Jackson Ball: 7-year-old North Carolina boy dies of #PfauciPfilicide; vaxx zealot father disappears from social media after excoriating critical thinkers

February 18, 2023

Jackson Ball.

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA — A 7-year-old child is dead; and the father wants other parents to follow his lead on childcare.

Jackson Everett Ball was a first grader at Lakewood Elementary School in Durham, North Carolina. He was a huge University of North Carolina Tar Heels basketball fan. Jackson also loved music and the arts in general. He was the son of Mr. Billy Ball and Ms. Hillary Little, who are married, according to Hillary’s Facebook page. Jackson was the middle child, with two sisters.

Billy Ball – vaxx zealot extraordinaire

Mr. Ball is a typical liberal, with most of his social media posts being about vaccines and homosexual culture.

He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 2004 with a degree in journalism, according to his LinkedIn page. That would make him around 40 years old today. He worked for North Carolina Policy Watch from January 2016 to March 2020. Mr. Ball has been a Washington Post contributor since February 2021. He is also managing editor of “left-leaning news outlet” Cardinal & Pine, which is owned by Courier Newsroom.

It is an understatement calling Mr. Ball a diehard vaxx zealot. Cardinal & Pine is essentially a Pfizer/Moderna marketing operation, and has been that way since January 2021.

Mr. Ball constantly promotes masks and the injections. He virtue signaled his own shots, and advocated mandatory injections for teachers.

The free Cardinal & Pine advertising for big pharma continued through 2021 and the first phase of booster shots.

But what Mr. Ball really loves is promoting mRNA injections for children.

He announced that his kids were “excited” to get mRNA booster shots on May 20, 2022 because they received candy as a reward.

Death of Jackson, denialism of Billy

The exact circumstances surrounding Jackson’s death are unclear. But his cringe-worthy obituary, obviously written by Billy, tells a common post-injection death story. The obituary starts by saying Jackson “was an ardent fan of bouncy balls [and] getting dirty…” It goes on to say “Jackson suffered a catastrophic brain event on Jan. 4, 2023.” That indicates a sudden ruptured brain aneurysm, post-injection meningitis, or encephalitis.

Hundreds of Twitter users blamed Mr. Ball for his son’s death. But he blamed #ABV for Jackson’s death, while obediently repeating Pfizer propaganda in his defense.

Mr. Ball implied that he showed love towards Jackson by triple-vaxxing him.

Mr. Ball has since disappeared from Twitter, with his last tweet coming on January 12. His last Facebook post as of publishing was on January 20, further excoriating critical thinkers for pointing out the obvious.

We’ll update any further developments with this story.

The Pfauci Pfilicide phenomenon

Filicide is the murder of children by their parents. Toxic feminists blame everything except the killer when the perpetrator is the mother. Lindsay Clancy is the 32-year-old Massachusetts woman who strangled her three children (ages 5, 3 and eight months) to death on January 24. She blamed “a man’s voice” telling her to do it. The husband and father of the kids asked the public to forgive the murderer.

Fathers typically kill their kids in acts of revenge for infidelity or unequal custody arrangements. But research is conflicting and inconclusive related to filicide.

Mothers account for 60% of filicides, with fathers and other guardians making up the other 40%, according to one study. A 2014 Brown University study found that fathers are the perpetrators in nearly 57% of cases. About one in five parents who kill their kids commit suicide afterwards.

Dr. Richard Lettieri, of Psychology Today and citing National Institutes of Health data, wrote that 15% of murders in the United States are filicides. He spoke of five common motivations for filicide, with one being the kids dying from the “unintended consequence of neglect or abuse.” That describes The Great Reset phenomenon of #PfauciPfilicide.

RELATED: The Casey Anthony Act: California introduces laws promoting abortion tourism, legalized infanticide for babies up to a year old (March 31, 2022)


When The COVID Blog® launched in January 2021, we were sympathetic towards the masses of grazing lambs receiving experimental gene therapy injections to save their jobs, to travel, to go to restaurants, etc. They are/were adults and can make decisions for themselves.

Sympathy waned as “COVID-19” turned into a global religion. The injections are the holy sacrament, and sycophantic vaxx zealotry is the first commandment. Sympathy disappeared completely by late 2021, as the faces of deceased little babies increased in frequency on this blog.

We’ve covered the sudden deaths of three babies since January 31. Anastacia Weaver was the Ohio six-year-old who died in her sleep one year after a second Pfizer mRNA injection. The mother blamed #ABV. Yasmina Guevara was the eight-year-old Argentina girl who suffered in a hospital for weeks before dying of post-injection vasculitis. Her family’s message was much different: “do not vaccinate your children.” And now it’s little Jackson Ball.

This blogger is going to end this article now to avoid writing anything regretful. The more we learned about that Billy Ball character, the more the blood boiled. We’ll leave it at that. Rest in paradise, little Jackson.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

As much as I love this blog for courageously going where few others did before – especially at its inception – I can’t attack a man who lost his 7 year old.

Even as he kowtowed to authoritarianism and “Science”. Even with all his virtue signaling. Even though those of his ilk were merciless in attacking critical thinkers who refused the jab.

He may never leave his bubble of self-righteousness. He may never put the obvious links together. Heaven help him if/when he does, To realize you were a part of killing a 7 year old would be devastating.

I appreciate your righteous anger at the sadistic psychopaths behind this, money grubbing Pharma liars and the sycophant media echoing the daily talking points.

But I never want to be as cruel to anyone with collateral damage as they were to us. Not an individual level to an otherwise good father who made it a tragic, fatal mistake by “listening to the experts”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

Obviously this man practiced what he preached and truly thought he was doing the right thing. However, his trust in the state not only harmed his own son but possibly many others as well.

Even the three people that received the organs donated from this child may have unknowingly received damaged goods.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

He’s a murderer plain and simple. Not only that, he murdered his own child.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

I temper my frustration at times too, but you should realize this isn’t simply a case of a brainwashed person putting his children at risk, he also directly serves a propaganda machine that aims to depopulate in horrific ways and utterly enslave humanity in a digital gulag with a special focus on transhumanism and eugenics.

Look closely at the 15-minute cities in China (barbed wire atop fences, biometric monitoring of movement, starvation) and Oxford, and the 20-minute neighborhoods in the UK and also proposed for Canada. When access to information, food, education, work, short and long-distance travel, and health care is dependent upon compliance to forced medical procedures then any atrocity is possible. Billy most likely is very supportive of harsh punishments for those who won’t comply. He’s educated as a journalist but didn’t bother to research the long failed history of mRNA “vaccines” (aka transfections) for cancer involving thousands of human trials. Not one mRNA cancer vaccine has been approved even for the deadliest late-stage cancers. There’s an estimated 2000+ published human cancer vax trials and I read many of them. A major 2018 industry mRNA scientific paper proposed using mRNA for immunity applications to essentially ‘work out the bugs’ they’ve grappled with for 20 years using a lower [less dangerous] dose and on a larger scale of subjects.

Sure, let’s not allow ourselves to be blinded by hate, but fully understand the gravity of the situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  blue579

20 min cities are being rolled out in Australia also.

Cowboy Bob
Cowboy Bob
9 months ago
Reply to  Citizen

San Francisco is preparing for one.

1 year ago
Reply to  blue579

It’s not hateful to tell the truth. And the truth is that man is responsible for the death of his son.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

Let’s put this in perspective: just imagine a father that killed his son with a weapon. And then said somebody else is guilty and not him, it it the Universe or whatever xcuse. Denying his attack killed the child, while admiting he stabbed the little one.
And now pretend you defend that father for being called out.
Any parent that put that poison (and three times over) his babies is to be blamed. 5-11 yo were not forced to get jabbed for anything not even for traveling. Most states required only after 12 yo.
IT WAS NEVER IMPOSED FOR YOUNG CHILDREN and the only reason to do that it was to protect ”eldery” they said.
Thing is these parents were so afraid of getting the virus so they poisoned their children, being afraid little ones come home from school or whatever with covid.
Thats the truth the only truth and they need to be called off and stopped from cintinuing this absurde propaganda. Little mention: nat .. z .i propagandists were convicted and executed. it was considered as bad as doing it with your hand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

I appreciate your empathetic response. I really do, but just for fun, I am trying to imagine what ol’ Billy would say if he learned my unvaxxed child died “with Covid.” I’m doubting he would react with the same respect and compassion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jess

Sorry….but I find it hard to believe that your un-vaxxed child died of covid. He died of something yes….but it wasn’t the “hoax” they call covid.

1 year ago
Reply to  KembraJ

I think what Jess said is hypothetical..

1 year ago
Reply to  KembraJ

I’m pretty sure Jesse was just giving an example, not saying that it actually happened to his kid.

Tom Petrie
Tom Petrie
1 year ago
Reply to  Jess

Yes, but the CDC can not provide even ONE case of a child who died “from Covid” without some (or more than one) underlying medical condition. Why? Because there are none proven by serology testing where SARS-CoV-2 had been ISOLATED from the dead child’s tissues. Zero, none, zilch. Healthy children (equals ZERO medical conditions), simply do not die from “Covid”–ever.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

The good father did not applied common sense. Is it a good thing to not apply common sense? Not applying common sense is not a good thing. It’s not a case of a fatal mistake but a case of not using the brain matter in a correct way. It is not Cyriel to call a spade a spade. The good father brought this son to a location to be injected with a dangerous substance. That is what happened. The son is gone now thanks to his good father. The good father ,for now, is a swine, as in casting pearls to the swines . Maybe he meant no harm but because he did not applied common sense he is a bad daddy. It is what it is. The good father is a very bad daddy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

You can absolutely attack him when he is still recommending other parents inject this bioweapon into their own children. He also has other children who could potentially be saved. So if attacking him can save his other kids’ lives and those of other parents…

What other choice is there?

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

He has other children that might be saved?

if the lil one of 7 got jabbed, it s highly likely the others if older got it too.

rip lil boy whose father failed to protect your fragile life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

True believers will give the Guiana Punch to their own children and take it themselves. I doubt he will be long for this world either. Cult Crazed Jab Junkies will never admit they were at fault or that there was any decision of theirs that caused death to their own family.

In the Soviet Union some would go to the gallows still singing the praises of the revolution: “Mistakes are made but if this is what it takes for the revolution to succeed then I accept this unjust fate” type rationalizing. Stalin called them “Useful Idiots”. Now they say “It’s not the vax” or “It would have been worse without it”. Useful idiots indeed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

He more than listened to the experts…he is a useful idiot poster boy for the genocide lobby…and he is one of the biggest dangers to you and those that you love…when you are declared a public healthr risk and interned and starved in an Eisenhower 2.0 ( search Eisenhower starves and murders 1.7 million German POWs) let us all know if you reconsider your thoughts?

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

No I do not feel sorry for this man, only his son who lost his life due to his father’s arrogance and stupidity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy


It only took ONE shot to kill his kid. How many shots did he push??? How many OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES does THAT add up to?

Nope! There is NO END OF GRIEF these people can suffer. They NEVER had to guess that the shots were only risk to children’s health and NO BENEFIT TO CHILDREN’S HEALTH. NOPE. These greedy people need to suffer. Freedom MUST reassert itself. And the vaccinators and ANY AND ALL ELSE that would ASSUME CONTROL of MY LIFE and MY FAMILY’S LIFE can THEN LOOK at the coyote hanging on the fence and let the SMELL ALONE stop them from coming any closer.

Do you know how many CHILDREN have been DENIED ORGAN TRANSPLANTS for vaccine status?



1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

No mate. If all he’d done was be a moron and both take a deadly risk without due diligence for himself and his own child which is worse, I would respect his loss and feel sympathy. Not a lot of respect because I am an Aries and high functioning autistic so along with a few quirks comes a terrible disgust with stupidity. As opposed to merely different or lower intelligences. These I respect and have as companions and even family without any rancor. I care for them by using my own innate intelligence and education to help them negotiate some things which might otherwise be risky. Some of these were prevented from making the same mistake, due to their respect for my intellect and honesty, even if they did not understand or acknowledged a desire not to try. They were not stupid and are grateful today. One was stupid but at least realises and is sorry today. That didn’t make him stupid. We can all do stupid things. Stupid people specialize in doubling down on stupid. They do not see their mistakes until their mistakes have their jaws round their necks. Because it is things like arrogance and cowardice, which feeds such behavior, it afflicts people of all intellectual abilities. This man was a genuine stupid person. He was obnoxious and hypocritical, accusing his opponents of doing exactly what he was doing and taking upon himself a mantle of “reason” and “intelligence” which he had no right to. This was what led them to disagree with him.

I wrote exactly what I think in a longer post here. You are welcome to express your opinion on any of it if you care to see it. I don’t expect or even want agreements, I derive greater satisfaction from having my ideas tested. Truth like science is only established by being tested. Constantly. There is no such thing as a Proven Theory in science. All theories are fair game because that is simple logic in a system where we never know if we have all the information which behind observations about it.

Censoring dissent, denying any assertions have no right to be heard, is the tool of lies and dogma. I understand your sympathy. Some people are inclined to greater mercy than God seems to show. I believe this is because God knows better what is in our hearts and has the vision to know what will lead to desired outcome in future. Also we have His wisdom exceeds ours and ours is only to fathom the reason in his works and to find the right path in the tangle of intended and unintended consequences of being here.

This man was under the circumstances not going to give the child the tools to make his best way in this life. He would have lost his autonomy, had his soul handed over to the self-appointed masters of our universe. Free agency is essential to a life worth living and especially to one which might have its worth weighed in any sense. This is about a deserving victim of schadenfreude, not just a sad victim of his own gullibility and vacuousness. People do love schadenfreude when it is visited upon their tormenters or abusers. This prick on a stick was an active part of both. . I say this for all those who want to but are being deliberately polite by avoiding it. Screw him. I hope he gets to fully understand what he has done, and has to face his conscience before his turn comes. I doubt he will have to suffer his loss for too many more years anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

Apologies, for a couple of clunky typos. They’re obvious I think.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

He was the man who murdered his child. Would you defend him if he left the kid alone with a known pedophile and the kid was killed? Pfizer is worse than pedophiles.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

Any parent who believes that an unapproved medicine with “intentionally left blank” advisory sheets in the packaging only contains ingredients “safe” and “effective” is a blithering idiot. It is a shame, but he IS responsible, and he could actually save other kids by realizing that and speaking out.

I am sad for the parents and fearful for their girls.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

I disagree, because it is government loving, Koolaide drinking zealots like him who get laws passed to kick us out of our employment or schools if we refuse dangerous, untested mRNA jabs.
He’s a menace and should be vilified harshly and even charged with murder for what he did to his son.
Weak and pathetic emotional saps like you shield the very people in our society who need to be ostracized and criticized for their breathtaking stupidity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

Oh, Andy, you can’t hyper-analyze crazy. Because it’s energy wasted. Someone likes this problem, because it’s messy. Christ doesn’t sell, and He certainly doesn’t sell crazy. But Bob is still selling.

This man was, after the DEATH of his son, is still sending out signals trying to find justification. He has to pop the bubble himself, if you try to do it, you become the enemy. He wants verification he did the right thing, they all do, they want attention. He will be forgotten. Social media moves on like all news. It just moves on.

He is not unique. We will hear plenty more about vaccine injuries and death It will be passe.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

I completely disagree with you Andy. I do not at all feel sorry for this disgusting excuse for a father. What a POS. He totally failed his precious little boy. And now his boy is dead because of the choices he made. I pray that in his private moments he is forever painfully aware of that fact since we can’t put him in prison for life.

Tom Petrie
Tom Petrie
1 year ago
Reply to  Andy

Andy, I hear what you’re saying about how sad it is that he “lost” his 7 year old son. But emotions aside, it was his WILLFUL IGNORANCE that killed his son and he was at the center of it. I think this blog owes him ZERO sympathy. HIS actions led to his death. If he said “Hell no, you’re not injecting those dangerous clot-shots into MY child, he would be alive today. It’s time we STOP showing empathy to stupid people.

Ione Skye
Ione Skye
8 months ago
Reply to  Andy

Grow a pair.

Never forget Fauci
Never forget Fauci
1 year ago

These people are victims of tribal hivemind and Stockholm syndrome, they are full of pride so they will get boosted until their unexpected deaths before they confess that they were duped by the government’s propaganda campaigns.

1 year ago

Because that’s the worst thing to admit. When you should have put government behind you, you obeyed. It’s incredible, it really is, and they know it’s wrong, deep down.

1 year ago

George Orwell called it group think.

1 year ago

Truth…vaxxtard zealots will not admit that they were fooled and have been had…they will continue to wield a lethal weapon and inflict more murder…this is beyond any reasonable doubt…they must be called out as murderers period…

Bp -88
Bp -88
1 year ago

Right from the start of this nightmare when people were killed or injured by these shots… I said to my husband that it feels like some of the people that get the covid injection(s) that are okay are flippin the bird at the vaxxed dead & injured. Even with a loved one that died suddenly after receiving the vaccine the denial in these people is unreal. Denial is never good. They don’t speak out to warn others, and that really is unforgivable. They bear a responsibility to speak up.

1 year ago

Well, Billy Ball just isn’t on the ball. So obvious.

What kind of parent would inject their child with “vaccines” they really no nothing about? Was it convenience? Politics? Sacrifice your own child for your deeply felt beliefs? Not just covid “vaccines” but all of them. Not even their own doctors know. That’s the way he shows “love”? “Love” is only agreeing with his stupid position.
And yet asking on social media, of all places, for people to, “lift his family up.”

Only God can do that. We are witnessing a mind control operation. We keep seeing people wearing double masks here, luckily they aren’t coercing us anymore.

What is your favorite ingredient in the “vaccine” Mr. Ball?

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Mr. Ball should give himself a shot. If you know what I mean. End it all. Nasty piece of work is this loser. Such a cute little boy to be betrayed by his father. I pray for the other children under this loser’s care. Kudos for everyone for calling him out on social media. No more excusing the covidiots. No more complacency or denial.

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

“What kind of parent……?” I believe that Never forget Fauci’s comment right above yours gives the answer. These people are full of pride. They are humanists who believe they are at the very apex of the evolutionary tree. I am sorry for this young boy and HOPE that dad re-evalutates his self-assured and self-aggrandizing omnipotence. One of the things God hates is pride (Proverbs 6:16 among other places.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

They are not humanists, they are trans-humanists or anti-humanists

Nietzsche Says
Nietzsche Says
1 year ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

Worse yet, is assuming some “god” somewhere actually cares. Praying to the god of the tribe that is making lives hell is as bad as believing a government out of control.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nietzsche Says

Your’re only job in life is to feel peace. THAT is your job. Yes, God cares. Go to Him. He is not responsible for their tribulation when a Rock was born last time He was here. Yes, government is out of control but He is not.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nietzsche Says

You know the real truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nietzsche Says

That same God also called those “tribes” stiffnecked people and implied that “Gentiles” would sit down with Abraham in the Kingdom of heaven while the unbelievers of those “tribes” would be cast out into outer darkness to gnash their teeth. Of course you’d know this if you actually bothered to read the King James Bible but instead you’re no better than the liars and deceivers that conned people into taking the slab jab.

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
1 year ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

No. They’re the apes in the evolutionary tree.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

He would not know…because doing a simple search on common vaccine ingredients takes effort…it’s much more simple to just trust the Sorcerers and witch 🧙‍♀️ doctors at Pfizer…the most evil corporation in the world…

1 year ago

Wow, that photo of Mr. Ball… I guess physiognomy rarely lies. lf kovid is a global religion, then “safe and effective” is one of its most popular incantations, as he demonstrates. I don’t want to say anything else either, because the mind goes to some pretty dark places vis a vis Mr. Ball.

The high quality of these posts is almost unbelievable. I’m not aware of an equal in the english language. It’s hard enough to read them… although I look forward to them each week…. – because of the horrors of the subject matter; can’t imagine how much harder to do the research and the writing. Hats off to Brian. God bless.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gazza

Yes, his last few lines are often Poetic & reverberating, a la something dark, like Edgar Allen Poe?!!.. And thanks for the reality checks!-

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

Tragic loss of the little boy is not so unexpected following three shots. We can only hope that Ball, his two daughters, and his wife do not follow him but I am not placing bets on their long term survival.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Oh! It’s the biggest story of his life! The “encouragement”, and the the attention. He had his fifteenth minutes of fame due him. What scheme, how disgusting. I don, t know how Brian does it reporting this stuff…

1 year ago

The only silver lining to this story: “Mr. Ball has since disappeared from Twitter”

(Now if only Twitter would disappear, too.)

Linda N
1 year ago

Suffering catastrophic brain events, cardiac arrests, heart failure, and suddenly dying in one’s sleep, are NOT the norm for little kids! Why so many people, (and parents) cannot see this, is beyond me. Cognitive dissonance some call it, but I can’t, for the life of me, grasp it. Like Brian, and another commenter said, I have to stop here in order not to write anything regretful.

1 year ago

The child is in a better place.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brayo

That’s actually an insensitive comment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Nooo, it ISN’T…..

1 year ago

On Twitter a Tatiana Prowell, MD said: ‘Your boy lives on in the three people whose lives he saved as an organ donor.’

Healthcare not only profited on the vaccines that killed him but on his organs as well.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

His son’s tainted vaccinated organs will bring a quick death to its recipients.

1 year ago

Should the father be charged with first or second degree murder?

1 year ago
Reply to  Brya

That depends on if he gives his daughters any more boosters.

1 year ago

i hope that billy ball is quadruple boosted. in fact, i hope that his whole family is.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony

He seems to show pride that his family is vaccinated and boosted. His remaining daughters likely have no say on whether they get the vaccines. I wouldn’t be surprised if the older daughter is exposed to kids talking about how damaging the vaccine is. Imagine the terror of your own parent putting you at risk of death due to zealous fealty to their ideology.

tic toc
tic toc
1 year ago

This child was vaxxecuted. Jackson did not have free will, nor did he receive relevant information, nor was he old enough to make that decision…

Love the Covid Blog

Alex Petrenko
Alex Petrenko
1 year ago
Reply to  tic toc

Vaxxecuted – – I’m stealing that term! I’ll be putting it alongside vaxxident, which I fully intend on using in public (yes, even among the vaxxed sheeple here in Canuckistan).

1 year ago

Clots and Prayers!

1 year ago

What are these people thinking?… “I can always get another kid, but I’ve only got one shot at a career in journalism”?? That does seem to be the gist.

Costa latorre
Costa latorre
1 year ago

Yep, need to learn more about this Mr Ball guy. He writes in the W’post, a well known DOD newspaper, who are likely the main pushers of the vax, as well as the inventors of this so called vaccine, who then gave the recipe to the pharma manufacturers, who are protected from lawsuits, and on and on. Well organized depopulation program. Lots of folks are in on it, lots. MrBall is surrounded with a heavy cloud of fakery. Just watch that nose of his take over his face after 50.

1 year ago

I live in this area (Raleigh Durham metro) Hate to say it, but Billy Ball is typical of the people living here. It’s a cesspool of liberal virtue signalers. It’s rare I encounter anyone here who is not vakked. The only question is, why haven’t I seen or heard of more people in this area maimed or dying from the frankenshot?
p.s. I’ve never hear of Cardinal Pine. Jackson Ball funeral is on youtube: comments off (of course)

1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

I live in Central NC. Yes Raleigh -Durham have really become liberal … don’t forget Chapel Hill. A lot of the rural folks are purebloods.

Nietzsche Says
Nietzsche Says
1 year ago

I thought Billy Ball was how Billy Martin’s team played the game. Billy Martin would have NEVER required his players to be vaxxed, true rebel.

1 year ago

I respect Parents’ Rights, but the High Risk Profile, combined with a negligible “benefit” is TOO DAMN HIGH for any child. Many Countries already have Banned covid shots for ALL Youth under Age 12, 18, 40 or 50, especially males, or have Banned 1) Astra Zeneca, 2) Jansen/ Johnson & Johnson, AND 3) Moderna shots, which makes you QUESTION any of it–!!… At some point, as a reasonable parent, you must research, & use the utmost Protective Common Sense!!-?!

1 year ago
Reply to  shari

You seem to still want to debate who should get the convid vax and who shouldn’t, what governments said and did.

You just didn’t get it and you never will. Your chains have fused with your bones.

1 year ago

Ball is not only a danger to himself, his children and friends, and a danger to all humanity…a walking talking propaganda poster boy for Pfizer & Murderna…please just take your next Booster & Flu shot chaser asap…you are an illiterate unlearned programmed indoctrinated know nothing disgrace to humanity…and most of all a child murderer…once you are cold slbbed toe tagged and plastic bagged we will all be much better off and you will no longer be serving the genocide lobby…and a millstone around your neck for murdering your innocent child…I am shocked that you still have the audacity at the time of this writing to still have an open and public Facebook page…you are a disgrace to humanity…so your own kid got free candy and murdered by your own design based on zero research…you are a piece of excrement…

1 year ago

Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
If Covid Doesn’t Get You
The Clot Shot Must

1 year ago

I wish there were a chat forum on here. I’m feeling very isolated and need to connect with like minded people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

We are surrounded by terminal madness. At some point, these idiot parents who had their children injected will be forced to face the truth of what they have done. Their mass psychotic breakdown and behavior afterwards will require a diagnosis that hasn’t even been invented yet.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

It’s been invented in every century throughout history – from dutiful child sacrifices of biblical to modern times – to willful participation in death cults – like fascism and communism …
and to top it off all willingness to self sacrifice by mass marketed Rockefeller promoted vaccines that have ingredients developed carefully selected to arrest health, eliminate critical thinking, cause degenerative disorders, autoimmune disorders , brain malfunction, cancers , inflammation -and they have been pushed against diseases that are very mild and offer life long protection. Newborns to adulthood poison is injected -just so the sheep can be allowed to attend public and private brain numbing concentration camps called schools.
While The food is dutifully poisoned by Monsanto Bayer like conglomerates-so no one can detox naturally from nature’s plentiful healing mechanisms…
so the toxicity builds up , in body in mind in society … and now decades later we get lqbtqwtf mentally deranged mutants , rioting and murdering socially diverse justice warriors aka architects of the future, triggered vomitous metrosexuals, chemically castrated soy pygmies, university professors, equity counselors —- just to name a few of demonic entities classified or yet to be classified crawling out daily from subterranean crap holes to aid their satanic psychopaths in complete hell bound destruction.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

It is very understandable and very commendable of you to be aware of and honest about your feeling of isolation and need for connection.

Most people go through life, spending a lot of energy trying to appear “happy” to others and needing no one. The famous poem ‘Please Hear What I am not Saying’, comes to mind.

May you find the right people that you deserve.

1 year ago

Thank you, lovely soul.

I find coming here helps me feel grounded. When there isn’t any new articles, I read through comments to remind me I’m not alone, just distant.

Unfortunately rude awakenings are not a choice. I received the message loud and clear and luckily this space allows honesty of the heart and mind. Some days my head still spins with the gravity of the situation and other days I think I have my preparations on track and this is actually my destiny.

I’ve lost my whole family simply just for not taking the vaccine. I am grateful I now know who they really are 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

Being connected with like minded people is important as well and the importance will only increase as the problems created on purpose escalate which will happen in between now and 2030. For now the only way is trough email. You can have mine if you want to. It’s not only about being aware of what is going on but also being there for each other as free spirits. Take care.

1 year ago

The father is a far-left zealot, virtue signalling to others of his kind, and it cost him his son’s life. What’s worse was his constant appeals to other parents, encouraging them to subject their children to the “safe and effective” life-altering, life-ending concoction.

I have no forgiveness for him and his ilk. The sooner this destructive cult is removed from its position of influence, the better for the rest of humanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  GrimFandango

It may be that the death of his son, by “safe and effective” lethal injection, will be seen by the other far-left zealots as a child sacrificial offering on the bloody alter of of Big Pharma

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
1 year ago

I can’t help but feeling especially sorry for Jackson’s sisters. Children need stability and a sense that adults can protect them more than anything. The sudden loss of their brother at young ages, especially when it was so senseless and unexplainable, will change their lives forever. I can only pray for them. My baby sister died at 13 months old when I was six: she was born with a hole in her heart and after two surgeries she just didn’t have a fighting spirit. It haunted my parents, myself and my brother to this day and with all of her time in the hospital. Her death could at least be anticipated. Many prayers all around…

1 year ago

This is what’s utterly devastating about this slow-motion democide. The useful idiots carrying it out at the grassroots level are true believers in their religion, in their own virtue, and in the utter evil of anyone who opposes them.

They may eventually destroy us all but they’re also harming their own. Do we pity them or hate them? That’s why often wars and revolutions are a must, when folks find themselves trapped in a death cult beyond all reason and all democracy.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Poor kid, he won the shi++y parent contest. Any parent who allowed their child to get the Vax is responsible for the outcome. I hope they spend the rest of their life feeling the loss and knowing that they are directly responsible. They chose to allow their child to be experimented on. What a disgusting self righteous person he was, using his “expertise” of to try and convince others to do the same. People like him think repeating something they read is intelligence, sad small people.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
1 year ago

So, we must understand that the People of the world have all been kowtowed into a single belief, and that is to trust the State. This is the ultimate grooming by nations, to get people to place their faith in the institutions of man, instead of God, and ignore the basic truth that man is FALLEN, and corrupt. Now, it is pretty apparent that this virus was DESIGNED to encourage the VACCINE of the mRNA type, since J&J have pulled their vaccine, mRNA vaccines are all that are left for COVID-19. This is VERY CLEARLY a Hegelian Dialectic, where the powers that be, in the interest of testing their mRNA vaccine, created a COVID based virus to justify the use of it. It is not possible to develop and test a new vaccine for a completely new virus in one year, or even in five, as such things typically take 10 years to fully develop and test. This was clearly a virus designed for the vaccine.

Arnold F
Arnold F
1 year ago

The covxx propoganda was tailored to target liberal progressives. One must wonder the rational on the targetting of this sector. The perp(s) relied on their virtue signaling compliance and then being used as useful idiots. Let us hope and pray for Mr Ball to wake up.

Lee Bertie
Lee Bertie
1 year ago

The man is a sheep. Plain and simple. His lack of critical thinking has led to him making a deision that killed his son. Will he learn from his mistake? Will he start questioning the world around him? Will he realize that he has been lied to his entire life? We can only hope

1 year ago

These deranged virtue signaling morons are not only suicidal and not only killing their own offspring they are the reason the fascist regime exists ! It rests on shoulders of these arrogant self adoring stooges ! No pity – may they burn in hell they created for themselves and countless others

1 year ago

These people need to wake up before they kill again.

1 year ago

The problem rely on people who trust gov’s any govrnmt
Is not enough to know that dozens of millions died during the communist regime in the USSR?
Likely dozens of millions again under Mao Tse Tung regime? Many other historic lessons we can take of tyranical oppressors who without any compassion killed their own people. It does not matter if is on the west or on the east the principal rule is: doubt and question what those in power, elected or not, are asking, suggesting and imposing on you.
Do NOT trust any government or the U.N. and its tentacles! Wake Up Balls, sheeple and normies!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Chau

Fun Fact:

The same people that ran the Bolshevik take-over and mass murders in Russia & China also run the pharma companies.

eddie marke
eddie marke
1 year ago

Bezmenov said it best. “once a person is brainwashed, no amount of facts or truth will ever change his mind. even if you sit them down and show everything to them”. there is simply no going back. or if there is, they have to wake up on their own. because their ego is so invested, they will stick to their guns even if it means everyone will die around them, including themselves. being “wrong” becomes more painful than all the consequences. unfortunately, this guy is learning about it the hard way… and still he can not admit or even start to begin to admit that his sons death might have been caused by what he promotes!

1 year ago

I wonder if he took out a big life insurance policy on his kid

1 year ago

The consequence of blind trust and devotion to corrupt human governance. I’ll care about him when he cares about that.

1 year ago

Let’s give Billy Ball some credit here, folks. After all, his son did receive a candy award for sacrificing his life for Daddy.

Ione Skye
Ione Skye
8 months ago

You(the creator of this blog) are performing the most important work in this world. Plus your writing is stellar. Nothing is more sinister than this Sabbatean Lizard Agenda to maim, terrorize and murder all life through the barrel of a needle. Thank you for all you do.

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