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Magnum P.I. Boss Talks Series Finale ‘Cliffhanger’ — and What Season 6 Would Have Looked Like

The following contains spoilers from the Magnum P.I. series finale, which aired Wednesday night on NBC.

The CBS-turned-NBC Magnum P.I. reboot wrapped its five-season run on Wednesday night with a pair of episodes that certainly hinted at Thomas and Juliet’s romantic destiny… yet stopped just short of checking off a box or two for the couple’s always-patient ‘shippers.

The first of the final two episodes, “Ashes to Ashes,” had #Miggy investigating a seemingly deadly case of arson for which a pal of Mahina’s had been named the prime suspect, while Kumu masterfully handled a delicate situation while working phones at the veterans crisis center.

Then, in the actual — if unplanned — series finale, “The Big Squeeze,” Thomas and Juliet found themselves forced to do the bidding of the nefarious Sam Bedrosian (Patrick Fabian’s villain from the Nov. 15 episode), all whilst a bit distracted by Juliet’s episode-opening discovery of an engagement ring stashed in Thomas’ dresser drawer.

Said bling in fact was being held for Rick, who wound up proposing to baby mama Suzy. Juliet meanwhile made clear to Thomas, in the series’ very final moments, that “just for the record… if in the future you did ask me to marry you… I would say yes.”

So are Thomas and Juliet for all intents and purposes canonically engaged to be wed? And what might the Season 6 that eluded Magnum P.I. fans have looked like? TVLine emailed a few final Qs for showrunner Eric Guggenheim. This is (some of) what he shared with me….

TVLINE | What stories are you most glad you got to tell during what would be the show’s final season?
Episode 5.09, which Jay directed, was a story that had been knocking around in my head for a while, even going back to last season. [Ed. Note: Magnum and Higgins took on a case that sent Higgins inside a psychiatric hospital.] I pitched it to Jay before we started production on Season 5 and he really connected with it. That was a fun episode for everyone, for every department, and I’m glad we go that one in.

There were unfortunately a number of other ideas we didn’t get to. The veterans crisis center story in 5.19 was another story I’m happy we got to tell. We were actually going to do a slightly different version much earlier in the season — it was even in an outline — but I pulled it out because the episode it was in was overstuffed. So it was held in abeyance for a bit. Thankfully, we were able to get that one in under the wire. Amy [Hill, as Kumu] gave a lovely performance.

TVLINE | When you first went to break down Season 5, did it always end with Thomas and Juliet not quite engaged?
We actually didn’t have a clear ending in mind for Magnum and Higgins in Season 5. There were a lot of ideas for them as a couple and a lot of things we wanted to explore, but we weren’t building to anything specific. I was happy leaving room for discovery. It wasn’t like Season 4, which we knew from the very start would probably end with them kissing.

TVLINE | In that same mindset, how soon into a possible Season 6 did you see their actual engagement happening? Or did you have fresh drama to throw at them?
There was no timetable. And yes, there definitely would have been fresh drama. Season 6 was going to have some pretty big stakes, and everyone was going to be affected — especially Magnum.

TVLINE | Are there any other Season 6 beats you care to share?
Rick and Kumu were obviously going to be in business together [as co-owners of La Mariana]. But unlike TC, Kumu wasn’t going to be a silent partner. She’d have opinions. So there was going to be a bit of friction there.

With Cade enlisting, TC was going to have to transition into the role of being a military parent. He was also going to pass up getting a second chopper and get a tour boat instead.

TVLINE | What would your ideal, planned series finale have looked like?
I’m going to respectfully pass on that question for now, Matt.

TVLINE | Do you have a final message for the show’s fans?
On behalf of everyone involved with Magnum, I would say “mahalo.” This show had more than its fair share of challenges over the years. It got knocked down quite a lot but kept getting back up. I think we were able to persevere and continue to do the work because the show had such a loyal and energetic following. That passion gave us the fuel to keep going and keep pushing ourselves. For that, we’re eternally grateful and really hope you’ve enjoyed this season.
