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  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview
  • John Cheeks v. Powerball et al.General Civil document preview


FILED CIVIL DIVISION NOV 2 2023 Superior Court of the District of Columbia 1 CIVIL DIVISION ~ Civil Actions Branch 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 Washington, D.C. 20001 Superior Court of the District of Columbia Telephone: (202) 879-1133 Website: £2 og co Case No. 2023CA-007128 COMPLAINT Jurisdiction of this Court is founded on D.C. Code § 11-921. None PLAINTIFF Crests VS Owx, DEFENDANT etal 44-3% Address p (No Post Office Boxes) Address (No Post Office Boxes) De Uke} City DC State Zip Code City State Tpwa Zip Code Z Zo 802 Telephone Number S Telephone Number Veer .COM Email Address (optional) Email Address (optional) 1. Write a short and plain statement of your claim, including any relevant facts, dates, and locations: 07 2023 2. What relief are you requesting from the Court? Include any request for money damages. CO PAK MENTS DIS foe To PAY Fon 202% Serer Corman - Muse. Form CA-3074 [Rev. Nov. 2017] l Super. Ct. Civ. R. 3 ADDENDUM TO COMPLAINT caseno.2023CAB-007128 ADDITIONAL PARTY NAMES AND ADDRESSES De 8101 cr Sune Address (No Post Office Boxes) Address (No Post Office Boxes) City State Zip City State Zip Telephone Number Telephone Number Email Address (Optional) Email Address (Optional) Murr Sane Loree Asser. PLAINTIF DEFENDANT PLAINTIFF EFENDANT Address (No Post Office Boxes) Ave Address (No Post Office Boxes) WA City State Zip CLIVE Lows 60326-8845 City State Zip Telephone Number Telephone Number Email Address (Optional) Email Address (Optional) 3. State any other information, of which the Court should be aware: Co2 SIGNATURE To the best of my knowledge, everything in this Complaint is true and I am not filing this Complaint to harass the Defendant(s). Superior Court Civil Rules 11(b). SIGRATURE DATE Nh 24 2023 Subscribed and swom to before me this "2 day of 20 3. we - a by Clerk) : "> 2 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION John Conrad Cheeks 4433 P St. NW Washington, D.C 20007 Plaintiff V. Powerball et al. General Council 4400 Northwest Urbandale Drive Urbandale, Iowa, 50332 Multi-State Lottery Association Legal Department 8101 Birchwood CT., Suite 8 Johnston, Iowa, 50131 Taoti Enterprises (DBA Taoti Creative) 127C street, S.E Washington D.C 20003 Multi-State Lottery Association General Council 13001 University Ave Clive, lowa 50325-8225 Defendants PLAINTIFF JOHN CHEEKS' COMPLAINT FOR MISREPRESENTAION AND DECEIT OF THE WINNING LOTTERY TICKET POSTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE DEFENDANTS ON JANUARY. 7. 2023 1 I. JURISDICTION AND VENUE Jurisdiction over Plaintiffs claims is conferred on this court by D.C. Code§ 11-921, which provides that the Superior Court of the District of Columbia may adjudicate any civil action at law or in equity brought in the District of Columbia. The events giving rise to this claim all occurred in the District of Columbia. Il. PARTIES 2. Plaintiff John Conrad Cheeks is a District of Columbia resident for over 40 years and a naturalized U.S. citizen by birth and lineage, whose ancestors arrived in 1710 (Hampton Roads VA. and 1750 (Washington, D.C.) . Plaintiff is also the only known jackpot winner of the Powerball lottery drawing on January 7, 2023 in the United States of America. 3. Defendant Powerball is a major U.S lottery company, based in the State of lowa that has weekly drawings on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. in the United States with an estimated 39 state affiliates who sell lottery tickets to public buyers, consumers or public customers thru retail merchants licensed to sell Powerball products, such as lottery tickets or (negotiated instruments) after published numbers of game product. Defendant Powerball has an estimated sales volume of 90 million + (plus or minus) lottery tickets sold per 6 months at an $6.00 per wage bet of (2) choices per ticket, each public individual or individuals purchase tickets with an extreme amount of confidence and trust in defendant lottery gaming system in the United States of America. 4. Defendant Multi-State Lottery Association (aka MUSL) is the owner of Powerball and Mega Millions which is a 501(c)(3) registered IRS Company headquartered in the state of Iowa and owner of Lottery Games in the United States of America and sells to public 2 consumers or customers as its main earnings. Defendant's sales volume remains strong. Defendant's products rely on public consumption of Lottery Gaming Tickets purchased with U.S. tender or credit cards used in some other state locations, where retail actors allow the public consumer to buy defendant's products of financial value if consumer wins lottery jackpot or grand prize amount, shown on various public announcements, such as newspapers, television, internet (website, web pages) local or national thru licensed actors that control with defendants the public consumers or customers awareness of 3 drawings on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Defendant controls an estimated lottery drawing of financial values from $20 million USD to over $1 Billion USD on any given drawing which gives the consumer(s) who wins the lottery drawing a choice of a onetime lump sum payment or annuity payment for 30 years. 5. Defendant Taoti Enterprises is a hired contractor or subcontractor for D.C Office of Lottery and Gaming during the Powerball drawing on January 7, 2023. Defendant Taoti Enterprises wiped or scrubbed internet website/web page for Actor D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming. Defendant staff member and other staff members of Defendants used techniques to remove plaintiff's winning Powerball numbers without a Public Service Announcement. Defendant's services such as system regulation of numbers displayed of winning numbers of the owner for the games MUSL and the subsidiary/affiliate Powerball declared winner ofjackpot on that drawing date: January 7, 2023. Defendant alleges system generated Powerball numbers were posted by error of human and system input, on Jan 6, 2023 by staff member Project Manager (See Exhibit 3). 3 Il. STANDING TO SUE Defendants Powerball, Multi-State Lottery Association (aka MUSL) and Taoti Enterprises, all defendants listed above are U.S companies and all defendants conduct business in the District of Columbia by contract agreement or sale of their products to residents of the District of Columbia. Controversy between the parties is real and substantial. Plaintiff has been directly and adversely affected by the actions of the defendants, and therefore standing to sue is based on damages sustained by Plaintiff. Article 1 Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution has standing applied to plaintiff's complaint. Plaintiff's claim has no elements of any frivolous claim on any defendant named in this lawsuit. IV. STATEMENT OF FACTS AND EVENTS OF AFFILLIATES 1. I, Plaintiff, John Cheeks of Washington DC, purchased a Powerball lottery ticket, in the District of Columbia, from a licensed retailer for the Powerball on January 6, 2023. The winning numbers of the Powerball lottery ticket, which I have. were posted on Defendants. Public website on the internet on January 7, 2023, in the District of Columbia by the Defendants. 2. The original posted or published Powerball lottery amount was $340,000,000.00 USD (See Exhibit 1). Actor D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming corrected the Powerball grand prize amount after an in person administrative hearing with plainuff. Plaintiff/Petitioner agreed to the grand prize 4 amount of $320,600,000.00 on April 13, 2023 (See Exhibit 4) presented by Actor D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming. 2. Actor, D.C Office of Lottery and Gaming published on their public website address https: //, as the numbers of Powerball winning numbers (See Exhibit 1), V. STATEMENT OF FACTS AND EVENTS OF ACTOR 1. On January 7, 2023, January 8, 2023 (See Exhibit 1) and on January 9, 2023. Defendants posted or published both sets of winning Powerball! numbers on their public website (See Exhibits 1) 2. I, John Cheeks, Plaintiff presented my winning Powerball ticket to the Actor, D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming Official at 2235 Shannon Place SE, Washington DC in their ticket claim center on January 10, 2023. 3. Actor District of Columbia Office of Lottery and Gaming said they would not honor the ticket because it was an error posted on their public website and the internet posted numbers of Powerball could not be redeemed. 4. Defendants posted winning Powerball numbers from January 7, 2023, thru January 9, 2023 and then removed winning Powerball numbers that plaintiff purchased. Detendants also posted Powerball numbers that came from televised advertisements were posted combined with Plaintiffs winning numbers on January 7, 2023, January 8, 2023 and January 9, 2023. (See Exhibit 1) 5. Defendants reposted and republished different Powerball numbers without having any Public Service Announcement on their website, televised generated numbers of Powerball numbers (See Exhibit 10) from January 9, 2023 thru the present day. 5 6. Defendants made a false representation, when they announced a different winning Powerball number, two or more days after the announcement of the winning Powerball number on January 7, 2023 thru January 9, 2023 and alleged system error on January 6, 2023 by staff member of Defendant Taoti Enterprise (See Exhibit 3). 7. This was a material fact because it was an attempt to not make payment of $ 320,600,000.00 Three Hundred Twenty Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars to plaintiff as the only bonafied winner of the Powerball lottery in the United States and the District of Columbia on that date as per system record.. 8. Defendants had knowledge of this strategy of deceit and misrepresentation against plaintiff, since they had publicly published out the correct Powerball winning numbers on January 7th, 8th and January 9th, 2023 on their public website with both winning sets of numbers for the grand prize. 9. This intent was to deceive the holder or the winning lottery ticket: the plaintiff. 6 VI. EVENTS BY ACTOR D.C. OFFICE LOTTERY AND GAMING 1. Following events listed are acts of the Actor D.C Office for Lottery and Gaming. of Plaintiff was ordered to exhaust administrative procedures on previous case 2023 CAB 001051 by Judge Zorina Mitchell Rankin on March 20, 2023 (See Exhibit 7). 2. Actor D.C Office of Lottery and Gaming received ticket from plaintiff submitted to Actor D.C. OLG for payment on March 20, 2023 (See Exhibit 2). 3. Actor D.C Office of Lottery Gaming rendered their final decision on Powerball grand prize owed to plaintiff after administrative hearings from May 2, 2023 thru October 24, 2023 by decision of Executive Director ofD.C.OLG, Frank Suarez in writing (See Exhibit 6). 4. On May 2, 2023 during an administrative hearing, in person at Actor's office with all parties attending for claim of Powerball lottery grand prize, defendant Taoti Enterprises staff member testified in person that a mistake was made by posting numbers of Powerball jackpot on January 6, 2023 thru error of Defendant company and Actor was informed which made Powerball winning numbers "invalid" (See Exhibit 3). Actor did not inform public of the District of Columbia of event that occurred thru system issuance of Powerball winning numbers published on internet website. 5. Related case withdrawn 2023 CAB 001051 (See Exhibit 9) 7 CLAIM 1. MISREPRESENTATION 1. "41 U.S. Code§ 7101 Definitions (9) Misrepresentation of fact- "The - term "misrepresentation of fact" means a false statement of substantive fact, or conduct that leads to a belief of a substantive fact material to proper understanding of the matter in hand, made with intent to deceive or mislead." (Pub. L. 111-350,§3, Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3816.) 2. Malicious Deception and Misrepresentation of Powerball numbers with Defendants who advertised one set of winning Powerball numbers the Powerball lottery ticket Plaintiff purchased and possessed as a bonified participant in the District of Columbia. 3. Defendant(s) allowed public advertisement via D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming public website from January 7, 2023, thru January 8, 2023 and combining both numbers of winning Powerball Prize (See Exhibit 1) 4. Defendants published on the Actor D.C Office of Lottery and Gaming's public website, which both or all parties share, and published two different "winning" sets of Powerball numbers which was an accurate image of the winning Powerball lottery numbers that matched the bonafide ticket plaintiff possessed. After advertising, Actor and Defendants reversed their decision, which violated plaintiffs consumer rights after purchasing the winning Powerball lottery ticket for this lottery drawing on January 7, 2023. CLAIM 2. FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT OF WINNING POWERBALL TICKET 5. Defendants failed to honor and make payment on the Powerball winning lottery ticket plaintiff purchased. 8 CLAIM 3. THEFT 6. This claim is based on Statements of Facts paragraphs D.C. Code §22-3211, Chapter 32 (Theft, Fraud, Stolen Property). (1) Taking or exercising control over property, (2) Making an unauthorized use, disposition or transfer of an interest in or possession of property, (3) Obtaining property by trick, false pretense, false token, tampering, or deceptions + CLAIM 4. FALSE ADVERTISING 7. This Claim is based on 15 USC§ 55(a)(I): "(1) The term "false advertisement" means an advertisement, other than labeling, which is misleading in a material respect; and in determining whether any advertisement is misleading, there shall be taken into account (among other things) Inot only representations made or suggested by statement, word, design, device, sound, or any combination thereof, but also the extent to which the advertisement fails to reveal facts material in the light of such representations or material with respect to consequences which may result from the use of the commodity to which the advertisement relates under the conditions prescribed in said advertisement, or under such conditions as are customary or usual." VII. PLAINTIFF'S REQUEST TO D.C SUPERIOR COURT COMPENSATORY RELIEF DEMAND 1. Plaintiff demands compensatory relief from each defendant as listed: Powerball Lottery $320,600,000.00 USD (Deceit and Misrepresentation) Multi-State Lottery Association $320,600,000.00 USD (Deceit and Misrepresentation) Taoti Enterprises (aka Taoti Creative ) $320,600,000.00 USD (Theft) Compensatory Relief: $961,800,000.00 USD (Nine hundred sixty one million eight hundred thousand dollars). 9 All defendants pay jointly and severally for the actions and injuries committed on plaintiff. PUNITIVE RELIEF DEMAND 1. Defendant's will pay punitive damages in the additional amount of $ 72,000/day from Jan 10, 2023 to final date of settlement by defendants to compensate plaintiff. 2. Defendants will pay all court costs and plaintiff's attorncy's fees, (if plaintiff appoints an attorney) at any hearing, including TRO, Injunctive Relief or trial by a 12 Person Jury in D.C Superior Court. PRAYER FOR RELIEF I, John Conrad Cheeks, Plaintiff respectfully asks the Honorable Judge and Court to grant all relief demands outlined for compensatory and punitive damages, and general attorney fees and court fees. Respectfully submitted, 2023 ohn Conrad Cheeks, Plaintiff (PRO SE) 4433 P St. NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 892-9583 10 EXHIBITS Exhibit I : Defendants Internet Webpage and Website of Published Winning Powerball Numbers for Grand Prize January 7, 2023 (2 images). Exhibit 2 : Plaintiffs Winning Lottery Powerball Ticket Purchased on January 6, 2023.(image) Exhibit 3 : Defendant Taoti Creative Staff Member Brittany Bailey Declaration of March 16, 2023. (Case No. 2023 CAB 001051) Exhibit 4: Actor D.C Office of Lottery and Gaming Powerball Grand Prize Verification Amount Acknowledgement on April 13, 2023 Exhibit 5: Powerball Numbers Posted on Lottery Website of Actor D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming. Exhibit 6 : District of Columbia Office of Lottery and Gaming Final Decision from Executive. Director of D.C. OLG on October 24, 2023. Administrative Remedy Completed Exhibit 7 : Order of Judge Zorina Mitchell Rankin on March 20, 2023 (Case No. 2023 CAB 001051) D.C. Superior Court. Exhibit 8 : Actor D.C OLG Accepting Plaintiff Winning Lottery Ticket for Claim Hearing, Case 2023 CAB001051. Exhibit 9 : Plaintiff's Withdrawal of Reinstatement Request for Case 2023 CAB 001051. Exhibit 10: Defendants and Actors Web Page Past Powerball Drawing Winning Numbers Advertised. 11 Exhibit 1 Defendants Internet Webpage and Website of Published Winning Powerball Nunbers for Grand Prize January 7, 2023. (2 images) 12 = » 3 > Play Bet on Games Promotions Player Winner About 252 Numb CLOTTERY Now! Sports Resources Spotlight Us ine x DC : + estimated vay, A Va » we Og : $340 million : : ?RBALL winnings. P 000001 ho it 7 JAN g Pi_ wimp leat é e a. e e e 3° oe GQ. POWERBALL DU uctten x + G x FQ @ File C: /Users. IOC Documents/POWFRBALL%20 %20DC%20Lotteary.html Q 2 : OCiLottmry com OLG Regulabon and Oversight Contact Language » Logn | Register Search LOTTERY Tea! Beton sp tts moter Prayer Resources Varner spothatt About Us Winning Numbers BR onl online Winning Numbers 2 M@@2O@@ (38) (36) (44) (48) (67) C View Past Winning Numbers Next Jackpot : + $340,000,000 $178,200,000 W 3 an an ra s Exhibit 2 Plaintiffs Winning Powerball Lottery Ticket Purchased on January 6, 2023. 13 2 C LOTTERY 14 PRINTED ON 01/08/7073 20:47:36 28312 18675 13857 26975 11833 51381 37082 oT 15 : PB: 18 25 31 Pe: : 1 t Jan omen WHRERS! PLA g < JACKPOTS IN MEGA MILLIONS DRAM GRIDAY JANUARY 06 EST. 8 07 $040 NIL POMERBALL DRAW SATURDAY JANUARY 8 EST. $32 006047-4684701 02 00000117545 TR: 0000277449 2 18675 13857 26975 11933 1381 88907 exer - 2 cheeks V Exhibit 3 Defendant Taoti Creative Staff Member Brittany Bailey Declaration of March 16, 2023. (Case No. 2023 CAB 001051) 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2DBEESFF-FD0A-4ABE-A4A6-FB83937A647C SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION JOHN CHEEKS, et al., Plaintiff, Case No. 2023-CAB-001051 v. Judge Donald Walker Tunnage D.C. OFFICE OF LOTTERY AND GAMING, et al, Defendants. DECLARATION OF BRITTANY BAILEY Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I, Brittany Bailey, declare and state as follows: 1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years, competent to testify to the matters contained in this declaration and testify based on my personal knowledge acquired in the course of my job duties working with the District of Columbia Office of Lottery and Gaming (OLG). 2. I am currently employed at Taoti Creative (Taoti) as a Project Manager and have worked in this position since July 8, 2019. I have worked with OLG as a contractor since February 18, 2020. My educational background includes a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The University of North Texas, obtained in 2008. 3. I am the Project Manager responsible for managing the Lottery Website Design and Hosting Services contract between Taoti Creative and OLG. 4. I have reviewed the pleadings and exhibits filed in this case. I provide this declaration to inform the Court of the circumstances surrounding the incorrect Powerball numbers posted on the OLG website referenced in the Complaint. me | CHEEKS v etal DocuSign Envelope ID: 2DBEE9FF-FDOA-4ABE-A4A6-F B83937A647C 5. On Friday, January 6, 2023, the Taoti Quality Assurance team was conducting testing of a task regarding changing the website from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to Eastern Standard Time (EST) time zone. 6. At 12:09 p.m. on January 6, 2023, the Taoti Quality Assurance team accidentally posted test Powerball numbers on the live environment (the OLG website) rather than the development environment (a copy of the website that is not publicly viewable and used for development testing), where the Quality Assurance team had intended to post the test numbers. The incorrect numbers posted were: 7, 15, 23, 32, 40 and a multiplier ball of 2. This set of test numbers did not include a Powerball number. These test numbers were not the numbers drawn for the January 7, 2023 Powerball drawing and could not have been the numbers drawn because the incorrect numbers were posted on January 6, 2023, the day before the drawing. 7. On January 8, 2023, the incorrect numbers appeared on the OLG website next to the actual winning numbers; both sets of numbers were listed under the January 7, 2023 draw date, as it appears in Exhibit 2.2 of the Complaint. 8. On Monday, January 9, 2023, the Taoti Development team realized the error and promptly removed the incorrect numbers from the OLG website. 9. In response to this incident, the Taoti Quality Assurance team has implemented measures to prevent team members from inadvertently publishing information in the live environment again. 10. The following disclaimer appears at the bottom of all pages of the OLG website, and it appeared on the website from January 6, 2023 through January 9, 2023: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this website. This website, however, is not the final authority on winning numbers, prizes, games, or other information. Winning numbers are not official until PA 2 v. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2DBEESFF-FDOA-4ABE-A4A6-FB83937A647C validated by the DC Lottery and its independent auditors. All winning tickets must be validated by the DC Lottery before prizes will be paid. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. DocuSigned by: 3/16/2023 Executed on AILEY CHEEKS V POWER PALL Efe) 3 Exhibit 4 Actor D.C Office of Lottery and Gaming Powerball Grand Prize Verification Amount Acknowledgement on April 13, 2023 15 GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER OFFICE OF LOTTERY AND GAMING April 13, 2023 BY CERTIFIED MAIL AND EMAIL 7019 0140 0000 9182 9584 Mr. John Cheeks 4433 P Street NW Washington, DC 20007 RE: NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE AND HEARING FOR PRIZE CLAIM DENIAL NO. 14985; File No. 23-0013 Dear Mr. John Cheeks: The Office of Lottery and Gaming ("OLG") is responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Law to Legalize Lotteries, Daily Numbers Games, Sports Wagering, and Bingo and Raffles for Charitable Purposes. Ses D.C. Official Code § 36-601.01, et seq. This letter is in response to your request for a hearing on the denial of a prize claim. Your prize claim was denied for the following reason: 1) On Friday, January 6, 2023, at 20:47:36 more commonly known as 8:47:36 P.M. John Cheeks ("Petitioner") purchased two (2) Powerball ticket picks for the Saturday, January 7, 2023, Powerball Drawing. The two Powerball picks were printed on to one ticket. The ticket is identified with the unique identification number of 0000 29312 18675 13857 26975 11933 50688 28025 51361 37082 98907 (hereafter referred to ("Ticket"). A copy of the Ticket and the validation receipt attached and made part of the Notice Exhibit #2. 2) Petitioner presented the Ticket to the Prize Center for cashing March 20, 2023. Petitioner claimed that the Ticket should be awarded a Powerball Grand Prize estimated jackpot of $320,600,000.00 for the January 7, 2023, drawing. The Prize Claim Form is attached and is made part of this Notice as Exhibit #3. 3) Petitioner's prize claim was denied on March 20, 2023, because the Ticket did not validate as a winner by the OLG's gaming system as required by OLG regulations. Petitioner's Prize Claim Denial Form is attached and is made part of this Notice Exhibit #4. 4) D.C. MUN. REGS. tit. 30 § 603.1(a) states: "In order for a ticket to be valid, all of the following conditions shall be met . . the ticket shall be validated in accordance with all procedures prizes{.]" 5) D.C. MUN. REGS. it. "Any lottery game ticket not passing al of the 30 § 603.2 sates: validation checks required by this title for that particular lottery ticket shall be void and shall not be paid except provided in § 503.7."' 6) On March 20, 2023, the Petitioner requested a Prize Claim appeal the Prize Center's determination that the Ticket was not a winner and completed the For 1 $03.7 is not relevant in the matter exter & this regulation subject matter is tickets inadvertently y cance led by an agent and the player retains the cancelled ticket. v. Notice ofPrize Claim Denial John Cheeks Prize Claim Number #14985 April 13, 2023 2 3 Prize Claim Denial Hearing Form. A copy is attached and is part of this Notice as Exhibit #5. The Winer Numbers for the Powerball Drawing for January 7, 2023 wer 35 36 44 45 67 and the Powerball 14 and Powerplay 3x. The video for this drawing is available on the Youtube at: Additionally a hard copy of the winning num bers is attached and both the video, its link and hard copy are part of this Notice Exhibit #6. 8) The following disclaimer appears at the botom of Winning Numbers results pages of the OLG website, and it appeared on the OLG website from January 6, 2023, through January 9, 2023: "Every effort is made to the accuracy of information contained on this website. This website, however, is not the final authority winning numbers, prizes, games, other information. Winning numbers are not official until validated by the DC Lottery and its independent auditors. All winning tickets must be validated by the DC Lottery before prizes will be paid." A copy is attached and is past of this Notice Exhibit #6. 8) Powerball is a multi-state lottery game conducted by The Multi State Lottery Association. The Powerball is offered in 45 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. There were no Grand Prize Powerball Winner(s) for the Powerball game on January 7, 2023. A copy is attached and is part of this Notice as Exhibit #9 PREHEARING AND HEARING NOTICE Pursuant to D.C. MUN. REGS. tit. 30 §§ 209, 210, 211, and 403, a prehearing hearing before the Executive Director has been scheduled to the date and time set forth below. In accordance with D.C. MUN. REGS. tit. 30 § 403, a prehearing conference has been scheduled to ocur immediately prior to the commencement of a hearing, if needed. The purpose of the prehearing conference is to: (a) determine whether a hearing is necessary, (b) simplify the issues, (c) explore the possibility of obtaining the admission and stipulation of facts and documents that would avoid unnecessary proof, and (d) examine any other matters that may aid in the disposition of the action. The achetnied dates, times and location of the prehearing conference and hearing are as follows' Submission May 2, 2023 All evidence must be received Please e-mail or mail all evidence with of Evidence by May 2, 2023. the OLG Cover Sheet for Electronic Filing to : wale 4 aitar,johnson@dc,gov Or mail to y. Ruan Office of Lottery and Gaming Administrative Hearings 5" Floor Antar Johnson, Esq. Notice of Prize Claim Denial April 13, 2023 John Cheks Prize Claim Number #14985 3 3 2235 Shannon Piace SB, Washington, D.C. 20020 Prehearing May 2, 2023 10:00 A.M. 2235Shano Place SE, 5* Floor Washington DP Please Check in with the Security Desk located the first floor of the building) VAL PLEASE IDENTIF CATS PR ENTRY Hearing May 2, 2023 Commencing immediately 2235 Shannon P ace SE, Washington, needed D.C. 20020 During the proceedings you havee the right to be represented by counsellor any other person of your choosing; however, you are responsible for all costs associated with any such representation. If a party or witness is deaf or has a hearing impediment, or cannot readily understand or communicate the spoken English language, the party or witness may apply to the agency for the appointment of a qualified interpreter. If you unable to attend the hearing or the pre-hearing conference at the scheduled file a motion for continuance with the Hearing Examiner, 2235 Shannon Place SE, Washington, D.C. 20020. Agv motion for continuance must be filed at least one (1) day prior to the scheduled hearing date and mat oft forth good cad fcient carge for the continuance, Failure to Appear: Please note that in accordance with D.C. MUN. REGS. Tit. 30, § 406.1, the hearing examiner may proceed to hear the matter on the record if a party waives a hearing or, without sufficient reason, fails appear at the time and place for the hearing. Sincerely, Antar C. Johnson Senior Counsel Enclosures: Notice of Appearance Form Via email: Peter Alvarado, OLG Courtney Alvarez, OLG Michael Morton, OLG Craig Lindsey, OLG 4 3 eta \ Exhibit 5 Powerball Numbers Posted on Lottery Website of Actor D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming 16 € >F CQ O File CA Ke ICC /Documents/POWERBALL%20 5620D0% 201 ottery htm! : PlayNow! Beton Sports Games Promotions Player Resources Winner About Us Numbers : : : : aye: a favonte local retader! Winning Numbers P O WIEIR 7 2023 3x (a8) (98) (44) (45) 67) : View Past Winning Numbers More Info a> a x Wh Exhibit 6 District of Columbia Office of Lottery and Gaming Final Decision from Executive. Director of D.C. OLG on October 24, 2023. Administrative Remedy Completed 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: E4C86ABE-AC 14-4267-9756-0F 1 BF7FABDAD GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF LOTTERY AND GAMING IN THE MATTER OF John Cheeks, Petitioner Case File No. 23-0013 (Prize Claim Denial Action) Prize claim Denial No. 14985 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ORDER The Executive Director of the Office of Lottery and Gaming finds that after proper and timely notice was given, the above-styled case was heard by a Hearing Examiner who made and filed a Proposal for Decision containing the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. The Proposal for Decision was properly served on all parties, and all parties were given an opportunity to file exceptions and replies as part of the record herein. The Executive Director, after review and due consideration of the Proposal