Saturday, July 20, 2024

French RINOs Hand Parliament Presidency Back to Macron.

Following the snap legislative elections in France on June 30 and July 7, a globalist coalition supporting President Emmanuel Macron has secured the presidency of the National Assembly despite coming second in seats and third in the popular vote. They did so with the help of a rump of supposedly “center-right” lawmakers from Les Républicains (the Republicans), who behave in broadly similar fashion to Republicans-in-name-only (RINOs) in the United States.

Amidst a parliamentary landscape divided chiefly between the far-left New Popular Front (NFP) coalition, the Macronist coalition, and Marine Le Pen’s populist National Rally (RN), Macron’s MPs successfully re-elected Yaël Braun-Pivet as the leader of the National Assembly.

Braun-Pivet clinched victory in the third round of voting with 220 votes, surpassing Communist politician André Chassaigne with 207 votes and RN candidate Sébastien Chenu with 141 votes, thanks to Republican backing.

Braun-Pivet, who became the first woman President of the National Assembly in 2022, faces renewed criticism from the far-left NFP parties following the election outcome.

“Through an undisclosed agreement with Les Républicains, the [Macron]-backed candidate has reclaimed the presidency of the National Assembly after three consecutive defeats in European and legislative elections,” stated Olivier Faure, the Socialist Party’s first secretary, in reference to the Macronists dire performance in the European elections and two rounds of French national elections. “This constitutes a blatant disregard for democracy,” Faure said of the deal.

As the fourth-highest official in the French state, the President of the National Assembly oversees debates in the Chamber and wields substantial powers of appointment, including appointments to the Constitutional Council.

However, the coalition supporting the Macronist candidate is narrow, lacking the dominance needed to truly govern the National Assembly. France continues to grapple with a political crisis since the dissolution of June 9.

Following the vote returning a Macronist to power in the legislature, the General Confederation of Labour (CGT) called for a demonstration in Paris, urging President Macron to appoint a prime minister from the NFP, which emerged as the largest group of parties in the recent legislative elections.

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Following the snap legislative elections in France on June 30 and July 7, a globalist coalition supporting President Emmanuel Macron has secured the presidency of the National Assembly despite coming second in seats and third in the popular vote. They did so with the help of a rump of supposedly "center-right" lawmakers from Les Républicains (the Republicans), who behave in broadly similar fashion to Republicans-in-name-only (RINOs) in the United States. show more

BREAKING: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Dies, 74.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, 74, has passed away. The representative for Texas’ 18th District was known for her gaffes, including alleging the moon was made of gas, and a recent campaign ad that urged people to vote on the wrong date. A fervent anti-Trump Democrat, Jackson Lee once compared the libertarian Tea Party movement to the Ku Klux Klan. She has served in Congress for 30 years.

A statement from her family read: “Today, with incredible grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

”Her legislative victories impacted millions, from establishing the Juneteenth Federal Holiday to reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. However, she impacted us most as our beloved wife, sister, mother, and Bebe (grandmother). She will be dearly missed, but her legacy will continue to inspire all who believe in freedom, justice, and democracy. God bless you Congresswoman and God bless the United States of America.”

This story is developing.

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Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, 74, has passed away. The representative for Texas’ 18th District was known for her gaffes, including alleging the moon was made of gas, and a recent campaign ad that urged people to vote on the wrong date. A fervent anti-Trump Democrat, Jackson Lee once compared the libertarian Tea Party movement to the Ku Klux Klan. She has served in Congress for 30 years. show more

WATCH: Hulk Hogan Flexes His Support for Trump & Fires Up the RNC, Brother!

Professional wrestler Hulk Hogan—real name Terry Gene Bollea—fired up delegates and attendees at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last night. The ‘Hulkster’ began his address in character with his trademark exaggerated speech and overacting, recalling the days of classic professional wrestling bouts with the likes of the Iron Sheik, Rody Piper, Ric Flair, and Andre the Giant.

“Let Trumpamania run wild, brother!” Hogan exclaimed while engaging in his signature muscle flex on stage. He continued: “Let Trumpamania rule again! Let Trumpamania make America great again!” While in character, Hogan then engaged in his classic move of ripping off his shirt, this time revealing a TrumpVance 2024 shirt underneath to raucous cheers from the crowd.

Hogan also spoke to the RNC as the real-life Bollea as well. Out of character, Hogan praised former President Donald J. Trump‘s courage. “As an entertainer, I try to stay out of politics,” he said. “But after everything that’s happened to our country over the past four years and everything that happened last weekend, I can no longer stay silent.”

Throughout the speech, former President Trump could be seen with a beaming smile and often laughing at Hogan’s signature over-the-top performance.

During an interview prior to his speech, Hogan said he couldn’t stand by after the assassination attempt against Trump—stating he felt the need to speak up as an American. “When I saw him stand up with that fist in the air and the blood on his face — as a warrior, as a leader — I realized that’s what America needs,” Hogan said.

The Biden-Harris campaign shared a clip of the entertainer saying, “What you gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpamaniacs run wild on you, brother!?” — appearing to suggest this was a threat of political violence.


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Professional wrestler Hulk Hogan—real name Terry Gene Bollea—fired up delegates and attendees at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last night. The 'Hulkster' began his address in character with his trademark exaggerated speech and overacting, recalling the days of classic professional wrestling bouts with the likes of the Iron Sheik, Rody Piper, Ric Flair, and Andre the Giant. show more

Far-Left UK Foreign Secretary Refuses to Apologize for Calling Trump a Neo-Nazi Sympathizer.

Britain’s new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, is refusing to apologize for calling former President Donald J. Trump a “neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath” and “tyrant.” He argues, “You’re going to struggle to find any politician who has not had things to say about Donald Trump in his first term, particularly on Twitter.”

Asked if his very public attacks on Trump, now the favorite to win the November presidential elections, will undermine the “special relationship” between Britain and America, the Labour politician told the BBC, “The truth is… Donald Trump has the thickest of skins.”

Lammy then completely reversed his past characterization of Trump, whom he has directly compared to Adolf Hitler, admitting, “There is a lot of rhetoric, but look at the action. He was the first to give Javelins to Ukraine after 2015. He talked about withdrawing from NATO; he actually increased troops to NATO.”

Lammy, who pushed far-left identity politics for years in opposition, has also charged Trump with “grotesque racism” and branded him a “wannabe despot” and a “racist KKK and Nazi sympathizer. ” He derided Trump’s supporters as a “cult of white supremacists.”

As a backbench Member of Parliament (MP), he lobbied against then-President Trump being invited to Britain for a state visit in 2017, arguing the British government should instead “be putting [Trump] on a watch list and barring him from entry to our country” while asking the FBI to investigate him for “inciting hatred” on social media.

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Britain's new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, is refusing to apologize for calling former President Donald J. Trump a "neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath" and "tyrant." He argues, "You're going to struggle to find any politician who has not had things to say about Donald Trump in his first term, particularly on Twitter." show more

ICYMI: Populist Slovak Prime Minister Who Survived May Shooting Blames Anti-Trump Media for Assassination Attempt.

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt in May, has drawn comparisons between his experience and the recent attack on former President Donald J. Trump. The Slovak populist believes the media and political left stoking hatred fueled both incidents.

Fico criticized Slovak media outlets, referring to them as “adversary media,” “anti-Slovak press,” and “[George] Soros’s herd of pigs,” for inspiring his shooting.

“If Donald Trump’s attacker had spoken Slovak, after reading [Slovak newspapers], it would have been enough to incite him to ‘set things right’ with the former U.S. president,” Fico wrote.

Fico predicted Trump‘s enemies will now begin pushing a discourse “about the necessity of reconciliation, pacification, and forgiveness,” echoing the media rhetoric following his own assassination attempt.

Liberal media, celebrities, and others in the United States and the wider West have demonized President Trump for years.

BBC presenter David Aaronovitch recently called on President Joe Biden to “hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s society” in a supposedly satirical post responding to a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

Many media publications have directly compared Trump to Adolf Hitler, including the New Republic, The Washington Post, and Germany’s Stern magazine.

Nigel Farage has also blamed the media for feeding into hysteria regarding Trump, saying, “It’s so unpleasant, that I think it almost encourages this type of behavior.”

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Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt in May, has drawn comparisons between his experience and the recent attack on former President Donald J. Trump. The Slovak populist believes the media and political left stoking hatred fueled both incidents. show more