Category Archives: Reef Tank

Long time no update. Lots of pics and info to come.

Went to the LFS today and got some more live rock and some more pre mixed salt water as I was out. LOTS of life on one of the pieces. Ill get pics soon…. Been having low ph over the last few weeks. 7.8 Been doing water changes about a gallon each week and no […]

First water test. 4-13-08 18:47

Temp 78.4f Specific gravity 1.025 (Thats my target) Ph 8.4 (I was thinking this was going to be low so I bought some PH buffer as you can see in the pic. Guess I wont have use for that right now.) Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Ammonia .25 Looks like the cycle is starting 🙂

First 4 pounds of live rock

A few days ago I went to every fish store my local area. Everyone had what they where calling “Live Rock” but only one place actually had rock that was alive and had things living on them. This place is called all reff. You can find there website at peggy is the owner of […]

Adjustments Part 1

I made a few adjustments today. First was moving that sponge into chamber 2. When it was in chamber 3 where it came stock. It was causing lots of micro bubbles. I moved it to chamber 2 and not only did the micro bubbles go away it muffled the sound the water was making when […]

Full Tank Shot 4-12-08 19:30cst

Front Left Right

Filling the tank with saltwater

Well there is the first 5 gallons of saltwater. Im picking up my saltwater at a local fish store that is pre mixed Ro/Di using coral life sea salt mixed to a salinty of 1.025. The plate I have placed into the tank is an old trick I learned when I did my freshwater tank. […]

Making the sandbed

First handfull of Carib-sea Arag Alive Fiji pink is in the tank! I managed to not make that big of a mess. A few towels that I shook off outside after I was done. Few grains did hit the floor though. This is exactuly 2 inches deep. I used the entier 20 pound bag of […]

Setting up the tank

Hydor Flo with the correct fitting for the biocube To get the maxi-jet 900 to connect to the back of chamber 3 I had to cut the tube that came with the bio cube as seen below. I did not want to cut to much so I cut a little tested, cut some more till […]


Here are a few things I purchased for the cube today. From left to right. Maxi-jet 900. An upgrade to my stock pump. More flow and less heat! Hydor Flo. This is to randomize the return flow back to the tank. Gives it a wave effect. Hydor Theo. 50 watt heater Jbj digital temp. Sticks […]

Unboxing and leak testing

Hello Hello, and welcome to my blog on building my own little piece of the ocean. Ive been reading about buildiong a nano reef for about 2 years. I had a 75g freshwater tank that was up and running for 10 years. When I moved I broke down that tank and sold it. When I […]