Strong Testimonials


In just a few steps, you will be collecting and publishing your testimonials or reviews. Beginners and pros alike will appreciate the wealth of flexible features refined over 4 years from user feedback and requests.


Premium features only available in Strong Testimonials – Paid version:

  • Import reviews from: Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp, Zomato and WooCommerce
  • With our dedicated 3-rd party importer, you can now automate importing, managing and displaying of your testimonials.
  • Custom Testimonial Collection Form Fields
  • The perfect example is with a car review website. Using the Custom Fields extension, you can gather detailed testimonials that include information such as car manufacturer, model, and horsepower.
  • Multiple Testimonial Collection Forms
  • You can now create multiple forms to collect testimonials from your website visitors and customers. You can easily create new forms to gather testimonials for different types of products on your website. There is no limit to the number of forms you can create or use.
  • Markup
  • The extension that will help you get **** in your Google search results for your business.
  • Advanced Views
  • _ For example, one view to display your testimonials, another view for the testimonial submission form, another view for a slideshow widget._
  • Properties
  • You are not a fan of calling your product reviews testimonials? Then use this extension to replace the default text (testimonials) with another one such as reviews or ratings.
  • Captcha anti-spam form Protection
  • Protection for spam is something all websites need
  • PRO templates
  • Beautifully designed & pixel perfect templates, ready to use with to showcase your testimonials. Don’t loose clients with a poor design.
  • Priority email support
  • Support and updates for 12 months.

Learn more about Strong Testimonials – Paid version .


This plugin provides a few designs with only basic style options for background color and font color. Everything else will be inherited from your theme.

Some templates have light & dark versions and other options. If you want to customize things like fonts, margins and borders, you will need custom CSS.

Testimonial Submission Form

This plugin provides one form with custom fields. Customize the form by adding or removing fields and changing properties like the order, label, and placeholder.

Send custom notification emails to multiple admins.

Submit the form via Ajax for use with plugins like Popup Maker.

Displaying Testimonials

Everything happens in a View. Instead of learning multiple shortcodes with dozens of options, a View contains all the options in a simple, intuitive editor that no other testimonial plugin has.

Create unlimited views. For example, one view for a form, another for a static grid, another for a slideshow, and so on.

Display a view using a shortcode or the widget.

A variety of templates are included that work well in most themes.

For ultimate control and seamless integration, copy any template to your theme and customize it.

The template function will add a view to your custome theme templates:

<?php if ( function_exists( 'strong_testimonials_view' ) ) {
    strong_testimonials_view( $id );
} ?>

Privacy and GDPR

By default, this plugin:

  • does not store any user or visitor data,
  • does not send any data to remote servers, act as a service or embed content,
  • does not edit the comments form in any way.

The plugin also prevents displaying email addresses in your testimonials on the front end.

However, this plugin provides features that may involve private data.

  • If you use the testimonial submission form, the data collected on that form will be stored in your database.
  • If you enable the administrator notification email upon new testimonial submission, the data collected on your form, at your selection, may be included in that notification email.
  • If you enable comments on testimonials, the plugin will use your theme’s single post template and comment form.
  • If you embed third-party posts such as Twitter, YouTube and FaceBook in your testimonials, you will be agreeing to the Terms of Use of those third-party sites.

Try these plugins too

3rd party or external service disclaimer

The plugin connects to our website through an API call (https://strongtestimonials/wp-json/mt/v1/get-all-extensions) in order to request a list of available extensions.


Our privacy policy can be found at this URL


  • Slideshow
  • Default template
  • Default form
  • Admin list table
  • General settings
  • Form settings
  • Fields editor
  • View editor


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • View


  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for “strong testimonials”.
  3. Click “Install Now”.


  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Upload the zip file via Plugins > Add New > Upload.

Activate the plugin. Look for “Testimonials” in the admin menu.


How to Add the Form ?

  1. Check the custom fields. The default set of fields are designed to suit most situations. Add or remove fields as you see fit.

    1. Create a view. Select Form mode.

    2. Add the view to a page or sidebar using its unique shortcode or the Strong Testimonials widget.

How to Display Your Testimonials ?

  1. Enter your testimonials if necessary. The plugin will not read existing testimonials from another plugin or theme. It will not import testimonials.

    1. Create a view. Select Display mode.

    2. Add the view to a page or sidebar using its unique shortcode or the Strong Testimonials widget.

How to Add a Slideshow ?

  1. Enter your testimonials if necessary. The plugin will not read existing testimonials from another plugin or theme. It will not import testimonials.

    1. Create a view. Select Slideshow mode.

    2. Add the view to a page or sidebar using its unique shortcode or the Strong Testimonials widget.

How to Translate ?

Strong Testimonials is compatible with WPML, Polylang and WP Globus.

In WPML and Polylang, domains are added to the String Translation pages. Those domains encompass the form fields, the form messages, the notification email, and the “Read more” link text in your views. They are updated automatically when any of those settings change.

What are the shortcodes?

[testimonial_view] – To display your testimonials as a list or a slideshow, or to display the form. The first step is to create a view which manages all the options in an easy-to-use (some call it fun!) editor.

[testimonial_view id=1]

[testimonial_count] – To display the number of testimonials you have. For example:

Read some of our [testimonial_count] testimonials!

[testimonial_average_rating] – To display the average rating of all your testimonials. Includes stars!

Can I show more than one testimonial in the slider (i.e. a carousel)?

Yes. you can show 1, 2 or 3 at a time and you can scroll 1, 2 or 3 at a time.

Can I add testimonials from YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook?

Yes. The plugin supports the WordPress embed feature for inserting testimonials from these sources.

Can I change the fields on the form?

Yes. There is a custom fields editor to add or remove fields, change field details, and drag-and-drop to reorder them.

After the form has been submitted, can I redirect them to another page or display a custom message?

Yes and yes.

Can I set the status of the newly submitted testimonial?

Yes, either pending or published.

Can I reorder my testimonials by drag and drop?


Can I change the fields that appear below the testimonial?

Yes. In views, change these custom fields in a few clicks.

Can I display a large version of the featured image in a popup?

Yes. This requires a lightbox so if your theme does not include one, you will need a lightbox plugin.

Will it automatically use my existing testimonials?

No. If you already have testimonials in another plugin or theme, you will have to re-enter them. Why? Because every theme and plugin stores data differently.


July 10, 2024
Strong Testimonials is a pretty good, although a bit overly complex, testimonials display plugin. It has multiple views – testimonial rotator, multiple testimonials and single testimonial and even a form for submitting testimonials.. With all the features, it can take a bit of time to figure out all the settings and set it up so it may be a bit over-complicated for some uses. But if you are a developer setting it up on multiple client websites, you can export and import views which is a handy time saver. My reason for the low star rating is that it is buggy. It has a pretty major bug that affects the testimonial rotator view and despite multiple support requests from many users, they have not addressed this issue despite releasing multiple new versions since the bug first appeared almost a year ago. So I end up having to roll back to an old version from a year ago that used to work. But if they do start taking major bugs more seriously and address this issue, I’ll be happy to adjust my star rating.
June 26, 2024 1 reply
I’ve used a handful of testimonial plug-in and this one is intuitive and does everything I need to do.
June 18, 2024 1 reply
While the plugin integrates nicely with the OceanWP theme and enhances its overall functionality, there is a significant issue with the slideshow feature. Currently, the slideshow only displays one testimonial instead of rotating through multiple testimonials as expected. This limitation affects the user experience and reduces the plugin’s effectiveness in showcasing our testimonials. We hope the developers can address this issue soon, as resolving it would make the plugin a perfect fit for OceanWP users.
April 25, 2024 1 reply
Works really well for me and looks great! This is the best testimonial slider plugin I’ve sound so far, so I think I will stick with it and use it in other sites. Excellent work!
Read all 578 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Strong Testimonials” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Strong Testimonials” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Strong Testimonials” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


= 3.1.14 – 06.06.2024 –
– Fixed: Security fix
– Fixed: Uninstall functionality conflict with other plugins ( #445 )

= 3.1.13 – 04.06.2024 –
– Fixed: Security issue

= 3.1.12 – 22.03.2024 –
– Fixed: Security issue ( thanks to CleanTalk Inc and Dmitrii Ignatyev for reporting )
– Fixed: Failed opening of logger class file. ( #429 )

= 3.1.11 – 22.11.2023 –
– Fixed: Vulnerability fix

= 3.1.10 – 21.11.2023 –
– Added: Filter to modify admin notification method’s form options( #422 )
– Added: Upsells seasonal offers.

= 3.1.9 – 19.09.2023 –
– Fixed: Automatic excerpt elipsis[…] always hidden after first readmore click ( #413 )
– Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor tabs ( #288 )
– Changed: Removed TinyMCE ‘Visual’ tab from ‘Submission Success’ settings textarea ( #258 )
– Added: Filter to change from counting words to characters. ( #251 )
– Changed: General function to return ‘rating stars’ svg. ( #365 )
– Fixed: Notice dismissed buttonmissing ( #417 )

= 3.1.8 – 18.08.2023 –
– Changed: Removed plugin tracking ( #394 )
– Changed: Removed license tab added by premium extensions ( #397 )
– Fixed: The ‘strong_views’ database table was not created in multisite wp installs. ( #399 )
– Changed: Added alternate server choice for license activation and created Settings -> License tab ( #401 )
– Fixed: Pagination settings no longer apply to slider views. ( #400 )
– Fixed: Manual excerpts not displayed if full text is empty. ( #402 )
– Fixed: Number of columns not displayed correctly for columns layout. ( #403 )
– Changed: Removed stroke from star rating svg icons ( #337 )
– Fixed: Stop showing Lite vs. Pro page when license is active ( #407 )
– Added: Posibility to show only parent/child categories in View->Custom Fields->Display Type ( #408 )
– Fixed: Escaping for read more/show less inputs ( #406 )
– Fixed: Styles not making changes in front ( #409 )
– Fixed: PHP 8 errors and notices ( #383#414 )
– Changed: Removed lifetime packages from Lite vs PRO / Upgrade page ( #415 )

= 3.1.7 – 10.05.2023 –
– Changed: Check for request necessity

= 3.1.6 – 09.05.2023 –
– Changed: Request parameters changed

= 3.1.5 – 05.05.2023 –
– Fixed: Multiple requests on button click
– Changed: License system request for extensions

= 3.1.4 – 03.05.2023 –
– Changed: License system for exensions

= 3.1.3 – 28.03.2023 –
– Fixed: Slideshow not working because of JS error ( #386 )

= 3.1.2 – 28.03.2023 –
– Fixed: PHP notice for undefined array key: post_content ( #379 )
– Fixed: No custom fields show up in view display when the default form has no fields when using ST Multiple Forms addon ( #380 )
– Added: Filter to add custom display field types in Custom Fields ( #381 )
– Changed: No longer deleting plugin version option on deactivation ( #307 )
– Fixed: Manual excerpt won’t show both excerpt & content on “Read more” ( #376 )
– Fixed: Paragraph (


p> ) tags don’t show up in expanded ( full ) content. ( #378 )
– Fixed: JS bug when wp.i18n already declared ( #289 )

= 3.1.1 – 20.02.2023 –
– Fixed: PHP notice for undefined index: continuous_sliding ( #352 )
– Changed: Updated Elementor deprecated functions ( #366 )
– Changed: Order of “Show HTML content” setting ( #373 )
– Fixed: Sorting not working ( #372 )
– Fixed: Read more button being displayed twice ( #368 )
– Changed: Setting location ( #373 )
– Fixed: Google Search console 404 errors ( [#371] )

= 3.1.0 – 16.01.2023 –
– Fixed: Welcome banner visual update.
– Fixed: abs( ) function no longer supports string inputs in php v8+ ( #344 )
– Fixed: Testimonials slider is not initialized properly ( #349 )
– Fixed: WP 6 Widgets – wp_enqueue warning ( #324 )
– Changed: Uninstall form’s spacing reduced to properly fit on smaller displays. ( #333 )
– Fixed: Testimonial window expands incomplete and over pagination bullets ( #336 )
– Fixed: Warning on slider “enable html” setting ( #351 )
– Fixed: Uninstall process leftovers ( #346 )
– Fixed: Excerpt HTML is now stripped ( #311 )
– Added: Check for addons license ( #353 )
– Added: Strong Testimonials logo branding bar ( #357 )
– Added: Testimonials & Extensions tabs ( #355 )
– Changed: Enqueue welcome banner assets only on the welcome page ( #358 )
– Fixed: Rating stars not scaled properly on load ( #359 )
– Fixed: Screen reader text showing on unstyled non Guttenberg testimonial next/prev buttons. ( #343 )
– Fixed: Sanitizations and escaping ( #363 )
– Fixed: Delete license transients on license upgrade ( #354 )
– Changed: Update logo ( #340 )
– Changed: Add onboarding on admin empty table list ( #309 )

= 3.0.3 – 09.01.2023 –
– Fixed: Security vulnerability ( #360 )
– Fixed: Escaping and sanitizations ( #361 )

= 3.0.2 – 24.08.2022 –
– Fixed: Star rating input for multiple forms on page ( #322 )
– Fixed: Conflicts with other plugins ( #330 )

= 3.0.1 – 18.08.2022 –
– Fixed: strongValidation error on front form ( #326 )
– Added: Advanced settings tab and logging system

= 3.0.0 – 18.07.2022 –
– Added: Optional parameter to function wpmtst_get_success_message
– Added: Added an “alt” tag for the submission form’s spinner image ( #291 )
– Fixed: Fatal error in shortcode when decimals attribute from shortcode was not a number but a string
– Fixed: Small typo on admin side ( #290 )
– Fixed: Minor escape bug in admin area ( #286 )
– Changed: Updated jQuery Validate version to 1.19.5 ( #292 )
– Changed: Updated the “Goodbye” form interface on plugin deactivation ( #308 )

2.51.9 – 04.04.2022

  • Changed: Replaced the Welcome page and now only appears on new/fresh installs

2.51.8 – 28.03.2022

  • Fixed: Added filter to remove Upgrade from PRO when max license ( #305 )

2.51.7 – 21.03.2022

  • Added: Lite vs Pro page ( #167 )
  • Added: Upgrade to PRO action link in the plugins page ( #303 )

2.51.6 – 15.09.2021

  • Fixed upsells for wp 5.8.1 ( #281 )
  • Added: Tracking option – allow us to track non-sensitive data, only information regarding the WordPress environment and Strong Testimonials settings

v2.51.5 – 29/07/2021

  • Fixed: Columns and Grid css display bug, removed not needed class from testimonial content

v2.51.5 – 20/07/2021

  • Changed: The field for “Company Name” doesn’t appear anymore in the list of default fields when creating a new view, if it has been removed via the form editor. ( #240 )
  • Changed: JQuery Strong slider public methods in order to allow users to acces public methods of bxSlider ( #233 )
  • Fixed: The Read More link display bug ( #245 )
  • Fixed: Undefined index ( #249 )
  • Fixed: Incompatibility problem with Swift Performance related to lazy load ( #254 )
  • Fixed: Error on slider arrows on the Wave accesibility report ( #253 )
  • Fixed: Extra pagination ID or slug sanitize issue from View ( #246 )
  • Fixed: Title setting sanitize issue from View ( #241 )
  • Fixed: Unstyled Template issue with grid layout and pagination ( #242 )
  • Fixed: Security fix with input escaping ( #269 )
  • Fixed: Notice when activating the plugin or entering CPT ( #272 )
  • Fixed: Complete data for uninstall process ( #264 )
  • Fixed: Copy shortcode functionality ( #265 )
  • Changed: Upsell messages display ( #262 )
  • Changed: Noopener and Noreferrer links ON by default ( #257 )
  • Fixed: WAVE accessibility report ( #253 )
  • Fixed: Maximum title length ( #256 )

v2.51.4 – 11/04/2021

  • Fixed: Addded more escapes and sanitization
  • Fixed: Compatibility with PHP8

v2.51.3 – 16/03/2021

  • Changed: View backend in order to be more customizable ( #222 )
  • Added: A class to disabled class for each template ( #210 )
  • Fixed: Incompatibility between DIVI builder and testimonials’excerpt display ( #231 )
  • Fixed: Sanitization issue ( #236 )

v2.51.2 – 24/02/2021

  • Fixed: Manual excerpt ( #220 )

v2.51.1 – 18/02/2021

  • Fixed: Extensions page CSS.

v2.51.0 – 18/02/2021

  • Changed: Added by default review field to ST form ( #199 )
  • Changed: Improved security ( #200 )
  • Changed: Upsell texts & design ( [#201]( / )
  • Fixed: Addon page design ( #202 )
  • Fixed: How excerpt were handled, now when you click read more the excerpt will hide and we will show only the full content ( #207 )
  • Fixed: Show on Checked Value string without escape characters(/) ( #209 )
  • Fixed: Keep HTML markup in a testimonial post intact ( #206 )
  • Fixed: How RTL work with our slideshow ( #203 )


  • Added Welcome Banner when Strong Testimonials is activated.
  • Removed uninstall message that was appearing in WP dashboard when using multisite network.
  • Removed Lazy Loading Setting for WP versions higher than 5.5 when the core LazyLoad is enabled.
  • Fixed typo from Fields.


  • Fixed upsells option
  • Fixed Slideshow Stretch behaviour.
  • Fixed Slideshow Start automatically behaviour.
  • Fixed expand content in place in sidebar bug.
  • Fixed Strong Testimonials Pro activation from Extensions.
  • Fixed Read More issue when using a testimonial slideshow view in a widget.
  • Replace deprecated filter.
  • Replaced deprecated join with implode.


  • Fixed fatal error


  • Small fixes
  • Changed the layout of the views page.
  • Moved form tab from general settings to Form.
  • Fixed drag and drop issue for testimonials.
  • Added old testimonial-heading CSS classes back.


  • Fixed read more bug
  • Added integration with the new addons
  • Changed email’s content type
  • Fixed slider navigation and pagination bug


  • Fixed title option bug from views
  • Fixed continous sliding behavior bug


  • Added support for comments to Testimonials
  • Added options to calculate average rating for multiple ratings
  • Added GDPR integrations
  • Added Star Rating Fieldset Accessibility
  • Added noopener noreferrer option for links
  • Added Lazy Load option in testimonial general settings for testimonials feature images
  • Added upsells option in testimonial general settings to remove upsells from admin area
  • Added characters limit in Forms for testimonial’s heading and content

  • Fixed incompatibility with Metaslider PRO

  • Fixed incompatibility with Simple Custom Post Order
  • Fixed incompatibility with WP Rocket to randomize testimonials
  • Fixed font color bug

2.40.7 – May 25, 2020

  • Fixed pagination buttons
  • Fixed spinner for submitted form

2.40.6 – Apr. 29, 2020

  • Fixed undefined index error
  • Fixed pagination buttons

2.40.5 – Apr. 16, 2020

  • Add old css class back for templates

2.40.4 – Apr. 16, 2020

  • Added the old classes back to keep functionality with users custom css
  • Fixed title display
  • Adressed an issue regarding the company name field

2.40.3 – Apr. 14, 2020

  • Fixed fatal error on testimonials order.

2.40.2 – Apr. 13, 2020

  • Improved star rating display
  • Added another attribute to average rating shortcode
  • Removed FontAwesome and added svgs
  • Removed banners
  • Update CSS classes with unique prefix
  • Added Uninstall Functionality
  • Removed About Page
  • Fix automatic excerpt for Salient Theme
  • Fix slider arrows for first/last
  • Update notices/tooltips
  • Add functionality to link testimonial to external URL also
  • Reorder now always on – removed setting
  • Added functionality to prevent license inspection
  • Added extra filter wpmtst_views_actions in admin/class-strong-view-list-table.php on line 132

2.40.1 – Jan. 25, 2020

  • improved data sanitization

2.40.0 – Oct. 16, 2019

  • improved compatibility with Strong Testimonials: Importer extension

2.39.3 – Aug. 05, 2019

  • removed MIME duplicate header information from the mail sent when submitting a new testimonial
  • improved compatibility with Strong Testimonials: Advanced Views and Pro Templates extensions
  • Fixed warnings ( #80 )

2.39.2 – Jun. 25, 2019

  • improved compatibility with Strong Testimonials: Advanced Views extension

2.39.1 – Jun. 14, 2019

  • improved compatibility with Strong Testimonials: Custom Fields extension

2.39 – May. 24, 2019

  • added compatibility with Strong Testimonials: Captcha extension

2.38.1 – May. 14, 2019

  • fixed placeholder issue for standard input fields
  • fixed slideshow height issue

2.38 – May. 05, 2019

  • fixed multiple issues with the read more link not expanding the full content
  • fixed an issue with the read more link not appearing in some cases
  • fixed an issue with the forms fields not displaying quotation marks correctly
  • fixed an issue with the form textarea not displaying the placeholder correctly
  • fixed a bug where a testimonial view was throwing and error when displaying a url label

2.37 – Mar. 18, 2019

  • added ability to export testimonials with featured images included.
  • added option to change single testimonial permalink slug.
  • fixed a conflict with Mesmerize theme not displaying the views.
  • fixed issue with audio shortcode not playing in the testimonial content.
  • fixed form redirect url not saving.
  • fixed issue when testimonial slideshows has only one testimonial.
  • fixed issue with the read more link in a slideshow not toggling correctly.
  • removed Really Simple Captcha from captcha settings.
  • fixed wp_debug warnings.
  • minor backend tweaks.

2.36 – Feb. 15, 2019

  • bug fixes and tweaks

2.35 – Feb. 12, 2019

  • fixed multiple bugs with the submission form
  • fixes testimonial and star rating not displaying properly

2.34 – Feb. 8, 2019

  • removed all branding
  • removed links to external addons; all Strong Testimonials addons should be delivered from
  • re-licensed under GPLv3 & added a copy of the license in .txt format
  • improved plugin escaping / sanitization

2.32.4 – Dec. 27, 2018

  • Prerender shortcodes in WordPress Custom HTML widgets.

2.32.3 – Dec 4, 2018

  • Fix stretched slide height in carousel.

2.32.2 – Dec 4, 2018

  • Add adjustable responsive breakpoints for carousels.

2.32.1 – Oct 26, 2018

  • Fix bug in translation of slider text controls.

2.32 – Aug 6, 2018

  • Add carousel option.
  • Add filters to form field classes.

2.31.10 – Aug 2, 2018

  • Fix singular/plural phrases in testimonial average shortcode.
  • Fix bug in scroll to success message.
  • Fix RTL slider controls.
  • Attempt to fix slider touch problems in iOS.

2.31.9 – July 17, 2018

  • Fix compatbility issue with Gutenberg.
  • Fix bug in average rating calculation.
  • Fix CSS columns for recent browser updates.
  • Fix bug in lazy-loading compatibility option.
  • Improve theme compatibility.
  • Add filter on form submit button CSS class.

2.31.8 – June 16, 2018

  • Fix “wait” spinner in unstyled form template.
  • On forms, only show required symbol if field label is shown.
  • Refactor inline style method.
  • Improve exception handling.

2.31.7 – June 7, 2018

  • Fix JavaScript incompatibility in IE and Edge.

2.31.6 – June 2, 2018

  • Fix bug when adding a custom field in view editor.

2.31.5 – June 1, 2018

  • Fix XSS vulnerablilities reported by DefenseCode using Thunderscan.
  • Add spinner UI element while form is being submitted to deter visitor from navigating away.
  • Minor admin UI improvements.

2.31.4 – May 22, 2018

  • Add integration with WordPress privacy exporter and eraser features.

2.31.3 – May 19, 2018

  • Fix missing submit button.

2.31.2 – May 18, 2018

  • Fix bug in average rating half-star.

2.31.1 – May 15, 2018

  • Fix conflict with Review Markup add-on.

2.31 – May 15, 2018

  • Add [testimonial_average_rating] shortcode.
  • Add compatibility option for script controller.
  • Add compatibility option for lazy loading images.
  • Minor template style tweaks for small screens.
  • Use empty star icon instead of full icon in different color.
  • Change default message “Required field” to “Required”.
  • Improve exception handling.
  • Improve Pjax compatibility.
  • Apply JavaScript coding standard.
  • Add console logging for slider when SCRIPT_DEBUG enabled.
  • Minor admin style tweaks.

2.30.9 – May 6, 2018

  • Fix bug in add-on activation process.

2.30.8 – April 26, 2018

  • Fix incorrect text domains.
  • Fix bug in form validation translation files.
  • Remove obsolete German translation.
  • Update translation files.
  • Refactor the submit buttons on settings pages.

2.30.7 – April 23, 2018

  • Fix bug in front-end controller script.

2.30.6 – April 17, 2018

  • Improve embeds in Masonry layout.
  • Fix [testimonial_count category] shortcode in Properties add-on.
  • Update the EDD license updater class.
  • Improve notification email admin UI.
  • Improve notification email message when custom fields are blank.

2.30.5 – April 9, 2018

  • Fix bug when email field is not required.
  • Fix display of templates in view editor when theme/add-on templates are present.
  • Fix inconsistent use of filter on default view settings.
  • Improve compatibility with themes and thumbnail column in admin list.
  • Improve compatibility with installation scripts (table creation).
  • Improve check for missing add-on license.
  • Add front-end “Nothing found” message for administrators.
  • Add data attribute ‘count’ for found_posts to view container for troubleshooting.
  • Add filter on [testimonial_count] shortcode defaults.
  • Add ability to capture notification email on localhost.
  • Revive a logger class.
  • Minor admin UI tweaks.

2.30.4 – Mar 20, 2018

  • Fix bug in slider in Firefox 59.

2.30.3 – Mar 16, 2018

  • Improve slider script compatibility (event propagation).

2.30.2 – Mar 11, 2018

  • Fix backwards-compatibility for WordPress versions 4.5 and older.

2.30.1 – Mar 6, 2018

  • Fix minor bug in PHP7 compatibility.
  • Improve real-time validation in fields editor.
  • Minor CSS fixes.

2.30.0 – Feb 10, 2018

  • Add option for font color in view editor.
  • Add option for a custom CSS class on the image link for lightboxes.
  • Add shortcode attributes for post_ids, category, order, and count.
  • Use is_email() to validate email addresses.
  • Use number_format_i18n() in testimonial_count shortcode.
  • Refactor template groups into base templates with options.
  • Add option to disable touch swipe navigation in slideshows.
  • Simplify slideshow CSS.
  • Fix bug in slider script in Chrome.

2.29.1 – Jan 8, 2018

  • Only to trigger update because the SVN version was incomplete.

2.29 – Jan 8, 2018

  • Add integration with Google Captcha by BestWebSoft.
  • Remove integration with Captcha plugin.
  • Remove integration with Advanced noCaptcha reCaptcha plugin.
  • Fix CSS conflict with Cherry Slider.
  • Fix bug when adding the category field to the notification email.
  • Fix read-more filter usage for WPML and Polylang.
  • Add filter: wpmtst_read_more_page_output.
  • Add support for FooBox Image Lightbox.
  • Improved the notification email admin UI.
  • Handle form submission on custom action.
  • Add dismissible persistent admin notice capability.
  • Improve add-on configuration check.
  • Minor refactoring for improved performance.

2.28.4 – Nov 20, 2017

  • Fix bug when using count in views.
  • Fix bug that prevented saving views.
  • Fix bug that prevented deleting the plugin.
  • Rename the form’s submit button CSS class to wpmtst-submit to prevent conflicts. Thanks @chestozo.
  • Remove mail debug logger.
  • Improved update process to prevent simultaneous execution.

2.28.3 – Nov 18, 2017

  • Fix bug in slider when not using transition effect.
  • Fix conflict between standard pagination and query limit.
  • Fix bug when saving custom fields in post editor.
  • Add capability for custom input fields.

2.28.2 – Nov 10, 2017

  • Fix bug when only one page in paginated views (count < per_page).

2.28.1 – Nov 10, 2017

  • Fix conflict with paginated views in some themes.

2.28 – Nov 9, 2017

  • Add compatibility settings for Ajax page loading.
  • Add subtle transition effect for paginated views.
  • Add standard pagination options.
    • Previous/Next links
    • Condensed navigation
    • Before/after page number text
  • Fix bug where standard pagination failed to add a trailing slash.
  • Fix bug that failed to check plugin-specific capabilities in multisite.
  • Fix bug that caused redirect loop if database error occurs during installation.
  • Add a JavaScript controller to coordinate components.
  • Refactor slider script.
  • Refactor pager script.
  • Refactor honeypots to inline, plain JavaScript.
  • Refactor many functions into classes.
  • Add ability to register a custom field type (experimental).

2.27.2 – Oct 10, 2017

  • Fix bug in update process.

2.27.1 – Oct 9, 2017

  • Fix bug in update process.

2.27 – Oct 9, 2017

  • Fix optional loading of Font Awesome.
  • Fix width on double-digit pagination controls in Modern template.
  • Fix hiding slider controls if no slides are present.
  • Fix CSS for slider controls in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Add unique user capabilities for workflow control.
  • Add option to set checkbox field on by default.
  • Add option to exclude from Lazy Loading Responsive Images plugin (on by default).
  • Add filters to “Read more” link text and URL.
  • Add filter to form redirect URL.
  • Add filter to skip prerender (for compatibility).
  • Add filters for styles, scripts and script vars.
  • New About page.
  • Minor refactoring for improved performance.

2.26.10 – Sep 12, 2017

  • Fix compatibility with Captcha by simplywordpress 4.3.4+.
  • Fix compatibility with Polylang string translations when user’s admin language is not English.
  • Improve flex grid style when last row is less than full.
  • Improve rendering of shortcode field type.
  • Add post ID of newly submitted testimonial to action hook.

2.26.9 – Sep 2, 2017

  • Fix integration with Polylang 2.1+.
  • Indent subcategories in the category selector on the form.

2.26.8 – Aug 26, 2017

  • Fix form whitespace problem in some themes.

2.26.7 – Aug 15, 2017

  • Fix compatibility with Captcha plugin version 4.3.1.

2.26.6 – Aug 15, 2017

  • Trim leading and trailing spaces on form input values.

2.26.5 – Aug 2, 2017

  • Improve adding thumbnail support.

2.26.4 – July 31, 2017

  • Fix bug in WPML String Translations.

2.26.3 – July 27, 2017

  • Fix bug when displaying empty rating in post editor.

2.26.2 – July 24, 2017

  • Fix WPGlobus compatibility.

2.26.1 – July 17, 2017

  • Fix bug in saving checkbox field.

2.26 – July 6, 2017

  • Improve excerpt handling.
  • Add option for linking title to testimonial post.
  • Improve featured image responsive style.
  • Minor UI improvements in view editor.

2.25.2 – June 28, 2017

  • Fix conflict with OptimizePress page builder.
  • Remove defer on admin scripts.

2.25.1 – June 26, 2017

  • Fix bug when adding star rating to single template and category archive.

2.25 – June 23, 2017

  • Improve form validation.
    • Update jQuery Validation plugin (1.16.0).
    • Add tabindex.
    • Add custom validation to star rating field.
    • Improve form error indicator style.
  • Fix bug that was printing duplicate script variables.
  • Make checkbox field text translatable.
  • Add hooks and filters in form submission.
  • Add option to disable “* Required Field” notice.
  • Update link to review form.
  • Update style for Review Markup add-on.
  • Lint and compress JavaScript files.

2.24 – June 12, 2017

  • Fix bug in saving a zero rating.
  • Fix bug in add-on license activation screen.
  • Add real-time configuration checks.
  • Improve debug logger.

2.23.2 – June 7, 2017

  • Fix default translation filters.

2.23.1 – June 4, 2017

  • Fix bug in default nofollow links.
  • Fix bug when saving checkbox value in post editor.
  • fix bug in admin list checkbox column.

2.23 – May 31, 2017

  • Add nofollow default setting.
  • Add checkbox input type.
  • Add support for Captcha Pro by BestWebSoft.
  • Defer front-end javascript to improve compatibility.
  • Allow shortcodes and basic HTML in the “Before”, “After”, “Text” fields.
  • Add filter on “Required Field” notice.
  • Remove link_new_tab and link_nofollow functions.
  • Minor refactoring.

2.22.6 – May 29, 2017

  • Fix conflict with prerender and some themes.

2.22.5 – May 25, 2017

  • Fix bug in adding nofollow attribute to outbound links.

2.22.4 – May 20, 2017

  • Fix compatibility with Max Mega Menu plugin.

2.22.3 – May 18, 2017

  • Improve style and script loading.
  • Fix bug in slideshow in WordPress version less than 4.6.
  • Fix WPML slug translation.
  • Minor refactoring.

2.22.2 – May 14, 2017

  • Fix bug in add-on license activation for localhost sites.

2.22.1 – May 11, 2017

  • Fix bug in displaying add-on sections in view editor.

2.22 – May 9, 2017

  • Add option for sticky views.
  • Add view mode for single post template.
  • Add view mode description.
  • Move custom style to <head> to avoid FUOC.
  • Use built-in imagesLoaded script instead.
  • Move manual excerpt read-more to appear after testimonial content.
  • Fix bug that caused some double read-more’s.
  • Improve compatibility with Divi Builder 2.
  • Remove general compatibility mode; no longer needed.

2.21.2 – Apr 21, 2017

  • Fix bug in add-on license activation process.

2.21.1 – Apr 18, 2017

  • Fix bug in Font Awesome loading.

2.21 – Apr 14, 2017

  • Add option for default rating value on the form.
  • Add custom field name to form HTML elements.
  • Add option to skip loading Font Awesome.
  • Add background color option to the form.
  • Add filters to bypass layout stylesheets if not needed.
  • Minor admin UI improvements.

2.20 – Apr 3, 2017

  • Handle screen resize and orientation change in slider.
  • Add wpautop to automatic excerpts for consistent style.
  • Improve form nonce check.
  • Update EDD integration.
  • Add filters for custom sort order.

2.19.2 – Mar 27, 2017

  • Fix conflict with Wonderflux framework.

2.19.1 – Mar 24, 2017

  • Fix bug in category assignment on new submissions.
  • Add wpmtst_field_value filter.

2.19 – Mar 18, 2017

  • Improve add-on integration.
  • Prevent conflict between Advanced noCaptcha reCaptcha plugin and page builders.
  • Add simple WP-CLI compatibility.
  • Add option to clear star rating value.

2.18.2 – Feb 26, 2017

  • Fix bug in conditional loading of star rating stylesheet.

2.18.1 – Feb 23, 2017

  • Fix bug in form success/error scrolling.

2.18 – Feb 15, 2017

  • Add form success redirect options.
  • Add visual editor (TinyMCE) to the form success message.
  • Process shortcodes in the form success message.
  • Fix bug when slideshows are in hidden tabs.
  • Fix bug in edit rating script.
  • Improve Modern template responsive style.
  • Minor refactoring.

2.17.5 – Jan 18, 2017

  • Fix bug when page has multiple slideshows.

2.17.4 – Jan 17, 2017

  • Fix bug in form Ajax.

2.17.3 – Dec 28, 2016

  • Fix bug that allowed unsanitized custom field names.
  • Improve admin UI.
  • Update Spanish translation.

2.17.2 – Dec 14, 2016

  • Fix incomplete loading of FontAwesome for slideshows.

2.17.1 – Dec 14, 2016

  • Fix bug in plugin activation process.
  • Improve category checklist style in default form template.

2.17 – Dec 13, 2016

  • Add category checklist option to form fields.
  • Fix bug that allowed double underscores in custom field name.
  • Fix date column formatting in testimonials admin list.
  • Improve admin UI in fields and view editors.
  • Improve slideshow controls style.

2.16.5 – Dec 8, 2015

2.16.4 – Dec 7, 2016

  • Fix conflict with Huge IT Slider plugin.
  • Remove some unnecessary edge case functions.

2.16.3 – Dec 5, 2016

  • Fix bug when loading form validation translation files.
  • Fix bug that initialized slideshows before images are loaded.
  • Improve admin UI.

2.16.2 – Dec 4, 2016

  • Strip slashes from custom fields and submitted form values.

2.16.1 – Dec 2, 2016

  • Fix bug in slideshow query.
  • Fix conflict with Dream Theme themes.

2.16 – Dec 1, 2016

  • Fix missing icons (start, quotes, pager buttons).
  • Fix incorrect WPML string registration (read-more texts).
  • Improve compatibility.

2.15 – Nov 29, 2016

  • Add ‘required’ attribute to file input field.
  • Add slideshow behavior options.
  • Add slideshow control and navigation options.
  • Fix minor bugs.

2.14.3 – Nov 22, 2016

  • Fix reordering.
  • Fix rating column in admin list.
  • Add post type and taxonomy filters.
  • Improve upgrade process.

2.14.2 – Nov 3, 2016

  • Fix bug in form validation.