Joe Biden Pushing to Punish All Voters Who Support America

Joe Biden Pushing to Punish All Voters Who Support America

Joe Biden has come out against Georgia‘s new election laws, and his statements when speaking with ESPN make it clear that he wants to punish Georgians for supporting election integrity.

Sports used to be the American pastime, as Americans of every background would gather to watch and enjoy a mini vacation from their day-to-day lives and the issues plaguing the world. Now, sports have become politicized and divisive, and people aren’t watching anymore. Joe Biden supports this divisiveness.

Biden Calls for Boycott

In retaliation for Georgia’s decision to protect election security, Joe Biden endorsed moving Major League Baseball’s All-Star game, which is scheduled for July, out of Georgia.

Last week, MLB Players Association Executive Director Tony Clark stated that the players union would “look forward” to discussion about moving the game out of Georgia in protest of the new election law.

“I think today’s professional athletes are acting incredibly responsibly,” Biden told ESPN’s Sage Steele. “I would strongly support them [moving the all-star game out of Atlanta]. People look to them. They’re leaders.”

According to Biden, these millionaire athletes are victims.

“Look at what’s happened with the NBA, as well. Look what’s happened across the board. The very people who are victimized the most are the people who are the leaders in these various sports, and it’s just not right,” he said. “This is Jim Crow on steroids what they’re doing in Georgia and 40 other states.”

Legal analyst Jonathan Turley called Biden out on Twitter for his “Jim Crow” claims, writing: “If a president is going to accuse a state of passing a Jim Crow law (let alone supporting a boycott), there is an expectation of a modicum of accuracy and fairness. Otherwise, it degrades not just the movement for voting rights but the Presidency itself.”

Biden then went on to parrot left-wing talking points about the legislation that have been proven false, claiming that it prohibits food and drink at polling places and that it mandates that the polls close at 5 p.m.

“Imagine passing a law saying you cannot provide water or food for someone standing in line to vote? Can’t do that? Come on,” the former vice president said. “Or you’re going to close a polling place at five o’clock when working people just get off? This is all about keeping working folks and ordinary folks that I grew up with from being able to vote.”


According to The Daily Wire:

“The Georgia law implements restrictions on handing out food and drink near polling places similar to restrictions already in place in New York and Biden’s home state of Delaware. The restrictions are designed to prevent lobbyists or special interest from handing out concessions at polling places. It does not ban voters from bringing or ordering food, nor does it prohibit polling workers from setting out self-service water stations or distributing food donated for general use.”

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp discussed the legislation recently, stating that it was not partisan, and was meant to address issues that Georgia voters had with voting procedures during the 2020 election.

“With Senate Bill 202, Georgia will take another step toward ensuring our elections are secure, accessible and fair,” the governor said. “Ensuring the integrity of the ballot box isn’t partisan, it’s about protecting the very foundation of who we are as Georgians and Americans.”

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, these calls for sports teams and Hollywood films to boycott Georgia aren’t going to effect the legislation. This is just virtue signaling, nothing else. It’s just going to hurt the citizens of Georgia. These “boycotts” will lead to lost revenue for small businesses and the loss of tax revenue that ultimately goes to projects that help the people of Georgia. Joe Biden doesn’t care, he just wants to pander to the far left, and join the rest of the Democrat Party in their fight against election integrity.

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