai Caetano Moraes, someone pry the vax out of his cold, dead hand.

I’ll give him amnesty, since he’s dead. The living ones, no. Child murder has consequences.

Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine in 1775, was a mere 47 pages yet it galvanized the colonies. Looking forward to the Covid Blog book, donation enclosed.

1 year ago

It’s not just a digital passport on your iPhone to worry about. If you’ve been jabbed and poison prick juice contains luciferase you will glow when they scan you at the airport. No phone needed there.

1 year ago

Wait… People are healthy. People receive shots. People die few months later. Fakebook censor any link to the juice. People don’t question it and think it’s anything else… ! How long until vaxxed zealots realize the scam ! It’s incredible ! Loved one are dying left and right and they don’t make a connection with the juice ! The “pride” is strong with vaxxed people… It’s like a “war” and vaxxed people don’t even realize the enemy is killing them ! Wow !

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

The serpent was more subtle than any other beast of the field 😋

1 year ago

The vaxx zealotry does seem to be dying down; pun, absolutely intended.

1 year ago

Dr. Morales after 4 days in ICU following his jab: “I was, am and will continue to be fully in favor of mandatory vaccination, even though I myself was the 0.0000001% patient who experienced severe side effects. ”

Narcissists always believe they’re utterly special, 1 in 100 million. Throw in his elite Harvard and Hopkins education, he just couldn’t be saved, the delusion was complete.

1 year ago

I followed the link to the “artwork” of dead Hannah Sicora. It was so vile, I literally felt sick, and could not make it to the bottom of the page. Only a possessed person could create such evil. So in the same article we have a sweet innocent boy, and and a grotesque parody of a human being ( a male, a female or an it?) felled by the vax. She must be in a dark place…

The town she was living in, San Miguel de Allende, is a globalist hangout. It is the only town in Mexico where I felt like bolting after an hour…the energy was that foul. The regular Mexicans seemed like Disneyland automatons, moving and acting only for the pleasure of the foreigners. There is an foreigner-created art school there with a sordid history. Around 100 years ago, gringo artists started going there to paint the dead bodies in a local cemetery. I can’t remember exactly, but for some reason the bones were exposed. The “artists” were very disrespectful creating their “art” and the place became completely Americanized. The place is in a hot earthquake zone, and I am waiting for the day God razes the place to the ground, leaving only the beautiful cathedral standing. For sure, the likes of folks like Hannah will not be sheltering in the church.

1 year ago

I just can’t imagine what is going to happen to all of these children who are surrounded by adult family members who were injected.

Patrick Tobin
Patrick Tobin
1 year ago
Reply to  Q P

We will all have to find a way to help. There will be many orphans in the near future.

1 year ago

Though Ben Shapiro promoted the vaccines at first, at least he was honest enough to air his regret and that we were all lied to. Many STILL won’t do that even if all the facts are in front of them. I respect him for that.

Regarding the other gentleman (mentioned after B. Shapiro) in the next video who apologized to the unvaxxers over his past vaxx zealotry…I just want to hug him! I don’t like calling myself a “pureblood”, even if I didnt get vaxxed.. because of the arrogance involved with that statement… God knows I need to be knocked down a few pegs in other areas of my life, so I don’t need to boost my ego any higher. I just admire this man’s humility in making an apology video.

It's about to hit the fan
It's about to hit the fan
1 year ago

Ben Shapiro is totally full of it. He is smart. You can’t be smart and stupid at the same time. People who are high school drop outs figured out what was going on a year ago but I’m supposed to believe this uber educated smug bastard was “fooled”? Give me a break. The rats are jumping ship.

Too many people have figured things out, they’re getting nervous. Expect lots of rats to jump ship and play the innocent act. You can also expect some high ups to be Epsteined.

Linda Grace Byers
1 year ago

Oh my gosh, hearing that fella apologize was wonderful. He was so humble and kind. Thanks for posting this… I find Ben Shapiro to be condescending, fast talking and arrogant… He needs to apologize for using his platform in ways that negatively impact those he influences… weak people have a tendency to admire people like him. to their detriment.

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