Don’t forget us: these eight cases of debilitating post-injection adverse reactions provide a sample of global suffering by those who survived the “vaccines”
January 24, 2022



The COVID Blog® first used the phrase “died suddenly” in a May 19, 2021 article about the death of Syracuse, New York teacher Bill Scott. Most post-injection deaths were happening within hours, days or a couple weeks after the injections at the time.

We referred to Mr. Scott’s death as a “near-term” death – those that happened anywhere from 8 to 16 weeks after the injections. As a journalist working against a monopolized, compromised mainstream media, all this blogger could do is track and document observable patterns in these deaths.

The pattern of rapid post-injection deaths stopped after August 2021, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “fully approved” the Pfizer Cormirnaty mRNA injections. Said shots are not available in the U.S., thus the entire “fully approved” narrative is and was a complete charade – just in time for vaccine mandates.

It was at that point the “slow kill” mRNA injections replaced the fast-kill shots, after Pfizer, Moderna, et al. literally experimented on humanity in real-time time from December 2020 to August 2021 to perfect said slow-kill formula. Those who survived being “fully vaccinated” prior to August 2021 either received placebos or the slow-kill experimental formula, versus the highly-lethal first versions that were killing people within hours and days.

The term “died unexpectedly” was first used singularly on The COVID Blog® in an October 21, 2021 article about three Ohio judges dying in a nine-day span. One month later, our article about doctors dying off in droves was the top search result in non-Google search engines for the phrase “died suddenly and unexpectedly.”

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


We wrote in that article:

“Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. We all know that. But you can literally search keywords like “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” in Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. and find endless stories like the following. Booster shots commenced on September 22. That could also be a coincidence. But all of the following doctors died on October 13 or later.”

Today most post-injection deaths are happening a year or two after initial boosters or “full vaccination.” This phenomenon was predicted by several doctors in 2021, most notably Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Charles Hoffe. As we transitioned into 2022, stories on The COVID Blog® covered multiple deaths instead of just one at a time due to the accelerating vaccine genocide. But something else also stopped after 2022 – covering singular vaxx-injured victims simply because there were far too many.

There are hundreds of millions of people across the globe right now living with debilitating post-injection injuries. They all get the runaround from the medical industrial complex when seeking treatment. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) literally put out an official statement saying that most vaccine injuries are simply anxiety and all in your head. Most victims are afraid to mention the injections to anyone as the potential cause of their injuries due to fear of being labeled an “anti-vaxxer.”

The vaccine genocide is two-fold – actual deaths and maimings to the point of removing previously-productive people from society, and placing undue burdens on friends, family and strangers to take care of them.

The following eight cases are a mere drop in the bucket of recent, debilitating vaccine injuries.

Marcel Huggins: 53-year-old Ohio man told his pericarditis is caused by “sleeping in his vehicle”

Congratulations to Mr. Marcel Eugene Huggins for four years of sobriety.

The harsh truth is that you’re better off being a non-vaccinated alcoholic than “getting vaccinated.” Mr. Huggins has received at least three mRNA injections, with the last documented one on December 15, 2021.

He got very sick just days later.

Fast forward one year to December 9, 2022. Mr. Huggins reported having “inflammation around [his] heart.” He appears to be a truck driver. Doctors told him the reason for his pericarditis is “from sleeping in the front seat of my vehicle too much,” and smoking cigarettes.

There have been no further updates since that time.

Selin Islami: 17-year-old German gymnast suffer life-altering, post-injection autoimmune disease

Selin Islami resides in Solingen, in the Bergisches Land region of North Rhine-Westphalia. She was a normal Generation Z girl who loved her social media presence and friends. Selin was also a gifted gymnast with, from the few video clips we’ve seen, Olympic-level talent.

She received two mRNA doses in August and September 2021. Her life was altered forever after the second injection. Selin suffered bouts of uncontrollable coughing, severe abdominal pain and general malaise for the next three months. She lost vision in her right eye and was barely able to walk by December 2021, according to reporter Simone Theyßen-Speich, of the Solinger-Tageblatt.

She’s been wheelchair-bound in May 2022, and essentially live at Essen University Hospital. Selin requires round-the-clock medical care. She undergoes hemodialysis once per week. Doctors diagnosed her with myasthenia gravis – yet another incurable autoimmune disorder that is a known adverse reaction to the Pfizer mRNA injections. Basically communication between nerves and muscles completely stops.

RELATED: Yeah that’s normal: three young German federal league (Bundesliga) soccer players diagnosed with testicular cancer in the last three months (August 17, 2022)


Reporter Petra Dierks of Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln (WDR) caught up with Selin and her mother in November. They want Selin’s story known to the world because her pediatrician made clear that her condition was caused by the injections.

Selin now reminisces about her young life before the shots via TikTok. She has come to terms with the fact that wheelchairs and hospitals are her new normal.

Robert Uuzi: 25-year-old Australia husband, new father suffers life-altering myocarditis

Mr. Robert Uuzi resides in Perth. He and his wife, Indiah, got married on October 28, 2021. But they’ve been together for many years. Mrs. Uuzi was 34 weeks on September 11, and was very proud to share this milestone in their young family.

She gave birth to a baby daughter in September or early October . But life has been extremely difficult for the young couple since both of them received the mRNA injections sometime in early 2022.

Mr. Uuzi collapsed at work in March 2022; and his health has deteriorated further ever since. He has suffered debilitating pericarditis, chronic migraines, more collapsing, sudden high blood pressure, and a lot more. He’s seen numerous doctors, and tried every pharmaceutical and natural remedy under the sun, to no avail.

Mr. Uuzi has been unable to work since August. The family has accumulated at least $6,000 in medical expenses in Australia’s hybrid public and private healthcare system.

RELATED: Alyssa Kent: 40-year-old Australian woman has three brain surgeries, five seizures, stroke after first AstraZeneca shot, so will take Pfizer or Moderna for second shot (July 26, 2021)


Mrs. Uuzi has made no bones about the reason her family is going through all this:

“I think he has more so learnt to live with all of this shit now, rather than anything actually working. The worst part of it all is that it was caused by a vaccine he/we didn’t want.”

Nikki Holland: 38-year-old Tennessee physical therapist permanently disabled, has tracheostomy tube after two Moderna injections

Dr. Nikki Anne Holland resides in Henry, Tennessee. She is a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) and an athletic trainer. Prior to February 2021, her entire Instagram history was photos of her three children and her accomplishments as a medical professional. The foregoing photo was posted on January 31, 2021 – a day Dr. Holland said in a TikTok video she wishes she could go back to and “relive one single moment.”

The exact fateful day in question came on February 12, 2021, when Dr. Holland received her second Moderna mRNA injection. Three days later, she was vomiting and struggling to breathe. Dr. Holland was admitted to the emergency room on February 17, 2021 in respiratory failure. She was placed on advanced life support. The next five months included 100 days in five different hospitals, and the following subsequent issues:

  • Blood clots
  • Pneumonia
  • Multisystem inflammatory response syndrome
  • Laryngospasms
  • Severe restrictive lung disease
  • Gastroparesis
  • Urinary retention and neurogenic bladder
  • Weakness
  • Spasms
  • Chronic pain
  • Neurologic impairments with motor coordination and ataxia

Dr. Holland had a gastrostomy (feeding) tube and a suprapubic catheter implanted, as her body can no longer sense a full bladder. She had a tracheostomy (surgical hole in her neck and windpipe) and a tube implanted so she can breathe. It’s the same apparatus lifelong smokers end up needing due to throat cancer. Dr. Holland is only able to get around in a wheelchair or with crutches.

The foregoing has been her normal life since February 2021. She posted the following video via TikTok on October 19, 2022.

There is no zero silver lining here. But at least Dr. Holland is in contact with three of the best medical minds in the U.S. – Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Ryan Cole. She met them all at various events for vaxx-injured individuals in 2022.

Dr. Holland has been unable to work since February 2021, and is constantly in and out of hospitals. A LifeFunder page is raising money to help her family during the difficult times.

Jennie Gow: 45-year-old BBC presenter suffers debilitating stroke

Ms. Jennie Gow covers Formula 1 international auto racing for several BBC brands, including Radio 5 Live. She’s been on said beat since 2010.

Ms. Gow tweeted on December 27 that she was feeling unwell.

That “bug” turned out to be a stroke. Ms. Gow said she now struggles to type and speak. She’s going to miss work “for some time.”

Ms. Gow received her first round of AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections in April 2021. She received a booster shot on December 22, 2021.

Granted we do not need “studies” to understand that the injections caused her stroke. But an October 2021 case study published in the peer-reviewed Saudi Medical Journal chronicled a 43-year-old man who suffered an ischemic stroke three days after his first AstraZeneca shot. Note that ischemic strokes are caused by blood clots in the brain that block the flow of blood and thus oxygen to the brain.

A July 2022 study published in the peer-reviewed Clinical Case Reports Journal chronicled three Sudanese patients who suffered post-AstraZeneca ischemic strokes. Researchers concluded:

“The thrombosis is likely caused in a way similar to heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia; platelet‐activating antibodies against PF4 produced after vaccination; hence, laboratory tests are needed for definitive diagnosis.”

Do not expect Ms. Gow or the BBC to use this opportunity to bring awareness to post-injection strokes.

Chris Bates: Oregon man undergoes mid-thigh leg amputation after post-injection blood clots

Mr. Chris Bates resides in Springfield, Oregon. He was apparently living in Seattle, and just moved back to Oregon, his home state, when his life changed dramatically.

The circumstances surrounding his situation are not clear. But Mr. Bates announced on December 8 that he was laid off from his job. There were no medical-related posts prior to this. Mr. Bates wrote on Christmas Day that he nearly lost his right leg due to blood clots. It was just one of many issues in an unfortunate string of bad luck for him.

RELATED: Post-injection amputations on The COVID Blog®


Three days later, he posted graphic photos showing his condition. His aunt, Ms. Karen Bates Craig, implied that the blood clots were caused by the injections.

Mr. Bates was elusive when asked directly if he received the injections recently.

Mr. Bates was still hopeful just after the New Year, believing the worst was over and he’d keep his leg.

But doctors decided that the damage was too extensive. Mr. Bates announced the amputation on January 6…

…and posted the aftermath on January 7.

The last update on his medical condition was on January 19. Mr. Bates said he has a long road to recovery and that 2023 “is pretty much over for me.” He’s also trying to figure out if he can afford a prosthetic leg. His job prospects are now severely limited as well.

Sam Michelle: 53-year-old Australia woman faced “no jab, no job” choice, suffers gruesome post-Moderna skin disorder

Ms. Sam Michelle resides in Swan Hill, Victoria. She’s one of those hundreds of millions of people across the globe who were forced to choose between receiving the injections or losing her job. Ms. Michelle remained quiet about her condition until it got to the point that she could no longer hide it.

She received a Moderna booster shot sometime in early 2022. Ms. Michelle was diagnosed with post-injection pityriasis rubra pilaris, a group of skin diseases we’ve seen all too often on this blog. She’s been dealing with the issue since March 2022. “Don’t get vaccinated,” she warned her Facebook followers.

Her entire Christmas holiday was spent suffering. Ms. Michelle felt extremely sick through the final weeks of December. She called it “COVID-19.”

The pityriasis can only be managed and mitigated, as there is no known cure, particularly for the post-injection variety.

RELATED: Post-injection skin disorders on The COVID Blog®


Savanna Ingram: 27-year-old South Carolina nurse succumbs to “no jab, no job” ultimatum, suffers massive stroke, unlikely to fully recover

Mrs. Savanna Marie Ingram resides in Andrews, South Carolina. She is a nurse at Tidelands Georgetown Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Ingram had been adamantly against the experimental injections from the very beginning.

But the Biden federal vaccine mandate for healthcare workers forced Mrs. Ingram to choose between her job or the lethal injections. She received the shots sometime in late 2021 or early 2022. Mrs. Ingram suffered a massive stroke just a few months later.

She posted an update on January 7. Mrs. Ingram has permanent vision loss in one eye, and is still re-learning to walk and move around in general. Her doctors determined that the only possible cause of the stroke was the injections. Mrs. Ingram posted an image of her “consent form” where she clearly wrote “I do not want the vaccine. I’m being forced by the federal mandate.”

We all know someone suffering

This blogger rarely interacts with people these days. It started in 2021 when a close friend died out of nowhere. The coping mechanism is to create distance and thus mitigate the pain when someone dies or is severely maimed. But everyone knows about this blog, and wants to talk the moment something goes wrong.

A long-time friend of over 40 years used to always send Christmas cards, even when we hadn’t talked for long spells. She missed this year, the first time that’s happened since the 1990s. Her Facebook page also stopped being updated in early December. All of the worst thoughts have tormented to the point of breaking down and reaching out.

She suffered a massive stroke at age 45. This woman is (was) quite vain, justifiably due to her attractiveness. She can no longer walk, and talks only in broken English. She’s cut everybody off in her life because she’s so ashamed of her condition. “Waiting to die” is what she said. It’s difficult to understand her speech at all. But the other clear word that came from her several times was “Moderna.”

At this point, everyone knows a vaxx-injured individual. We’ve posited many times – are the dead ones the lucky ones? These experimental gene therapy shots trigger blood clots, destroy the immune system, and wreak havoc on the human heart.

Our best guess is that around 300-400 million people worldwide have died since January 2021 as a result of the injections. At least that many more have been taken out of society due to debilitating adverse reactions. The non-vaccinated are in constant danger due to shedding.

All you can do is ensure that your immune system and overall health are functioning at their peaks, to give yourself a chance during The Great Reset. Eat less, exercise more, drop a few pounds, and avoid hospitals and doctor’s offices like the plague. Get rid of TVs, microwaves, and minimize the use of WiFi and Bluetooth in your home. Again, just give yourself the best chance if you desire to live on in The Great Reset.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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Nikki Holland
Nikki Holland
1 year ago

Thank you for sharing my story on your blog! It means alot, thank you for your dedication in sharing mine and many others stories and the real truth about covid and vaccine matters.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
1 year ago
Reply to  Nikki Holland

bless you, Nikki. I’m so very sorry for all of the suffering you are going through as a result of the shots. I’m glad you are in contact with doctors like Ryan Cole and the others; my hope is that someone will soon find a way to reverse the damage being done. I will be donating to your fundraiser as soon as I am able! ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nikki Holland

Nikki, I so appreciate your courage in telling your story, as you are saving lives. Thank you. I hope you can make use of healing strategies from FLCCC (e.g. glutathione), and those who recommend chlorine dioxide for removal of metals in this shot. I believe there is healing for you.

If I may offer one prayer when my worries are overwhelming:”God, please heal my fear-based thoughts.” It seems to help. Blessings to you.

1 year ago

That poor fellow from Oregon. What hell he’s going thru. He still seems reluctant to blame his condition on the vaxx. I hope that he and all these poor people find some alleviation from their suffering. Well maybe not so much for that BBC lady. She seems like the kind that would line up tomorrow for a jab, if she was instructed to.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

Can you even imagine the weight of the regret on the shoulders of the 27yo S. Carolina nurse? No jab, no job, sure, but if jab, then SURELY no job. Those poor people!

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

As a former immunizer (and now 1000% anti-vaxxer for ALL vaccines) I would have NEVER consented to inject someone who wrote that on their form as doing so would be evidence of assault and battery. I would have talked her out of it even if I had believed in the vaccine because that is JUST WRONG.

1 year ago
Reply to  Irunthis1

I am also now an anti-vaxxer for all vaccines. All of them are suspect at this point.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
1 year ago

I have a friend who was psychotically pro Covid jabs. Even though she unfriended me she posted pictures and horoscopes and things on instagram and facebook several time daily and I knew she and her four year old daughter were okay. About two months ago she dropped all social media completely, like deleted all accounts. I pray it’s not something that happened to her four year old…

1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

You realize that people are missing or physically changed. My husband’s one sister and a friend- their eyes shrunk for lack of a better term. And their bodies have shrunk just like what happens when you become elderly except they are not and this is happening over a couple of months. I can’t imagine what these poor people are going through. The pictures are horrific. And to take this shot for a job and then lose the job from the side effects is insult to injury. 2023 is going to be a year to test one’s soul. I am strong and sure in my remaining unvaxxed as well as my entire family. But the evil from this vaxx among other things will test my fortitude as I promise to act as a witness to all of it and demand justice. God bless you all. ❤️ ?

1 year ago

At this point, I find it hard to find sympathy for those advancing the agenda of the devilish ruling class, through their obedience, compliance and trust of the very same system laboring non-stop to wreck them and everybody else. Not to mention the many many many times they purposefully chose to look the other way, instead of lending their human energy to oppose the forces of evil, at least in their heart and mind.

When faced with jab-or-job, they opt to make a pact with satan’s minions, because they have become accustomed to their cushy lives and routines, that they call “hapiness”.

TPTB can not accomplish anything to turn our life experience into a punishment, if it weren’t for those complying and bending the knee.

Jab-or-job is the ultimate indication that the system has to go once for all and start anew. Instead, they choose to appease it, hoping its whip will be more merciful on them. BS.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago

I guess you are wealthy and can just lose a job and benefits no matter whether you have income or no income. Good for you. Not everyone is that fortunate. You lose empathy for anyone and you become no different than the people you hate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Ma’am I don’t think it’s about income or benefits or being wealthy enough to weather the storm. My son isn’t anywhere near being wealthy and he declined the jab because enough data from reputable doctors and scientists said it was deadly. I have family that did decide to take the vax, and empathy had nothing to do with it. They made their decisions based on what they thought was best for their families. You also need to remember that families were divided and torn apart over this mess. People wanted the unvaxxed rounded up and to be excluded from society. There certainly was not any empathy for them for choosing to refrain from death. This is a situation where nobody came out the winners. Unless somebody was a fanatical covidian, I think most folks understand the tremendous pressure we’re put under during this time. We should all be angry with our worthless government that instigated this tragedy not each other.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

You are right. I am very wealthy. On the inside.

Something folks who settle on a life of servitude, fakeries, gossip, meaningless traditions and customs, empty talks, fear of men, soul-sucking 9 to 5, soul-sucking relationships just not to be alone while betraying one another in the body and in the heart…etc, then call it “happiness”, can not understand.

1 year ago

Judge not lest ye be judged

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

If you don’t watch yourself Ms Jones, you may well find yourself making the same excuses when they come (soon) with the Mark of the Beast.
“But they aren’t going to let me buy or sell anything unless I get this. I have to feed my family!”
The choices won’t be getting any easier. I have a 10 year old car and a 16 year old car. I have no debt, but no house or real estate either. So, yeah – I would hardly consider myself wealthy, but I am relatively content.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Oh, Susan, the HELL I’ve have in the past three years?

I told my husband who mother had cancer all this time,who survived without taking a vax that the doctor was pushing also. I’ rather live under a bridge than for you to take a mandatory vax for a job. Finally, he found one that does not require vax or masking.

I helped and we are not rich. If one thing in my life that I’m proud of it is that. With God’s help, He made me proud of it. Glory to Him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Atagirl! That’s the way to do it. I’m right there with you under that bridge, with my family too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

I am in my 60s. I have ZERO savings, no property, rent a room, and work for $20 an hour barely surviving in an area where 1 bedroom apartments are $1500 minimum, and houses are $700,000 minimum. I was threatened to lose my job and still REFUSED the jab. I was ready to be homeless and eating out of trash cans to avoid the jab. When push came to shove my employer backed down at the last minute and I got to keep my job. Point is, EVERYONE that didn’t want it should have refused. So no, I don’t fit your narrative of being wealthy to absolutely REFUSE the jab. I will NEVER take a vaccine again after this Covid scam. I will literally kill anyone that tried to force a needle into me, by whatever means necessary.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

After death or side effect, they still losing their job.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

These people were lied to or forced to take the killer jab. Of course, I have full sympathy for the ones who were forced to take the jab. However, ZERO sympathy for the ones who were fully fledged members and participants on this Covid-19 circus. We all now have story or two of a loved one who has been seriously injured by these jabs. I have two friends who have been butchered by these jabs. One operation after another for clogged arteries, heart inflammation, and blocked intestines. My dear friend Timothy also suffered kidney failure and one infection after another. But still he refuses to believe the jabs did this to him! ‘It was the right thing to do!” he oft repeats like the animals in George Orwell’s Animal Farm who would shout in unison ‘Two legs bad, four legs good. There is only one consolation for me in all this horrific suffering around me, that is I would never have known how stupid people are if this fake pandemic didn’t happen. It has separated the critical thinkers from the sheeple. To put in brutally, the majority of people who were injured by these vaccines were a victim of their own stupidity not the vaccines. Stupidity comes with serious side effects too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

No one was forced to take the jab, they all signed a consent form. Maybe coerced, but no physical force was applied, at least not in the United States. And that’s what makes it even worse..all people had to do was say no and band together but it’s far too late now.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Troy

This is where you are wrong. In Germany old people in care homes were held down and forced to take the injection. The army was drafted in to make sure they were literally held down. This also happened in the UK. The old, infirm, and disabled were given the vaccine without consent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

In Australia, Aborigines were held down by army personnel to get jabbed. A police officer told them: “You’ve got Covid”. since when is a cop a medical expert?

1 year ago
Reply to  Troy

This is true. One of my sons lost his job and the other still cannot go to his office to work for refusing the vaxx. Choices had to be made. I know that when your livelihood is in jeopardy is does feel as though one is being forced. I’m older now, but I really don’t know what I would have done under similar circumstances with children at home to support. I still have sympathy for those that rolled the dice to secure their jobs. Tough decision.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

There are several websites that advertise jobs not requiring the injection or testing. A company that respects such individual choice is likely to be better all around.

1 year ago
Reply to  Troy

Troy – there is a big difference between consent and informed consent. In most cases, the quack gives the victim a form to sign – no explanation of risks given, no opportunity to ask questions. Most people readily signed because they trust doctors (hopefully no more) and for some reason which escapes me they trust their poisonous allopathic medicines.
Omri is right, here in Australia all elderly residents of retirement care homes were forced to take the jab. 2-3 years ago, there were waiting lists for retirement care. Now – they are all advertising vacancies – baffling, very baffling.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

Last week I spent some time in the comments section of a mainstream news source, bickering with jabbed zombies about vaccine injury. Basically I was saying that there were many people claiming to have been hurt by the shot, and perhaps the mainstream media should look into it instead of calling it all a conspiracy theory.

One of these mindless fools asked why these injured persons were not on the street protesting. I replied that it was probably because they were fearful taunts and insults…but I have to admit it was a valid question.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

When one realizes his government tried to kill him he doesn’t find much faith in a protest on the local corner.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe

Now we know what other people in other countries felt. We know what it’s like for the U.S. military to come after people: the DOD is over the CDC. So the CDC is the DOD.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

Well from what we’ve seen read and heard a lot of the shot-injured are in no shape to be protesting. Just because some look okay doesn’t mean they don’t feel like crap. And their families could be dealing with less income and caring for them. Illness in any form is a hardship on the whole family.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

There was a protest gathering in London last weekend by and in memory of those injured and killed by the poison jabs. Don’t know how big it was and needless to say the mainstream media didn’t cover it, apart from, I believe, one brief mention somewhere that claimed it was a protest by ‘anti-vaxxers’ when of course it was the complete opposite… a protest by those who had formerly been very pro-vax!

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

Some cannot -are too injured
Some need the money, the medical treatment, the job (maybe their injury is not that strong now).
Some say: well, it is already done so whats the point of protesting? If Government will give money for injuries we will get it as well.
Many believe that this was a mistake, like a vaccine gone wrong, it happened before. They still believe that governments had good intentions, but there were more side effects, that some people were unlucky. As it did happened before with many vaccines before!!! This is not new, Governments had trained us to accept the side effects and let them be, believing that are isolated cases and that the disease is worse! In ANY disease, they literraly brainwashed people into falling for this narrative. Many believe that some people were unlucky and thats it. They refuze to believe somebody did this on purpose. And many will fall for other vaccines or will keep vaccinating their children with different things.
Many people have the courage to speak up! Some for their children, some for Humanity, some for seeking justice! For the future, for all humankind! These are amazing people but are not the majority in percentage. Yet these people DO exist. We have to consider the percentages. People that will speack up are max 10% of the injured. So all cases not just here, but on all the sites that gather not so rare things, or people that we see in social media, we have to multiply by 10. And then we will have a mini immage of what really happened. BTW: in each post of a certain app when someone speacks about side effects, there are thousands and tens of thousands of comments that say: I had that too. And Is terrifying!
But they wanted to put 8 jabs of this one, so I am hoping in time the side effects fade away and many will heal. I am also hoping for all my loved ones that took it. I dont wanna lose almost all my family!!!

1 year ago

Dwayne Dulle died today of a heart attack at the Lewis & Clark building in Missouri. He was healthy before the vaccine. He went into the bathroom and never came out. I wanted to share his name. He was a good man.

1 year ago

The nurses can get private duty jobs in homes taking care of the vaxx injured. Some patients would probably now prefer an unvaxxed

1 year ago

I am very sorry about your friend. Too many are being struck down in the prime of life, it’s truly heartbreaking to see, hear and read. Normally I would feel joy for the New Year (new beginnings, etc). Not this year. Many I know took numerous shots with most sick to one degree or another. The symptoms are familiar and the sands of time are running out.

Thank you for posting these articles. I can’t imagine the grief you must feel at times researching and writing about this ongoing genocide. God Bless you and keep you and your readers safe.

1 year ago

I want to have the ability to become a guardian angel to heal these people. I would astral project to their rooms during the night and completely reverse their condition via a blessing.

1 year ago

After all this, they still wear a totally ineffective masks. The brain of the people still doesn’t work. And after all this. Unbelievable.

1 year ago
Reply to  Primož

They’re likely the people who continue to get all their info from the lamestream media. That’s what I think when I see a mask wearer, they probably watch CNN lol.

My dad, for the life of me, refuses to listen to anything I say. Tells me to stop listening to conspiracy theories. He doesn’t wear a mask but he, to this day, continues to believe the jabs are safe…although he has stopped saying effective lol…so maybe that’s a good sign. He is more of a fox news follower.

Thinking out loud…I’m not going to cast much doubt on the chance of this mess backfiring on those who created it. Not that it will land them in prison for life or to the gallows, but at the least cause a massive uproar from society when the truth is revealed…so much so that they go into hiding underground in their lavish bunkers. With that said, hopefully doesn’t cause extreme carnage among society itself with people acting like mindless lunatics.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

Bunkers have ventilation pipes!!

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

Yea, pour some petrol down the pipe!

Beth Sheba
Beth Sheba
1 year ago

I would feel more sorry for these people if chances weren’t so high they would receive more injections when faced with more threats.

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