#94 The FDIC is (still) insolvent.

According to an X post from a user known as @realmattcouch, there are 63 lenders on the brink of insolvency facing up to $517,000,000,000 in unrealized losses. Banks don’t own your money, they have 0%…

Issue #89 Looting the treasury

We are at the “looting the treasury” stage of empire collapse. That’s what I keep hearing. But I don’t believe this is accurate. The looting of the GAE treasury took place under the Bretton Woods…

#88 Treasuries are Tanking. Why?

It’s no secret that treasuries have been tanking. The conjecture postured here is that with treasuries in a secular downtrend, the equities market traditionally follows. In fact, the previous 40 year secular bull market in…