
A visual timeline of my father’s death.


Hello! I love your work and was wondering how I could go about getting one of your designs on my body. Do you usually ask for some compensation for using one of your designs??


No compensation necessary. But I would love to see a photo of the completed tattoo!


Hung some drawings yesterday. You can see them in person at Floating World Comics (@floatingworldcomics) all month, but the opening thingy is tomorrow (Thursday, January 05) from 5-7pm. The last few images are detail shots of some of the monsters I drew. Hope to see you there!

#inkdrawings #originalart #firstthursdayportland #floatingworldcomics #sophiefranz #fareldalrymple https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAD8RlpjZQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=

Content Label: Mature

"flower pot" 2018

for Lagon Revue Marécage http://revuelagon.com/

Content Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


You're probably all well aware of ZCMAG and the Zine Crisis discord server. If not, consider this your invitation to join! This manifesto obviously owes much to Bread and Puppet Theater's Cheap Art Manifestoes, and Jugendstil design. It can be printed and and assembled into a simple zine which I hope you'll consider distributing as widely as possible. (Instructions here.)


“Better put some flowers in your hair, Agnès, it won’t be long now” Laid Waste, a graphic novella of the Black Death, by Julia Gfrörer


I bought a new comic today (Laid Waste by Julia Gfrorer) and what a fucking power move with the dedication


Julia Gfrörer: “A lot of apocalypse scenarios (because, as has been pointed out many times this week, it’s a genre) don’t address very much what happens to people who are receiving medical treatment, people who are disabled, people who need certain types of interventions in order to have any kind of quality of life. And I think in a lot of stories, those people are just assumed to have died while the able-bodied people are, you know, building their New Eden or whatever. Like, I mean, it’s kind of an implicit, uh, genetic cleansing, right? ‘Cause the idea is that all the weak people die off.”

Gretchen Felker-Martin: “A lot of apocalyptic scenarios are very, very fascist in a lot of different ways, and are really sort of silently built upon the idea that anyone undesirable is now dead.”

From their podcast “Lament Configuration,” discussing Felker-Martin’s new book, Manhunt (which follows trans, fat and disabled people in the apocalypse)


I mean if we’re going to be 100% viciously based in reality, that is exactly what does happen when the institutions of society people take for granted collapse. If they’re not functioning, nobody will be minding the proverbial store taking care of people. This is also why the people who stand to lose most in revolution shouting loudest for it are literally building the gallows and tying the rope to hang themselves and expecting to be cheered on for it.

Of course in a real-life collapse of civilization scenario there’s a lot of factors omitted in most fiction for the same reasons you seldom see people taking a shit or figuring out how the logistics of a story works in any kind of realistic way.


The extent to which this person has missed the point is honestly staggering

I feel bad for Julia and Gretchen that internet doofuses constantly line up in front of them with the worst opinions ever seen, just begging to be made fun of Like both of these ladies are pretty good about presenting their ideas in easy-to-parse ways, even in their unscripted podcast (a medium that’s usually notoriously wending) where they just talk about complicated things. You usually have to WORK to misunderstand them

People are constantly inventing new ways to be wrong just for them, it’s like they’re cursed or something


Julia Gfrörer: “A lot of apocalypse scenarios (because, as has been pointed out many times this week, it’s a genre) don’t address very much what happens to people who are receiving medical treatment, people who are disabled, people who need certain types of interventions in order to have any kind of quality of life. And I think in a lot of stories, those people are just assumed to have died while the able-bodied people are, you know, building their New Eden or whatever. Like, I mean, it’s kind of an implicit, uh, genetic cleansing, right? ‘Cause the idea is that all the weak people die off.”

Gretchen Felker-Martin: “A lot of apocalyptic scenarios are very, very fascist in a lot of different ways, and are really sort of silently built upon the idea that anyone undesirable is now dead.”

From their podcast “Lament Configuration,” discussing Felker-Martin’s new book, Manhunt (which follows trans, fat and disabled people in the apocalypse)


I mean if we’re going to be 100% viciously based in reality, that is exactly what does happen when the institutions of society people take for granted collapse. If they’re not functioning, nobody will be minding the proverbial store taking care of people. This is also why the people who stand to lose most in revolution shouting loudest for it are literally building the gallows and tying the rope to hang themselves and expecting to be cheered on for it.

Of course in a real-life collapse of civilization scenario there’s a lot of factors omitted in most fiction for the same reasons you seldom see people taking a shit or figuring out how the logistics of a story works in any kind of realistic way.


The extent to which this person has missed the point is honestly staggering


Julia Gfrörer: “A lot of apocalypse scenarios (because, as has been pointed out many times this week, it’s a genre) don’t address very much what happens to people who are receiving medical treatment, people who are disabled, people who need certain types of interventions in order to have any kind of quality of life. And I think in a lot of stories, those people are just assumed to have died while the able-bodied people are, you know, building their New Eden or whatever. Like, I mean, it’s kind of an implicit, uh, genetic cleansing, right? ‘Cause the idea is that all the weak people die off.”

Gretchen Felker-Martin: “A lot of apocalyptic scenarios are very, very fascist in a lot of different ways, and are really sort of silently built upon the idea that anyone undesirable is now dead.”

From their podcast “Lament Configuration,” discussing Felker-Martin’s new book, Manhunt (which follows trans, fat and disabled people in the apocalypse)

The concept of “obscenity” is tested when we dare to look at something that we desire to see but have forbidden ourselves to look at. When we feel that everything has been revealed, “obscenity” disappears and there is a certain liberation. When that which one had wanted to see isn’t sufficiently revealed, however, the taboo remains, the feeling of “obscenity” stays, and an even greater “obscenity” comes into being. Pornographic films are thus a testing ground for “obscenity,” and the benefits of pornography are clear. Pornographic cinema should be authorized, immediately and completely. Only thus can “obscenity” be rendered essentially meaningless.

Nagisa Oshima, from “Theory of Experimental Pornographic Film” (1976)


what does hand gesture you have mean? The one with index and middle fingers crossed with thumb and index finger touching and it has a third eye on the palm of the hand. I can't seam to find any info on the internet about it.


I don’t know either! It was a commission, I just drew what the person asked me to draw, sorry.

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