Things to do in Barcelona


Get Your Bearings in Barcelona

See & Do

Hot Tips: Book admission to the Sagrada Familia and Picasso Museum online in advance to avoid lines.

Caution: Park Guell will be charging a 5 Euro entrance fee as of fall 2013.

Take It or Leave It: Tipping.

Hot Tips: Ask for a higher floor.

Caution: Look out for overly priced rooms.

Hot Tips: Gastro Tapas is the new 'thing,' so check out Ohla and Tickets.

Avoid: Eating on La Rambla.

Hot Tips: There are plenty of free venues, so be sure to check flyers and magazines for what's happening each week.

Caution: Don't leave your purse or jacket anywhere in a club or bar - avoid bringing a purse if you can.

Best Local Souvenir: Caga Tio (typically sold during the holiday season, but you can find them all year round).

Caution: Anything you buy on La Rambla is 5 times the price you can find in a shop around the corner.



Barcelona is known for...

Four of Barcelona's most unique features and characteristics.

1. Tapas:

Everyone comes to Barcelona eyes open, mouth watering, and searching for tapas. Barcelona’s tapas - small portions of food that can be shared amongst friends - are absolutely delicious, and practically a way of life. One of the best ways to spend an afternoon is sipping wine and cava while nibbling on an assortment of goodies. Whether you’re bar hopping and snacking on pinchos (tapas on a stick), or having a sit-down meal in Plaza Del Sol, the eclectic mix and innovation found amongst authentic Spanish tapas is hard to match. Enjoy fresh olives, Manchego cheeses, fried squid, patatas braves (mini potatoes), mini-stuffed peppers, cured meats, and pan con tomate (bread with tomato rubbed on top and dipped in olive oil). Barcelona’s tapas scene is a defining staple within the Spanish culture.

2. Architecture & Design:

From Antonio Gaudi to Luis Domenech i Muntaner and Josep Puig, Barcelona is known for its incredible Modernist architecture which emerged at the end of the 19th century. The city is a haven for designers, architects, urban planners and those who appreciate beautiful aesthetics. Gaudi’s masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, is still more than 30 years from its expected completion date (2046).  A host of other fascinating buildings include Casa Batllo, La Pedrera, Hospital de SantPau, Palau de la Musica, Els 4 Gats, and Casa Fuster. Barcelona has carved its niche as a leader and visionary in design and architecture.

3. Fiestas:

There’s always something to do any day of the week and any hour of the day in Barcelona. No matter what type of scene you’re into, or music you’re looking for, this is a city that truly has something for all tastes. Would you enjoy a trendy wine bar in Gracia?  No problem.  Would you choose a rustic Catalan pub in Barcelona or a sleek cocktail bar in the Born? Barcelona is truly a city that never sleeps.  It’s easy to spend a night going from bar to club before arriving at one of the many after-party hot spots at 7am; but you’ll only be granted access here with the correct password!

4. Beaches:

Prior to the 1992 Olympics, Barcelona revitalized its waterfront, which is presently one of the city’s liveliest areas. What’s so unique to Barcelona is that the beaches are a stone’s throw from the city center and Ciutat Vella (OldCity) with a beautiful, long boardwalk stretching for miles along theMediterranean Coast. The Olympics also brought a handful of man-made beaches which complement the natural ones adjacent to them. The farther up or down the coast you go, the wider and cleaner the beaches become, with many of the nicest ones no more than a 20-30 minute daytrip.