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Jul 17
"Mesmo se tudo der errado, vai dar certo." Lula
Agenda 2030 ESG
Reforma Tributária
Imposto Seletivo
Open finance DREX papel-moeda
Crédito Carbono
Códigos Eleitoral e Civil
Mudança Climática
Transição energética
Cultura woke
Ativismo Jud.
Omissão Legislativa
@UnrollThread unroll
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Jul 18
This remarkable, rare book is no longer for sale, but I’ve been given permission to share its contents here.

This thread is dedicated to everyone, from the States (@Riley_Gaines_ @Martina @SaraGonzalesTX @stclairashley @MattWalshBlog) to across the pond (@Glinner @jk_rowling @DreyfusJames @ThePosieParker @Serena_Partrick) to down under (@salltweets @RitaPanahi @RachaelWongAus) whose efforts to protect women, children, and biological reality have cost them time, money, and reputation. Those efforts have not been wasted. Thank you.Image

Hello! Image


😳 Image
Read 20 tweets
Jul 18
1/ Short 🧵 on elections and felon candidates for all my American fellas.

I am Italian and I lived through the Berlusconi era. In a lot of ways Berlusconi was to Italy what Trump is to the USA.
If you want to know what will happen, look at Italy 20 years ago. Image
2/ Like Trump, Berlusconi was an entrepreneur who decided to enter politics on his own agenda, was misunderstood and underestimated by his enemies, had a LOT of trouble with justice, but nonetheless gathered unbelievable support from the people. Image
3/ B. was investigated and often tried on many different subjects: money laundering, mafia affiliation, corruption, entertaining himself with underage name it. But these setbacks with justice NEVER EVER eroded the political support he had. Never. Image
Read 12 tweets
Jul 19
In IG Live, @AOC says she doesn't know what's going to happen with Biden.
@AOC @AOC says that she doesn't want to question or attack the motives of people who feel that Biden should step down.
@AOC But AOC also says that she believes that the political class (pundits, media, donors, organization leaders) started to waver after the debate and started to say we need to jump ship based on polling.
Read 37 tweets
Jul 19
AOC just spent an hour weighing in on efforts to replace Biden as the nominee. It’s an important listen.

She thinks an open convention is lunacy & that multiple red alerts on the dashboard aren’t getting enough consideration.

Here are her 7 main points, as I understood them: 🧵
1. Legal viability

AOC thinks that pundits, pollsters & columnists are underestimating the legal challenges Republicans could mount to the presence of another candidate on the ballot in key swing states including but not limited to Ohio.
She says lawyers specialised in elections—those meeting with Congress Democrats like her—cannot game out how defending against those might look.

Michigan’s ballot deadline is just 2 days after the Dem convention, for ex: one of many reasons AOC thinks an open convention is nuts.
Read 21 tweets
Jul 19
Full technical breakdown as to why Crowdstrike's update caused a worldwide BSOD – crashing computers at Airports, Banks, Casinos, 911, Hospitals and more. 🧵
(1/n) Image
Crowdstrike Falcon requires installing a lightweight tool called "Falcon Sensor". Falcon sensor installs services, but most importantly *drivers* – which run in Kernel mode to monitor system activity at a low level. This is a common practice with all security software. (2/n) Image
If a regular app crashes, you can just open it up again - because it's in User Mode. Since Falcon sensor is running in Kernel Mode, a simple problem here is what causes a Kernel Panic and that's when you see – you guessed it – a Blue Screen of Death on Windows. (3/n) Image
Read 6 tweets
Jul 19
Всем спокойствия, я жив, у меня случился серотониновый синдром от случайного передоза антидепрессантов.
Меня реанимировали, я дома.
Кто надеялся, что я передознулся наркотой, пососите мой измученный катетером хуй
Я всех вижу, но у меня всё ещё расплываются буквы, поэтому трип-репорт последует позже
Всех люблю
Read 39 tweets
Jul 19

One of the most important studies on this subject 💯💥
🙏 @DavidJoffe64

(AI generated image resized)…
2) Allow me first of all, to quickly introduce what IFN-γ is.

IFN-γ is a key protein involved in the immune response against SARS-CoV-2. During the initial infection, IFN-γ helps activate immune cells like T cells and macrophages to fight the virus and clear the infection. Image
3) However, in some people, the body continues to produce high levels of IFN-γ even after the virus has been cleared. This persistent IFN-γ signaling is problematic, causes inflammation leading to long-term breathing difficulties and other respiratory symptoms. Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 19
Why did past societies build so much "useless" beauty everywhere — and why did we stop?

It might be a measure of a culture's health... (thread) 🧵 Image
Street lights are seen by everyone. But what about things hardly seen at all, like fittings on the sides of doors?

This was the kind of thing Victorian society cared about — but why?
The mantra of the 20th century was to say that ornamentation has no purpose, so get rid of it.

But ornaments assign ordinary things meaning. They speak to the tradition or craft that produced it...Image
Read 15 tweets
Jul 19
🧵Analysis of footage from the Trump assassination attempt shows that Trump and David Dutch were hit in Crook's initial 3 shot volley. Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver were struck by Crook's follow-up volley a few seconds later. (1/8) Image
This wide angle recorded by the Right Side Broadcasting Network shows the entire event unfold and shows all 3 bystanders get struck by Crook's bullets. (2/8)
The first round fired by Crook's impacts the railing visible in the video quoted here causing a puff of smoke after grazing Donald Trump. (3/8)

Read 18 tweets
Jul 19
No more excuses. The international community must force Israel to end the occupation.

Responding to the ICJ’s advisory opinion, B'Tselem says:
Over the past 57 years, Israel has demonstrated it has no intention of ending the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem...
...but the opposite, working to further entrench it and annex the territory (whether formally or in practice). Military occupation is one element of Israel’s apartheid regime.
The international community has evaded its duty to protect the Palestinians using various excuses, including the supposed temporary nature of the occupation and the claim that a diplomatic solution designed to resolve the conflict is being negotiated.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19
174 years ago there was a huge storm in northern Scotland, and it uncovered something strange.

From beneath the soil emerged a perfectly preserved village older than the Pyramids, and it even had furniture.

This is the 5,000 year old story of Skara Brae... Image
Orkney is the name of an archipelago just off the coast of northern Scotland.

It was here, in 1850, that a colossal storm partly destroyed a grassy hill by the sea.

When locals investigated they discovered that it had revealed what seemed to be walls made of large stones. Image
A local landowner and amateur archaeologist called William Watt started a proper dig, and after excavating four houses he brought in an expert called George Petrie.

By 1868 the importance of the discovery — which some claimed to have known about for years — was clear. Image
Read 25 tweets
Jul 19
The intern's going on a summer trip for the weekend, so we're giving away some crypto ☀️🐚

1 lucky winner snags 1000 USDT ⛱️

🔳 Follow @OKX & RT
🔳 Comment #OKXSummer

Ends July 22nd @ 4 PM UTC
Terms & Conditions:
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Jul 19
Crowdstrike Analysis:

It was a NULL pointer from the memory unsafe C++ language.

Since I am a professional C++ programmer, let me decode this stack trace dump for you. Image
Memory in your computer is laid out as one giant array of numbers. We represent these numbers here as hexadecimal, which is base 16 (hexadecimal) because it's easier to work with... for reasons.

The problem area? The computer tried to read memory address 0x9c (aka 156).
Why is this bad?

This is an invalid region of memory for any program. Any program that tries to read from this region WILL IMMEDIATELY GET KILLED BY WINDOWS.

That is what you see here with this stack dump.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 19
🧵🕊️ How The Allies Lied to Continue The World War Image
📜 🕊️ On this day 84 years ago, Hitler sent yet again another peace offer, it was titled 'A Last Appeal To Reason'.

📰The next day, the Allied press responded to the peace offer by blatantly lying on the front page.
🗣️📜 "The people of Europe are not fighting so that a few people (globalists) - should again come along and resume plundering mankind."
Read 6 tweets
Jul 19
A major assassination in Ukraine

Iryna Farion, a prominent and controversial linguist and right-wing Ukrainian politician, was assassinated and died today in Lviv. To me, this is likely a Russian attempt to destabilize Ukraine, given their lack of progress on the frontlines 1/ Image
She was a staunch advocate for the Ukrainian language and has often criticized the use of Russian in Ukraine, calling for its total abolishment

Her views were not well received 2/
Farion was a professor at Lviv Polytechnic National University, where she taught for over 30 years. She was dismissed in 2023 due to her controversial statements and actions against Ukrainian soldiers who spoke Russian. 3/
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Jul 19
🧵*Content below is a letter I'm posting.


1/ Dear @SenSchumer & @SpeakerPelosi,

I'm not a mega party donor. Nor am I part of the beltway careerist crowd or corp media hacks sucking from your access tit for their milk $.
2/ I am merely one of those activists you think you know better than. I'm 55 and have registered voters and raised small donations for Dem candidates since my teens. Senator Schumer, as a New Yorker, I knocked on many doors to help you defeat Al D'Amato's corrupt machine in '98.
3/ Speaker Pelosi, whenever anyone I engaged with as an activist said House Dems should elect a new leader, I ALWAYS had your back. I had your back after 2010, 2014, 2016 and 2020. I engaged many people who said you were too old and I stood up for you. Every f**k**g time!
Read 25 tweets
Jul 20
I’m stuck at home with COVID, so I had the distinct misfortune of watching Donald Trump’s speech to the RNC.

What the hell was he talking about?
Let’s start with this. Donald said he “did a great job” with COVID.

Folks, this is the same guy who told us to inject bleach while over a million Americans died.
Donald claimed he’s “going to protect Social Security and Medicare.”

This is a flat-out lie, folks. Trump proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare every year he was in office.

And he’ll do it again.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 20
Georgia election board gets sued and accused of holding illegal meeting

American Oversight — a nonprofit group fighting for truth, accountability, and democracy — sued the Georgia State Election Board, alleging the board held an illegal meeting without public notice in Image
order to adopt new, controversial election rules.

The plaintiffs asked the court to declare the new election rules invalid, block the state election board from implementing them and fine the members who held the meeting for violating the law.
Republicans challenge New York mail-in voting law in court

New York Republicans are in court challenging the state’s new mail-in voting law. For the law to survive, the state's highest court must uphold a
Read 14 tweets
Jul 20
The Electoral College has been a compromise to democracy since its inception at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. It was a sweetener to the slave-holding states that were less populous than the free states, even after counting people who were enslaved as 3/5 of a person. Image
By giving a minimum of 3 electoral votes per state, 2 of which are independent of how many people live there, the Electoral College guarantees that one person, one vote will never be the standard for electing the president.
The Electoral College promises that individuals’ votes in states with smaller populations will count more heavily: a permanent thumb on the scale that results in minority rule by the party that loses the popular vote.
Read 16 tweets