Kelsey Morand: 10-year-old daughter of Johnson & Johnson COVID “vaccine” marketing director dies unexpectedly from cardiac arrest, severe brain damage
July 22, 2023

Kelsey Morand.

UPDATE July 26, 2023 – Mike Morand removes all references to Johnson & Johnson from his Facebook page.

Here is a screenshot of his page in early July.


Here it is now.





PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY — A 10-year-old girl is dead. But at least her father is still making high six-figures peddling viral vector DNA injections and other gene therapies.

Kelsey Corinne Morand was a typical little sweetheart girl. She loved anything and everything associated with cats.

She also loved sewing, baking and art.

Granted the United States isn’t near as bad as some European countries. But since the 1960s, fatherless homes have grown exponentially.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


Kids with both their mom and dad in the house should consider themselves extremely lucky and blessed in 2023. But a man who fails in his primary duty of protecting his family from danger, is a failure in life, love and everything else.

Who is Mike Morand?

Mr. Michael Morand graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a bachelor’s degree in Social and Behavioral Science in 2007, according to his LinkedIn page. That would make him around 38 years old today. He served in the U.S. Air Force for nearly five years thereafter.

Morand was hired at Johnson & Johnson in Cumberland, Rhode Island in October 2011. It’s the only company he’s work for since that time. Morand held various supply chain and marketing positions with J&J over the next ten years. During that time, he and wife Dana, had two children, including Kelsey.

A little background is necessary before we go forward. J&J received $1 billion in U.S. taxpayer money on March 30, 2020 to manufacture “1 billion doses of a vaccine…to fight the new coronavirus.” Note that the world only knew about “coronavirus” (before it was even called “COVID-19”) for a few weeks before this deal.

The foregoing Reuters story was updated a week later, to mention a government deal with Moderna as well. Regardless, J&J was the first big pharma firm to receive government money to manufacture their so-called vaccines.

RELATED: Coronavirus: patent documents, vaccine race and countdown to war (March 20, 2020)


Morand, on his now completely-scrubbed Facebook page, wrote on October 16, 2020 that he’d been promoted to Director of Channel Strategy for Vaccines. “First objective is to support the successful launch of our COVID-19 vaccine,” he wrote.

RELATED: Anastasia Weaver: 6-year-old Ohio girl dies unexpectedly; mother scrubs Facebook page after relentless attacks, finger-pointing (January 31, 2023)


The U.S. Food and Administration (FDA) authorized the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injections for emergency use on February 27, 2021. Thus, J&J was the last of the lethal injections (Pfizer and Moderna) to be given emergency use authorization, but the first to receive taxpayer funds. Deaths piled up quickly and immediately once Americans started receiving the J&J shots.

Mrs. Beth Ellington died on March 10, 2021, 48 hours after receiving a J&J viral vector DNA injection. She was 63 years old. Mr. Benjamin Goodman was our second documented J&J death. He died on March 14, 2021, 24 hours after receiving the lethal injection. He was 32 years old. Ms. Desiree Penrod, 25, died on March 17, 2021, five days after the J&J shot.

Things got worse in April 2021. It led to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and FDA calling for a “temporary pause” on the J&J shots on April 13, 2021.

RELATED: BREAKING: FDA, CDC call for temporary pause in Johnson & Johnson shots due to blood clots (April 13, 2021)


For all intents and purposes, that was the end of J&J vaccines in the U.S., just six weeks after its emergency use authorization. Mike Morand was the marketing director for the J&J injections throughout the genocidal rollout.


He remained a loyal foot soldier for the company. Morand not only continued promoting the deadly viral vector DNA shots, but also other experimental gene therapies, including those for kids.



He was rewarded with a promotion after his marketing campaigns killed and maimed untold millions.


Kelsey’s death

Points of order:

Dana Morand, the mother, describes herself as an Education Coordinator on LinkedIn.

She’s also a teacher of the Baha’i Faith, according to several Facebook posts. That religion supports vaccine mandates.

Further, kids only started spontaneously dropping dead since 2021 when the lethal injections were unleashed onto humanity. Both Mike and Dana have either completely scrubbed or locked their Facebook profiles.

RELATED: Jackson Ball: 7-year-old North Carolina boy dies of #PfauciPfilicide; vaxx zealot father disappears from social media after excoriating critical thinkers (February 18, 2023)


That all said, there was absolutely zero indication that Kelsey had prior heart or other health issues before the parents scrubbed their social media. They posted family photos on May 27 and June 8, with everyone smiling and normal. That all changed at the beginning of this month.

Dana posted on July 2, out of nowhere, that Kelsey “had a seizure yesterday that resulted in cardiac arrest.”

Little Kelsey never had a chance. Several people in the family circle provided updates that day, with conflicting information.


Kelsey was pronounced dead on July 3.


There’s a GoFundMe page. But we’re not linking it because that money goes to the parents; and they are not helping other parents with their silence. However, there is a page where you can buy cat food in Kelsey’s memory.

Parents continue failing their children

These are the worst and most painful stories to write. This blogger is unlikely to ever have a child of his own. But protecting your children and family from this vaccine genocide seems like the most basic fatherly thing a man can do in these twisted times. Even as a brother, uncle and cousin, those instincts are ever-present.

RELATED: Examples must be made of parents who allow their kids to be poisoned with mRNA injections (April 4, 2022)


Dads teach their sons to fight, to be gentlemen to the ladies, to be men in general. This blogger was always mad at his little sister because dad treated her like an untouchable, precious baby even when she was a teenager. But now that’s understandable. Dads are the only protection daughters have in this world. And sadly, many, if not most, are failing in 2023.

All vaccines are dangerous, particularly to young children. We’ll leave you with baby Norah Jane and her very remorseful parents.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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11 months ago

What a tragic story. RIP for Kelsey. However not too much sympathy for her father. He should have known not to risk an unlicensed vaccine on a child with her whole life in front of her. I cry for Kelsey.

11 months ago
Reply to  Philip

It is a tragedy that didn’t need to happen. I wonder if her father realizes what he allowed to happen as he worked at J&J and should have known more than your average person. And I wonder if he realizes that he and his family are not the chosen and didn’t get saline shots. Just useful idiots to be used and discarded by tptb. He failed his daughter.

11 months ago
Reply to  Annie

Father was a ‘loyal J & J foot soldier’ – actually means a useful idiot – and now he’s paid the price. A real man would own up to his mistake – as would a real woman – warning others of the dangers. Are we going to hear this from them?

11 months ago
Reply to  Jess

The mother Bahai religion is a cult model of the universal one world religion that’s near future even at the doorstep the 2nd beast of revelation will force all to worship.

11 months ago

What a lovely child who never had a chance (Cult Parents). Rest in Peace, Little One.

11 months ago

I love cats too. But a 10-year-old girl all decked out + painted in leopard print looks to me like trauma-based programming (which her father’s ex-employers the military are rather proficient in). Either way, Satan must be so pleased with the parents.

Clown World
Clown World
11 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

Cats are spiritual protectors known for their “nine lives”. I do believe they can shield individuals from harm and death, which is probably why witches are often in company with them. Unfortunately, it seems Kelsey’s father’s sins passed a certain threshold, consuming all of the cat’s nine lives and its ability to protect the child.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

It says alot about our society today that a child’s interest in cats has to be looked at more closely. Cats are perfectly fine. But her extreme interest in cats makes me wonder if she would become one of those kids that identify as a cat. They are furries, I think. Need to have litter boxes in schools etc. With parents like hers you could see it happening. Either way – RIP dear girl. ❤️

11 months ago
Reply to  Annie

Very strange… you are correct. I just heard a couple of weeks ago from a co-worker who has teenagers. One of the girls at the school said “I identify as a cat”. The girl was totally serious. This world is more bizzare by the day. By the way, I am a cat-lover – I have owned cats all my life. So sad for this little girl. A strange cult the parents were in. Maybe identifying as a cat was her outlet from these cult practices.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

I’m thinking that cat costume was for Halloween? It’s so sad she’s gone. Still can’t wrap my head around people allowing mRNA poison in their bodies and in their kids. Even the evil FDA clearly stated it was an investigational drug. How many have awakened from the illusion? How many haven’t?

11 months ago

Isn’t it sickly ironic that Johnson & Johnson’s tagline on all their advertising is “Johnson & Johnson: A family company”

11 months ago

That last mom, man I feel for her. When my daughter was born there just so happened to be some celebrity led public discourse on autism and vaccines. So I read some books and stuff and decided to drastically cut out most vaccines, delay them all, and spread them out. My daughter was staying home with me and not attending day care and I’m pretty much a hermit so it felt like the safe choice, just in case. Well, my pediatrician hated me. I’m pretty sure I nearly got kicked out of the practice. Looking back, I wish I would have just nixed all vaccines but I was young and unsure. Still, the nasty lectures I got every time I went for a doctor appointment….sheesh. Still, I learned to just sit there and say no. No is a complete sentence. No.

Harold Crapper
11 months ago

At least Mike Morand gets to live with the fact that he peddled a product that killed his daughter and many others, share the grief. He failed as a man and a father, hope he reads this.

11 months ago

Vax zealots were first to bring their children in. Not the inner circle, but this one is not that inner”. Inner circle is not made of tens / hundreads of millions of people. But very very few.

This case reminded me about that mothers that brought their children to be lab rats in trials for the vaccine. Maybe this one did the same?

Anyway, sad to see children suffer as much, sacrificed by their own parents. We know most of the ones that want more power lose a child in weird circumstances, so dont know what to say about this case, except that the little girl didnt deserved this.

Also, very weird choice of words in some requests for prayers: competed her mission.enlightened/earthly plane etc.

bahai faith has 9 prophets (mix Jesus with Mohamed, Hrishna, Buddha etc), a nine-pointed star, they are the ones that want that 1 religion for all humanity and bring the anti-christ ultimatelly. The so calles illuminati. Have 2 temples in Israel. Maybe they already have the third in Haifa?

Anyway they are all weird.

11 months ago
Reply to  Maria

Edit as in the context is not clear that Bahai have just two temples in Israel, one of them being the one in Haifa (not the third one in Haifa, but Haifa being the ”Third One” in the prophecies). Some believe that the ”Third Temple” is actually this one, already built – Haifa one. But some others say that the Third Temple, the one in Prophecies, have to be in Jerusalem, in the same location as the Solomon Temple.Anyway, Bahai work in shaddows somehow but also in the open, somehow they manage to hide their agenda in plain sight. They have huge businesses in all countries. Some are in the medicine field. They put one representative to become some kind of ”Messiah” in many countries, success stories, people that do all for humanity etc.
I always had a very strange feeling regarding Bahai. And they do have lots of power and money and lots of influence in all countries. Bus somehow they are under the radar, they are not targeted like others are. But they continue their agenda. Lots of Royals are into Bahai, but underground. In sight they have the official believe of the country they are in, but behind closed doors they are Bahai.
One example is late Queen Maria of Romania (of course she was relative of Queen Victoria, not a Romanian). She was Christian Orthodox official, but Bahai in her soul and practice and this thing was revealed decades after her passing. Regina Maria network of hospitals is run by Bahai and they openly say the reason why it is call like this is that Regina Maria was the first Royal to convert to Bahai.

Yet, why did she played ”Christian Orthodox” all her life? Strange…

Last edited 11 months ago by Maria
11 months ago

Very sad. That kid would have known nothing about the world yet, just an innocent liitle girl who the younger kids in the neighbourhood loved.

I wonder if the parents will wake up to what’s happened or just double down in denial? I suspect the latter, it would be too painful for them

11 months ago

The literally helped kill his own daughter for profit , how in the heck can he even look in a mirroR

r koz
11 months ago

I guess it does not matter who the serve up at the alter. Even their own kids.

11 months ago
Reply to  r koz

Did the chosen ones not sell their own daughters into slavery in t he bible? Their daughters might have been well used before they get riddle of them.

11 months ago

Sometimes the chosen ones sacrifice their people to advance their agenda. If this girl is really dead, he can use this event to claim that they were also victims of the “vaccines”. I have read similar case about a politician’s daughter a few months ago. With so much talk about pedophilia right now, I would not be surprised if some well known people would not use the “vaccines” to advance their career and clean up their image. Just a thought…

11 months ago

Her dad made her play the game you can’t win. It’s a matter ofntime before you lose.

They got her play, and she lost….

Rest in peace, kelsey.

Real victims are children and teenagers ???? without their consent ( anyway, their consent wouldn t mean nothing considering how hard it is to understand the metes and bounds of such an evil thing)

11 months ago

I wonder what shot he allowed his daughter to be killed with?

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
11 months ago

I see that the father branded himself as a woke idiot on LinkedIn with those silly “he/him” pronouns. It speaks volumes about the level of his intelligence, or lack thereof.

11 months ago

Gosh, Mike, I’m so sorry for your loss – hopefully your bonus check was not directly affected by the avoidable death of your child.

May Baal, or his brother Yahweh, bring you flames of comfort to you and your family in the difficult times ahead while you continue to pursue your chosen career (and collect your paycheck) in vaxx channel marketing.

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