
affilinet Performance Ads

Integrate our data driven and automated performance display plugin into your WordPress platform and serve your users targeted ads in real time.
Last updated
May 11, 2018
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affilinet Performance Ads

Integrate affilinet’s data driven advertising technology and automated ad display services seamlessly into your WordPress platform and serve the right message, at the right time, to the right person. Dont’t worry about ad codes. This plugin will handle all technical details for you.

This plugin comes with a statistic page where you can see your daily earnings. You will just have to enter your affilinet Webservice Password.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Easy integration of intelligent display ad units into your site
  • Quick and simple sign up to the affilinet platform
  • Targeted adverts mean more relevancy for your readers and ultimately more earnings from your website

We’ve made it really easy to get started. If you need integration support, please watch our tutorial on Youtube:

If you have any questions or need support please contact us at

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.