With Washington D.C. on ultra-high alert Wednesday, the bomb squad was called to the U.S. Supreme Court as twitter erupted with reports that SCOTUS was evacuated. Because of the heavy censorship surrounding the transition ceremony, the network media didn’t say a word, contributing to the panic. Thankfully, an outlet on the other side of the planet released some helpful details.

SCOTUS gets ‘all clear’ after scare

Jagran News in India is reporting that SCOTUS was “given an all-clear shortly after a bomb threat alerted the authorities.” Meanwhile, they relate, “Washington DC has been put on high alert as the incident comes just Joe Biden is set to take oath as the 46th President of US in the capital city.”

Things were moving fast this morning with more flags than people in the Capitol. Rumors spread like wildfire that the building had been evacuated. Soon after, “it was later confirmed that the Supreme Court had been given all clear and the building had not been evacuated.” SCOTUS gave a statement to Newsy reporting, “The Court received a bomb threat, the building and grounds were checked out, and the building is not being evacuated.”

Right now, SCOTUS is closed to the public due to the Covid scare and is being heavily patrolled by National Guard. Security at the national buildings is tight as a drum following the barbarian invasion which took place in January 6.

The barbarians had help

Even though the media and liberals are working overtime to blame the civil unrest on citizen Trump, the riot was carried out by a highly sophisticated and cohesive group which appears to have planned the attack and had inside help from both Capitol Security and other government agencies, possibly the FBI. An attack on SCOTUS now should be unthinkable with all the troops surrounding the place.

The ceremony for Joe Biden’s assumption of power, which one pundit relates, “involves almost no actual people, but many, many flags” is continuing on schedule Wednesday morning.” There are also unconfirmed reports floating around that “the rest of the Washington DC area remains on lockdown.” Thankfully, SCOTUS is safe.

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