Monthly Archives: May 2008

Long time no update. Lots of pics and info to come.

Went to the LFS today and got some more live rock and some more pre mixed salt water as I was out. LOTS of life on one of the pieces. Ill get pics soon…. Been having low ph over the last few weeks. 7.8 Been doing water changes about a gallon each week and no […]

Water Test: 5-6-08 16:34

Temp 79.1 Specific gravity 1.025 PH 7.8 Had to add some PH buffer today I have no clue why this droped. Possibly from the water change. Ammonia 0.50 Looks like the CUC is having an effect on the water Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0

First death!!!

One of the margarita snails was found MIA sunday may 4th. His shell was fliped over and all i saw was slime around it and noticed what I think is a fire worm crawling around in the shell. The other margarita snail has not really moved around all to much since I put him in […]

First water change: 5-03-08

Did my first 1 gallon water change. 10% of 7.5 gallons is almost 1 gallon. 7.5 gallons is the ammount of water thats in the tank give or take. So i took out 16 cups and replaced it with the saltwater I got from the LFS. SG droped to about 1.023 the next day. So […]

First members of my clean up crew

Since all the water testing is still show 0 and I got tons of algae growing I though it would be a good time to get a few carbs and snails in. I added 2 scarlet hermit crabs, 2 blue legged hermit crabs, 2 cerith snails, and 2 margarita snails. So far there all doing […]

Full Tank Shot: 4-30-08 21:42

Center Left Right

Few more feather dusters

Click for a high rez shot.

Found another Spionid worm

Click the images to get a high rez shot. He is dead center cant miss him.

Hydor Flo Adjustment

MY hydor flo recently keep blowing off. So I looked around the house to find some kind of tape to make it fit tighter in the hole. Here is what I came up with. Its been in there like this for a week and has not budged.