
Engage, convert and keep your audience coming back for more

Show your users the content they want to see.

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AI-powered search and recommendations designed for media streaming sites and publications.

Make them feel understood with AI search

Relevant, personalized and lightning-fast results for websites and apps.

Leading media brands rely on Algolia

The Times
“Algolia is a breeze to work with...our editorial team has seen significant productivity improvements when building the daily online edition of The Times and weekly edition of The Sunday Times, with search being 300–500 times faster than our prior solution.”

Matt Taylor

Edition production manager @ The Times
“Our goal at 8Tracks is to push the barrier on what’s possible in terms of music discovery. That wouldn’t be possible without Algolia’s API.”

Rémi Gabillet

Co-founder & CTO @ 8Tracks

Build immersive and personalized content experiences

Accurate and personalized search results and recommendations for media sites and publications.

AI that understands your users

  • Deliver the most relevant results with industry-leading AI Search and AI Browse
  • Search multiple content sources with a single query with federated search
Crawl, index and make available all your content, no matter where it's stored.

Better results across the whole user journey

The one-stop shop for AI search

Easy to use

Implement our APIs in minutes and gain easy control over ranking.


Search as quick as you type, with the fastest enterprise AI search we know of.


Work with a partner who  handles 30 billion records and 1.7+ trillion searches a year with 99.999% availability.