
  • Is there a list of the supported API calls?

    Yes, please refer to our API documentation here.

  • Does WP Cloud have detection for fatals and does it auto revert when we detect issues?

    Yes, WP Cloud monitors platform fatals and auto reverts when fatals are detected.

  • Does WP Cloud provide the ability to create WordPress sites with custom configurations, i.e. certain plugins already installed and activated, and/or a theme pre-installed and activated?

    Yes, the create-site API endpoint gives the client the ability to specify plugin and theme installation and activation, and any additional configuration can be accomplished over client SSH.

  • Are WP Cloud’s speed tests based on a unbiased third-party review?

    Yes, WP Cloud participates in the web hosting benchmarks performed by an independent third-party, WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks, whose parent company is Review Signal. Both WordPress.com and Pressable are clients hosted on the WP Cloud platform, and results for many different kinds of tests can be compared across hosts.

  • Is DDoS protection included? If so, what type of attacks can it handle?

    Yes, WP Cloud manages DDoS protection. Our Systems team brings a wealth of experience here as they are responsible for many high-profile sites.

  • How do customers manage their DNS?

    You own DNS. You can use the get-ips endpoint to obtain IPs that should be used for a given domain. Partners can also implement BYOIP (bring-your-own-IP) if that better suits their needs.

  • How often is cache refreshed?

    This depends on which cache is being utilized. Memcache has evictions, Batcache (page cache) has a default cache time of five minutes, and the edge cache takes its cue from the content it is caching.

  • What is the difference between Edge Caching, CDN and Memcache which is applied to WP Cloud sites?

    • Edge Caching — rendered pages are cached.
    • CDN — static files are cached.
    • Memcache — objects/transients are cached so that database lookups aren’t needed for that data.
  • Do you offer persistent object caching, such as Redis or Memcached?

    WP Cloud makes Memcached available as the persistent storage backend for WP_Cache. In the converged architecture of WP Cloud we see better performance and stability from Memcached than we do from Redis.

  • Is there server-side malware protection included in your services, or do customers need to install Jetpack Security separately?

    Jetpack is installed by default. In addition, we can upgrade all or some customers to the full Jetpack security module for a heavily discounted rate.

  • Is the free SSL certificate automatically installed during WordPress setup, or is there a specific process for it?

    We attempt provisioning SSL for each site when the site is created and when the domain name is updated for the site. Failures have retries with backoff, and the Atomic API allows you to check the status and retry SSL provisioning. Partners who wish to use their own SSL solution are able to as well.

  • Is there a user-friendly method for our team to review these logs, such as through a terminal or another tool?

    Yes, we have Grafana boards for our hosting partners. We can provide the credentials for a Grafana board once a partners has a site live with WP Cloud.

  • Are backups included in your services? Are backups stored remotely or locally?

    WP Cloud offers three types of backups to ensure that your sites are always secure. 

    Every site hosted on WP Cloud has a redundant site hosted at a different data center. If there is a failure at the primary data center, requests will fail-over to the secondary data center. Prolonged outages will result in the promotion of the secondary server to primary without the site owner needing to do anything manually.

    The second type of backup is where the site owner wants to revert to a prior version. They can do this with Jetpack Backup, which is a real time backup on our servers. We provide great pricing for those types of backups to WP Cloud partners. 

    WP Cloud also provides filesystem and database snapshots via the Atomic API.

  • Where are WP Cloud’s data centers located?

    WP Cloud’s origin data centers are in Dallas, TX, Ashburn, VA, Los Angeles, CA, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The platform also maintains, and delivers content across, 23 global edge locations.


  • Can plans be customized according to our needs, such as the number of CPUs, PHP workers, or storage?

    Yes, our pricing model allows partners to customize plans according to the number of PHP workers and the amount of storage needed.

  • How much memory is included in WP Cloud plans?

    We provide 512 MB of memory per PHP worker.

  • Are any plugins bundled with WP Cloud?

    Yes, both Akismet and Jetpack are bundled with WP Cloud. We do not enforce these to be activated for all sites but both are highly recommended.

  • Can WP Cloud partners create packages to sell to their customers that have specific PHP worker and storage limits?

    Yes, WP Cloud partners can leverage our API to design customized packages that feature PHP worker limits (up to ten), dynamic worker bursting capabilities of up to 110 workers, and scalable storage options.

  • When a site grows beyond a pricing tier, am I required to reprovision?

    Sites can have their characteristics changed and/or limited in place; there is no need to re-provision a site.

    Disk quota:

    • Can be increased up to 200 GB (more if needed).
    • Can be decreased so long as the amount of disk space already in use does not exceed the new limit; for example, if a site is using 10 GB, it cannot have its disk quota set to 8 GB.

    PHP workers:

    • Can be increased up to 10 (the system default), which allows bursting. Higher settings available based on need as well.
    • Can be decreased to 2, which will limit workers for the site.
  • Can a hosting partner setup an additional backup if a client asks for it, such as Google Cloud?

    Yes, partners can redirect the location of backup restore points to another service like GCP or AWS. This is one way WP Cloud helps hosts feel at ease about maintaining ownership of all the data for all their clients

  • Does WP Cloud have overage charges for additional pageviews or visitors?

    No, our platform includes unlimited visitors/bandwidth.

  • Are staging sites free on WP Cloud?

    Yes, each production site on WP Cloud comes with one free staging site.

  • How are quotas enforced for storage resources that are shared across instances?

    We allow for you to create storage limits via the API on a single site. WP Cloud partners can use their UI to give control to customers to modify the storage limits on their site without going over the plan limit.

  • What happens if a client reaches the plan limits regarding storage? Is the website throttled until the spike subsides?

    The WP Cloud limit is a hard limit. It currently includes the files uploaded to the site and excludes the database. Some partners, like Pressable, set the WP Cloud limit higher than than what the customer is paying for to allow for a “soft” limit implementation.

  • For customers who frequently create sites and want to add a domain later, does WP Cloud allow me to create a site if the customer does not have a domain?

    Yes, you can create a site without a domain using the API and assign a domain to it.  It helps to have a “holding” domain to use for these sites without their own domain; for example, Pressable uses *.mystagingwebsite.com, WordPress.com uses *.wpcomstaging.com.