After all Joe Biden’s tough tariff talk against China, his economic guru says the policy only applies to ‘very little’

When President Trump said he was going to put tariffs on China, Joe Biden took a hint and pretended he too was tough, and added a tariff on electric vehicles. But then…within a few days, one of Biden’s economic gurus came out and told China not to worry, because the U.S. won’t hit many of the things they exported to the U.S. From Breitbart:

White House: Unlike Trump, Biden’s China Tariffs Only Hit Areas ‘Where We Import Very Little from China’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s ‘The Last Word,’ White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein stated that the tariffs on China that President Joe Biden announced are different from the approach of 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump because Biden’s tariffs only apply to areas ‘where we import very little from China.’

Biden and his cronies also pretend they will be tough on China if it supports Russia against Ukraine—China not only helps Russia, it also helps Iran and North Korea.

Of course, Biden has never cared enough to ask China about the origin of COVID.

The Biden administration always pretends it cares about facts and truth, but almost everything it says and does is fake—all these people do is pretend. Here is a small sample.

They pretend they support Israel, but they continually micromanage how the nation responds to terrorists and Iran.

They pretend that they are wholly behind Ukraine, but they micromanage its use of weapons. They tell them to be careful and not destroy Russia’s oil facilities, which is how Vladimir Putin finances the war.

Biden effectively funds Russia and Iran by saying he will destroy our oil and natural gas industries, and he sure helps Russi when he cuts off exports of natural gas—but he pretends that he’s tough on hostile nations.

Biden and the Democrats pretend they support kids, but they kept schools closed at the behest of political supporters, advocate for killing children before birth, and continually block poor and minority children from having opportunities to attend better schools.

Biden and other Democrats pretend they support minorities, but their policies encourage the breakup of the family and government dependence, instead of implementing policies that give opportunities to move up the economic ladder.

Biden and other Democrats pretend that Trump’s tax cuts only benefited the rich and cost the government trillions; the truth is that the tax rate cuts benefitted almost everyone and have generated growth and additional revenue.

Biden pretends he inherited a bad economy, but the truth is he inherited a rapidly growing economy where more than one million jobs had come back a month in the last eight months of Trump’s term.

Biden pretends he inherited high inflation, but the truth is he inherited very low inflation and his spending, regulation, open borders, and energy policies is what devalued our dollar so rapidly.

They pretend that Trump’s tariffs on China caused inflation, but inflation stayed low throughout Trump's term.

Biden pretended that Trump called Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people,” even though he never did, for seven years; the other day was the first time this lie has been acknowledged as a lie by the Democrats. How much racial hate and violence have been caused by this intentional lie? 

Biden and other Democrats pretend that Trump wants a national abortion ban, which is another intentional lie. He wants legislatures to decide, because that’s where lawmaking belongs.

Biden and other Democrats pretend they are the party of women, but a party that forces women to compete with men in sports and forces them to share locker room space with men doesn’t care about women’s rights or privacy.

Democrats pretend they are the party of science, but they pretend that everything Anthony Fauci said was based on science, when a significant amount was actually fabricated or passed off from foreign adversaries. A party that has trouble telling the difference between men and women doesn’t care about science.

Biden and other Democrats pretend they care about the law, border security, and children as they allow millions to flow into the country illegally.

They pretend that the Justice Department is unbiased as they target parents, Catholics, pro-life people, and Trump supporters, while they let people who support Democrats roam free no matter how violent they are.

The biggest pretenders of all are supposed journalists who repeat what they are told no matter how much Democrats intentionally lie. They pretend that Trump colluded with Russia, they pretended that the laptop was Russian disinformation, the pretend that Joe Biden had nothing to do with the Biden family kickbacks, they pretend that Joe is competent even as they support the Justice Department letting Joe off for multiple felonies because they say he is not competent enough to stand trial.

Make America truthful again.

DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered.

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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