Migliora le funzionalità del tuo sito con i plugin

Aggiungi al tuo sito funzionalità e integrazioni con migliaia di plugin.

Articoli e pubblicazioni
Sblocca le funzionalità avanzate di pianificazione, pubblicazione e programmazione dei contenuti.
3,083 plugin
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    WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate
    da Vova Anokhin
    A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site
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    da Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
    Aggiunge un'interfaccia di navigazione avanzata.
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    da Tom Usborne
    A small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
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    Header and Footer Scripts
    da Digital Liberation
    Header and Footer Scripts plugin allows you to add scripts to WordPress site's and just before closing tag.
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    Post Duplicator
    da Metaphor Creations
    Permette di duplicare tutti i post type, includendo tassonomie e campi personalizzati.
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    Simple Page Ordering
    da 10up
    Ordina le tue pagine e altri tipi di post gerarchici con un semplice trascina e rilascia direttamente sull'elenco standard delle pagine.
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    Page Links To
    da Mark Jaquith
    Ti permette di puntare il link di una pagina di WordPress (o di un articolo o altro tipo di contenuto) a un URL di tua scelta (sul tuo sito o su un altro sito), anziché al proprio URL normale …
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    WordPress.com Editing Toolkit
    da Automattic
    Enhances the editing experience in the Block Editor.
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    WP Meta and Date Remover
    da Prasad Kirpekar
    Remove meta author and date information from posts and pages. Hide from Humans and Search engines.SEO friendly and most advance plugin.
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    Nested Pages
    da Kyle Phillips
    Nested Pages provides a drag and drop interface for managing pages & posts in the WordPress admin, while maintaining quick edit functionality.
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    404page - your smart custom 404 error page
    da Peter Raschendorfer
    Crea la tua pagina di errore 404 personalizzata, nella maniera più semplice! Senza scrivere alcun codice. Funziona con la maggior parte dei temi.
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    Display Posts - Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
    da Bill Erickson
    Add a listing of content on your website using a simple shortcode. Filter the results by category, author, and more.
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    Public Post Preview
    da Dominik Schilling
    Allow anonymous users to preview a draft of a post before it is published.
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    List category posts
    da Fernando Briano
    List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category and many other parameters in a post, page or widget. You use the [catlist] shortcode to selec …
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    YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
    da YARPP
    The best WordPress plugin for displaying related posts. Simple and flexible, with a powerful proven algorithm and inbuilt caching.
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    Add From Server
    da Dion Hulse
    Add From Server is designed to help ease the pain of bad web hosts, allowing you to upload files via FTP or SSH and later import them into WordPress.
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    Advanced Excerpt
    da WPKube
    Control the appearance of WordPress post excerpts
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    Page and Post Clone
    da Carlos Fazenda
    Page and Post Clone plugin creates a clone of a page or post with the same content as the original.
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    CMS Tree Page View
    da Jon Christopher
    Adds a tree view of all pages & custom posts. Get a great overview + options to drag & drop to reorder & option to add multiple pages.
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    Revision Control
    da Dion Hulse
    Revision Control allows finer control over the Post Revision system included with WordPress