Yonatan Moshe Erlichman: 8-year-old Israel boy used in government vaccine propaganda video collapses and dies at home

October 13, 2023

Yonatan Moshe Erlichman.

NOFEI PRAT, WEST BANK — An eight-year-old boy is dead thanks to his father and grandfather who paraded him around for big pharma profit.

Yonatan Moshe Erlichman was the son of Dr. Ira Erlichman, a pediatrician at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. He’s also the grandson of Dr. Mati Erlichman, the former chief pediatrician at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

The following clip is from a July 26, 2020 video entitled “Shushki explains what isolation is and how to deal with it.” Yonatan was just five years old at the time. The video was produced by the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, which oversees 46 Israeli mini-colonies in the West Bank. The full video is 12-minutes long, with the bulk of it being Yonatan’s father and another man named Itai Hamo, talking to the puppet Shushki.

Dr. Erlichman and Shushki.

The first 80 seconds of the video (below) featured Yonatan talking to Shushki. We used several translation apps to get a general understanding of the video’s content. What we consistently found in the translations was Yonatan and the puppet talking about Shushki’s brother being quarantined and how they might die. Yonatan told Shushki to speak with Dr. Erlichman, who can answer all of his questions about the global 2020 COVID measures.

RELATED: Jackson Ball: 7-year-old North Carolina boy dies of #PfauciPfilicide; vaxx zealot father disappears from social media after excoriating critical thinkers (February 18, 2023)


Shushki talks to Dr. Erlichman for the next five minutes of the video. We saw the words masks, social distancing, and tests show up a lot in the translations for the full video. Shushki asked “when will coronavirus end?”

Dr. Erlichman talked about childhood vaccinations and how coronavirus would end the same way. Shushki said something about not liking needles. Dr. Erlichman said (it translated the same way in all of the apps), “nobody likes shots, but we don’t have a choice.”

Another video, published on December 30, 2020 on the same Mateh Binyamin Regional Council YouTube Channel, featured Dr. Mati Erlichman (the grandfather). The caption reads:

Binyamin Council Chairman Israel Gantz hosted the renowned Dr. Mati Erlichman. They discussed the safety of the Corona vaccine and called on the residents of Binyamin to come and get vaccinated.”

Four days of death beginning on Yom Kippur

For the record, there is no definitive evidence that Yonatan received the injections. Draw your own conclusions. That said, the Erlichman family released a statement, reporting that Yonatan collapsed in their home after suffering sudden cardiac arrest on September 24. He fell into a bathtub full of water, and was apparently in there face-down for several minutes.

Paramedics got his heart beating again. Yonatan was rushed to Hadassah Hospital in Mount Scopus. The family believed Yonatan’s condition was improving over the next few days. But he was pronounced dead on September 28.

Déjà vu

When this blogger read the subject for the email informing him of this story, the first thought was “this is an old story.” The subject read, “8-Year-Old ‘Vaccine Poster Child’ Dies after cardiac arrest.” Santino Godoy Blanco was the Argentinian boy featured in vaccine propaganda videos. He died suddenly on November 5, 2022. But this blogger recalled that he was only four years old. It’s these types of coincidences that truly make one believe a higher power is punishing parents for injecting their children with evil.

Several studies have shown that Ashkenazis are the least susceptible group to vaccine adverse reactions. But only around one-third of Israel’s population falls into this category. Either Israel media is very good at covering up vaccine deaths and maimings, or they just don’t happen very often.

Two of the first 10 articles ever published on The COVID Blog®  in January 2021 were about mass vaccine adverse reactions in Israel and about the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights accusing Israel of using its people as guinea pigs. Dissident vaccine news out of Israel almost completely stopped after that.

RELATED: Shir-el Hilel: 22-year-old Israeli woman suffers heart inflammation, dead two weeks after second Pfizer shot (April 26, 2021)


Yonatan would have grown up and been forced to join the Israel military, unless he developed a conscience and protested. Regardless, no child should have their life ended like this. Children of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers across the globe are unwitting victims of their parents’ cult. Now Yonatan will only be remembered as “that Israeli kid in the vaccine videos.”

Sleep well little man. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Andrew John Brough
Andrew John Brough
9 months ago

Just remove the ‘r’ and the ‘l’ from Erlichman, add an ‘n’ and what do you get?

9 months ago

That poor child. Total innocent. His father and grandfather are not. As medical doctors they should have known or knew more than the rest of us. I wonder if they are in a state #ABV denial or do they realize what they have done. RIP Yonatan.

9 months ago
Reply to  Annie

The father and grandfather probably got paid 30 pieces of silver to push the poison. ☠️

9 months ago
Reply to  Annie

The doctors actually believe in vaccines (it is a belief system) — and they live in an alternate reality (a simulacrum).

9 months ago

I’m an Israeli expat, who can share that despite the Israeli system’s attempts to cover up deaths and injuries, the truth breaks through.

First off, there was a 90 minutes long movie that documented adverse effects, which were merely a sample.

Secondly, citizen journalists have forced one health insurer to disclose its 2021/2 data, and heart attacks are through the roof and accelerating.

I’ve heard recently a speech in the Knesset. In a way of passing, I learned that the speaker’s brother had died of cancer recently and his secretary required and heart operation.

A comedian, entertaining the government in a holiday party, revealed he’s got a testicular cancer.

9 months ago

I remember people commenting some time ago, wondering if there would be thousands of orphans that the unvaxinated would have to take care of due to the death of their vaccinated parents. Sadly, I don’t think we have to worry about that.

9 months ago
Reply to  lin

Less children were vaccinated compared to adults. Regardless, it was a huge red flag from the start.
The retoric: yeah we sacrifice children so to save possible hospitalisation of eldery was wrong from the very start.
Humanity exists because children and women were put first.
Not the sick amd the eldery. They wete taken care of course and protected but never with the cost of children.
Eldery could of just avpid getting infected and vaccinated ig it was their wish and thats it.
To pit an experimental trials 3 product in healthy young individuals and children to “protect” eldery tgat could of staied home if they wished to stay “safe” was a crime.
Evem if the vax was not as bad. Any vax is dangerous.
Os better to avoid it if is not absolutelly vital. Vital is the one for rabbies, bit only AFTER you were bitten.
Because: it saves your life even if there are of course side effects. People vaccinated prior regardless have to take 4 shots after being bitten to save their life so np need to be done in advamce, only in absolute meed.
The rest are just useless (gor our health) poisons.
I had all the childhood diseases and Ive travelled in many areas with bacteria amd viruses took nothong except vitamins amd made no vax and was totally fine not evem a cold.
It is because my body fighted measles and others without the poisonous vaxes so it knows how to fight.
Usless to say I didnt had covid nor vax. I took though NAC vit C and some others daily when I travelled a little bit more. Even if some friends got it the covid and we travelled together I didnt and they had the vax and me not. NAC vit C omega 3 Vit D protected me. Plus a multivitamin tablet. I credit NAC amd vit C plus D most of.
Tgat will be for any virus they bring. Tpgether with proper nutrition tgat includes lots of protein. Each cell in our body is protein so we need it. More than they say the daily ibtake shpuld be triple than what they say we need. Or more if into sports. We camd be healthy without protein.

9 months ago

How many kids under ten have heart attacks and die? This isn’t normal under any circumstances. When will the sheep wake up?

9 months ago

Destroyed by factions within their own religion. Karma will ensure that you reach the magic number that you sell so well.

Harold Crapper
9 months ago

This is so horrible and sad, but the worst part will be the spin.

Captain Black Picard
9 months ago

Makes perfect sense to me but I guess not to the clueless braindead sheep.

“If the vaccines worked

It would mean that those who have

Died Suddenly

Would be dying from something else (Covid)

Everyone would NEED the vaccine.

And the pharmaceutical companies

Would be shouting from the rooftops

About those who are dying suddenly.”
~Thomas Lewis writes Useless Liberal

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