John Thiessen: 60-year-old quadruple-vaxxed Canadian homeless advocate dies eight days after fourth mRNA injection
December 8, 2022 (updated 6:54 p.m. Pacific)

Mr. John Thiessen.

KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA — A 60-year-old seemingly good human being is dead, but not before the injections completely changed his previously selfless demeanor.

Mr. John Thiessen resided in Kelowna – a south central British Columbia city with a metropolitan population of about 220,000 people. The city has about 230 homeless residents, and another 270 living in temporary housing, according to a 2016 report by the Central Okanagan Foundation. Mr. Thiessen was known in the community for his efforts to feed and house the homeless since 2019. He constantly supported and executed innovative ways to keep homeless people warm and housed during the long, cold B.C. winters.

He frequently handed out burgers, tacos, blankets, water and other things simply to try and make homeless people’s lives a little better.

Mr. Thiessen was a videographer by trade. He owned a company called The web domain is currently suspended. It was last archived this past summer. Mr. Thiessen worked in the industry for 30 years.

Preexisting health issues, heart attack and mRNA injections

Mr. Thiessen suffered what he described as a “COVID stress-induced heart attack” on April 14, 2020.

Of course there is no such ailment, as the antecedent relies on so-called COVID-19 1) being a real disease and 2) a real disease that causes heart attacks. There’s more than enough evidence showing that nearly all “COVID-19” diagnoses are/were fallacious for several different reasons. That said, Mr. Thiessen suffered a heart attack that left him hospitalized for nearly a week. He was a type 2 diabetic, meaning lifestyle-choice-induced diabetes. Mr. Thiessen also had genetic heart issues.

Mr. Thiessen suffered lingering effects from his heart attack, which he categorized as “long COVID.” He was an administrator for a Canadian “COVID long-haulers” group on Facebook.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) acknowledged by early April 2021 that the mRNA injections are linked to increased cases of pericarditis and myocarditis. Health Canada acknowledged the phenomenon in May 2021.

Despite all the foregoing heart and other health issues, and the warnings thereof, Mr. Thiessen received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on April 15, 2021.

For the sake of argument, perhaps Mr. Thiessen missed the first wave of news connecting the mRNA injections to increased heart issues. Mainstream media talked about the correlation quite a bit from late April to June of that year. Several scientific studies were published about post-injection myocarditis and pericarditis by September 2021.

British Columbia adopted a policy in March 2021 that mandated a four-month wait period between the two injections to be “fully vaccinated.” Despite all that discernment time, Mr. Thiessen received his second injection on September 10, 2021.

But the vaxx zealotry started soon after the first injection.

Post-injection vaxx zealotry

A high-horse lecture ensued on July 28, 2021 when a critical-thinking friend simply asked Mr. Thiessen to clarify what he meant by a specific Facebook post.

He frequently regurgitated Fauci-isms. But Mr. Thiessen was confused regarding the propaganda term “breakthrough case.”

Mr. Thiessen then compared the non-vaccinated to drunk drivers.

He implied that he wanted his Facebook page to be politics-free, particularly as it related to so-called COVID-19, two weeks later.

Five days later, Mr. Thiessen agreed with Kiss bassist and lead singer Gene Simmons, calling for vaccine and mask mandates. The post also said that the non-vaccinated are “idiotic” and that “my body, my choice” does not apply to the injections.

Five days thereafter, on September 1, 2021, Canadian Frontline Nurses held a protest in front of Kelowna General Hospital. They rallied against mandatory injections for healthcare workers. Mr. Thiessen told anyone who supported the protest to “unfriend me now.”

He repeated the sentiment the following day, but went a step further, saying he’ll proactively unfriend people who protest against vaccine and mask mandates. He called the protesters “ignorant and misguided.”

More injections and death in 2022

Mr. Thiessen received his third mRNA injection on January 11, 2022. He reported “aches, headache, chills and chest phlegm” immediately after the shot.

Mr. Thiessen again complained of “long COVID” a month after his third injection.

His health steadily deteriorated. Less than a month later, Mr. Thiessen was in the hospital again. Doctors were “perplexed” about his “long COVID.”

Mr. Thiessen had full faith in the injections, however. He received a fourth mRNA shot and a flu shot on November 24.

Mr. Thiessen was in the hospital again on November 29 for cataract surgery.

He passed away on December 2. His wife of 34 years, Mrs. Debra Thiessen, announced that John succumbed to yet another heart attack.

His funeral will take place sometime in January.

Jekyll and Hyde syndrome strikes again

This story has a little bit of everything that’s wrong with The Great Reset. Mr. Jason Mauer and Mr. Jordan Hayes were two of the most discussed vaccine genocide victims on this blog because of the dramatic post-injection changes in their personalities. Neither of them exuded overt, pompous arrogance prior to “COVID” and the injections. Same with former Sex In The City star Willie Garson and former Notre Dame professor Karen Croake Heisler. Now we can add Mr. Thiessen to the discussion.

Our reporting and a growing library of data clearly show that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections change people’s personalities and cause other psychological issues. A September case study published in the peer-reviewed, open-access journal Psychiatria Danubia provides more proof of this phenomenon of The Great Reset.

A 45-year-old male patient immediately suffered tremors, insomnia and debilitating anxiety after his second mRNA injection. It reached a boiling point when a man walked past his bedroom window. The patient believed the man planted drugs in his house and was trying to kill him. He attempted suicide before being admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital. He was discharged after a month. But he still takes four different anti-psychotic drugs just to cope with life. Researchers concluded:

“This case indicates a strong causal relationship between the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine injection and the onset of psychosis. We intend to follow up this case for possible development of schizophrenia and understand that the COVID-19 vaccine could play a trigger role in the development of primary psychosis.”

Read the full study here.

RELATED: College athlete suicide rate for 2022 already shatters previous years, as more data tie suicidal thoughts to mRNA injections (April 27, 2022)


Mr. Thiessen was also a victim of the “long COVID” fallacy. He had preexisting type 2 diabetes and genetic heart problems. The first heart attack happened at a time (April 2020) when the masses could blame any and all health woes on so-called COVID-19. Long COVID and post-injection delusional behavior go hand-in-hand.

Ms. Tracey Spicer is a prime example. She’s the Australian television personality who blames “long COVID” for her deteriorating health, despite being at least triple-vaxxed. She appears to have at least learned her lesson, and stopped receiving more injections (or just stopped posting photos and updates about them). Regardless, Ms. Spicer is still blaming other people and long COVID for her health issues. She’s also now wheelchair-bound.

RELATED: Margarete Stokowski: triple-vaxxed German journalist calls the non-vaccinated “lazy and ignorant,” then blames long COVID for her deteriorating health (August 8, 2022)


Granted Mr. Thiessen had other medical issues. But his health and human decency progressively worsened with each additional injection. Many Westerners care more about dogs than their fellow human beings, particularly those of the homeless persuasion. Mr. Thiessen’s disposition prior to the shots made him a unique person.

This blogger, in the #VanLife days, always started up the generator, connected a surge protector, and let homeless/drifters at remote truck stops and rest areas charge their electronic devices. Sharing food and listening to stories makes people feel human, even at their lowest points. Mr. Thiessen did this on a regular basis for three years, until the injections changed him forever.

Even if your vaxxed friends and family are still alive, they’re unlikely “themselves” anymore. This blogger knows a lifetime vegan (those types always tell you they are vegan even if you don’t ask) who suddenly eats burgers and steaks. She’s also aged 15 years in the face in a matter of months. The surreal times are just beginning.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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1 year ago

Wow. He was 3 years older than me, but at the end looked 25-30 years older.

Maybe he should have worked out 2 or 3 times a week and walk 2-3 miles a day, like I do.

So odd he was accusing someone like ME of being the burden on the healthcare system. Even when I had C19, I slept it out at home. Since I also work from home, I did not even miss a scheduled day of work!

I guess it could have been the diabetes (or maybe the spike protein overload) that impaired his logic function to the point where he could not understand that even being vaccinated, he could still catch and still transmit the disease.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

You did not have Convid1984. You had the re-branded cold/flu.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yingjun

I used to think the same but there is something out there.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Eating properly, exercising and getting plenty of VitD never seems to occur to these people as a way to avoid sickness and improve health – I assume because TPTB don’t tell them so. They always turn to what effectively are “miracle cures”. It’s modern day snake oil.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

It seems no local county health departments anywhere in the U.S. EVER talk about vitamin D as a prevention for the normal seasonal colds, flu, etc..

Instead, they are pushers of vaccines of all types, and thus THE LEADING cause of illness, disease, cancer, and death in every county.

All the good that has been done in improving health and living, is undone by every local county health department.

I also knew several people who worked in health departments as inspectors. Their casualty rate in life was about 50%. Cancer and heart attacks. It is probably a stressful job, but I’d wager it’s the exposure while in the office to all the vaccine shedding from freshly vaccinated persons that the health department jabbed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

People may say all sorts of things about me, but I can promise you the last publicly circulated picture of me will not show me with an ‘L’ on my forehead!

1 year ago

Wish I had a dollar for every time a spike protein-infested, walking dead compared me to a drunk driver, a grandma killer, a racist, a hater, an antivaxxer (ok, I accept that one) an idiot, moron, piece of trash, loser, selfish, self-righteous, antisocial, stupid, religious fanatic, “you people,” inbred, fascist, jerk, cause-of-all-societies’ problems, etc.

I would also like to have a dollar for every time a doctor is “Perplexed!” about the cause of whatever uncommon illness that lots of people seem to be developing right out of the blue.


1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I am still waiting for the vaxxers to connect the dots. A conversation at work today with a vaxxed and boostered coworker. She calmly told me her parents and her all got covid over Thanksgiving and she developed vertigo within the last couple months. She couldn’t see the irony they got covid even though they were boostered. And #ABV in regards to the vertigo. I just nod and act sympathetic. I really don’t care anymore. Mr. Thiessen fulfilled the goal of his covid masters. No more long covid or life. ? At work all the vaxers are getting flu shots and shingle shots. Knock your socks off. I load up on supplements and fresh air to stay healthy. Stay strong ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

But it would have been so much worse if they hadn’t gotten vaxxed!

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Yeah he would have had to live another 20 years Lmao! These tards really get the easy way out.

1 year ago
Reply to  tim

It’s so crazy!!.. I know PhDs who can’t even put it together that their sudden, bizarre, aggressive cancer *MIGHT* have something to do with these experimental vaccine concoctions, ya think??!..

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Annie, I feel you. For me: a Next Door app ‘Safety’ post this week of people suffering “mini seizures” due to Xmas lights in the last two years. Five neighbors posted this issue and that it was recent, just in the last two Christmas’. I thought about posting the obvious question to help connect the dots but then realized I don’t care anymore. Not enough.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

My sympathy is gone, I now say out loud “I told you so” as I see them suffering, I cant help it, seems an adequate response to those who treated me and my family so badly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Agree. If I don’t like them or they are nasty, they get it right back. Otherwise I fake concern now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

yes thoroughly mock them

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I am 100% anti-vax now, and proud to say so. I always had my reservations before the Covid vaxxes, but now how could anyone trust anything coming from the pharma industry after this?

Brian Dougan
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

“100% anti-vax.” Same here. Before the plandemic; I (ignorantly) took a $200!! shingle injection. Two of them; six weeks apart. Felt very achy; quite terrible for three days; this was “expected.” (Because of the “adjuvant” to “prime” my immune system.) Oh really. And now?–The MD’s and Big Pharma can shove all of their injectables up their witchdoctor posteriors. Never again shall a needle enter my arm. Used to get the annual “flu” shot. I am now–convinced by the heretofore swept-under-the-carpet; abundant evidence–happy to say that I too am an “anti-vaxer.”

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Ego defense I think. They were convinced THIS was the thing to to and that the “refuseniks” were all mistaken. People want to be one of the good guys, “taking one for the team” (I think they ARE “taking one” for the team, but which team is it??) and so forth. The “First Noble Truth”, life is suffering, dukha, discontent, one may be happy at times but it will not last long. Whether you do or whether you don’t, whether you did or whether you didn’t, you will suffer in life. All lives come to an end. I am of the belief that most of those who did will have their lives cut short and likely will suffer more prior to the end of it but that’s just my opinion based on readings. This world is not built for ultimate happiness, yes, “my kingdom is not of this world”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Oh how I like you lots and lots in this moment of time Ron!

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda

I’m sorry Ron is what I can offer. I am so sorry this has been done to you and many readers here. I know you have experienced what we all have and it is painful and confusing, even frightening to see so many out of control.

But just know, my Hubby went to NYC today and they had many tents up around Union Square for testing for Covid. The staff all looked bored, everyone just walked by and ignored them. They were utterly ignored.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

There’s proof the vax can produce a kind of psychosis in some people, my LL is a prime example. Before: Reasonable, Amiable, if a bit condescending. After: Moody, Snappy. Some people, who bought into the whole narrative early on, already made up their minds, and are inflexible on their stance. Pride forbids them blaming themselves or accepting the fact “the others were right”. Did pride goeth before Mr. Thiessen’s fall? God knows.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank S.

I read that this covid narrative has become their identity. The vaxxed need this to give their lives meaning. How shallow and thoughtless do you have to be to adopt this scamdemic with vaxxes, boosters, masks, social distancing etc.? My mind is blown.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I find that this could be very true ! I feel like being anti vax has become a huge part of my identity now. And it has given my life meaning. Now that I’m awake to not just covid lies but all the other things that government has been lying to us about.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank S.

“…people, who bought into the whole narrative early on, already made up their minds, and are inflexible on their stance.”
Yes, this is key. Because they made their fateful decisions ‘way back when’ and now have little choice except to double-down…
As the creeping suspicion that they’re being scammed occurs to them, panic and nausea nibble at them. This is the most horrible, soul-crushing moment of all – the recognition of an enormous betrayal of trust.
No!! They wouldn’t! (Would they?)
RIP Mr. Thiessen.

Brian Dougan
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank S.

Frank–Sorry to be obtuse. Wat does “LL” mean? I know it must be something to do w/ family.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Dougan

LL = Landlord

Last edited 1 year ago by Lance
1 year ago

Maybe if they give him another booster that will help – ya think?

1 year ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Like its a scam or something? They made sure that they got his flu and booster shots in, then the cataract surgery then they probably got paid for saying he had covid that then brought on the fatal heart attack.

1 year ago

My sympathies to Mr. Thiessen’s vvidow.

1 year ago

The vaccine is thinning the herd, just like it was intended to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin

It sucks that people can’t or won’t wake up and see the scam… Even though receiving only 1 injection is already too late. “I can remove my tin-foil hat if I’m wrong, but if you are, you can’t un-inject yourself”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin

and the shedding will get whats left

1 year ago
Reply to  kiwi

I believe in shedding. Be careful if you use cash at the stores. When they hand back your change don’t let their fingers TOUCH your hand. Do not touch the vaxxed!! I pull my hand away fast and let the money change fall to the counter. Or if it’s under a quarter I just say keep the change. The vaxxed seem to WANT to touch us!!

Steven Rowlandson
Steven Rowlandson
1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin

That will be the side effect but as a matter of justice it is wholly unjustified and therefore a crime against humanity committed by Jews, queers, communists and globalist oligarchs and not Nazis. This time it is the anti Nazis doing the atrocities.

1 year ago

I can attest to the personality change.

One of my son’s very close friends, who normally was very level headed and good natured, turned into a zealot as soon as he was injected. He and every member of his family would not go around anyone without a mask. Their favorite pass time was quoting CNN verbatim and hypnotically believing a killer virus was loose on the public–even though viruses are not airborne or contagious–a fun fact the public willingly ignored.

Fast forward to our current season–this robust, 23 year old Ivy league grad (turns out they are the most gullible), has taken on the appearance of an emaciated 40 year old man. My son does not know if he is suffering from any illness (he cut off ties with my boy after my son stood his ground and countered his insanity with FACTS), but according to instagram photos, he looks like a fraction of himself.

As I’ve stated in the past, my personal belief is that there are no placebo shots, only incremental bombs that will go off when the body can no longer resist. I pray these people admit that defiling the vessel that GOD generously gave them was a mistake. I pray they repent, and I pray if it is GOD’s will they pass, it will be fast and painless. My our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.

Be well everyone and protect your precious children.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

You are better off without them in your life. I avoid those kind of people.

Lefties R Loozers
Lefties R Loozers
1 year ago

I think you’re right about the shots. Everyone I know that got clotted last year seemed to beat the odds and were doing fine. Right now, I know 4 of those people with “covid” that has them on their asses, and one of them has lost 15 pounds. 15 pounds that they didn’t have to lose to begin with. As always, doctors are baffled.

1 year ago

A lot of people are not telling you their issues. I thought that most had no side effects but found out they do. And many are happening in the last couple of months. They vaxxed are more sick than I am too.

1 year ago

Doctors be like : “Oh it’s normal, just go back home, take a bath and everything will be fine”… Meanwhile, the same doctor gets bonuses $$$…

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

$40 per shot I heard. Hospitalization? $13k. Mechanical ventilator? $39k. “If you don’t understand what’s going on, it’s always about the money.” – wife’s Aunt Zena

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

It’s like a slow release inflammatory agent that hones in on your body’s shortcomings and amplifies them without being recognizable to traditional medical tests. The doctors are baffled because their tests don’t indicate the breakdown process only the broken down consequences. It takes months to years for the issue to fully manifest and by then it’s stage 3 or 4 of something that requires an onslaught of interventions which ultimately break the body down further.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

Sounds like your son’s friend has vaccine AIDS. My theory is that some people suffer more from the v-cine because experiments are being run on the connectivity with the nano-particles. My question is does this evil injection link you to a kill switch of sorts? Knowing the agenda behind this you have to think this is in the planning and I believe it has already been done in experiments. What was once done in a lab with animals has now been rolled out for full use on mankind. All the craziest theories are now coming true and it is too hard for someone who has not followed the agenda that has been developing for years to fathom the evil intent.

Barb steyr
Barb steyr
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

I am thinking the same here. Let’s consider one obvious fact. The elite love full controll. meaning they would also controll every death in same way. I do think the deaths are controlled via ai meaning an ai decides a good time to kill a certain type/ person sends a signal and a heart attack/ arrhythmia ensues. Preferably in sleep so its safe for the rest and the person doesn’t suffer and doesn’t get rescued in time. The ai linked up via wifi or 5g knows when a person sleeps through GPS location, time and heartrate it senses. It is also very strange that all alternative docs dig into spike but none talks about Bluetooth only a few…did military threaten them to shut the mouth do they replace carbonnanotubes with lethal content as spikes yet its the same. When pathologists stain the dead tissues the spike they find are the carbontubes.

Barb steyr
Barb steyr
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

carbon tubes. CANON nanotubes could easily contain just water molecules and if heated by 5 g these water molecules vaporize and move through the carbon tubes grid meaning the heated excited water molecules get released from the tubes. At that time the tubes are already lodged in the heart and the brain. So when the hot steam gets released in the brain or heart in mass from all the carbon tubes this will be deadly cooking the tissues in these sensitive areas. When an autopsy is done no poison will be found si ce it was just carbon and water.which is abundant in the body. Basically killed by cooking via microwave tech. Microwave was used for a while in military yet you would have to cook the whe person to kill them and burns would be visible. This way it is invisible and can be done with a much lower frequency since graphene enhances the effect. Furthermore if all humans are filled up with graphene 5g will effect them a lot more you see. Graphene is a microwave enhancer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Barb steyr

It’s exhilarating to find a rare individual who is extremely aware!

I myself have been aware of the same theories as yourself.


Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

We have a collection of movies on the endtimes. I generally don’t agree on their eschatology, but we enjoyed watching them at times. I remember there was one movie that had two characters, a wheelchair bound man and a blind woman (played by Carol Alt). The former had a dog and the dog was his best friend. At some point, the antichrist comes along and promises that if you take his mark, it will cure diseases or infirmities. So they both took it, and they were cured–the paralytic could walk and the blind woman was able to see. But their personalities changed, they turned into psychopaths. Even when the dog started barking at the former paralytic when it sensed he wasn’t the same, he took out his gun and shot the dog.

1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond J

That last sentence sent shivers down my spine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond J

Movie is called “Revelation”. While I’m not convinced it is as accurate as it could be… I do think the virtual reality aspect of it might be pretty close. Certainly makes me think of neuralink, AND what the Bible says about ‘lying signs and wonders’.
Those 70’s movies “A thief in the night” and the first sequel to it, seem to be quite biblically sound. (Costuming and tech and such are somewhat outdates, and the whole movies are way, way too gentle, compared to what we are expecting… thankfully. If the violence were at a believable level, the films would have to rated triple x… as though watching actual war/torture footage.)
I’m glad to see a fellow believer commenting.
Lets meet UP soon!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

We already ARE living in a simulated universe. This is our “original sin”, which we bear, but which we did not accede to, that our forebears agreed to.. Christ came the first time to “redeem” us. When people are connected to the “borg” and their consciousness downloaded into the mainframe, then there will be the second coming of Christ.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

Uh, that would be a no. You are mixing up the Bible with I don’t know what.

1 year ago

Mr. Thiessen was a year younger than me but he looked 10 years older (at least). I wonder if his wife has a clue that the jabs have caused severe heart problems. Probably not.

Mike Cable TV
Mike Cable TV
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

I have a co-worker that went through four different jobs in 2021 because he refused to be vaccinated. I assumed he was in his 40s and just found out he is 60 after looking at results of a Strongman Contest he competed in. The guy has a little grey in his Fu Manchu moustache, but otherwise has nearly shoulder length sun bleached blonde surfer hair. I take breaks with him and watch him eat tuna fish sandwiches and fruit. Must be the genetics and healthy lifestyle. He also listens to underground black and death metal and reads Marcus Aurelius.

1 year ago

holy sh**t what a master stroke by the PTB…Just two words “Long Covid” will nullify 90% of humanity from researching their own cause of misery and eventual death.

I was confident and happy that NOW with overwhelming evidence against vaccines, at least people in English speaking world will wake up and stop taking this poison.

Hell No. We are dealing with highly advanced beings folks, who know psychology of humans more than we do, they smartly “SNEAKED” in this word “Long Covid”

Its unbelievable with so many like a million mile long information on dangers of vaccine people will believe Long Covid DisInfo More.

Mr. Thiessen is a perfect example of the PTB giving people what they what to hear and see. If only he would have spend just one hour of his life on being open minded and see the other side, he would still be helping the in need.

This shows, being open minded is the number 1 personality trait of a human being, it even tops being nice and charitable.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago
Reply to  soul4ever

I love your point, just one hour with an open mind would have saved him.

not dead
not dead
1 year ago

He was a strong man – it took 4 shots to take him down.

1 year ago

Good riddance! Altruism is sometimes done for selfish (ego) reasons. He loved showing off his good works didn’t he? Most of these people are narcissists who love the attention they get for being so “generous and helpful”

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  NPC_Slayer

Poisoning the homeless with aspartame from Diet Coke too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

Yeah, Mc Donalds, Gatorade, while he went in Mexican food restaurants :))) anyway for a homless any food is better than no food, yet…

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

Yes… and that sports drink! Those are pure liquid carbohydrates (bug food) and will give anyone Type2 Diabetes.

1 year ago
Reply to  NPC_Slayer

I agree. It’s one thing to “help” its another thing to film yourself and the poor homeless people your “helping”. Look at me!!! OVER HERE!!!!! I’m giving the homeless cheeseburgers….see!!!!! Geez I wonder if he wouldn’t let them near the car if they weren’t vaxed?

1 year ago
Reply to  NPC_Slayer

I don’t care what motivations he may have. At least he is doing something to help. As for those who criticize his intentions, what are they doing to help ? Saying “I told you so” to the vaccinated comes from that same place in the heart.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

As much as so many rant here and wish death on people who took the jab, they won’t see that by doing that, it places them on the same side.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

It is so hard to believe that there are still so many who are really this stupid, but I encounter them every day. Pro or anti vax, the stats were 99.8% survival if you developed covid, that is all ages, all health conditions. The most basic application common sense tells you to not take the vax, especially if you are relatively healthy. Then just a basic observance of the evidence (even very early on) clearly showed that the vaxed still developed covid, still died from covid and more importantly spread covid. And with all the observable evidence right under your nose, you take the risk of taking the vax. By taking the vax you have a 100% chance of taking an injection without knowing the immediate term, short term, medium term and long term ramifications of your decision. And from the start everyone knew that they wanted to hide the trial results for 75 years and the insert was blank. Beyond stupid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

“99.97% survival rate” and people STILL overreacted to it. Back in 2020 I thought that percentage would’ve been enough for folks to wave all this covid nonsense off.

1 year ago
Reply to  CWJR

Nobody heard about the 99% + survival rate except for critical thinkers like us. I’m sure 99+ was not reported in the media. Try to be a little more understanding about the sheeple.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago
Reply to  Reggie

I outright told sheeple, with articles links and credentials, but no, the sheeple did not even consider anything I said, not one minute of consideration. I have family members who died, and now have family members who are very nervous because people around them are sick and dying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Reggie

I save something that said ‘lefties’ believed 50% of people who caught covid died from it. They just have no capacity for logic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

The stats were hidden from them by media censorship, hiding trial results for 75 years, that too was hidden from everyone who listens to or watches the MSM

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

For the record, John Theissen is the type of person that I put much effort into avoiding at all costs. To the point, I will not attend an event if I know anyone like him will be there, It makes my life happy. I did not wear a mask except when going to a store to buy food, it was mandatory, but I made holes in mine so I could breathe. Most importantly, my family never isolated we did what we always did, visited who we wanted, we all got covid, it was nothing more than a mild cold, be healthy take your zinc, C , B and quercetin and live your life.

1 year ago

I wonder if the gene therapy really changes people. I mean, they are now in the “winning team”, they have (they think) power. You know when there is that really good player on your team? You know you can rely on him and you know at some point he will score and make your team win? That’s people. Government on their side. MSM on their side. Experts on their side. I think some people were always nasty. The difference is now they have power. “Power corrupts. Absolute corrupts absolutely.”

Mick Domingo
Mick Domingo
1 year ago

I guess I’m lucky. The vast majority of people I know; family, friends, and those I work with are vaxxed. I can’t think of a single zealot. I know a couple of people whose health has never really been the same but overall again I’m lucky that virtually everyone I know is still ticking and getting on with things. The weather here in the UK has changed drastically this past week to below freezing. We have been lucky with a couple of very mild winters so I guess we will see how people cope with that. I know very few people who have gone for a 4th jab, but I do know people who are getting flu jabs, which baffles me, but I guess the propaganda works for the most part.

1 year ago

Wow, he aged decades in a few months! From the pic in March, 3 to the one in November 29, is like 20-30 years difference. He lost weigth, lots of it, like I saw in many vaccine recipients and also face tonus. Is like… what is this jab doing to people, eating them from inside out?
He doesnt seem like a nice loving person, but as a bitter nasty, hateful individual. Also that type that does things to get attention and appreciation, as he always seemed to point out against ”people that dont care etc”. In opposition to his nice persona.
Anyway, he seems like a fake individual that pretended to be somebody else till the jab, when he revealed the true self.
Also something I dont get with people: they say: I am against everything some person say (Genne Simmons in this case) … but…because now is about forcing experimental jabs to people and erase their rights and treat them like some population was treated in WW2, I suddenly like this one. What??? What??? If you went against everything a person standed for, you should question your decision as you stand in the same page with that one. But the fear got him. When we act out of fear and panik, we are leaded by our reptilian brain, primal instincts, like an animal, not a human being as we dont use our human atributes. And that always brings out the worse in us. Not in particular situations – we are in danger immidiatelly, but in these type of acting in the primal for years, months. In the Bible it is written for 365 times: do not fear! It is with a reason. When we are governed by fear our aura is down and we are welcoming demons and other dark things to take control of us.

Kristin Miller
Kristin Miller
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Hi Maria,

always like your comments. went back to look at the photos again per your comment and you’re totally correct. even though he has a mask on its very apparent. also did you see the red- allergy armband in his cataract surgery photo? wowza, he had allergies but decided to take not just 1, but 4 experimental shots full of who knows what, with no long term studies!? im sorry but i just still cannot believe people are that stupid. its so unbelievable. i literally feel like im watching a circus, which these geo-beings liken a fancy party, full of idiot zombies who think they are the bees knees. im flabbergasted. every time i talk to someone new about the shots, they have gotten them. think nothing of it. then the convo stops there. what else can i say? even good luck seems like too much. re some other posts that these geo-mod-beings are being basically controlled via remote program, it definitely would make sense. nothing should be deemed impossible now, as it appears what i thought impossible has happened. sheep not just being led to the slaughter, but happily running towards it with alleged open eyes and ears. zombie vxxd self-deletion and automation-control suicide indeed.

1 year ago

I have a hobby. I read. And what I have read over the past 58 years (I started reading heavily in the sixth grade, when I was 11) has shown me that governments lie; that the “experts” have been demonstrably wrong for hundreds of years and that the “government experts” have ALWAYS been wrong.

So when the government says something, I will investigate whether what was said is true (to my satisfaction) and when “government experts” say something, I will do the opposite.

1 year ago

not clear how anyone could believe the official covid story, not one word of it.\but proud to participate.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

Much like here (in eastern Canada) the street people and homeless are largely uninjected.
They get lied-to a lot, but… some lies are far less believable than others! And these people in their own way are often smarter than many academics and ‘experts’…
Because you can’t legislate common sense. Tempting, though.

Patrick Tobin
Patrick Tobin
1 year ago

“Imagine a depopulation plan so diabolical and so perfect you could literally pull it off with 90% of the herd not even knowing what was going on? Or better yet have the herd ignore their own fate and actively participate in it? You are watching it in real time right now.“ anonymous

1 year ago

No matter how many autopsies revealing blood clots. No matter how many presumed healthy individuals suddenly die. No matter how many accredited scientists expose the damage mRNA causes to the human body. To those who believe it is just coincidence… one has to simply let their boat float.

1 year ago

I gave someone a hug who had covid last week – still didn’t get it. Take plenty of vitamins and you will never get it.

1 year ago

The most heartbreaking effect of the covid paranoia has been the vitriol and the arrogance it has unleashed. My line in the sand has always been mandates. No mask mandates. No vaccine mandates. No travel restrictions. No business closures. Let people manage the disease in accordance with the risk they perceive. Some will stay home. Some will mask. Some will try a new drug. But most will correctly perceive the risk as low and behave normally. I thought this would be the sensible opinion of the overwhelming majority of people. Boy was I wrong. Perfectly normal neighbors became afraid to approach me if I wasn’t wearing a mask. Complete strangers would yell at me. So weird. Paranoia is the new normal!

1 year ago

Thank you for yet another great article. Always excited to see a new one posted.

Lately it keeps running through my mind when Christ was on the earth and was mocked, persecuted, and even murdered by those in the majority. The majority then is so comparable to the majority now. It seems so clearly evident it is crucial to not follow the crowd (majority)…or what is considered to be the most popular choices…don’t make those choices.

I sense there is alot of envy from some of those jabbed toward the unjabbed…especially when I read Mr Thiessen`s remarks about unfriending anyone who supported the protest. Looks like it especially yanked his chain by knowing health care workers were involved.

It’s really sad to lose someone who does so much for others…even if that person isn’t thinking critically…or even just completely brainwashed by media…led by fear that was spouted so often by the media especially at the beginning of all this. I do hope someone else will take his place because we can be pretty sure it sure won’t be big brother and the crumbs they hand out occasionally.

1 year ago

YES its always the good + trusting people first bite the dust .
because they are good in their heard they never expect limitless
evilness of state + rulers . they never have the fantasy to imagine
such evilness . the gods take the goods first !

Sunshine and Clouds
Sunshine and Clouds
1 year ago

My sister, age 52, triple vaxxed, spent 6 months in an eating disorder lockdown facility for “binge eating disorder” after the 3rd shot. She didn’t want to leave either, but got kicked out for behaviors. She also had a detached retina while driving…I believe these are neurological problems due to the injections.
She has gone for a 4th.
I have MANY, MANY stories of those around me…most recently husband’s coworker’s wife had a heart attack in the shower and died. 26 yrs old, a mom of 2.

1 year ago

Loss of brain cells is probably the cause of changes in personality.

Though, it could be that the victims of this have a nano-tech antenna growing over their pineal gland and some DARPA AI is telling them what to think. Or, the victims have a MAC address and a certain billionaires stars orbiting the earth are telling them what to think.

By the way, those thousands of little satellites, I bet they’ll be the ‘stars falling from heaven’ mentioned in Revelation, here in a few years or so.

1 year ago

The first adverse event listed in the Pfizer documents was IP36 deletion. Primarily a congenital defect, it causes intellectual disabilities, hearing and speech impediments, temper tantrums or other behavioural issues, and seizures. The injected have essentially been lobotomised.

1 year ago

My neighbor down the road her & husband are ten yrs younger than me and they look much older since the C shots. I’m 74 UNvaxxed. Their faces have aged considerably. I do believe the shots age us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marie

I know a woman one year older than me that just two summer ago looked really young. Now she looks really old. I thought it was the antennae-loaded cell tower right outside where she works. But you reminded me, it could darn well have been ‘the shots’.

1 year ago

Couldn’t wait for the 5th Booster…too much is never enough…thanks for being a loyal lab rat pin cushion for Big Pharmas experiments…I guess I’ll take a pass, thank you very much…

1 year ago

THANK YOU for covering the Personality Changes!!.. SO Evident!!-
AND SO erratic!!-

Jason Cruz
1 year ago

Hard to find someone more brainwashed.

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