Another attack on Jews in Los Angeles

Something evil is happening in Los Angeles based on the increasingly aggressive acts of its Jew-haters.

According to the Times of Israel:

US pro-Palestinian demonstrators have held a loud protest outside a vacation home of AIPAC president Michael Tuchin in Los Angeles, setting off smoke bombs and branding him a “baby killer.”

They also spilled red paint outside the home, signifying blood, and chanted “Fuck your holiday” at the head of the pro-Israel lobby.



They did this outside the man's home in the nice Brentwood neighborhood on the west side of Los Angeles just outside Beverly Hills.

Not his office. His home.

That sends an unmistakeable message: 'We are watching and we know where you live.'

That's pretty outrageous, given that this man has nothing to do with what is going on in Israel; neither the Hamas attack nor the Israel military response. He's a Jew and not an Israeli Jew, but an American Jewish lobbyist for Israeli interests in the U.S. and apparently a pretty effective one, given the rabid Jew-hate directed at his organization seen on Twitter.

Heard the term "all about the benjamins?" Anti-Semites are big on that one. In every attack I saw on Twitter naming AIPAC, it was "all about the benjamins" crap.

Rep. Ilhan Omar must be so proud.

So now freaks calling themselves the People's City Council, which sounds like an antifa-type organization with a new battery, have starting targeting AIPAC'S leader, Michael Tuchin, with smoke bombs and fake blood and graffiti in a mock terror attack, sort of like a mock execution. Notice that in the video, they are dressed in all-black with masks and pointy-headed caps, just like the Black September terrorists who attacked the 1972 Munich Olympics. I'm going to argue that that's not a coincidence.

It must be terrifying for those in the vicinity, including Tuchin and his family, given that these creeps have shown what they can and want to do.

Oh, they claim it's a peaceful protest, but this isn't peaceful, not when it targets someone's home. It's a threat, a starter-pack of a few crummy little acts to demonstrate that they are capable of worse acts and here is what they have in mind and they know where this man lives.

These protestors have already killed a man at a pro-Israel protest, claiming it was an accident. Now they are going after Jews in their homes.

Sound like this is going to get better?

Jewish people are very visible in that part of Los Angeles -- with many synagogues, many events, many kosher food outlets both groceries and restaurants, blue-and-white lights for the holidays, the occasional Israel flag waved, and in some areas, such as the south of Robertson, where I used to live, many people in Jewish-identifiable clothing. There has been an upswing in anti-Semitic attacks from graffiti sprayed on houses of worship to attacks on Jewish people for being Jews. The hate is scary and as Los Angeles slides into blue-city decline, seems to be getting worse. Now with this Israel war on terror happening, it's reaching untold heights.

And Jews aren't the only victims. The attack on the AIPAC chief follows from another attack in Brentwood three days ago against Vice President Kamala Harris, who may have been home in Brentwood herself for her Thanksgiving holiday, based on a photo she released.

According to the Westside Current, a local outlet and probably the only one that covered this:

BRENTWOOD - Pro-Palestinian protesters threw fake blood in front of a Brentwood home, then placed red handprints on the ground before Vice President Kamala Harris' arrival for a campaign fundraiser Monday.

About two dozen protesters chanted "Free Palestine" and "Harris, Harris you can't hide you're committing genocide," blocked cars on the street and yelled "Shame on you" as people trickled into the home of attorneys Cliff Gilbert-Lurie and Leslie Gilbert-Lurie.

The Biden-Harris administration, for all its flaws, is at least nominally pro-Israel and thus, the topic of rage from these freaks. This earlier attack serves as an attempt to intimidate this easily-intimidated Biden-Harris administration into doing what Hamas wants or harm will come.

It was followed by the AIPAC attack and both occurred in the same neighborhood.

Obviously, there is some kind of leadership failure at the city and probably federal level that these groups targeting and attacking Jews have gotten so increasingly emboldened. Apparently nobody gets penalized for this activity, at least not enough to make them change their behavior, and the result is that now all Jews in Los Angeles are threatened in their homes. 

They'd better put a stop to this now, because it's getting ugly out there for Jews. It looks like a prelude to a full-blown terror attack.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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