Tuesday Tidings VII: Elon Musk true Twitter plans, New York judge vaccine decision and Kyrie Irving, dramatic drop in Australia birth rates, Britney Spears potential Guillain-Barré, and 20 more sudden deaths

November 15, 2022

“Everything we do and everything we’ve been taught is just to service the future. If we’re all going to die anyway, shouldn’t we be enjoying ourselves now? The present is not some minor, insignificant preamble to something else.”

The foregoing is from the 1993 coming-of-age film “Dazed and Confused.” Even without the vaccine genocide via the lethal mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, nobody (except perhaps the powers-that-be [“TPTB”] with the ability to clone themselves) is guaranteed another moment on this hell planet called Earth. But everyone is here for a purpose and should be fulfilling it every single day.

Some are parents, husband/wife, and family people. Others are drunks sitting in front of a liquor store. Most are 9-to-5-ers working for 50 years to pay off a house and look forward to being 65 and “retired.” This blogger has known since childhood that his purpose is spreading truth, no matter the consequences. From the great childhood revelations of the WWF (wrestling) being fake and President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freeing nobody, it was clear that this entire world is grounded in lies. And it’s only gotten worse.

Truth is a psychological weapon used by governments and their mainstream media. The global vaccine genocide is happening in plain sight. But for reasons ranging from denial and fanaticism, to fear, the masses refuse to acknowledge it.

RELATED: Alyssa Kent: 40-year-old Australian woman has three brain surgeries, five seizures, stroke after first AstraZeneca shot, so will take Pfizer or Moderna for second shot (July 26, 2021)


Ms. Alicia Nicole Bailey (pictured above) was a 29-year-old mother of one young son. She was a certified nursing assistant at a Tennessee veterans hospital. Thus she was first in line for the lethal injections.

Ms. Bailey died on May 13, 2022. Her obituary says she died “suddenly and tragically from a genetic heart defect.” Study after study (and common sense) conclude that the risk of myocarditis and other cardiac issues increase with every mRNA and viral vector DNA injection. This is, or should be, common knowledge. But the classical conditioning is thorough. Truth is prohibited on social media and in real-life. The punishments include getting de-platformed, losing friends, losing family, and losing your job and livelihood.

Americans and other Western populations are trained via public schools and universities to passionately accept lies as truth. They receive perpetual, continuing “education” via mainstream media. Acceptance of the world’s oldest and newest lies are just as important to human survival as having a job or some other means of income. The more emphatically you accept and regurgitate lies, the more successful you’ll be in life.

The Sussex (U.K.) Police wrote in a since-deleted press release on September 26 that a “woman” was sentenced to 20 years in prison for molesting seven children.

When several Twitter users pointed out the obvious fact that the creature herein is a man, Sussex Police called them “hateful.”

That response was so outrageous, even for this world of normalized lies and deceit, that Sussex Police were ordered by the powers-that-be (TPTB) to issue an apology three hours later.

RELATED: History of media deregulation, monopolization of media by 8 alleged “chosen people,” the NewsGuard app, and why trust in mainstream news is now at all-time lows (November 7, 2022)


Lying, accepting lies, and regurgitating “official” narratives created by TPTB are survival instincts, even more so if you’re wealthy and/or have a prestigious job.

Former Boston Celtics (NBA) Head Coach Ime Udoka was suspended indefinitely in September for having a consensual affair with a female Celtics staff member. It’s de-facto policy for ESPN and the NBA to only publicly humiliate Udoka, his actress fiancée, Nia Long, and their kids, but not the jezebel, despite both of them consensually destroying their respective families.

NBA commentator and former player Jalen Rose questioned this policy during the halftime show of a game between the Boston Celtics and Chicago Bulls on November 4. Rose declared that the public should know the woman’s name because they were both consenting adults. The halftime show went to commercial. After one ad, ESPN panned back to Rose, and forced him to apologize live on-air, in what looked like a hostage video.

For the record, the woman’s name is Kathleen Nimmo-Lynch, a 34-year-old “devout Mormon,” married mother of three.

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Kathleen Nimmo-Lynch.

But forget tabloid trash narratives with rich people. Every “commoner” who received the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections is forced to put on a smile and worship the god-sent medicine, no matter what it does to their bodies.

Ms. Kirsten Caskenette is a hospice care consultant in Tucson, Arizona. Thus she received her first two injections in December 2020 and January 2021, respectively.

She’s at least triple-vaxxed now. Ms. Caskenette was diagnosed with Acute Post-Infectious Cerebellar Ataxia in August. The condition is not only a known and documented adverse effect of the mRNA injections, but also rarely occurs in adults. It typically affects kids ages 6 and under. You essentially lose the ability to walk and talk. Some of the causes, according to the National Library of Medicine, are strokes, brain bleeds, and, yes, vaccinations.

Ms. Caskenette acknowledged that the disease typically only happened in kids until recently. But she blamed “neurological COVID” for her condition. She also repeated the official slogan of the COVID-19 religion.

She’s in survival mode. If Ms. Caskenette acknowledges or even insinuates that the mRNA injections caused this, she risks losing her job and friends. Further, if she acknowledges her condition is a post-injection adverse reaction, she’ll be overcome with perpetual anxiety, not knowing what might happen next. It would lead her to finding The COVID Blog™, and coming to grips with a likely premature, sudden, unexpected death.

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Very few people live by unadulterated truth. That’s why the COVID charade and vaccine genocide were so easily executed on humanity. You cannot worship idols and/or mammon if you’re a true critical thinker. You respect others’ spiritual journeys, in this world of ubiquitous obedience and acquiescence. Wisdom is the product of knowledge times critical thinking. “Education” is a training program to be a good, obedient “citizen.”

Whether you see it in your personal circle or not (yet), the U.S. population is already much lower than it was at the start of 2020. Mainstream media blame #ABV for American companies struggling to hire and retain workers in 2022. But the truth is that millions of Americans are sick and dying, or already dead, from the injections, decimating the labor pool.

An August report from the National Federation of Independent Business found that 91% of small businesses cannot find qualified applicants to fill open positions. Even 67% of construction firms reported that they cannot find qualified applicants. The closest McDonald’s to this blogger’s home has been hiring at $18 per hour since at least June. In fact nearly all employers are offering high pay and flexible scheduling to entice qualified workers. But you can’t catch fish in an empty pond.

The one exception to this employment phenomenon is big tech/fintech companies. Facebook (“Meta”) laid off 11,000 workers, or 13% of its workforce, last week. Amazon is laying off 10,000 people this week. The other social media giant, Twitter, fired 3,700 workers, roughly half of its workforce. The company also fired 4,400 contract workers.

Big tech is weeding out all potential dissidents, and retaining only the most loyal worker bees, to ensure complete control of global narratives going into 2023. Perfect segue.

Twitter will be the U.S., European WeChat

This blogger never quite understood why right-wingers love Elon Musk so much. Perhaps it’s because Musk said he’d reinstate Donald Trump to Twitter once he took over the platform. The 4chan crowd (we’re quite familiar with them) were posting the word “n*gger” a bunch one day after Musk took over the platform.

For the record, Trump has not been reinstated to Twitter. He also said that he wouldn’t rejoin Twitter even if his account was reinstated. Musk announced that Twitter is forming a “content moderation council” to ensure that the platform allows “diverse viewpoints.”

Musk also declared himself a “free speech absolutist” in April. But let’s be clear. Elon Musk is a vaxx zealot.

He was worth $27 billion at the end of 2019. Musk was worth $320 billion by the end of 2021. His wealth grew more than 10-fold during the first two full years of the so-called pandemic. Today he is still the richest person in the world even after the Twitter purchase, thanks to the plandemic and his family’s apartheid South Africa wealth. Musk has long denied the latter.

But he admitted in a 2014, now-deleted Forbes interview, “This is going to sound slightly crazy, but my father also had a share in an Emerald mine in Zambia.” Regardless, Musk became the richest person in the world because of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic. He’s not messing up that gravy train to ultimate power. But the only immediate pathways to revenue for Twitter, which Musk paid $44 billion to acquire, are advertising and that new “Twitter blue” $7.99 per month thing, which is already failing.

Several large corporations, including Pfizer, paused their ad campaigns with Twitter when Musk took over late last month. Pfizer is concerned about “misinformation,” meaning truth, being disseminated about the lethal injections on the platform. Musk was even whining about losing revenue because of activist groups pestering advertisers.

Further, Musk knows that he needs those big 8-figure advertising contracts with big Pharma to make Twitter profitable. Pfizer can be assured that “free speech absolutist” Musk is on their side.

The COVID Blog™ last tweeted on April 23. Here is the tweet.

The account was suspended shortly after the tweet went live. In other words, The COVID Blog™ was suspended from Twitter for telling the truth. For kicks, we requested our Twitter account be reinstated last week. One of our subscribers offered to pay for the Twitter blue subscription if we put in the request for reinstatement. You can guess what happened.

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was never about some perceived altruistic love of free speech. He already stated that people who pay for the Twitter blue check will be prioritized higher in search and comment algorithms.

Thus, Musk’s “free speech” is ironically paid speech. Musk has a tyrant, slaveowner mentality. This blogger has no sympathy for all those Twitter employees who were fired, after they censored truth about the lethal injections for two years. But Musk literally throws people away like trash.

Musk was tired of Bill Gates getting all the best assignments from TPTB. Gates is in charge of the vaccine genocide and destroying the food supply. Musk wants in on the mass manipulation game too. There are only so many toys money can buy before power over people is all that’s left to acquire. Musk wants to make his indelible mark on The Great Reset, just like Gates. Purchasing Twitter provides the foundation for what Musk and TPTB have in mind for the platform.

What is WeChat?

Unless you live in China, or know and/or work with Chinese people, you’re probably unfamiliar with WeChat. But if you don’t have the app on your phone in China, you might as well not exist.

WeChat is like Facebook, PayPal, Amazon, Venmo, email, and a vaccine passport all in one. It is a product of Chinese tech conglomerate Tencent. WeChat was launched in 2011. Today, the app has 1.2 billion active users globally, with upwards of one billion of them in China, depending on who you ask. WeChat is also China’s de-facto social credit administration system. It’s almost impossible to function in China without WeChat.

RELATED: Executive Order 14067 update: will paper currency really end in the U.S. on December 13, 2022, and be replaced by government-controlled cryptocurrency? (August 23, 2022)


Musk appeared on an episode of the All-In Podcast on May 16. He said that he’ll either convert Twitter into the U.S. WeChat, or start it brand new if the acquisition falls through.

Musk’s decision regarding his Twitter plans became more clear a few weeks before he took over. He wrote on October 4 that Twitter is the “accelerant to creating X[.com], the everything app.” Note that X.com was Musk’s original company, the online bank that became PayPal.

Musk has also repeated the sentiments of former Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks, who refers to synthetic mRNA (“vaccines”) as “the software of life” and “an operating system.”

In our August 23 article linked above, we disagreed with pundits who said that the U.S. would switch to 100% digital currency (no more cash) by December 13, 2022, because there is no infrastructure in place to facilitate it.

RELATED: Friday Afternoon News: The Joe Biden transhumanism Executive Order 14081, gruesome AstraZeneca skin reaction in Vietnam, and four more sudden deaths (September 16, 2022)


Musk obviously doesn’t care about Twitter as a company, or free speech. In fact, he’s already warning employees that the company could file bankruptcy as soon as next year. And in a crazy, yet possible scenario, Musk could wipe out all the company’s debt via bankruptcy, then buy Twitter back debt-free for pennies on the dollar.

That would explain some of the crazy moves that appear to be deliberately tanking the company. Billionaires do not go to prison for fraud, after all. For what it’s worth, Twitter self-reported record-setting growth in monetizable daily users in Musk’s first week in control.

New York judge hands Kyrie Irving millions if decision stands

We’ve been writing about Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving since October 2021. He is one of several NBA players who refused to receive the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections to start the 2021-22 season. Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac also stayed principled, and remains non-vaccinated. Two initial refusers – Washington Wizards guard Bradley Beal and Golden State Warriors forward Andrew Wiggins – caved to the pressure.

Mr. Irving got the last laugh. The Nets had 10 players test positive for so-called COVID-19 in late December 2021. They had no choice but to bring Mr. Irving back from suspension just to have bodies to play. He played in his first game last season on January 5 at the Indiana Pacers. But Mr. Irving was still banned from playing home games due to the New York City indoor vaccine mandate.

Mayor Eric Adams announced an exemption from the indoor vaccine mandate for all professional athletes and performers on March 24. Mr. Irving finally played in a home game on Sunday, March 27, after missing the first 35 home games of the season due to the city’s vaccine mandate.

Note the NBA never had a vaccine mandate. New York City implemented the mandate. Further, the New York City vaccine mandate banned Mr. Irving from playing in the city, but allowed non-vaccinated players from the visiting teams to play in the city. And that’s where things get interesting.

RELATED: Vinny Curry: career likely over for New York Jets (NFL) defensive end after post-injection blood clots, “rare blood disorder” (September 1, 2021)


New York Supreme Court Judge Ralph Porzio (Staten Island), on October 24, 2022, struck down the city’s vaccine mandate for public workers that had been in effect since October 20, 2021. He also struck down the December 13, 2021 extension of the vaccine mandate to all private employers in New York City. Mayor Adams sealed this inevitable decision when he issued Executive Order 62 on March 24, 2022, making athletes and other performers exempt from the city’s vaccine mandate.

Judge Porzio ruled that Executive Order 62 was “arbitrary and capricious,” thus rendering the vaccine mandates for all other public and private sector workers unconstitutional. The mandates violated the separation of powers and equal protection clauses in the New York State Constitution. The vaccine mandate was also not part of the city workers’ collective bargaining agreement, thus was prima facie illegal. Judge Porzio further ruled:

“Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19. As of the day of this decision, CDC guidelines regarding quarantine and isolation are the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Breakthrough cases occur, even for those who have been vaccinated and boosted.”

The 16 sanitation workers named as Plaintiff were ordered to be reinstated to their jobs on October 25. The judge also ordered back pay for all workers from the time they were terminated. Read the full decision here.

How this affects Kyrie Irving

Note that the New York Supreme Court is the state’s trial court. The New York Court of Appeals is the state’s highest court. As expected, New York City filed an immediate appeal, halting the ruling until a decision is made by the high court. The stakes are high with this final decision.

New York will have to rehire and render back pay to all 1,430 city employees who were fired because of the vaccine mandate. The impact on private sector workers isn’t as cut-and-dried. Mayor Adams made the private sector vaccine mandate optional on September 20, prior to the court ruling herein. Said new guidance took effect on November 1. That, and some other legal humps complicate things further for private sector workers. But not for Kyrie Irving and the city.

New York allowed non-vaccinated NBA players from other teams into its arenas. But they would not allow non-vaccinated Mr. Irving into the arena. That is “arbitrary and capricious.” If the court of appeals upholds the foregoing decision, the Nets would owe Mr. Irving nearly $15 million for the 35 home games he missed due to the vaccine mandate. That, and Mr. Irving’s refusal to take their poisonous injections, is why they are tormenting this man.

RELATED: History of media deregulation, monopolization of media by 8 alleged “chosen people,” the NewsGuard app, and why trust in mainstream news is now at all-time lows (November 7, 2022)


All Mr. Irving did was tweet the Amazon link to the 2018 movie “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” on October 27.

It is based on the 2015 book by the same name. Mr. Ronald Dalton, Jr. wrote the book and made the movie. The movie is over three hours long. The NBA quickly created the “antisemitic” narrative about the movie, around the same time of Judge Porzio’s order. But the torment backfired, and cause major backlash that opened up several Pandora’s Boxes.

Several vaxxed former professional athletes jumped on the Irving bashing train, including Shannon Sharpe, Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal, to earn brownie points. O’Neal called Mr. Irving “an idiot.” But O’Neal owns the CityPlex12 theater in Newark, New Jersey. Said theater showed the “Hebrews to Negroes” movie in 2019.

Thus Shaquille O’Neal profited off the film. Further, both the movie and book went from relative obscurity to Amazon’s bestseller lists for the past two weeks. Jeff Bezos is also profiting from the movie. But nobody is attacking either of the foregoing people.

Then there is New Jersey Nets owner Joe Tsai. The Taiwan-born billionaire and Alibaba co-founder has funded the entire Uyghur Muslim genocide in China since 2014. Once that fact started trending on social media, and the NBA was accused of blatant double standards, Tsai backtracked on all his tough talk against Mr. Irving.



All of the TV talking heads, including vaxxed Sharpe and Stephen A. Smith, similarly backtracked on their criticism of Mr. Irving once all of their dirt started trending on social media.

Bottom line is that the NBA, TPTB and their media puppets will forever punish Mr. Irving for refusing the lethal injections. They are also mad because of that $15 million back pay that will be due soon. Granted Mr. Irving is a multi-millionaire and had great leeway to be a refusenik. But all those average Joe and Jane New York City workers are also now being rewarded for their discipline. That’s why everyone must stay strong no matter your job and social status.

Pray for Australia

This blogger loves Australia, and sadly will likely never see it again. Emily, the administrative assistant for The COVID Blog™, is from Perth, and was MIA for nearly a month, until a few days ago. She gave me permission to say one thing about her absence – “shedding is real.” Luckily she is getting better. But Australia, if these latest numbers are any indication, will be depopulated at a much faster rate than any other Western country.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released birth statistics once annually. As of publishing, the latest data are from 2021. ABS breaks down the data by the number of births per month and year. From 2010 to 2020, the Land Down Under had consistently averaged right around 25,000 births per months and 300,000 per year. It took a while for the injections and shedding to have the expected impact on the population in 2021. But everything is working exactly as TPTB want.

One graph from ABS says it all.

Everything was normal for the first 10 months of 2021. But then Australia had only 18,186 births in November 2021. That was the single lowest monthly total since November 1981. Australia had a population of only 14.9 million in 1981, versus about 26 million at the beginning of 2020. It gets worse.

The graph above plots December births in Australia since 2000. Granted December births have been steadily dropping since 2015, from 25,214 that year, to 22,695 in 2020. But Australia had only 6,659 births in December 2021, a 71% decrease from December 2020. December 2021 births were at least 11,000 fewer than any other month since 1975, the furthest back the data go online.

We won’t know 2022 numbers until sometime early next year. But either November and December 2021 were total anomalies, or Australia births are grinding to a standstill. It’s not out of the question for the government to cease publishing these numbers next year, if this trend continues. The situation isn’t any better in the U.S.

Granted it’s a small sample size with other confounding variables. But a September 2021 study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters found that New York newborn babies had 10 times more polyethylene terephthalate (plastic) in their very first bowel movements compared to the adults in the same study.

At this point, it’s completely useless to even try reasoning with mainstream doctors, who represent 90% of the medical industrial complex, about anything health related. Dr. Ellie Cannon is a general practitioner based in London.

Dr. Ellie Cannon.

She’s far more interested in being on TV and social media than helping people. Dr. Cannon, in a since-deleted tweet (after being bombarded with replies from real people), implied that anyone on Twitter who does not worship the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections as god-sent medicine must be a bot or troll.

Mr. Adam Clarke was one of many people who responded to the tweet. The 23-year-old from Haslemere, England, has all his demographic information publicly displayed. His story is typical. He’s been suffering from severe adverse reactions (convulsions, numbness, blurred vision, etc.) for over a year. But doctors continually tell him that it’s only anxiety. He’s been suffering for 15 months.

Again, who are the lucky ones…Mr. Clarke or the following 20 people who died, in ways we can no longer call “unexpected.”

Conor McCaughey: 19-year-old Irish soccer player found dead on a beach

Mr. Conor McCaughey was a “rising star” with the Gaelic football club, Trillick St. Macartan’s, in Northern Ireland. He was also a student at Galway University in the Republic of Ireland, according to a Facebook post by his former high school.

Mr. McCaughey was found dead at Silverstrand Beach in County Galway on November 8. His death was described as “sudden” and “unexpected.”

Galway University has a vaccine coercion policy.

Gary Wardlow: 42-year-old Irish professional golfer dies suddenly after “taking ill”

Mr. Gary Wardlow resided in Belfast with his wife and three sons. He played and coached golf at the Spa Golf Club in Ballynahinch. Mr. Wardlow was also a PGA (U.K.) Tour professional. He qualified for the Northern Ireland Open in 2015.

Few details are available. But Mr. Wardlow passed away on November 5 after “having taken ill.” The PGA described his death as “untimely and sudden.” Mr. Wardlow posted the following to Facebook on February 2, 2021.

Kym Whitehead: 53-year-old Texas dental hygienist dies suddenly five weeks after booster shot

Ms. Kym Whitehead, aka Kym Ambelang, was a dental hygienist at Allan Periodontics and Micro-Implants in Austin, Texas. She posted via Facebook about her mother’s birthday on November 4.

The next day, she reminisced about a great night at a neighborhood park. Her boyfriend pushed her “on the swings and [she] giggled like a child.” That post was at 11:20 p.m. on November 5.

Ms. Ms. Whitehead died hours later.


She was a vaxx zealot who received a booster shot on September 28.

Chana Wood: 42-year-old Wisconsin pregnant podcaster and candy store owner dies from sudden aortic rupture

Mrs. Chana Wood owned a Wisconsin-based candy store called Sugar Wood. It has several locations in Cumberland and a few other towns around the state. Ms. Wood also hosted a podcast called The Chana Wood Show. She was six months pregnant with a daughter named Georgia. The latter would have been her third child, all girls. Ms. Wood’s last Facebook post was on Halloween night, October 31.

She passed away the next day, November 1. An acquaintance of Mrs. Wood, Ms. Debi Beall, said she died from an aortic rupture. Ms. Beall then got upset when people pointed to the lethal injections as the likely cause.

A GoFundMe page is raising funds in Ms. Wood’s memory.

Daniel Duyungan: 20-year-old England college student dies unexpectedly at Halloween party

Mr. Daniel Duyungan was an aerospace engineering major at the University of Nottingham. He’d been tinkering with and building robots since he was a child.

Details are scant. But Mr. Duyungan “unexpectedly passed away” at a Halloween party on October 30. The University of Nottingham has a vaccine coercion policy.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Mr. Duyungan’s memory.

Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi: 46-year-old India actor and model collapses and dies while working out at gym

Mr. Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi was best known for his roles in the Hindi television series Mamta (2006-07) and Kasautii Zindagii Kay (2001). He was the lead actor in the 2020-21 Zee TV drama Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti. Mr. Surryavanshi resided in Mumbai.

He collapsed and died while working out at his gym on November 11. The cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest.

Keith Farmer: 35-year-old Irish professional cyclist dies suddenly and unexpectedly without explanation

Mr. Keith Farmer was originally from Clogher, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. He is a four-time cycling champion:

  • National Superstock 600 – in 2011
  • National Superstock 1000cc – 2012 and 2018
  • British Supersport – 2017

Mr. Farmer had three young children, including a baby girl born in October 2021. He retired from racing shortly before his daughter’s birth. Mr. Farmer passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on November 10. No further details are available.

Geronimo Warner: 21-year-old Mississippi college student dies without explanation

Mr. Geronimo “G-Mo” Warner was a senior management major at Jackson State University. He played in three games for the school’s basketball team during the 2019-20 season. Mr. Warner was not listed on the basketball team roster for the 2022-23 season.

RELATED: Deion Sanders: Jackson State University football coach was vaccinated “for quite a long time” by August, develops three femoral blood clots, has two toes amputated (March 14, 2022)


Details are scant. But Mr. Warner “tragically passed away” on November 8. Another news outlet said that he died suddenly. Jackson State University has had a vaccine coercion policy.

Gavin Smith: 16-year-old Ohio honors student dies in his sleep

Gavin Smith was a junior at Lakewood High School in Hebron, Ohio. He played the trombone in the marching band, and was a Heath Church of Christ member.

Gavin “passed away unexpectedly in his sleep,” according to a statement by his high school.

An online obituary says Gavin died from “an unknown heart condition.”

Heather Anderson: 28-year-old Australian football player, army medic commits suicide

Ms. Heather Anderson played for the Adelaide Crows of the Australian Football League for Women (AFLW). She was selected 10th overall by the team in the 2016 AFLW Draft. Ms. Anderson’s football career ended in 2018 due to a problem shoulder. She was a medic with the Australian Defense Force.

RELATED: U.S. military personnel continue dying suddenly and unexpectedly as mainstream media deflect most attention to suicide (May 3, 2022)


Mainstream media reported that Ms. Anderson died unexpectedly on November 13. The Pineapple Express, a Facebook community for Australian veterans, reported that Ms. Anderson “tragically took her own life on barracks.”

There’s no vaccine mandate in the Aussie military. But they punitively punish soldiers who refuse the injections.

Brooke Schmitt: 22-year-old Missouri MRI tech dies without explanation

Ms. Brooke Schmitt resided in Moscow Mills, Missouri. She was an MRI technician at St. Joseph Hospital – Lake Saint Louis. She had a three-year-old son.

Ms. Schmitt died without explanation on October 29. Her hospital is owned by SSM Health. The company has had a vaccine mandate in place since September 2021.

Rai-Lèyah Parveen Saddique: 10-year-old British girl collapses at school, dies four days later

Rai-Lèyah Parveen Saddique resided in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Her parents described her as “fit and healthy.”

It was a normal school day for her on Wednesday, November 9, before she suddenly collapsed in class. Rai-Lèyah was rushed to nearby Pinderfields Hospital, then to Leeds General Infirmary. But she passed away on November 14. The cause of death was a brain hemorrhage, aka stroke.

Kayla Chambers: 14-year-old Irish girl dies from “seemingly innocuous illness”

Kayla “KJ” Chambers resided in Camp, County Kerry, Ireland. Few details are available. But Kayla passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” on November 10. An online obituary says Kayla “passed away peacefully at home…following a seemingly innocuous illness.”

Chris Figgis: 18-year-old British hockey player collapses and dies in a barn

Chris Figgis resided in Graveney, Kent. He was in his final year at Kent College Canterbury, where he played for the field hockey team. Few details are available. But Chris “died in a barn where his father runs a farm” on October 29.

Binu and Pramila Koshi: India man dies suddenly, wife dies suddenly four hours later

Mr. and Mrs. Binu and Pramila Koshi.

Little is known about Mr. Binu Koshi and his wife Pramila. They resided in Mumbai and had two sons, ages 21 and 18.

Mr. Koshi complained of chest pains on November 7. He was rushed to Ambedkar Hospital, but pronounced dead at 10 a.m. that morning. The cause of death was a heart attack. Mrs. Koshi was overcome with grief at the hospital.

She was taken home, but lost consciousness herself three hours later. She was rushed to the same hospital, and pronounced dead at 2 p.m. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Savanna Palesotti: 24-year-old Florida woman dies suddenly aboard yacht

Ms. Savanna Joyce Palesotti is the daughter of Tony and Jennifer Palesotti. They own Red Boat Tours, based in Saint Augustine, Florida. The company hosts various types of water tours off the Atlantic coast. Savanna was a captain on the family tour boats, while also training to be a yacht captain.

Details are scant. But Savanna was air lifted from a yacht she was working on, to Southeast Georgia Health System on October 7. She passed away the next morning.

Dilip Kumar Madani: 61-year-old India business man collapses and dies on camera at a dental office

Mr. Dilip Kumar Madani owns a clothing store in Surat, Gujarat. He was in Barmer, Rajasthan on November 4 for a networking event. Mr. Madani woke up with a toothache the next day. He went to see a local dentist.

Closed-circuit TV footage shows Mr. Madani sitting down in the waiting area of the dental office, reading a newspaper. He suddenly started slumping over to his left, before collapsing to the floor

He was rushed to nearby Nahata Hospital. But doctors pronounced him dead shortly after arrival. The cause of death was a sudden heart attack.

Pearl Shongwe: 35-year-old South Africa television and radio broadcaster dies in her sleep

Ms. Pearl Ntombifuthi Shongwe resided in Johannesburg. Her broadcasting career started at YFM, an urban contemporary radio station, in 2010. Ms. Shongwe was a model in 2011, and was a finalist in the Miss Soweto pageant. But she concentrated on her broadcasting career thereafter. She started working with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) the following year, and has been there in some capacity ever since. Ms. Shongwe was most recently a news presenter at SNBC-owned MetroFM.

RELATED: Jeremy Mansfield: South Africa broadcaster beat leukemia 13 years ago, calls non-vaccinated “fuc**ng stupid,” now in palliative care with liver cancer (August 19, 2022)


Details are scant. But Ms. Shongwe passed away in her sleep at home on November 8.

Lisa Zappia: 62-year-old West Virginia “dies unexpectedly”

Mrs. Lisa Ellen Saffel Zappia resided in Morgantown, West Virginia. She was married for 33 years, had two adult children, and one grandchild. Mrs. Zappia was part of a local Facebook group that got together and sewed masks for people to wear during the so-called pandemic.

She “died unexpectedly” of “heart issues” on October 29.

Ms. Zappia posted the following via Facebook on August 10, 2021.

Long road ahead for Britney Spears?

We first wrote about troubled pop star Britney Spears on July 3. She announced via Instagram on April 11 that she was pregnant. Four weeks later, she announced a miscarriage. Ms. Spears received at least one mRNA injection in April 2021. And now it appears more post-injection adverse reactions are taking hold.

Ms. Spears posted a video of herself dancing, along with a lengthy note on Instagram on November 6. She said, among other things, that she was diagnosed with permanent nerve damage on the right side of her body. Ms. Spears also said she wakes up sometimes, and her hands are completely numb. The most troubling part of the post is that she feels “pins and needles” throughout her body. That is the primary symptom of post-injection Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). Ms. Spears said her medication is dancing.

The good news is that she’s still coordinated enough to dance. But the combination of pins and needles, and the pain, is not good. And there’s nothing she can do about it. This isn’t Uganda, where Kabalagala Police arrested a doctor and a nurse last week, after a nine-month-old baby died minutes after receiving a vaccine.

This is the United States, where California (Spears’ home) enacted AB 2098 on October 1. The new law allows state medical boards to revoke doctors’ credentials for “promoting disinformation and misinformation.” Doctors, whether in California, Mississippi, or Alaska, must tell Ms. Spears that her issues are all in her head. That’s U.S. medicine 2022 in a nutshell.

This blogger wrote about a triple-vaxxed nurse name Sarah, who contacted him in August. She had already lost two nurse colleagues. Sarah lost her own ability to walk. She also had major breathing issues. Sarah took a leave of absence from work, but never told the hospital why. She knew that if she told them she’s vaxx-injured, she could potentially lose her job and be stigmatized by colleagues. Sarah wrote back to this blogger one last time on November 11 to say thank you and God Bless. She passed away on November 13th.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

Disclose.tv Twitter page said that the world population reached the 8 billion people threshold. I am wondering if that will be the cap for sometime.

1 year ago
Reply to  Albert

If the vaxx is apparently preventing woman to give births, in a near future, there will be WAY more deaths than births due to that poison shot every zealots loves so much… So, 8 billion won’t be there for a long period…

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Here in the UK, the British government has admitted on its Office of National Statistics website, a staggering 13,436 excess deaths in the week ending 4 November 2022. These excess deaths are for England and Wales. It does not include Scotland’s excess deaths. This is human catastrophe never before seen in UK history. The excess deaths are snowballing every week. I did not include the link to this website here because I don’t think it’s allowed. This website also admitted that home deaths are 29.9% higher. In other words, thousands of Brits are simply collapsing and dying in their own homes! Please note before 2021 98% of Brits died in hospital. Only a very tiny percentage died at home. ‘Sudden Death’ was unheard of.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

How did life get so cheap? I just read an obituary online written by a wife about her own husband’s death (vaxxed) and how he went to the,”big gig in the sky.”

The vaxxed are the cheapest people ever. Their words are so cheap. It’s shocking. The immaturity morphs with every generation it seems. The seriousness of death, and the cause is just ignored. Include silly climate cultists also.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

The answer to your question ‘How did life get so cheap?’ is a complicated one. I could sit here tying the reason why life is so cheap until the cows come home. But I can summarise it in a few words. In the words of Stalin ‘A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic’. Here in England, nothing shocks the Brits. The Brits simply do not have the critical to connect the dots. The Brits have a saying ‘The lights are on, but no one is home’. And that is what sums up why people are oblivious to the mass death all around them. People have a brain but not the critical thinking to go with it. Never in a million years would the Brits accept the fact the excess deaths are being caused by the vaccines. People died because in the end they were the real victim of their ignorance.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Oh, yes! Thank you for that! In a clear and rare moment, Stalin came clean about the ugly, and how utterly cheap it is and he was, and all so called leaders that “won” the war, cutting up like a piece of pie of Europe after WW2. “I take this half, you take yours.”

My grandmother, from Liverpool, hid the in subways during the raids, her neighbor refused, and after found her dead with her children in their smashed house next door to her. She had her reasons, this neighbor, maybe she was just tired of it all.

My Nana immigrated to America with her father and sister. The last bastion, and now the world’s new injection terrorist.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Thank you. Please don’t get me wrong, I do not hate or wish to belittle the British. The majority of Brits are good and decent people. However, they point blank refuse to believe they have been ruled by psychopaths who wear masks. The British mainstream media is one of the most controlled and corrupt in the world. What the Brits don’t realise is the British mainstream media’s objective was to take away critical thinking away from the Brits. How can any Brit or any person in the Western world at this point not know that something is seriously wrong. Here, in England a huge amount of both famous and normal people are going missing on a huge scale. Every day the press is full of people just dropping dead. The Brits are a proud people who think they possess enough intelligence to be better than people in the ‘third world’. Behind closed doors most British South Asians and Blacks are astounded that the Brits cannot see the ‘regime change’ that has happened in the Western World. Depopulation is happening, aka mass murder on a scale never before seen in history, and the Brits are still oblivious to it. The Covid vaccines have already killed 25 million people worldwide, Stalin’s regime killed 20 million. By 2030, billions off people will be wiped off the face of the earth thanks to these Covid vaccines. Because the ‘mass killings’ are out of sight and out of view, most Brits are still living in the pre pandemic bubble and world. Most of Stalin’s victims were sent to far flung gulags on the other side of the Soviet Union. People boarded the trains to the gulags like meek sheep because they still believed ‘the other’ waiting for them was for their own good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Great comment on current conditions.

It’s all encouraged now a days, Death among the professionals, doctors and the like. The denial is baked into the system for years.

Simple put, humanity has destroyed faith in Him.

We in the West used to joke, joke, that life is so cheap in Soviet Russian, and England always was bad, bad, bad about the Russians, and still are, in their government and media, with the James Bond films, etc, and yet, they were still a reliable and resourceful allies in WW11, but what about the West now? Who is the Death cult and what is the most important question, who is going to pay???

I know I’m only preaching to the choir, but yet, this is an outlet.
You present a perfect example of the past and current that corresponds with the ugly of now. What about the mass killings now?

1 year ago

Aug 9th Sarah cried asking you if she was going to die & here we are. So incredibly sad. All for a job that disabled her. I know I am extremely lucky I woke up before the next jab killed me or worse yet paralyzed me. I was clueless back in 2004 when I was mandated into a Hep A jab in order to work in the food industry in Vegas. Within weeks I was suicidal. Within a year completely mentally disabled I now know suffering from heavy metal poisoning. It was so easy for them to convince me I suffered from PTSD from an abusive childhood especially when I was so completely mentally ill I could not even hold a thought to put two & two together & that is exactly what they are counting on dumbing us down mentally. Then I had a few more poisonings until a 2015 DTaP almost killed & almost paralyzed me herniated two of my neck disks ask spinal inflammation.

Now that I am detoxing for the past few years I discovered a few weeks ago what they are misdiagnosing me as the Lyme’s bullseye on my arm where the bacteria from a 2001 TB “test” surfaced. I know 2 people who had a positive test without the bullseye who never had a TB test. For shits & giggles I went to my doctor who said that is Lyme making sure he stated “the test will come back in 3 weeks stating it could be a negative followed by a positive, & then a negative again, but I want you to take a month’s worth of antibiotics.” My one friend told me that is exactly what happened to her. I need to verify if she had the bullseye & TB jab.

So when the doctor stated this I thought “Wow sounds like the CONVID test & no way in hell will I take your antibiotics EVER I already started oil of oregano!” A week later the bullseye is fading. Researched TB injection mark for the results to resemble a bullseye. Things that make you say hmmmmmm! NEVER again will I EVER trust the medical field or Big pHARMa!

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

Very sorry to hear about Nurse Sara. I remember the original post. This time we have a premenopausal woman maybe dying from a “dissecting aortic aneurysm”? We lost one of our medical consultants in the men’s bathroom with that in my prior job but he was well past 60, maybe even 70. That is a disease of the elderly usually. We have a 10 year old girl dying from a cerebral hemorrhage and some say this is “normal”?? You’ve got to be kidding me!

1 year ago

Musk, like Trump, is primarily interested in money and power. So what if “vaccines” kill millions? They’ve got what they wanted. And like with Trump train, right-leaning and religious people need to do some serious thinking before we jump on the Musk mobile. Both will take us places we didn’t want to go, and keep us longer than we wanted to stay.

1 year ago

So glad that Sarah found your blog and maybe did get saved before she died. It was a very sad story.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

Amen. May she rest in peace. ❤?

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

If she had been saved, she wouldn’t be 6 feet under.

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Death comes for us all, and we don’t get to choose how. Only God knows the heart.

1 year ago

I was wondering how Sarah was doing. Thanks for the update

Last summer the folks were dropping dead on hiking trails, and now they are dropping on sidewalks and streets in my area. I saw my first this month. So far most are being sold as hit-and-run victims. I am wondering how they will cover up these deaths as the months pass.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

My husband was reading a Facebook page for people with all kinds of illnesses. Don’t worry. ? They’re not connecting the dots and still chant the covid mantras of #ABV and thank goodness I am vaccinated or it would have been much worse. My husband was stunned at the level of all the illnesses. I said I told you so. He couldn’t believe it. I was at my hairdresser appointment and most of the conversation was about illnesses and cancer. Vertigo and clots etc. No one connecting the dots. I know they are all vaxxed and most likely boostered. Oh well. What can you do? I have no more sympathy or time to waste on this denial. You reap what you sow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

It just blows my mind how so many still cannot connect the dots. I am now thinking God doesn’t want them to wake up for one reason or another.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

There could easily be psychotronic weapons use, even via a person’s own smart phone let alone the tower(s) or antennae in their local area.

Think about it, they probably have the vaccinee’s phone numbers, can know exactly where they are at, send a microwave encoded message into their very heads telling them what to think.

5G is aimable, too, so that a person can be beamed, even with the oxygen-stripping from hemoglobin frequency, 50 gigahertz if memory serves.

It’s also so weird that people don’t realize what was initially released. It was a biological weapon. It was designed to kill people, splicing different things together into a virus that normally would not hurt people. That alone is crime worthy of Hell.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

All that you say is true but the natural harmonic frequency for oxygen is 60GHz I believe, not that it matters. Can you imagine what will happen when this frequency is activated. Carnage. Faraday bag the phone, screen your home.

De Muro's Pasta
De Muro's Pasta
1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

Makes me wonder if this is the “strong delusion”

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I am so sick of seeing vertigo patients that are not responding to the usual treatment this year =( 9 out of 10 are not the usual vertigo we see now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

At least you can enjoy a quieter hike with fewer of those silly plebs about.

How have you been keeping, Kris?

1 year ago

I work for a major international corporation. I was amused to find on my pay stub today that we now have a new accrual as of this month. We always had sick time and vacation time, but now we also have 80 hours for COVID.
Might still not be enough for the boosted among us, but then they can fall back on the regular sick time, right?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

You may be the CEO soon one fears if this thing accelerates.

1 year ago

Elon Musk bought Twitter to help develop the AI interface for his Neuralink (cyborgs). I think COVID has something to do with cyborgs?

1 year ago

I think it’s important for us not to lose our humanity.

1 year ago

With all of Brittney Spears’ personal trouble over the years, you’d think if any celebrity had the guts to scream out to the world the ClotShots are toxic and deadly, it’d be her.

Is she really that clueless? Or perhaps the intentionally harmful elements in the jabs include mind numbing agents, too?

Yesterday I went to my Pain Doctor for my twice yearly knee injections. Unlike most of the Doctors I’ve seen, I really like him. He proudly informed me he had his fifth vaxx injection a couple of months ago.

I’m really going to miss him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bridget

As in dead or new doctor? My mother is four times jabbed and can’t remember things like 2 seconds ago. Talks and then stops mid sentence. Just walks off and when queried, said she wasn’t even talking to me

1 year ago

I can’t give Ms Spears a hard time. She has been gaslighted all her life and definitely has some mental issues
If anything, from being told constantly that was crazy. While has liberated herself physically, her mind is still in chains

Sick wicked world
Sick wicked world
1 year ago
Reply to  Xxxx

Britney has zero education. She starting working to support her slimebag family when she was 9. She gets a pass.

1 year ago

So sorry to hear about Sarah. I keep hoping you are going to be wrong about the widespread destruction of human life from these injections.

Emily, hope you get well soon.

1 year ago

Very few people live by unadulterated truth. That’s why the COVID charade and vaccine genocide were so easily executed on humanity.”

How true! MOST individuals (they are NOT ‘people’, aka NON HUMAN, because they are either Zombies or Demons), around the globe, are Mentally Stunted (aka MENTALLY ILL) to that of a RETARDED 3 YEAR OLD! Never, ever, EVER to GROW UP, to be AN ADULT, hence, incapable of living in the REAL WORLD!

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Musk is the greatest snake oil salesman of our generation!

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Donald “the 6th” Trump is just as bad. Operation Warp Speed? Red Flag laws? Yeah…

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I really thought Trump and Musk would be different… but they are just like everyone else… Anyone that promotes and encourage that poisonous shot is dead to me….

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Trump and Musk are in the club, as in “It’s a BIG club, and you ain’t in it!”.

P.S. George Carlin who made the remark, was probably in the club too. That’s why he said “you ain’t it” instead of “we ain’t in it”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sin Nombre
Paul Karpfen
Paul Karpfen
1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.” … George Carlin

1 year ago

It’s de-facto policy for ESPN and the NBA to only publicly humiliate Udoka, his actress fiancée, Nia Long, and their kids, but not the jezebel, despite both of them consensually destroying their respective families.

America’s true religion is FEMINISM. It so permeates all aspects of life that it is hardly even noticed or questioned anymore; both political parties are feminist; and every institution in society is controlled by feminists.

Speaking ill of a female is The Great Sin; while men are disposable ATM’s and the punch line to a comedian’s monologue to be discarded when no longer useful.

Both men and women completely accept this dynamic and will fight to defend it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

They went after Kyrie because he refused the vaxx. The Jews state anti-semitism but never call you a liar. Musk immediately had a list of about 8 people that will be the arbiters of bad words. First two on the list – president (Greenblatt) and VP of the ADL.

Remember this about the ADL – they determine what you can’t say about them & they determine what white supremacy is.

Why don’t white people get to determine what can’t be said about white people & also determine what is jewish supremacy?

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

‘White Women’ are about to find-out what they’re on the bottom of the shitpile after selling their men, children, and their souls for the promise of Mammon from the government.

Their husbands who could have protected them had already been destroyed by the system the past 50 years – white girls are the new ‘white men’ . . . it’s a joy to watch it unfold.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Strange, I believe God wanted Women to be truly loved, regarded, and respected, so that they can better give back to their communities and families!- Not so much to ask!!-

Sunshine and Clouds
Sunshine and Clouds
1 year ago

The story of Sara reminds me of an interaction I had walking on the beach 2 weeks ago:
A 58 yr old woman struck up a conversation with me, and little by little started confiding things to me (this happens a lot to me!)…she said she is feeling scared for her life!! As she got into it, she said she is a retired NURSE, and has a 2 yr old grandson that she loves! I asked her why she is having so much fear? She said her daughter “forced her” to take 2 doses of the vaccine, or she couldn’t see her grandson.
She was on the verge of tears many times, and the convo was longer than what I’ll go into, but for brevity, I asked her why, especially with a medical background spanning 30 years, would she allow her child, who has less wisdom and discernment than she, to coerce her? I said I’d be damned if a “loving” family member would have that kind of power over me, and sometimes doing the right thing is VERY hard, but must be done. Now she can’t see her grandson without the booster, so it was all for naught anyway.
What struck me the most about this whole interaction was the similarity to Sara’s story; whereby this woman asked me with tears in her eyes, “do you think I’m going to die? What do you think I should do?” I am a decade her junior, with no formal medical training, and she is asking me this. She actually asked me what she should take, after I told her about supplements I take, and why. I was honestly stunned at her level of ignorance of the human body, the proper definition of a vaccine, the history of Rockefeller medicine, etc, etc…and I’m not saying it to be nasty, but to keep it real that MANY of the people in charge of the health of other humans, who inject them with things, etc have very little intelligence in general, and frighteningly, some have near zero in the field they SHOULD have it in. They also almost NEVER continue learning, only jump through the hoops they needed to in order to graduate. So we must all be super aware of this!!
I had to cut the convo after an hr and 15 minutes, had to pick up my daughter, and her desperation was really too much to handle…she wanted my number to keep in touch, but unfortunately she is a bottomless pit of sorrow now, and I understand that, but I’m busy enough with 2 parents who are SERIOUSLY vax injured now, as well as a sister, and I have enough to deal with.
I told her to remember that the most important thing she can “take” at this point is to feed herself with healthy and uplifting thoughts, and because she said she has a strong faith, then prayer and repentance can’t hurt either!
p.s…I think LI NY got some of the very lethal batches, from what I’m seeing.

not woke
not woke
1 year ago

I don’t really have hero’s anymore, but Kyrie Irving is close. Amazing basketball player and stand-up guy, someday I hope he will replace the evil sportscasters calling the games now, those puppets are full of s— and complicit with murder.
On another note, Keith Farmer cheated death for so long, only to go down to a shot. Super bike racers routinely surpass 200mph on the track, scary stuff, but he loved it and was really, really good. That was his gift. I pray for his children and hope he had good life insurance.

Perhaps the government could provide life insurance as a freebie when giving covid shots rather than free beer and donuts.

There’s a swell event this weekend, surfing should be great. Enjoy your life.

1 year ago
Reply to  not woke

Check out Novak Djojovic!!.. He just Won his 6th ATP Finals Title after Australia detained him in a prison ward place for not being vaxxed-up at the Australian Open (crazy!!).. He keeps going & Winning!!- He’s inspiring!!-

1 year ago

I’d like to know about the vax shedding more. I work around loads of retired jabbed folks (in their homes) who have had at least one dose. Think I may have had covid once since a member of my household had to get tested for work and showed up positive but other than that no illnesses. Hopefully the shedding isn’t as harmful as jabs since not directly injected. I’m glad she is ok!

That man who poses as a woman…stories like that are so stressful. I have zero doubt tptb are in full force to drive wedges like this between us and God. Most certainly a war between good and evil. They are fully aware God does exist and have the silly goal of defeating Him. They think we are duped? They’re in for a huge surprise when they find out they are the ones duped (by the devil ofcourse…the father of lies).

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

One of my sales managers recently wasn’t feeling well and went into the e.r. in Minneapolis. He was told he had a “back of the heart” heart attack. He was told it was due to an “infection”. He was given no medication and was told that this heart attack won’t kill him. He asked the nurse if she thought it was due to the vax. She said it definitely was. They are seeing it daily. And that she would deny telling him this if anyone asked. They all know. He went home and tried to find info on “back of heart” heart attacks and, of course, he can’t find anything on the web. He knows it was from the vax. Said he wished he had a time machine and could undo his decision. He needed the shots to visit his daughter in Australia whom he hadn’t seen for a couple of years due to covid restrictions.

1 year ago

“He needed the shots to visit his daughter in Australia”

Bon voyage.

Wicked world
Wicked world
1 year ago

Seeing doctors and nurses go along with this for a paycheck is the most repulsive thing I have ever seen in my life. They betrayed humans at their weakest. Nazis.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has also been accused of anti-Semitism in Germany. He faces a 5 yr. prison sentence. He also faces impoverishment as they are also trying to take his pension away. A really smart and courageous man who has been warning about the mRNAs and giving detailed explanations as to how they will sicken/kill , since the get-go. He needs support, though has publicly stated he will not accept money.

Wicked world
Wicked world
1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

He is a great person. This world is horrendous to good people. You can add Dr. Michael Yeadon, Simone Gold and Dr. Carrie Madej to that good people list. People who do the right thing because it’s the right thing and not because it benefits them in some way. Good people are the minority in this world.

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Whaaat?? That kindly, American-born, S. Asian man??? How is the World could he be anti-semetic or face time?? He’s so gentle-natured and always has a kind smile. He seems to be a big humanitarian, worried about everyone!!-

Dr. B. just seems like the kind of person who becomes almost overly worried about everyone!!..
That sure doesn’t deserve punishment!.. And being like a kindly, nervous ninny is hardly a crime!!-

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I’ve seen his videos, he never mentioned Jews once. Did I miss something?

Sick wicked world
Sick wicked world
1 year ago

I can’t believe people still can’t put two and two together. What is wrong with these people?

As for Musk people need to stop worshiping this guy. He’s supposedly a “genius” but doesn’t know what’s going on with the jabs? Please. Everything he does lines up with the NWO agenda. Electric cars, Solar panels, Neurolink brain implants (right from the mouth of ole Klaus) and his support for the jab. He is NOT a good person. These billionaires believe in Eugenics, all of them, and that’s why they think it’s ok to Offload us. They’re “better” then us simply because they have more money which they mostly stole from the public.

1 year ago

I know I should not say that but the people that died after promoting that poison, does not really affect me… I just wonder after how many will people wake up and realize they glorified a poison that killed thousands… maybe millions… It’s frustrating that they STILL don’t blame that vaxxine…

1 year ago

At this point I just want to enjoy my life on this earth and have no worries about getting into arguments and casting my pearls of truth on soon-to-be-finished pro-lockdown, clot-shotted proles. I still feel sorry for what will happen to them, but that mountain road won’t run itself and that Van Morrison album won’t listen to itself.

Coffee is optional, which I am well aware offends some millennial blogger who found out that it gives people myocarditis (and probably and hypocritically will enjoy a cup, knowing her blog is a load of crap, but needs to get some sweet PayPal bucks to enjoy a holiday to cope with life)

Make sure you take it easy and learn to relax your bow once in a while. It’s what keeps that immune system from working in tip top shape from expelling toxins from your body.

And remember, the “covid” care home deaths at the start of the fake pandemic involved elderly people being discharged too early from hospital, to make way for a wave, that never existed, and were so suspectable to being snuffed out in a prison care home that was locked down from the rest of the world and were unable to see families.

Remember folks, the average age of “covid” deaths was over the average age of mortality.
No lockdown in Sweden, no excess “covid” deaths.
Large number of people not muzzling themselves and getting the “vaccine” for the deadly virus that didn’t kill them. And I thought people in China land were dropping like flies from da rona. How come I didn’t drop down like a fly on the street without a mask?

And would you believe that borrowing lots of unbacked and fiat money from private bankers would result in inflation? Well, if your head was buried in the sand and your hand was held wide open to receive said fait money then of course you wouldn’t. That Netflix show won’t binge watch itself during 2020 now won’t it.

I hope everyone is doing well.

1 year ago

EM and his electric cars hahaha
Smart guy but promotes AI and mRNA’s so he’s just another pathetic billion air… And likely in awe with the power of that blue bird website, for me he’s just another gates, another schwab, another rockyfella, another banskter friend just like that former U.S. prez that signed the fast track mRNA shots to maim and kill lotsa people around the world… disgusting rich people i hope their Karma come soon!

1 year ago

So sorry about all these victims- esp. the promising youngsters!! It’s in God’s Hands.
I had a feeling that Britney Spears had a miscarriage for related reasons. She was so delighted about a new baby with her new husband, and certainly has no financial concerns.. wow.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

“the software of life” and “an operating system.”

Isn’t this the same dude who warns about the camera of artificial intelligence?

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