Algolia Startup Program

Search and Discovery platform that helps you differentiate as you scale.

Apply for the program
Startup program

Delight your users with world class Search and Discovery experiences

Build engaging digital content experiences rapidly, with a solution that scales as you grow.

Algolia Startup Program

Helping startups grow, scale and differentiation in the market.

Apply for Algolia credits
What it includes
  • $10,000 in Algolia Credits (See Terms)

  • Valid for 12 months

  • World class support

Eligibility criteria
  • Less than 3 years old

  • Less than $5M in funding

  • For new Algolia customers only

Program perks

Get great deals/credits from our partners, early access to new Algolia features and a founder community.

Apply for Algolia credits
  • Credits for other SAAS products (Segment, Notion & more)

  • Education resources (full resources of Algolia Academy) 

  • World class support (Access to our world class support) 

  • A chance to be featured in our blogs and video series 

5M+ developers on the platform

The Composable Platform, Created for Builders

The most powerful and easy to use APIs to build leading digital experiences.

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • Android

  • Vue

  • Angular

  • iOS

1const App = () => (
3  <SearchBox />
4  <Hits />
5  <Pagination />
6  <RefinementList
7    attribute="company"
8  />
Build with React

Learn from extensive developer documentation to implement search and discovery in your ecosystem.

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Explore all the API clients, UI components & integrations to build search & discovery experiences.

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Jumpstart your Algolia understanding with the building blocks of backend tools, composable UI and sample applications.

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Find all one-click integrations, back-end API wrappers and front-end components for your technology stack, platform, or framework.

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Leverage Algolia across industries & use-cases

Saas startup

Focus on your core tech. Enable users to easily retrieve files, contacts, events or any object within your product via our APIs. We handle security, reliability and scalability.

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Create rich, relevant content discovery experiences. Drive user engagement, and increase revenue, with leading digital UX across devices.

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Create leading ecommerce UX. Give consumers seamless access to your product catalog via AI-powered search, discovery and recommendations, while increasing your online revenue.

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Modern business search & discovery. Leverage our search expertise and enable your customers and employees to find the right products, content and information.

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Build powerful discovery on unique reference catalogs. Connect sellers and buyers with scalable, flexible search, discovery and recommendation APIs. Decrease TCO while increasing revenue.

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From startups, to unicorns, to public companies

High-performing companies build leading search and discovery experiences with Algolia

“Algolia’s federated search helps us facilitate seamless customer experiences by empowering our employees to easily and quickly find the relevant information and resources they need to do their job every day.”

Brit Atilano

Program manager, IT operations @ Zendesk
Watch the video
“Algolia has become so mission critical for navigating our application that users instantly notice whenever we ship a new enhancement to our Algolia implementation.”

Desmond Brand

Director of engineering @ Flexport
Read their story

Algolia Integrations

Partner with Algolia to help your startup grow

If you are an incubator, accelerator, startup program, angel or a VC firm, partner with us to make our offer available to your startups. Click here to reach out.


Algolia Startup Program FAQs

  • Startups that are less than three years old and have raised less than $5M in funding are eligible for the program. Apply here if you are eligible.

  • If you get approved, you get $10,000 in Algolia credit that you can use in the first 12 months of getting approved.  Apply here to get started.

  • All the unused credits will expire/lapse after 12 months. Apply here to be part of the program. 

  • The moment your $10,000 credits are exhausted, you will be automatically moved to Pay as you go plan. Here is the pricing that will be applied for your usage - You can also get in touch with our sales team to get on committed plans with 20% discounts. Apply here to get started. 

  • No, this program is only for new and free users. If you are already a paying customer of Algolia, you are not eligible to apply for this program. Apply here if you are eligible.

  • Yes, if you can apply for this program and if you meet the eligibility criteria, you can get approved. Apply here to get started.

  • No, if you have used any other coupon code in the past, you will not be eligible for the Algolia Startup Program. Apply here if you are eligible.

  • No, these credits are non-transferable. If you do not use the credits, they will expire or lapse in 12 months. Apply here if you have not used any other startup coupon code with Algolia.

  • No problem. Send us an email - startups at