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VOC Museum

To learn more about the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), click here

The Victims of Communism Museum is located at 900 15th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005. 

Tickets are free. Donations are graciously accepted. 

The Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Most guests spend 45-minutes in the museum.  

Donations to the Museum can be made here

“The dedication of the Victims of Communism Museum represents a lasting commitment to the mission of ensuring future generations understand the devastating consequences of unbridled tyranny. As Co-Chair of the Caucus, I look forward to working with the Museum and supporting this vital mission, especially in this era when we face new and growing threats to freedom’s reign around the world.”                                                     – Rep. Marcy Kaptur, VOC Caucus Co-Chair

“Communism is a godless, materialist ideology that continues to threaten the liberty of freedom-loving people across the world—especially as Xi Jinping’s communist regime accumulates increased financial muscle and technological prowess to spread its influence abroad. It seems, regrettably, that each generation must learn anew that communism is premised on denying human dignity and crushing the spirit, and the Victims of Communism Foundation has done tremendous work in exposing the evil inflicted by dictators from Stalin to Castro to Xi, not to mention Mengistu and Mao. The new museum will help inform so many—especially young Americans—of the evils of communism to guard against this horrific ideology for years to come.”
                                          – Rep. Chris Smith, VOC Caucus Co-Chair

“My constituents in Miami have felt communism’s oppression firsthand, many fleeing Marxist dictators across Latin America. However, we need to educate more of those who don’t have context and haven’t been directly affected by the failures of these dangerous doctrines,” said Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar. “The Victims of Communism Museum belongs in our nation’s capital where Americans and foreign visitors will see, hear, and learn the dangers of communist and Marxist ideologies, especially while they threaten to gain a foothold here in our country. The museum’s place in D.C. will constantly remind us to never lose sight of our love of freedom, liberty and self-governance. I congratulate and thank the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation for their dedication to warning all against communism and for helping the United States remain the beacon of hope and democracy around the world.”
                                                                                  Rep. Maria Salazar

“I am honored that the Victims of Communism Foundation invited me to join them in the opening of a museum to honor Communism’s millions of victims, and to educate our friends, colleagues, and future generations on the evils of Communism,” said Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart. “I am grateful that the VOC continues to truthfully and effectively ensure that the world never forgets the atrocities and oppression that has occurred due to Communist and socialist tyranny, and which continue to cause immense suffering in places such as Cuba, Venezuela, China, and North Korea. I thank the VOC, particularly its many courageous and renowned staff, trustees, and council members, for their steadfast commitment to exposing the evils of Communism and for continuing to highlight the heroes – past and present – who dare to oppose it.”
Rep. Mario Diaz Balart

“For more than 25 years, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has played a pivotal role in highlighting the plight endured by individuals who have lived, or are currently living, under communist rule in Cuba, China, North Korea, Venezuela, and other countries. This museum will serve as a posthumous tribute to the fallen victims of communism and continue the never-ending fight against this destructive ideology.”
  – Senator Marco Rubio

“Although Ukraine is not at our doorstep, it is at freedom’s doorstep. That is what this Museum is about—freedom. America, a united Europe, and indeed most of the rest of the free world as we resist Putin’s assault on democracy as Havel resisted the assault on democracy by the Soviet leaders. Memory of moral leaders like Havel continue to guide us, that is why this institution [VOC] is so important. That is why this exhibit and organizations like the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation need to be supported and to be expanded. We must never lose sight of what Havel and others risked their lives for—democracy, freedom, and human rights.”
                                                                            – Rep. Steny Hoyer

Contact Us

Do you have questions about your upcoming visit, want to learn more about the Museum, or need to contact VOC for another reason?

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


Tuesday – Saturday:
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


900 15th Street, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20005