Michael Gerson: 58-year-old vaxx zealot Washington Post writer who beat kidney cancer 10 years ago, dies of hyper-aggressive, post-injection kidney cancer

November 23, 2022 (updated 7:35 p.m. Pacific)

Mr. Michael Gerson.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last month in an article about the DCIS (“cancer”) and depression RICO rackets, we wrote the following:

“If you received the injections and previously had some sort of cancer, now is a good time to update your will and cross off bucket list items.”

We also wrote about Washington Post editor, Mrs. Neema Patel, last month. She died from hyper-aggressive, post-injection gastric cancer on October 24. She was a vaxx zealot, which is required to work for the Washington Post. The newspaper has had an employee vaccine mandate since September 2021.

It could be sheer coincidence that a second relatively young WAPO employee has succumbed to hyper-aggressive cancer in as many months. But truthphobia will prevent these mainstream media puppets from ever reporting the truth, even as their colleagues are continually dying and being maimed.

RELATED: Carlos Tejada: 49-year-old Wall Street Journal and New York Times writer posts booster shot photo on Instagram, dead hours later (December 25, 2021)


Mr. Michael Gerson was a columnist for the Washington Post since 2007. Prior to that, he worked as a speechwriter for the George W. Bush Administration. He wrote all of Bush’s war propaganda speeches, coined the term “axis of evil,” and is considered by many to be responsible for all the mainstream media lies and deceit about 9/11. Mr. Gerson was a senior fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a World Economic Forum member.

Cancer and vaxx zealotry

Mr. Gerson wrote a column on December 5, 2013. He wrote about being an “instinctual Calvinist,” which shaped his outlook after being diagnosed with kidney cancer. Mr. Gerson had surgery, but none of the other debilitating “cancer treatments.” He quoted Psalms 90:12 at the end of the article: “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Mr. Gerson rarely mentioned the cancer thereafter, indicating it was under control. The only time he used the word “cancer” thereafter was when referencing Republicans and Donald Trump.

Mr. Gerson’s vaxx zealotry started long before so-called COVID-19. He was attacking people who chose not to take injectable drugs in 2011.

He wrote a column in 2014 about “vaccine denialism” and how vaccines have nothing to do with the dramatic spike in autism cases since the turn of the millennium. When this blogger was a child, he received one vaccine – MMR. Since the year 2000, U.S. kids receive more than 20 injections before they turn 15 months old. One in 150 American kids was on the autism spectrum in 2000. That number was 1 in 44 in 2018.

RELATED: Debate Over: all vaccines, including the new JYNNEOS monkeypox concoction, harm human physiological functions (July 25, 2022)


Mr. Gerson frequently sucked up to Bill Gates, and worshiped Fauci like a god.

His hubris, self-aggrandizement and arrogance make his columns very difficult to read. That said, the truly vile vaxx zealotry started in April 2021, after Mr. Gerson received his two Pfizer mRNA injections. He clarified his vaxx status in an April 15, 2021 column, which is full of vitriol, lies, pomposity and big Pharma propaganda. Mr. Gerson wrote the following about non-vaccinated people:

“Free riders are people who benefit from the public good but don’t have to pay or sacrifice for it. In the case of a pandemic, free riders are those who enjoy the positive result when other people get vaccinated — lower transmission of the virus and eventual herd protection — but refuse to take a tiny risk and get vaccinated themselves.”

He went on to use the tired, played out Darwin trope, and said receiving the injections provides a “sense of pride” and “thrill of freedom.” The corresponding tweet is even more pompous.

Mr. Gerson repeated perhaps the most ubiquitous mainstream media lie related to the lethal injections in a July 12, 2021 column: “99.5 percent of all covid-19-related deaths in the United States occur among unvaccinated people; 0.5 percent of covid deaths occur among vaccinated people.”

RELATED: Charade is over: New South Wales, Israel data confirm that the fully-vaccinated and boosted are vast majority of deaths and serious cases of so-called COVID-19 (February 9, 2022)


He called the non-vaccinated ignorant because they “think the vaccines come with itsy-bitsy tracking chips, or make you magnetic, or render you infertile — all of which are pure rubbish.”

There are literally thousands of videos of people demonstrating a magnetic field at their injection sites and elsewhere after the receiving the shots. Japan halted use of Moderna mRNA injections after “metallic particles” were found in several batches.

Both German and American scientists have observed metallic particles and unidentified creatures in the injections. There are peer-reviewed studies showing post-injection lower sperm counts. There’s also post-injection spontaneous abortions, weird menstrual cycles, stillbirths, etc. Everything Mr. Gerson wrote was lies and propaganda.

The arrogance continued in a January 27, 2022 column. Mr. Gerson wrote that the non-vaccinated “fetishize” autonomy and choice. He then implied that God is responsible for delivering the injections to humanity.

Rapid sickness and death

There aren’t many details available surrounding Mr. Gerson’s November 17 death. We know he died in a Washington, D.C. hospital from “complications of kidney cancer.” He must have gotten really sick, really fast.

Mr. Gerson typically posted on Facebook 5-6 times per month. He averaged about 50 tweets per month in 2022, including a peak of 94 in September. His last column was published on October 20. He shared a link to the column on Facebook that day. Mr. Gerson tweeted a link to it on October 23. Both his Facebook and Twitter profiles went silent thereafter.

The Religious News Service wrote that Mr. Gerson will be remembered for writing all of President W. Bush’s war and 9/11 propaganda. The publication also called him “an important anti-Trump evangelical Christian.” Mr. Gerson naturally transitioned from writing war propaganda to vaccine propaganda.

He is survived by his wife and two sons.

Fastest post-injection cancer death yet?

There’s no definitive evidence that Mr. Gerson received one or multiple booster shots. But judging from his perpetual virtue signaling, it’s safe to conclude he received at least one booster. The reports say Mr. Gerson was being treated for cancer in a hospital when he died. Something went seriously wrong on or after October 23, when he disappeared from the public.

We know that the CDC lies about cancer deaths, and records them as so-called COVID-19 deaths to cover up the massive increase in cancer deaths since the injections were rolled out. The mRNA and viral vector DNA injections do a lot of bad things to the human body. But for all the cases officially documented as post-injection cancers, this was one of the fastest from sickness to death.

Mr. Frank Harrington died on April 25, three weeks after being diagnosed with post-injection brain cancer. BBC reporter Dom Busby developed a brain tumor and died on June 10, 2021, 11 weeks after his AstraZeneca injections. Most others die within six to 10 months after cancer diagnosis. Mr. Gerson, like South African radio host Jeremy Mansfield, apparently had his previously-diagnosed cancer under control, until he took the injections. And from the looks of it, Mr. Gerson went from relatively healthy (he reportedly suffered from depression) to deadly ill in a matter of days.

The Washington Post, New York Times, and other mainstream media outlets are trying to make this guy out to be a saint. Mr. Gerson is partly responsible for the unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that killed untold numbers of innocent children, women and men. He used the last two years of his life to encourage people to receive lethal, experimental injections, while belittling and insulting critical thinkers who refuse the shots. Pfizer, Moderna, et al. thank Mr. Gerson for his service.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

Frankly, I am completely behind the vaccine mandates of the Compost, NY Slimes, Goggle, and others. If you are willing to endorse the agendas of those places, then you should also fully participate in the results.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Agree. Karma meet Mr. Gerson. Karma says to gerson “I am a bitch.” Reap what you sow. I have no time or energy to waste on vaxx zealots. As a whole, the zealots now have to double and triple down on all the lies they told themselves and the scamdemic narrative they embrace and worship. All around me rsv, illness, covid, excess menstrual bleeding, menstruation after menopause, cancers, diabetes, vertigo, gastrointestinal problems, SADS etc. Common denominator is the clot shots. They are vaxxed and sometimes boostered. I am living in a bad episode of the twilight zone. ? Stay strong and God bless you all ❤️ ?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, they are self-selecting themselves out of existence although I doubt that all would have take the experimental Rx absent the mandate. Others in that situation have walked away. Ice T reportedly did not do a movie which had a 9 Million $ payoff for him as he would not comply with a mandate although he was rich enough to simply walk away. Others were placed in a more serious conundrum as they were not independently wealthy. If it got really bad I suppose they would try to limit SSA and SSI payments until compliance was met but SSA is “the 3rd rail of American politics” and that would have created a firestorm and political opportunity for the other party although with the Dims and the RINOs they are not called the “UNIPARTY” for no reason!

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

What will people do when confronted with the Mark of the Beast or death?

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

Most will take it, sad to say. Fear makes people do things they shouldn’t. I feel bad for the people that took it for their job and are now sick and can’t do the job. No job, college degree, vacation destination or guilt trip is worth your life or a shortened life in and out of hospitals.

Kelly sexton
Kelly sexton
1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

I don’t feel bad for them, God gives people a brain to use to make the right choices. Greed is a bad choice.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike


Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
1 year ago

“His hubris, self-aggrandizement and arrogance make his columns very difficult to read. ” Thank you for reading them, so we don’t have to! His yammering about FauXi being a great scientific mind and playing a role in our “golden age of public health” was enough for me.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

There is no loyalty among thieves. What is so extraordinary about this Holocaust is that even the bootlickers and die hard ‘order followers’ are not even spared the killer jabs. This Michael who was sucking up to the principal players in this Holocaust was killed off too. It just shows everyone is now expendable. Serves him right though. In the end he became a victim of his own propaganda. He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword. Or in this case, he who lives by the vaccine. Rot in hell Michael, you killed millions indirectly with your lies and USA propaganda work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain


1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I keep wondering if they let Dolly Parton have the killer jab. The only reason I know who Parton and Willie Nelson are, goes back to the 1980s before I completely ditched pop culture. Although I don’t believe the story that Parton donated all that money to fund the Jonestown jabs, both she and Nelson were virtue signaling about getting them. I’m not sure if Nelson is still virtue signaling since his sister “died unexpectedly”.

One of the signs that a celebrity has signed onto the globalist agenda, is if they have been a minor celebrity for years …and then suddenly they are catapulted into major stardom. I noted that both Parton and Nelson had that happen around 1979/80. They were old names up until then, but suddenly were pushed in their own films. It was like everything changed for them at the same time…until now they have extreme wealth. I have wondered for years if they were both inducted into the NWO in the same satanic ritual.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Parton is a big partaker in it all and gay lesbian. She accepted 100 million from Bezos.

Trust no one.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

I read somewhere most popstars, movies stars, and celebrities are actually manufactured. They are usually taken away at birth and subjected to MK Ultra abuse for years. Most of these celebrities are victims of Satanic rituals too. The tell-tale signs that they are a victim of MK Ultra is they are photographed with butterflies and one eye symbolism. Female celebrities wear feline prints to show they are Beta Kittens. All celebrities are owned by the elite occult and are controlled with an iron fist. Most celebrities try to break free such as Aaron Carter (he was murdered) and Kayne West who had to be punished and ‘reprogrammed’ when he rebelled. Yes, a few celebrities are just ordinary people who become famous after years of trying, but the price they have to pay is a terrible one. They too have to do the Satanic rituals and sacrifices. Most children of rich and famous people are sexually abused by the elite occult and incest is common in these dysfunctional famous families too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I believe it. Ariana Grande was always wearing those kitten ears. I also think that most of the people that “make it” are all related to each other. They just change their last name and we the little guys have not idea that they are related…and didn’t get discovered in a Wendy’s restaurant or walking randomly somewhere.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rox
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Beta Kittens sums it up brilliantly. They are not authentic, where is the authentic human? Stop looking to them. They are not Judy Garland, and look at her exploitation and Elvis as well.

Those two genuineness deserve some sympathy, the rest, well…

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

There is actually a web site on the symbols of pedophiles and the “occult elite” (or whatever they think they are) in the music and film industry. There is a piece of jewelry I call a “spiral triangle” that Federal law enforcement over here says is a code symbol for pedophiles, boy lovers I think. Many times on album covers or publicity pictures you will see the singer with a hand over one eye; originally the All Seeing Eye was a symbol for the Deity and it still can be but that has been corrupted by some. Look at the eye on top of the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill. A number of people in the music and film industry have been talking about the initiation rites and other things. The police would not get involved unless there is a body (“habeas corpus”) involved. If the stories are true we have a hidden national scandal. Even Dr. Phil did a TV program about an international group of pedophiles so this is serious.Some claim our government and another one in the Middle East entrap politicians to get them to do their will as a result of hidden cameras in a certain room in Puerto Rico.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Willie Nelson, the Oldest Rebel Alive?

That does surprise me.

not woke
not woke
1 year ago

thanks for this timely article. vaccinated folks do seem to develop turbo cancers, like this robotic liar for ABC, Gerson. and then there’s Al Roker who now lives in blood clot city. and Brittany with Guillain-Barre, and Justin with Bell’s Palsy, and Bruce Arians with myocarditis. Bob Saget with his mysterious brain bleed. who’s next? ~65% of America took the shot so we may need a calculator to tally it up.

I like the Covid Blog for its raw truth, donation enclosed. Please keep those articles (and books) coming and a happy Thanksgiving!

1 year ago

“Free riders are people who benefit … but refuse to take a tiny risk and get vaccinated themselves.”

No Gerson, we didn’t benefit in the least, from your shedding toxins on us, insulting and disparaging us, robbing us of our livelihoods, families and friends. We didn’t benefit at all. How about you? How did you benefit? Was it worth the ‘tiny risk’ you took with your own life? Is the world now a better place because you rolled up your sleeve?

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

Kimmy, I can’t provide an answer to your first 3 questions. On the last one though, let me assure you the answer is a resounding “YES”!
Maybe not in the way he would have meant it…but his lying opinion is not worth much anyway. It warms my heart to know he may have had as much as 25 days to contemplate how seriously ill and deluded he was, with a chance to repent. Did he? God only knows.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, the irony in their virtue signaling ? they just didn’t expect to attain ‘sainthood’ so soon?

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The odds of someone like that, who not only worships the Beast but does so using the name and Word of the Lord, believing he’s already doing God’s work and having taken the DNA-corrupting sacraments with religious fervor, coming to a real death bed repentance makes camel and needle seem easy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dixon

Anyone can repent if they want too. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

Our country suffers from the collective, hive mind. I got into an argument with my friend when we were discussing wearing seatbelts. The government shouldn’t have written laws ordering people to wear seatbelts because adults should be able to decide for themselves how to keep themselves and their loved ones safe in our crazy world. She started with the well, I was so irritated I sternly told her I have no responsibility to keep you safe and you have no responsibility to keep me safe concerning viruses and safety with seatbelts. Each person needs to asses their own risks and decide form themselves. It’s so irritating when people expect someone should take a medical procedure because it didn’t adversely affect them therefor it won’t affect someone else adversely. We are individuals not a collective or a hive and we must be free to decide for ourselves what goes into our bodies not anyone else.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

What you’re talking about is freedom, and most people don’t understand what that is.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

i used to ride in the back window while my mom drove around without a seat belt on………….the good old days!!!! Cps wasn’t knocking our door down, neighbors and strangers weren’t calling the cops for child endangerment. People actually just lived their lives and enjoyed it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rox
1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

Gelson the Prestitute media whore benefitted the Masters at the top of the Depopulation Pyramid who are more than willing to sacrifice their own lower level scum & mold in order to keep their entire agenda moving forward…the Elite use these Prestitute as useful idiots who believe in the Pfizer script they are happily reading…so yes the world is much better off after they take their own medicine…

1 year ago

I don’t blame people for having faith in medical science, the media or even elected officials, accepting their advice as truth. Trump and Biden are not doctors, and had faith that Fauci knew what he was doing. Personally, I think Fauci DID know what he was doing, and simply didn’t care. Maybe because I was a child of the 60’s I grew up believing NOTHING government said. It seemed to me that government exists to enrich and empower itself at taxpayer expense and lies CONSTANTLY. I believe there’s a movement among elites within our own government to depopulate the Earth, as was presented as necessary in the 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul and Anne Ehrlich and Obama’s “Science Czar”, John P. Holdren which called for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth’s human population. ,I think this vaccine is the first step toward achieving this goal. Call me paranoid, if you like–I’ve been called worse…

1 year ago
Reply to  Lumpy

Quite interesting the ga guidestones were knocked down recently

Clown Worldc
Clown Worldc
1 year ago
Reply to  Lumpy

Of course Fauci knows what he is doing. He is a Jesuit. Their mission statement is to bring Protestants “back” into Catholicism under any means necessary including murder, burning and torture. Not only have they killed Protestants, they’ve subverted and rewritten entire nations’ histories; these acts caused them to be kicked out from countries such as Japan. In true Jesuit lying fashion, they twisted the situation and said the Japanese excommunicated all Christians when it was really their own causing these problems.

They also believe in the Pope’s absolute power and to bring in his new world order. It’s no surprise both Fauci and Pope Francis are from the same club, with the Pope affirming Fauci’s call for mass vaccinations.

Lefties R Loozers
Lefties R Loozers
1 year ago

There goes a man that sold his soul to be a deceptive tool for the establishment. Enjoy dancing in the flames, Gerson!

1 year ago

Exactly. And all for what? A blue check? An atta boy from his peers? I hate to keep reusing the word karma, but it certainly is striking the intended targets lately. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

It’s not Karma that gets them, it’s called Divine Judgment.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

The “vax addicts” are a lost cause. But its the collateral damage of those who attend to their diatribe, which compounds the problem.

Papa Elbow
Papa Elbow
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank S.

For a more accurate term the label “jab addicts” would be better, since in no sense that the injection is a vaccine in a scientific traditional definition. Personally I like the call them “needle junkies” or simply “drug addicts.”

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago

“Mr. Gerson wrote that the non-vaccinated “fetishize” autonomy and choice.”

We don’t “fetishize” autonomy and choice, we “cherish” them. I find it sickeningly funny that bodily autonomy and choice is a supposed right when it comes to abortion, but becomes a “fetish” when refusing to damage yourself with an untested jab.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

Only these freaks use the word fetishize.

1 year ago

Mr. Gerson was even wrong about the “itsy-bitsy tracking chips,” Everyone who is vaxxed has a Bluetooth device in their arm. It is easy to download a Bluetooth scanner app and check out all the unknown devices, (people.)

1 year ago
Reply to  J H

Not only does that make them a patentable commodity, and a traceable property, but also a transhumanist cyborg…but they keep on worshipping that science….

Tom Fratello
Tom Fratello
1 year ago

Seems the Branch Covidians not only eagerly take the Flavor Aid cocktail via syringe but want to coerce others to join them in their mass suicide.

Now they either die from Covid anyway or any other number of other ways such as cancer. Seems like a classic “self-own”.

1 year ago

So sad that these people bill themselves as “Christian” while trampling on each and every Commandment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

tony bonn
tony bonn
1 year ago

harrington was satan incarnate, and this story a joy to read because it reported his death. i hope that he infected many more of his ilk with transfections which will end prematurely their miserable, vile, filthy lives just as efficiently as it did his.

1 year ago

It saves a lot of lives when vaxx zealots die…….so it’s not a bad thing

1 year ago

Jesus said something like “it would be better that a milestone be tied around your neck and thrown into the sea than to hurt or mislead one of the little ones” well this guy must have a couple of milestones around his neck

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

This is another of those people. You give them facts after facts about why its bad and they do it anyway. One thing I am experiencing now is everyone who tried and tried to get me to take it saying I was crazy, are now coming to me saying they are having all kinds of health problems and can’t figure out why. Like Forrest said “stupid is as stupid does.”

1 year ago

You’re braver than me. Some told me they are done…no boosters for them. I just don’t say anything because they made such a big deal about taking these potions. Sitting in the sun would cook a virus. The singer of white snake is a big smoker and once did that….he still seems to be a smoker tho. Watch his videos for white snake box sets. He had a chest infection, for context. Went a laid at the beach all day, and it cleared up ?

1 year ago

Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
If Covid Doesn’t Get You
The Clot Shot Must

Thomas L
Thomas L
1 year ago

Darwin Award for Michael Gerson!

1 year ago

Satan burning his own, what’s not to love?

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

I’m surprised a CFR member took these shots. I wasn’t sure if they were all faking it but it seems that at least some are drinking the Kool-Aid.

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Get Ready for the Flu Season
Get Ready for the Flu Season
1 year ago

I found no matter how l tried to reason and discuss the harm of the vaccine shots it fell on deaf eyes. So I stopped. That’s been a year now. Of the jabbed, most went for the boosters as well. I don’t associate with them anymore, as I’m being cautious of their shedding. Some have passed, others had strokes and heart attacks. I lost my job because I didn’t comply with the vaccine mandate. I had to start over with a very small company earning a fraction of my previous pay. Still grateful, I am alive and healthy and no mark of the beast. Interesting few weeks ago I received a call from a former coworker who took the jab. His message was that he should have listened to me, since after his heart attack he is still unable to work. With the approaching winter and flu season, I suspect these sudden deaths will explode.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

“Still grateful, I am alive and healthy…”
This is of course the key. Imagine participating because your employer says to. Inevitably a Pureblood is going to be required, to takeover your position! Would that working people could just ‘lie low’ for a couple of years until it all played out… but unfortunately that is far easier said than done.

1 year ago

One less Epic Sellout Small Hat Tribe Prestitute to push his masters poison…I count that as a win for humanity..l.thanks for being a compliant Lab Rat and Good Riddance ? ?

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

That looks like Bono in that picture. I have to believe he doesn’t fully understand the evil Fauci and all his crimes.
Bono never seemed intelligent or evil enough to truly understand the type of people he is associated with. It is interesting though that someone like Gerson would have been g.iven the real deal shot. He must be getting high on his own supply. Is it possible he was not aware what this thing is. The guy is a professional liar and was not privy to this scam?

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

Why do you ‘have to believe’ Bono is innocent? If you look at who Bono associates with, that should tell you everything you need to know. I think they are all complicit and not one of them is to be trusted.

1 year ago

Michael Gerson died. Good for him. Maybe if this accelerates, we can clean out the trash at the Washington Compost and other propaganda outlets. Gerson got what he deserved. I have no sympathy for those Globalist stooges such as him. Let them all die.

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