
Mazel Tov Cocktail

@nonameinanytongue / nonameinanytongue.tumblr.com

Gretchen Alice Felker-Martin. Author of NO END WILL BE FOUND


“Each of us has two selves, the self we are and the self we long to be. For Mary, something cold and cruel lives in the gap between, a shadow of her perfect self plucking at the loose threads of her sanity.”

written by Gretchen Felker-Martin illustrated by Garrett Young 


My daughter will have freedom of choice. She will be free to dance, to sing, to be educated in the fields that spark her passion, to marry if she wants, to marry WHO she wants, to remain single, or to fall in love with another woman. She’ll be able to wear what she wants, put on lipstick, and read books that spark debate and expand her mind. She will be loved, protected, respected, and celebrated. All these things that should be, and will be, basic human rights, are a promise to my daughter.

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