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939개 플러그인
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    WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and 이메일 로그 Plugin
    게시자: WP Mail SMTP
    워드프레스에서 이메일 전송을 쉽게 보내세요. SMTP, Gmail, Outlook, SendGrid, Mailgun, SES, Zoho 등과 연결합니다. 등급 1위 워드프레스 SMTP 이메일 플러그인.
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    MC4WP: 워드프레스용 메일침프
    게시자: ibericode
    최고의 워드프레스용 Mailchimp 플러그인. 사이트에 다양한 뉴스레터 구독 방법을 추가할 수 있습니다.
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    Easy WP SMTP by SendLayer – WordPress SMTP and 이메일 로그 Plugin
    게시자: Easy WP SMTP
    워드프레스 이메일 전송 개선. 센드레이어, 메일건, 센딩블루, Gmail을 구성하거나 SMTP 서버에 연결하세요.
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    Creative Mail – Easier WordPress & WooCommerce Email Marketing
    게시자: Newfold Digital
    Creative Mail was designed specifically for WordPress and WooCommerce. Our intelligent (and super fun) email editor simplifies email marketing campaig …
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    Post SMTP - WordPress SMTP Plugin with Email Logs and Mobile App for Failure Notifications - Gmail SMTP, Office 365, Brevo, Mailgun, Amazon SES and more
    게시자: Post SMTP
    세계 최고의 워드프레스 SMTP 플러그인! Gmail SMTP, Microsoft 365, Brevo, SendGrid, Mailgun, Zoho, Amazon SES, &hellip 등 모든 SMTP를 연결할 수 있습니다;
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    Mailchimp for WooCommerce
    게시자: Mailchimp
    Connect your store to your Mailchimp audience to track sales, create targeted emails, send abandoned cart emails, and more.
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    WP Mail Logging
    게시자: WP Mail Logging Team
    Log, view, and resend all emails sent from your WordPress site. Great for resolving email sending issues or keeping a copy for auditing.
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    Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer
    게시자: Kadence WP
    Customize the default WooCommerce email templates design and text through the native WordPress customizer. Preview emails and send test emails.
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    Manage Notification E-mails
    게시자: Virgial Berveling
    Disable or enable the WordPress notification e-mails (new user, changed password, automatic updates, etc.). Works perfectly in combination with a lot …
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    Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Brevo (formely Sendinblue)
    게시자: Brevo
    Manage your contact lists, subscription forms and all email and marketing-related topics from your wp panel, within one single plugin
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    Email Address Encoder
    게시자: Till Krüss
    A lightweight plugin that protects email addresses from email-harvesting robots, by encoding them into decimal and hexadecimal entities.
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    Check & Log Email
    게시자: checkemail
    Check & Log email allows you to test if your WordPress installation is sending emails correctly by sending a test email to an address of your choi …
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    게시자: WPOmnia
    WP SMTP can help us to send emails via SMTP instead of the PHP mail() function.
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    Email Log
    게시자: Sudar
    Log and view all outgoing emails from WordPress. Very useful if you have to debug email related problems or have to store sent emails for auditing.
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    MailChimp List Subscribe Form
    게시자: MailChimp
    Use the MailChimp List Subscribe plugin to quickly add a MailChimp signup form widget to your WordPress 2.8 or higher site.
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    SMTP Mailer
    게시자: naa986
    Configure a SMTP server to send email from your WordPress site. Configure the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of the PHP mail() function.
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    Disqus Comment System
    게시자: Disqus
    Disqus is the web's most popular comment system. Use Disqus to increase engagement, retain readers, and grow your audience.
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    Gravity PDF
    게시자: Blue Liquid Designs
    Automatically generate, email and download PDF documents with Gravity Forms and Gravity PDF.
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    ActiveCampaign Postmark for Wordpress
    게시자: Andrew Yates & Matt Gibbs
    The officially-supported ActiveCampaign Postmark plugin for Wordpress.
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    Change Admin Email
    게시자: John Dee
    This plugin allows an administrator to change the "site admin email" option, without sending a confirmation email from the server.