Water Test: 5-6-08 16:34

Temp 79.1
Specific gravity 1.025
PH 7.8 Had to add some PH buffer today I have no clue why this droped. Possibly from the water change.
Ammonia 0.50 Looks like the CUC is having an effect on the water
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0

One Comment

  1. Co Dog
    Posted May 6, 2008 at 6:24 pm | Permalink

    dude, i had the exact same results the day after i put my CUC in. because i was worried that the ammonia jumped to .5, i was out the door the next day to pick up some ammo lock and stress zyme. decided to check the ammonia level again before putting in the chemicals (still only 24 hours later) and my ammonia was back down to 0. you may have already used some ammolock by now, but if you give your biofiltration a chance, it may drop your levels for you.