Midweek Mashup VIII: Texas toxicologist tells South Carolina Senate why COVID vaccines cause hyper-aggressive cancers, as we chronicle 25 more sudden deaths

October 4, 2023

Every Generation X kid (at least the boys) has their favorite Mr. T moment. Whether it’s The A-Team, Wrestlemania I, movies like “D.C. Cab” (1983)(which featured a lot of people who became big stars) and Rocky III, or just his catchphrase “I pity the fool,” Mr. T was larger than life in the 1980s.

Now his entire legacy is reduced to this pathetic September 28 tweet.

Mr. T beat cancer in 1995; and now he took the injections.

The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) are pushing this new “vaccine” hard, just like the original 2020-21 propaganda campaigns. They even dusted off Obama and Fauci last week for a propaganda announcement, complete with both wearing masks.

But the propaganda is only working on that 30-35% of Americans who are willingly vaxxing themselves to death. A Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) survey released on September 27 found that 23% of Americans will definitely receive the new lethal injections, with another 23% saying they probably will. As expected, 61% of previously vaxxed people said they probably or definitely will get the new shots.

RELATED: Bill Gates: a look back on the vaccine godfather’s evolution, as “at least I’m vaccinated or it would be worse” becomes official slogan of the COVID religion (May 12, 2022)


We’ve been covering the rapid deterioration of 90-year-old U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (California) since June. Granted she was nine decades old. But Feinstein looked and sounded okay in September 2022. She disappeared completely from February to early May 2023, only to return to the Senate looking very…bad. Feinstein’s daughter had power-of-attorney over her since early August.

She passed away on September 29. Feinstein was at least triple-vaxxed. Whatever happened to her between September 2022 and May 2023 completely changed the trajectory of her life. It’s easy to blame old age here. But she deteriorated fast in a 12-month period.

We’re now on the fourth iteration of the lethal injections. The first iteration (December 2020 to August 2021) was the kill-White-people formula, and kill fast (even though it was ultimately killing everybody, very fast). At least 70% of the deaths and debilitating adverse reactions we wrote about in that time were White Americans, Europeans, Aussies and Canadians.

The powers-that-be phased out the viral vector DNA injections (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) in April 2021. Those were killing everybody way too fast; and the genocide would have been obvious even to the most hardened vaxx zealots if TPTB continued administering the viral vectors (even though Pfizer and Moderna shots were killing people instantly as well).

The foregoing case of Julie Ann Splattstoesser, who died hours after receiving her first mRNA injection, should have ended the first iteration of lethal injections immediately. Tiffany Dover collapsed on live television after receiving her first injection just two weeks prior to this. But humanity showed that they truly are nothing more than two-legged lambs, and continued drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid.


RELATED: Carlos Tejada: 49-year-old Wall Street Journal and New York Times writer posts booster shot photo on Instagram, dead hours later (December 25, 2021)


The second iteration of lethal injections (September 2021 to September 2022) added the anti-heart attack agent tromethamine (“tris”). The obvious purpose was to stop all the fast deaths within hours, days or weeks of receiving the shots. We called it the “slow-kill formula.” This also makes sense because nearly all post-injection deaths covered on this blog prior to September 2021 were within hours, days or weeks. That phenomenon stopped completely by the end of 2021.

The third iteration (September 2022 to September 2023) was the “bivalent” shots. It’s unclear what changes were made to the formula therein. But we’ve seen a lot more hyper-aggressive cancers since that time. All three iterations genetically modify the human genome, and turn vaxxed people into perpetual spike protein factories. This is what causes all the plastic blood clots and related ailments.

All of the foregoing should be common knowledge. But vaxxed people, for their own mental well-being, will never admit they poisoned themselves. Instead of calling it a post-injection stroke, vaxxed people call it “a small bleed in my brain.”


Mr. Angelo Hobson was a previously-healthy gym rat from Arizona. Now he suffers from permanent, debilitating heart damage, and doesn’t want to know why.


And when vaxxed people suddenly need body parts amputated due to blood clots and sepsis, they blame so-called COVID-19.


The blood clot-related deaths and adverse reactions will continue with the fourth iteration of the injections released last month. But this fourth iteration of shots will cause a lot more cancer and probably a lot more fast sudden deaths, like the viral vector DNA shots…because these new shots appear to be DNA-based.

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay testifies about the carcinogenic new shots at South Carolina Senate hearing

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay is one of the original truth-telling doctors of The Great Reset. She is a Texas-based toxicologist and biochemist with over 30 years experience in the field. Dr. Lindsay was banned from LinkedIn in April 2021 after telling truth about the lethal injections sterilizing both men and women.


Dr. Lindsay also spoke at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) that month. She told the committee that the shots cause cancer.

RELATED: The COVID Blog® Editor-in-Chief Brian A. Wilkins speaks during public comments portion of CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (September 23, 2021)


Dr. Lindsay has been called all the usual mainstream media “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist” pejoratives. That means she can be trusted by critical thinkers. We’ve known since 2021 that the lethal injections cause cancers; and all the doctors who sounded the alarm are now banned from social media and even lose their medical licenses in some cases. But Dr. Lindsay’s testimony in front of the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee provided new insights as to why the lethal injections cause cancer.

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She testified that the clinical trials for the first iteration of mRNA injections used shots that were “vastly different” from the ones unleashed on the public in late 2020. She also said that 30% of the Pfizer and Moderna injectable liquid is actual DNA, and thus similar to the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson shots (adenovirus vectors).

Dr. Lindsay said that these gene therapies have been experimented on for 40 years. But they never came to market (until 2021) because they caused cancers in trial participants within four years after receiving the shots. She also stated that there was “nefarious intent” related to the release of these injections onto humanity.

Adverse reactions happen because this DNA sequence tells your body to continuously make spike proteins, according to Dr. Lindsay. These proteins spread everywhere in your body and embed themselves in your cells’ nuclei. Your immune system recognizes said proteins as invaders, as poison, causing your immune system to attack every cell in your body.

The biggest bombshell was this:

“There are SV40 sequences within the plasmids that were not disclosed to the regulators. The SV40 virus was a contaminant of the polio vaccines. It is thought that contamination of the virus, which is oncogenic, caused many of the cancers for the next several decades from the people that received these [polio] vaccines.”

Note that SV40 is Simian virus 40 – a monkey DNA virus. It’s generally accepted in the medical community that polio vaccines were contaminated with SV40. A 2003 study published in The Lancet found that SV40 is “known to cause tumourigenesis.” A 2004 study published in the journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews found that there is “significant excess risk of SV40 associated with human primary brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.”

RELATED: Hank Green: 43-year-old social media influencer who inspired millions of fans to get the injections, diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma (May 26, 2023)


Nearly 90% of American kids and 60% of American adults received polio vaccines from 1955 to 1963, according to government data. Breast cancer diagnoses increased 181% from 1960 to 2013 (with the caveat that ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) isn’t really cancer)). Lung cancer rates more than doubled in men and tripled in women from 1960 to 1980 despite smoking rates decreasing in that same time period. Overall cancer deaths rose by 150% from 1960 to 1978, despite advancing medical technology. You get the picture.

Dr. Lindsey’s full testimony is below (it’s on YouTube, so if you click on this story and the video is censored, please leave a comment and we’ll re-upload it elsewhere).

Cancer diagnoses and deaths are both nearing records, particularly in young people. But mainstream media and the medical industrial complex will never admit the truth. It typically takes 2-3 years from the time someone received their last injection for the cancer to develop. When it strikes, it’s always Stage 4, hospice care cancer.

The following Instagram post by Mr. Josh Berresford is from April 26, 2021.


His Stage 4 cancer diagnosis came on July 15, 2023.


Ms. Hailey Pressnell is a 22-year-old student at California Polytechnic State University (Cal-Poly). She earned a bachelor’s degree from the school in 2022, and is now working on her master’s degree at the same institution. Cal-Poly had a vaccine mandate in 2021 and 2022.

Ms. Pressnell was diagnosed with Stage 3b skin cancer in August.


Mr. Angel Ramirez (pictured below) is a 21-year-old University of Connecticut (“UConn”) student.

He first enrolled in 2020. UConn implemented a vaccine mandate for all students on June 4, 2021. Mr. Ramirez was diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain cancer) on June 2. He’s already underwent surgery and several rounds of human microwave (“radiation”) therapy.


We could do this all day. The reality is what it is.

Most vaxxed people will collapse and die, or die in their sleep, before the hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancers eat them alive. Senior citizens 65 and over are dropping all over the place. But most of those deaths are dismissed as old age, even if they spontaneously collapse and die. Obese people also seem to be dropping a lot, with those cases being dismissed as a person who was simply unhealthy (despite fat being cool and chic in 2023.

The following 20 deaths once again show that most people who received the shots in 2021 are now dying.

Tanya Arbogast: 56-year-old North Carolina healthcare worker collapses and dies from ruptured brain aneurysm

Ms. Tanya Arbogast resided in Durham, North Carolina. She was a physician assistant at Duke University Medical Center, according to her LinkedIn Page. She had a “wife,” and garnered attention from mainstream media just for being homosexual.

Ms. Arbogast was at a wedding ceremony on September 23 when she suddenly collapsed. She was rushed to a nearby hospital, where doctors discovered a ruptured brain aneurysm. Ms. Arbogast was pronounced dead on September 26.


Ms. Arbogast once re-posted an article by a vaxx zealot preacher saying religious exemptions should not be supported by Christian pastors.

RELATED: Matthew 6:24 – thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (December 14, 2021)


Duke was one of the first U.S. universities to mandate vaccines (April 2021) and boosters (February 2022).

Eileen Kelly: 52-year-old Australia woman dies in her sleep

Ms. Eileen Ella Saunders Kelly was originally from Dublin, but resided in Asquith, New South Wales. She was a social worker, according to her Facebook page. Ms. Kelly died in her sleep on September 3.


Sean McMahon: 31-year-old Northern Ireland doctor collapses and dies three days before his wedding

Dr. Sean McMahon was an anesthesiologist at Craigavon Area Hospital in County Armagh, Northern Ireland. He and his fiancée Debbie were getting married on August 25. Dr. McMahon was at South Lake Leisure Centre on August 22 when he suddenly collapsed. He was rushed to Craigavon hospital, but pronounced dead later that evening.

Lauren Quinn: 41-year-old Ireland woman dies from hyper-aggressive terminal cancer

Ms. Lauren Quinn resided in Wicklow, Ireland. She was known in the community for her charity and volunteer work. Ms. Quinn had one daughter.

She was diagnosed with “Stage 4 terminal cancer” in November 2022.

Ms. Quinn passed away on September 23.

Nashawn Breedlove: 46-year-old New Jersey rapper dies in his sleep

Mr. Nashawn Breedlove resided in Newark, New Jersey. He is best known for his role as Lotto in the 2002 rap movie “8 Mile.” Mr. Breedlove, who went by the stage name “OX,” also appeared on the soundtrack for the 2001 film “The Wash” starring Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg.

Few details are available. But Mr. Breedlove died in his sleep on September 24.

Tim Wakefield: 57-year-old former Boston Red Sox pitcher dies from hyper-aggressive brain cancer; wife is battling pancreatic cancer

Mr. Tim Wakefield played 19 seasons of Major League Baseball, with 17 of them as a member of the Boston Red Sox. He was known for that funky-looking knuckleball that confused even the most seasoned hitters.

Mr. Wakefield retired in 2012. He’s been a studio analyst for the Red Sox on the New England Sports Network (NESN) since that time.

Curt Schilling, a podcaster and former Red Sox pitcher, said on September 28 that Mr. Wakefield was recently “diagnosed with a very serious, very aggressive form of brain cancer.” That means glioblastoma. The Red Sox confirmed the news later that day, while emphasizing that Schilling did not have permission from the Wakefield family to share the news. Schilling also said that Wakefield went into surgery, and that his wife, Stacy, was battling pancreatic cancer herself.

Mr. Wakefield died on October 1. Boston had a citywide vaccine mandate for all indoor venues from December 2021 to February 2022.

Chris Cruise: 53-year-old Iowa swim coach dies from hyper-aggressive pancreatic cancer

Mr. Christopher John Cruise was a math teacher, swimming and golf coach at Washington High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He worked for the school for over 25 years.

Mr. Cruise was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in August. He passed away on September 21. The Cedar Rapids Community School District implemented a vaccine coercion policy for both students and staff in August 2021.

Bre McKean: 17-year-old Ohio girl collapses and dies during homecoming event

Breanne McKean was a senior at Mapleton High School in Ashland County, Ohio. She was being introduced as a member of the school’s homecoming court on September 29. Bre collapsed as she was walking onto the football field. She was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital shortly thereafter.

Meanwhile, an unnamed freshman (thus 14-year-old) student at Adams High School in South Bend, Indiana, collapsed and died at school on October 2. Mainstream media called the death “an isolated health-related incident.” They are also hiding his identity.

And another high school kid, 15-year-old Keshaun Allen (no photo available), played football for Windsor Forest High School in Savannah, Georgia. He collapsed and died on the sideline during a game on October 2.

Cornell Cheeks: 46-year-old Washington D.C. dies suddenly

Mr. Cornell A. Cheeks, Jr. was self-employed in the nation’s capital, according to his Facebook page. Few details are available. But Mr. Cheeks died suddenly at his father’s house on September 11.

Lisa Lazarus: 46-year-old South Africa woman dies suddenly

Ms. Lisa Lazarus (“Lis Laz” on Facebook) resided in Johannesburg. Few details are available. But Ms. Lazarus died suddenly on September 11.

Irene Yocher: 58-year-old Massachusetts woman dies from hyper-aggressive skin cancer

Mrs. Irene Elizabeth Yocher resided in Tolland Center, Massachusetts. She was a paraprofessional for the Oxford (Massachusetts) Board of Education. Mrs. Yocher and her husband, Gordon, were married for 38 years. They have four daughters.

Mrs. Yocher was diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer in February. The Mayo Clinic calls it the most serious type of skin cancer possible.  Mrs. Yocher passed away on September 13.

A Meal Train fundraiser is raising funds for the widower.

Johan Samanta: 54-year-old Arizona doctor collapses and dies while playing hockey

Dr. Johan Erik Sebastian Samanta resided in Scottsdale, Arizona. He was a neurologist and a professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Dr. Samanta collapsed while playing hockey on September 17. He died a short time later.

Lorenzo Della Femine: 40-year-old Italy TikTok star dies from “sudden illness”

Mr. Lorenzo Della Femine was known as Mister Pella Pazzo on TikTok. The Casalnuovo, Naples resident had 1.8 million TikTok followers, and another 341,000 on Instagram. It’s unclear why exactly he was internet-famous. Mr. Femine had a wife and three kids, and appeared to make many videos about them. He also faced controversy earlier this year for illegally living in public housing.

Mr. Femine suffered a “sudden illness,” then cardiac arrest that took his life on October 2. He had already been in a hospital for 10 days.

Ahmed Samy El-Adl: 35-year-old Egypt actors dies from blood clots, sudden heart failure

Mr. Ahmed Samy El-Adl was a well-known DJ in several Arab and European countries. He was also an actor and movie producer.

Mr. El-Adl was reportedly scheduled for surgery to remove several blood clots from his lungs. But he suffered “sudden heart failure” on September 30 and died. Mainsteam media are blaming so-called COVID-19.

Silvia Melis: 40-year-old Italy woman dies after “brief suffering”

Ms. Silvia Melis resided in Ficarolo, about 55 miles (90 km) southwest of Venice. She worked for Universiis Social Cooperative Society. Few details are available. But Ms. Melis died after “briefly suffering” on September 23.

Zoe Wilson: 42-year-old British woman dies from blood clots, two strokes

Mrs. Zoe Wilson resided in Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent. She was married with three children. Mrs. Wilson collapsed to the floor out of her bed on September 18. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors discovered a blood clot and the aftermath of a stroke.

Emergency surgery was performed to address the brain bleed. But Mrs. Wilson suffered a second stroke. She was pronounced dead on September 25.

Matteo Tasca: 35-year-old Italy man collapses and dies while working on roof

Mr. Matteo Tasca resided in Bottanuco, Bergamo. He owned a roofing company. Mr. Tasca and his father were working on the roof of a house in Tavernola on September 27 when he suddenly collapsed. He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

JC Gafford: 58-year-old California musician dies in his sleep

Mr. Jeffrey “JC” Gafford resided in Burbank, California. He was a Blues and Funk musician, according to his Facebook page. Mr. Gafford died suddenly in his sleep on September 15.

Charlyn Webster: 60-year-old Canada woman dies from sudden massive stroke

Mrs. Charlyn Michelle Webster resided in Cambridge, Nova Scotia. She was married with two children. Mrs. Webster suffered a massive stroke on September 18.


She passed away in a hospital on September 20.

Eric Sutherland: 48-year-old Illinois man dies from post-injection pneumonia

Mr. Eric R. Sutherland resided in Naperville, Illinois. He owned Sutherland Appraisal Services. Mr. Sutherland was married with two daughters.

He passed away on September 28 after “fighting pneumonia for a few days.”


It’s unclear if he received the new booster shot. But there are case studies that concluded Pfizer injections were the trigger for cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.

Nicole McGuire: 26-year-old Scotland woman dies suddenly and unexpectedly

Ms. Nicole McGuire resided in Glasgow. She had 11,000 total followers on Instagram and YouTube, where she was known as @nicoleeo. Ms. McGuire also made content for a YouTube channel called BBC the Social.

Few details are available. But Ms. McGuire died suddenly and unexpectedly on September 30.

Marco Contreras: 48-year-old Texas football coach collapses and dies during a game

Mr. Marco Antonio Contreras resided in Bishop, Texas. He was a football coach and teacher for the Kingsville Independent School District. Mr. Contreras was coaching a football game on September 22 when he suddenly collapsed. He died at a nearby hospital later that evening.

James Kiernan: 58-year-old Australia teacher collapses and dies at his desk

Mr. James Kiernan was a religious studies teacher at Shalom College in Bundaberg, Queensland. He collapsed in his desk chair shortly after arriving at work the morning of October 3. Several colleague and paramedic performed CPR. But Mr. Kiernan was pronounced a few hours later. The cause of death was a sudden heart attack.

The scariest part of it all

Those living in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe, China, etc. – you cannot go anywhere without being recorded on camera. Millions of 20-somethings and 30-somethings are dying of aggressive cancers since 2021. Everyone from teenagers to recent retirees are spontaneously collapsing and dying by the millions.

It’s one thing for teenage girls and young boys to worship celebrities and idols. But in 2023, 40% of American adults worship a man, a politician no less, like he’s God.

Once upon a time, the following was a serious crime. Now adults sit around, clapping and cheering on complete and total degeneracy as children are traumatized.

There are U.S. states and countries in Europe with criminal punishments if you call a man a man, and a woman a woman. In other words, to avoid breaking the law, you must deliberately adopt psychosis.

Two scientists – Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko – are being credited as the creators of mRNA gene therapy technology. They were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine on Monday. They are being rewarded for a global genocide. Most U.S. babies get 24 injections before they turn two years old. Every baby in the U.S. and beyond born in the year 2030 and after will also be required to have computer chips implanted in their brains.

All that, and 80% of humanity just goes on everyday as if all this is normal and/or not happening. The Great Reset has been in effect since September 11, 2001. But these last four years have truly changed [Western, Indian and Chinese] humanity into genetically-modified mutants.

All those Africans, Central Americans and Caribbean people arriving in the U.S. and Europe are about to receive their genetic mutations before being shipped back home to spread it among their people. Democrats know that their support among Black American voters will be the lowest it’s been since the 1950s in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Self-identified Democrats are far more likely to be triple and quadruple vaxxed; thus dropping dead more. So Democrats are buying illegal immigrant votes to replace the dead White liberal and defecting Black American vote. And they’re getting away with it because Republicans pretend to be against illegal immigration, while passing spending bills that include no money for border security. It’s all a charade.

And on top of all that, we must deal with all these artificial severe weather phenomena as TPTB toy with their peasants. Seven inches (15 cm) of rain fell in parts of New York City in a matter of hours last Friday. This was the aftermath.

Nothing is out of the question. Keep your head on a swivel, stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Ned Baker
Ned Baker
9 months ago

Wow! Tanya Arbogast and Pastor Keith Marshall. I do feel sympathy for her. But the pastor is, perhaps unknowingly, kind of a false prophet.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

I wonder if Mr Marshall is a hypocrite, or he practices what he preaches?

9 months ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

Imagine you promised to serve God, and then you go around spreading lies. How awful.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

He lives in a fantasy where he can infallibly proclaim that mandating experimental gene-therapy shots is not only true science but true religion. He therefore feels it’s his God-given right to coerce his sacrament – he’s actually serving God and saving lives! All the real life and published data in the world contradicting his dogma is way useless at this point. They’re pious sophists convinced they’re deep, thoughtful and knowledgeable but reality is they’re shallower than a birdbath but infinitely less useful.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

In the book of Revelation is says one must take the mark in order to buy or sell. I guess that includes having a job.
It also said everyone who took the mark would later break out in horrible sores and die.

And this clown says its the Christian thing to do to take the vax. What an idiot.

9 months ago

The “anti-vaxxers” are inheriting the Earth.

The Trump worship is absolutely sick (as is all other politician worship).

9 months ago
Reply to  CSJ

I wonder if they’d take a vaxx for him to prove their trust if he asked?

His beautiful shot that saved millions. Millions of Social Security dollars, that is. He still brags about Project Warp Speed to this day. I’d love to interview them and ask how they reconcile the lethal jabs with the “They’re not after me, they’re after you” hero.

Hemlock in a mesmerizing cup. Now that’s salesmanship.

9 months ago
Reply to  Bridget

I can tell you what they’d say because I’ve seen it online. They dodge any important issue by saying, “Trump wouldn’t have mandated it like Biden did.” Super cultists. A spell has been cast.

9 months ago
Reply to  CSJ

We sure are. Don’t know one unjabbed family member or fiend that has been sick at all over the past year. The vaxxed are always fighting colds/flu, aches, pains, infections and all kinds of other ailments that come with the shots. Never saw so many sick people during the summer months. It was like another flu season.

9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

And the real flu season is only starting. What’s going to happen then when you can’t get rid of a summer cold and then the heavier stuff comes? I am already supplementing and getting my health in order. Surrounded by vaxxed at work. I am not looking forward to it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Annie

Make sure you have your own pretreatments as respiratory infections exist with or without Covid. I’ve caught something from vaccine shedders before along with some autoimmune problems.

As you know, hospitals are dangerous and should be avoided, if possible. In the end, we may have to get away from the vaccinated completely if we are to survive as they are becoming biologically toxic.

9 months ago
Reply to  freefall

Oh I know it. Every day is someone new getting blood clots, cancer that was in remission is back with a vengeance. Pneumonia is as common as a cold. Lots of headaches that don’t go away. People under 50 with stage 3 iron 4 cancers and no family history. Common denominator is they are all vaxxed. I am the elephant in the room and I am fine. What a messed up world with so many messed up people.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

I saw that, too. Long, hard colds. This weekend is the Chicago Marathon. I hope it goes well, that runners don’t collapse and pass. ????

9 months ago

What can I say at this late date?
Most of the people are either crazy or stupid; or both.
Whether you like him or not; Darwin had a very keen understanding about the concept of survival and what survives.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hmm

The only problem is that the stupid are being artificially propped up with safety nets.

Harold Crapper
9 months ago

Today people or should I say sheeple don’t unwillingly line up for the boxcar, they fight to be first in line. There is no deductive reasoning, no attempt for self-preservation, just virtue signaling and likes on social media.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
9 months ago

Exactly what happened to my dad. Cancer just showed up and it was stage 4 hospice cancer. This is unforgiveable

9 months ago

All these Go Fund Me’s really annoy the shit out of me. It’s become a fad when a loved one dies suddenly or unexpectedly and none of the friends or family will acknowledge the obvious.

9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Agree. If you can’t acknowledge the cause, the vaxx, then please do not ask for my money. I am not giving it up for covidians. Too many other good causes to give to.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
9 months ago
Reply to  Annie

After what Go fund me did to the truckers in Canada I will never donate through them again. Never donate through Go fund me.You are giving money to an evil organization. They tried to steal the millions donated to the truckers protesting lockdowns

9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Meanwhile a lot of us are still unemployed due to mandates.

9 months ago

Troponine (TP) 20+ times the normal level? That’s a lot of dead tissue inside the heart. 1-5 years left to live. Possible onset of brain dementia because of the compromised blood flow. Granted, doctors will play nice, prescribe diuretics, maybe even perform a couple angiograms and insert balloons and stents. But in reality, it’s Game Over. No one can grow a new heart.

9 months ago

In the 90’s, a friend of mine and I used to joke that if you ran off with a girl and got married in Las Vegas, the Almighty would curse that marriage. Tongue in cheek, of course.

Now, I think of all the people, especially angry homosexuals for some reason, who go on social media, bragging about how they got a vaccine (even if it worked, why brag about it?), and say “F those people who won’t get vaccinated!”.

Then TheCovidblog posts the second post where it says that same person who said “F* the unvaccinated” ‘passed away’ after a short illness…or in their sleep… or after a cancer diagnosis whose onset was 30 minutes before they died…or unexpectedly…or whatever. ”

Now, I’m thinking that my friend and I who joked about the Almighty cursing people might have been on to something after all, just the wrong segment of the population.

9 months ago
Reply to  AnthonyL

One major demarcation seems to be between people who trust Big Pharma implicitly and those who do not, no matter their race, sexual proclivities, or other differences.

Big Pharma is promoting two shots per arm, as Mr. T demonstrates above, so they are upping the ante. And no one even bats an eye.

9 months ago

When you observe what’s happening, then you suddenly realize WHY the “elites” are trying to kill people. I have lost a lot of my own empathy.

The Turtle Man
The Turtle Man
9 months ago
Reply to  Gwen

The covid dictatorship is the great environmentalists genocide they having been talking about and promising for the last 70 years.

When I was growing up I remember how environmentalists were always giving lectures on the radio about the need to genocide the human population in order to save the planet. Some wanted to lower the human population to zero worldwide. Others wanted to lower the population to about 500,000,000 people worldwide.

When the covid dictatorship started in 2020 I knew right away that this was the great environmentalist genocide that had been promised. The only thing that surprised me was that it was happening in my life time. I did not know they were that far along.

9 months ago
Reply to  The Turtle Man

Lets not kid ourselves; population does have to be controlled.
In 1800 there was about 800 million people on the planet; or 1/10th of what you had before this business started.
If we kept up that rate of increase; you would have 80 billion people by 2223.
And that planet would be hell beyond hell; with incredible starvation everywhere as you could NEVER feed that many people.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hmm

“overpopulation crisis” is a hoax, just like man made global warming, covid, & running out of fossil fuels. Any number of b.s. stories you’ve learned? They are probably all wrong. But don’t believe me, do your own (non google) research.

Rule of thumb, if the globalists are pushing a certain narrative, its evil/a lie. Follow the money & the power to find the pathetic little globalist behind the curtain manipulating you.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hmm

Turns out, Hell (a.k.a. the ongoing “New Normal”) ascended to Earth in 2020 anyway, way ahead of your spurious predictions.

9 months ago

Just keep getting those boosters… as for me, I’ve not had ANY of these death jabs #pureblood. I’ll just laugh as you zealots keep dropping dead… #pureblood

The Turtle Man
The Turtle Man
9 months ago
Reply to  Expat

I carry around with me, as a joke only, a custom made shopping bag that says, “ALL HAIL THE COVID DICTATORSHIP!”. I get some weird looks but so far no one has yelled at me. I think people really don’t know what to make of it. I think they can’t figure out for sure that I am anti-vax.

I too am a pure-blood. =-)

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
9 months ago
Reply to  Expat

I don’t laugh as the “zealots keep dropping dead.” I feel an immensity of sorrow for what has happened to the poor person who died, but also to all those who loved him/her. And the death wagon keeps rolling on. We’re all going to experience a lot of grief in days, weeks, months to come.

The Turtle Man
The Turtle Man
9 months ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

It is interesting. It has been less than a month since the new role out. Already the emergency vehicle sirens are increasing at an obvious and observable rate. Each day is a little more than the past day. With past role outs it took about 1.5 to 2 months before the siren activity took off. This time it was about 3 weeks. The siren activity is really crazy at night. It has been know for a while now that these shots tend to kill people in their sleep.

I suspected that these new shots were going to be extra deadly for several reasons. One reason is that these shots are currently planned to be annual shots, just one a year. That means that to complete this genocide by 2030 the annual shots will have to kill a lot of people. Also they might have a longer extended toxicity to get the effect to cover a whole year.

Another reason I suspected these shots were going to be extra deadly, in both the short and long term, is that the media was putting out a lot of propaganda urging people to get the shot RIGHT NOW!!, DON’T WAIT!! I remember one media report saying that if you just had COVID you no longer need to wait to get your new vaccine, you could get it right away (and should get it right away). They were also saying that you old shots would be worthless against the new variants coming out.

It looks like they are trying to get people to rush out and get vaccinated before the dead bodies start to pile up, and they change their minds. This round of deaths world wide could be so obvious that even many of the zelots will wake up. However, this is only a maybe as TPTB could release effective propaganda to stop this, blaming the deaths on COVID or something.

9 months ago
Reply to  The Turtle Man

In my area, CVS drugstore is booked solid with covidians getting flu, shingles, rsv, pneumonia as well as covid shots. All hail the pharma gods. They are scared and doubling down. I do hear sirens a lot too.

9 months ago

My Mom is going through this right now, she felt sick in March, thought it was just a sore throat. went to hospital days after having hard time breathing, diagnosed with “rare” aggressive cancer outside her heart and lungs, but they had great success with treatments they claimed, even thou this cancer had no name? they tried to remove some but it was jelly like? im thinking clots….she rebounded back very quickly during chemo. they were shocked she was doing so well, they asked her if it was ok to document her heart during this process and got her to sign papers that it was ok. weird thing again….the cancer is pretty much gone now, but destroyed one lung, but it seemed like a very weird situation.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
9 months ago

Even without a cancer causing gene therapy cancer would have gone up with just the mask wearing. People muzzling themselves and lowering their blood oxygen level is an environment for cancer to thrive. It also increases stress levels which leads to buildup in the arteries and weight gain.It has also been found that toxic particles are in the masks and after only a brief period wearing one the mask becomes completely contaminated and the wearer is forced to breath harder to get air which will draw the particles deeper into the lungs.

A.B. Vargas
A.B. Vargas
9 months ago

Mr T, the Wise Janitor,

in “Not Another Teen Movie”.

pure greatness.

9 months ago

I cannot believe that people do not see this. The beautiful woman at the top of the list, Julie Ann, got her shot on 12/31/2020 and posts a photo of getting it. They are then posting a photo of her dying on 12/31/2020! Probably the obituary used #ABV that she was out partying on New Year’s Eve and overdid it. How sad!

I saw an article today that TPTB are saying that Guillain-Barre syndrome comes from having COVID19 (not the vaccine). Plus it says that if you are vaccinated, you have less chance of getting this syndrome (than the non-vaxxed). Everyone has known for years that Guillain-Barre syndrome comes from vaccines. The propoganda never ends…

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