Saturday, July 20, 2024

KASSAM, London 2024 – Day 11: Ukraine Lobbyist Boris Johnson Calls Farage a ‘Kremlin Crawler.’

CLACTON-ON-SEA, England – The increasingly desperate ‘Conservative Party’ – which has governed as center-left at best for the past 14 years – has rolled out its ousted former Prime Minister turned Ukraine war lobbyist Boris Johnson to attack the Reform Party’s leader, Nigel Farage, as a “Kremlin crawler.”

Speaking to a group of party activists, which appeared to include around 70 percent of “ethnically diverse” audience members on Tuesday, Johnson blasted: “Too many good, kind Tories are about to vote for other parties, apparently, and thereby get the very opposite of what they really want. Even if those other parties turn out to be Kremlin crawlers who want to make excuses for Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.”

Johnson recently appeared with the neo-Nazi Azov brigade in London, though in 2016, Johnson himself blamed the European Union for the Crimea crisis and the conflict as a whole. The incident reminds me of why I called Johnson a “slippery eel” live on Fox News a few years back.

He continued, without naming Farage: “I say shame on them. They can achieve nothing at this election except to usher in the most left-wing government since the war… and we must not let it happen.” It was not clear to which war Johnson was referring.

“Don’t let the Putinistas deliver the Corbynistas,” the Prime Minister only recently ousted by his own party begged, lashing out one more time at Farage as “Putin’s pet parrot.”

The Russia hoax peddled against Farage, Brexit, and others in the United Kingdom is almost a verbatim attack as in the United States. Swap out Boris Johnson for Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi for Penny Mordaunt, and you have almost the same scenario as President Trump and his team have endured since 2016.

Meanwhile, here in Clacton, Farage has continued to campaign locally, raising hundreds of thousands for his party at a fundraiser this week and hitting hundreds of doors before a massive “eve of poll” rally expected to take place on the Clacton Pier at 6PM local time (1PM EST).

The most recent polling shows the far-left Labour Party surging towards a supermajority in Britain’s House of Commons, with the Conservative Party perhaps winning fewer than 100 seats and Farage’s Reform Party taking seven.

I remain a little more cautious. I expect Reform to win 2-4 seats, including Farage’s in Clacton and Lee Anderson’s in Ashfield. Because of the percentage swing needed and the “First Past the Post” voting system, it is incredibly difficult for new parties to break through.

This explains why Reform is polling between 15 and 20 percent but will end up with less than one percent of the seats in parliament. Tomorrow is election day proper, with exit polling due out at 10pm GMT.

By Popular Demand.
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