An MSM fairytale

Spare us the furrowed brows and the laments for Sleepy Joe shown by the MSM after the Trump-Biden debate. Since he shuffled into the White House in 2021 we all knew that there was something off about this guy. From the beginning of this lame administration, Biden had little on the docket each day except for a daily briefing, whatever form that took. As the years painfully progressed, Biden’s daily activities became fewer and fewer and we saw more and more of him snoozing on the beach. We were always told by the media that he was working tirelessly. We were told throughout his reign that he was sharp, engaged, and energetic, when our own eyes saw him confused, checked out, and tipping over on his bike.

For the last several weeks, the MSM has been trying to continue the Biden-as-competent fable by blaming Republicans for “cheap fakes." That was an accusation that Republicans were toying with video and pics of the president to make him look incompetent, as if any such effort was needed to expose his deterioration. Then the news regarding Biden’s absurd debate boot camp. Why would a professional politician for over 50 years require such an absurdly long and involved prep?

The answer is that the MSM has been complicit in the “fit as a fiddle” charade by fully embracing the regularly administered marching orders and talking points from the White House. Many commentators are now complaining that they were misled and cannot believe that they were lied to about Biden’s infirmaries. If this is true, it demonstrates a stunning level of naivete. If they were lied to about something so obvious, what else are they lapping up off the floor? These brain-dead dummies are most likely in the minority, though. Most MSM “journalists” are more than happy to participate in political hijinks. They proudly gaze in the mirror and see cool, highly connected, intellectually superior, deep-state operatives.

The thing we must keep in mind is that the MSM is largely responsible for where we are now. Whether duplicitous or not, they have abdicated their most basic duties and responsibilities to give us the full, unadulterated, unbiased, uninfluenced truth. They have instead let a political party ride roughshod over the tiny amount of credibility they had left. They went all in on an easily debunked fairytale about a hail and hardy king and have driven themselves over the cliff to obscurity.

AI generated with prompt from Olivia Murray

Image: AI generated with prompt from Olivia Murray

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