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Superman & Lois Finale: Season 3 Ends on Deadly Cliffhanger Ahead of Mass Cast Exodus — Grade It!

Superman And Lois Season 3 Finale Ending Explained
Courtesy of The CW

Remember when Superman & Lois totally pulled a bait and switch in Season 2 by teasing the arrival of iconic DC villain Doomsday, only to give us (the also iconic) Bizarro instead? Well, the CW drama turned that trick into a treat on Tuesday, transforming Bizarro into Doomsday (by way of Lex Luthor killing him over and over, increasing his power each time) and pitting him against the Man of Steel in an epic, winner-takes-all battle for supremacy — with a bitchin’ soundtrack to boot!

Unfortunately, Doomsday wasn’t the only dark cloud looming over Tuesday’s finale. As previously reported, cost-cutting efforts to secure a fourth season included cutting seven series regulars, meaning this very well could be the last time we ever see General Lang, the Cushing family, the Irons duo or Chrissy Beppo, all of whom were given intriguing developments — and one of whom ended the episode in Lex’s custody. So many cliffhangers!

Of course, the biggest cliffhanger of all is that Superman and Doomsday’s battle is far from over; upon discovering that he can’t be killed, Superman lured Doomsday out to space, where they were last seen barreling towards one another on the moon. No big.

Now for a quick breakdown of where everyone else ended the season:

* Chrissy revealed that she’s pregnant, news Kyle handled extremely well. Like, surprisingly well for a guy whose life recently fell to pieces. It was also sweet seeing how genuinely happy Lana was for the couple, especially knowing that she hoped to have another child herself — though she found it more difficult to celebrate their surprise engagement in front of the whole damn town. (Quick aside here: I actually do like Kyle and Chrissy as a couple, but I wish the show hadn’t completely sidelined Chrissy this season, reducing her to nothing more than Kyle’s love interest. She went from being an interesting, compelling scene stealer to someone’s dirty little secret, and she deserved better.)

* Jordan admitted that he’s only been a jerk to Sarah because he’s upset that they’re not together anymore. She appreciated his apology, but she still suggested that it’s too soon for them to be “friends,” so the exes parted ways with a firm handshake.

* Sam, who was kidnapped by his new girlfriend who turned out to be one of Lex’s hired goons, offered John Henry a job developing new technology for the DOD. The catch? It would require him and Natalie to relocate to Metropolis, and Natalie would have to enroll at the same school as Matteo. (OK, so it wouldn’t be a total disaster.)

* Speaking of the Irons’ big move, John Henry and Lana lamented the fact that they didn’t get together sooner. And then they had sex! And it was hot! But also brief!

* I don’t know where else to discuss this, so I’ll just leave it here: How beautiful was that sequence where Lois and Clark have sex — nay, make love — for the first time since her mastectomy? The way he alleviated her fears by lovingly placing his hand on her breast? Touching! Something about the juxtaposition of the Man of Steel being extra soft just does it for me.

OK, let’s talk: How are you feeling about that cliffhanger? And which departing character(s) will you miss most next season? Grade the finale and third season in our polls below, then drop a comment with more of your thoughts.
