Back to Support Policies & Safety Suspended Content and Sites

Suspended Content and Sites

By creating an account you agree to our Terms of Service and User Guidelines.

If we find your site or any of its content to be in violation of our policies, we will remove content, disable certain features on your account, and/or suspend your site entirely.

Depending on the scenario, we will email you or add a warning notification to your dashboard. The notification will contain a link that you can use to contact us regarding the issue, and you can always contact us via email or via the form below for further explanation.

We do make mistakes from time to time. If you feel that we’ve done anything in error, please contact us via the link on your dashboard or by using the form below. A real person will review your request and reply with our decision as soon as possible.

We take our policies very seriously and act on all information we receive in order to investigate potential breaches. Since we want to be a pleasant and safe environment for all of our valued users, our policies are enforced on a daily basis.

Contact form for suspended content and sites

Please use this form to contact us about your own site only. For privacy reasons, we are not able to respond to messages regarding sites sent by third parties.

If you have forgotten your password or otherwise lost access to your account, please refer to Account Recovery instead of the form below.

Please keep in mind that not all sites built using WordPress are hosted on If your site is hosted elsewhere, you may need to contact your hosting provider to resolve your suspension. If you’re not sure which flavor of WordPress your site is using, take a look at this chart for more details.

Please login to contact us

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