Damar Hamlin Part V: missing Buffalo Bills owner Kim Pegula recovering from cardiac arrest, still no update on long-time Bills announcer, stroke victim John Murphy

February 8, 2023 (updated 2:20 p.m. Pacific)

Buffalo Bills co-owner Kim Pegula.

BUFFALO — We wrote on January 24, in our third Damar Hamlin-related story/update of 2023 the following:

“The name Damar Hamlin will fade away into obscurity, except on platforms like this, in the coming months.”

But the plot just keeps thickening, which reminded this blogger of the 1982 Richard Pryor comedy “The Toy” because “the bullsh*t is getting thick.”

Our fourth Damar Hamlin update, published on January 29, featured that video published by the Buffalo Bills and Mr. Hamlin one day prior. The video was supposed to embarrass and silence conspiracy theorists, including this blogger, because it is mainstream media “proof” that Mr. Hamlin is alive. Fast forward to January 31.

The official Hamlin Twitter account posted another video of “Damar Hamlin.” It features the exact same lighting and highly-produced, scripted style as the January 28 video. There’s also no interaction with other people in this new video, just like the last one.

RELATED: Damar Hamlin is officially Tiffany Dover the sequel after sloppy propaganda display during Bengals at Bills game (January 24, 2023)


Mr. Hamlin is [was] a 24-year-old Generation Z young man with TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, $12 million to his name and, according to mainstream media, a clean bill of health. But he is suddenly camera shy. Further, there is a company called Metaphysic. Its co-founder, Chris Ume, went viral in early 2021 when he fooled the entire world with his Tom Cruise deepfake videos.

We’re making no accusations or drawing any conclusions herein. But this Damar Hamlin story is not going away until he interacts with people live on camera.

UPDATED 2:20 p.m. Pacific – Damar Hamlin wins Alan Page Community Award today.

Are you convinced he’s alive now? As this blogger stated on January 29, “It’d be a nice change of pace…to truly see young Mr. Hamlin alive, happy and successful.”

Background on Buffalo Bills co-owner Kim Pegula

Mrs. Kim Pegula is the wife of Terry Pegula. The latter made his fortune in the oil industry, particularly via fracking. He started out at Getty Oil in Texas in 1973, and today has a net worth of about $7 billion. He and Mrs. Pegula, who is 18 years his junior, married in 1993.

She was born in South Korea in 1969, and adopted by American parents in 1974. The story goes that she was working as a waitress in Belfast, New York in 1991 when Terry came in to dine. He offered her a job at his oil company, then married her a couple years later. Terry has five total kids, two from a previous marriage, and three with Kim, including professional tennis player Jessica Pegula. More on her in a bit.

The Pegulas purchased the NHL Buffalo Sabres for $150 million in 2011. They purchased the Buffalo Bills three years later for $1.4 billion. Both teams are under the Pegula Sports and Entertainment umbrella.

RELATED: New York Judge Saves 80-Year-Old COVID-19 Patient By Ordering Hospital To Give Her Ivermectin (January 18, 2021)


Mrs. Pegula was in charge of all the day-to-day operations for the Bills. She is a die-hard vaxx zealot. Mrs. Pegula selected a few of her vaccinated “frontline workers” to sit in their luxury box seat at Super Bowl LV in Tampa Bay on February 7, 2021.

She issued a vaccine mandate for all fans entering Highmark Stadium to watch the Bills for the entire 2021-22 season. All fans over age 12 had to show proof of vaccination to enter the building. The players never faced a mandate, and many of them revolted because of all the nonsensical COVID rules in 2021.

The Bills ended up having one of the lowest vaccination rates in the NFL in 2021-22. Again, Mr. Hamlin was a rookie selected in the sixth round of the NFL Draft that year. Refusal to receive the injections would have likely cost him his roster spot. Sports Illustrated confirmed in June 2021 that both Terry and Kim Pegula were vaccinated to “set an example.”

The John Murphy stroke and Kim Pegula disappearance

Mrs. Pegula was very hands-on with the Bills and the Sabres. She’s the billionaire owner of two major sports franchises. Thus a lot of people noticed when she completely disappeared from the public eye without explanation in June 2022.

The speculation intensified after the Hamlin incident on January 2. It also didn’t help that the Bills long-time radio announcer, John Murphy (67), suffered a stroke over New Year’s weekend.

John Murphy.

But the team didn’t announce it until January 6. It’s now been more than a month, with no updates on his condition.

Jessica Pegula is Kim’s first child and Terry’s third. She is currently the number-4 ranked women’s professional tennis player in the world. She caught sports fans completely off guard yesterday when she published a lengthy article on The Players’ Tribune. Jessica revealed that Kim suffered from cardiac arrest sometime in June 2022. Kim apparently spent several months in the hospital due to brain damage. Jessica wrote in the article:

“Today, my mom is still in recovery and although it is the same answer every time someone asks me, it is true, she is improving every day. She is dealing with significant expressive aphasia and significant memory issues. She can read, write, and understand pretty well, but she has trouble finding the words to respond.”

Jessica turns 29 later this month. But she wrote that her tennis career may be over. Jessica must pick up the slack in the vast family business, as it appears Kim is permanently disabled.

Bad batch in Buffalo?

We wrote about Florida International University football player Luke Knox last summer. He is the younger brother of Buffalo Bills tight end Dawson Knox. Luke died suddenly on August 17 in his dorm room from what appeared to be cardiac arrest. Whether the two brothers received their injections together in Buffalo is unknown. But there sure have been a lot of coincidences in that town.

This blogger is inclined to believe Jessica’s story about her mother. Kim Pegula is alive, but there’s a strong possibility that she never shows her face in public again. There’s no convincing evidence of life at all for John Murphy. Granted the NFL has been hit hard with vaxx injuries and deaths, including coaches, broadcasters, current and former players since 2021. But no other team has suffered anything close to what the Bills have endured.

The NFL and the powers-that-be at-large are holding their collective breath this week. The Hamlin collapse on Monday Night Football was seen by a few millions Americans. The Super Bowl this Sunday will be seen by 200 million people across the globe.

It was bad enough that three reporters died suddenly at the World Cup last year. If a halftime show dancer or sideline reporter collapses during the Super Bowl, that’s one thing. But if a player collapses on Sunday, especially with the recent stories of Kim Pegula, Damar Hamlin, and John Murphy…

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

I am surprised that NFL owners received toxic batches. I wonder if she did receive a water shot but slept with a man (or woman?) who received a poisonous batch, which caused her these issues. Either way, she was a poison supporter with a voice who has inspired many “walkers” to toe the line like good, school-indoctrinated prison campers.

1 year ago

How ironic he partners with the AHA and is now shilling for donations for them to ‘raise CPR’ awareness, lol. Every student in public school in America it taught how to properly perform CPR and how to use a defibrillator, though I graduated in 2008 and can’t say if they still do.

A citizen
A citizen
1 year ago

In Sydney, Australia we just had one of our major morning TV shot hosts, Karl Stefanovich on the Channel 9 Today Show mention the Covid vaccines and healthy and fit people dropping dead suddenly, in the same segment/sentence. 18 months ago he was fully onboard with the jibby jabs, then about 8 months ago he went to saying the Government needed to stay out of our lives, and now he is saying he is not getting any more jabs because he is worried about the health implications. The celeb doctor he had on also said the efficacy of the vax was limited to a short period and that we can’t just keep having endless injections. This is a major change for our mainstream media.

1 year ago
Reply to  A citizen

There is nothing to celebrate whatsoever. The majority of people complied for 2 years, put the poison in their bloodstream and that of their loved ones, some got maimed, some died. And it only made TPTB even more hungry for power and enslavement of humanity.

Some TV gal said this or that, think this and that…..please give me a break.

Crazy Cabbage
Crazy Cabbage
1 year ago
Reply to  A citizen

Here’s hoping Australia gets some freedom back. It was brutal to watch the tyranny there these past couple of years.

All this misinformation, coverups and hiding. My motto for the past 2 years has been ‘yea, right, whatever, okay, uh-huh, sure.’ I hate to become a complete cynic, but can a few sparks of enlightenment here and there ever snap us out of this global delusion?

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Cabbage

It’s not enlightenment. It’s called being scared. They know they made a bad decision.

1 year ago
Reply to  A citizen

And note that these broadcasters are now being ALLOWED to criticise the jab, AFTER everyone has had it. It really is sick, the intention is to heap more fear upon the exisiting fear.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago

If Damar Hamlin is alive, all it would mean is that his vaccine damaged heart didn’t kill him (yet).

Who's next ?
Who's next ?
1 year ago

It’s a beatdown in Buffalo, all these people dropping of cardiac arrest and then Damar pitching CPR class for all good woke americans, ugh. The thing is, all of them know the deal with the vaccine – from the 72yo oil fracking husband to the 54yo cardiac case, the young tennis player, Damar, many of his teammates, the Bills Mafia, and the sportscaster…they all know, and they’re staying silent in the face of lies.

I’d also say the Bills were flat after the Damar incident and Cincy took care of them early in the playoffs.

1 year ago

Bills owner is suffering from expressive aphasia caused by her heart attack due to the vaxx. The symptoms sound exactly like John fetterman’s which means she is a shell of the woman she once was. You know it’s bad if she can’t be seen. They have billions at their disposal. I wonder if they are so pro vaxx now? As the covidiots chant ” it could have been much worse without the vaxx.” Karma is a biotch and it came for her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I’m still blown-away that these idiots actually took this thing.

I thought for sure the fix was in, and that all the rich rubes would be getting saline.

‘All the world’s a stage . . .’ said Shakespeare, which I’m beginning to believe was no metaphor.

One couldn’t write a script this tortured – only wish the pogs in the Federal Government would be turning-in better numbers on the stats board.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Allegedly select Fed pogs were exempt. So there’s that…

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

I still say Hamlin is dead. I’m 1000 percent sure he is. Watching all of the other videos of athletes passing out on field and all ended up dead. Yet we are supposed to believe he’s alive?? And going off the horror expression of everybody that night he is dead. I also feel like we are going to see this happen again in the superbowl. They are trying but they can’t hide this anymore

1 year ago

I feel like the pro-sports teams must’ve got a different batch of the vaccines. Because we should’ve seen way more collapses by now. All the foreign soccer teams, etc have collapses every week.

I think NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL got a placebo or less severe batch. Otherwise, these leagues would lose a ton of money. Now, we do hear about former players (retired NFL) players collapsing and dying. But no one who is active player (besides Hamlin) has collapsed, in 2 years of vaccines.

I think because Hamlin took the booster, the boosters were not mandatory (like shots 1 and 2), and therefore he likely got exposed to myocarditis from the booster. So, any athletes (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL) who were dumb enough to take the boosters, are likely a ticking time bomb.

1 year ago

They will probably have things in place – cut feeds, abrupt commercials, some sort of standard overlay of the players on the field. I wonder if all cell phones will refuse to work in the stadium so nothing hits twitter etc.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

I don’t think all athletes who passed out died. Many had to retire. I think the effects run the gamut. I think there is a good chance Hamlin is alive and tptb decided to set up everyone with some unnecessary theater to try and discredit anti vaxxers. Their side desperately needs a win. I know everyone talks about the player’s reactions . Those were normal because at the time Hamlin was essentially dead, as in not breathing on his own. I think the game was canceled because it was uncertain if he would live. All that said you could still turn out be right, but it really doesn’t. Hamlin be alive or not changes nothing. He suffered a serious cardiac event. As have millions. That’s good enough for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

How did he live with cpr for 9 minutes? I thought the brain dies at around 4 minutes with no oxygen.

I’m not sure he’s dead, watching the super bowl and they showed him sitting with roger goodell. Could it be fake? Of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Seeing him at the superbowl is what made me think, what if all of this was just a pysop to discredit anti vaxxers or to distracts the masses from something else. He was dead for 9 minutes.. for him to be up and about like that after being down for o minites with Potentially severe brain damage is nothing short of a miracle.

In my opinion this thing couldve been all scripted, tptb making the world believe he had a heart attack to either distract the masses or to find a way to use that situation to discredit some trigger finger anti vaxxers, knowing they would jump at the opportunity or tptb did one hell of a job getting him a double and using deep fakes to decieve the masses.

1 year ago

On the YT video of Damar Hamlin’s award, I noticed a couple of comments about the absence of neck tattoos on the guy in the red suit. At first, I couldn’t see any neck tattoos on Hamlin’s NFL photos either, so I wondered what all the fuss was about, but then I noticed two red and blue areas just at the front of base of his neck, where they would by obscured by his uniform most of the time. And, it seems, they were missing from the guy in the red suit.

1 year ago

I choose to remain unvaxxed; instead, I stick with drinking & smoking.

Call me old fashion, but I believe life is about healthy choices.

Remember parents, if your kids approach you about getting vaxxed, buy them a carton of smokes instead – you can thank me later.

1 year ago

And so the simple question on any half-way intelligent person’s mind may be this: How can people with so much MONEY . . and so much INFLUENCE over others . . be so G-DAM STUPID?

1 year ago

the timing of chatGPT and A.I facial mimicry making social media and news round shortly after the Hamlin video is too coincidental. Pfizers CEO odd neck glitches when doing interviews is also a sign of a type of software being used allowing someone else to do the interviews.

1 year ago

That very Tom Cruise-Deepfake video came immediately to mind when the first Damar Hamlin “personal” appearance was made. Not the video of Hamlin’s impersonal “return,” but the one to mock those of us questioning the narrative.

THAT video.

I’ll go on a limb and tell you that I personally believe he is dead. And that there is an NFL coverup. And that the video is a deep fake forgery.

1 year ago

My take is this. If every footballer collapsed on super bowl Sunday half of America would not connect it to the injections. Looking for a watershed moment in the post-truth Era of deep fakes and mental dysfunction may be naive.

People now choose to believe whatever they want. And that ladies and gentlemen, is their truth. Yours be damned. Their truth is better than your truth. Your truth can beat my truth up…

This is why I like this blog. A steady witness. A record of fact. The blogger, talented straight up and real. It’s calm analysis and compilation of stories, investigations and logical reasoning is superlative and is a breath of fresh air, a respite from all the bloviating of the controlled opposition.

Thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Peter

2 Thessalonians 2:10-13 ……And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.

1 year ago
Reply to  dval

This could be a “warm up”, per se (to the real thing): “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hond, or in their foreheads:” Revelation 13:16

1 year ago
Reply to  dval

This is the verse that comes to my mind every single day. I take it as a cautionary verse, as I do NOT want to be fooled. We need to pray constantly for wisdom.

1 year ago

What if the whole damar situation was part of a script to distract us from something? It’s crazy that he looks this well after being dead for 9 minutes and the owner still recovering in the hospital after her heart attack. I’m just throwing stiff out there cuz it’s just dont make sense how he alive and looking this good.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago
Reply to  James

It does seem suspiciously miraculous. I’ve already seen a couple of comments elsewhere saying it isn’t him in the videos. Looking forward to comparisons of before and after photos. A deep fake is also possible. The confirmed deep fakes I’ve seen look very real to me. Or it could be a total psy-op. All I know for sure is that he looks a little too chipper for a serious heart patient.

1 year ago

I’m waiting on this “damar hamlin” update from you. I know I’m not the only one who saw jacket “he” wore Sunday. Also there pic floating around of his neck from sunday. People saying that the tattoo isnt there ?. If anyone could get to the bottom of this its the covid blog ?

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