And take a message to Justin, message to Justin...

They had an election up in Ontario, Canada yesterday and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shut off his phone for now.   

Don't expect the prime minister to return your call for a day or two.  Canada's prime minister had a bad night in Ontario, and let me tell you why. 

This is the story:

Conservative candidate Don Stewart has won the longtime federal Liberal stronghold of Toronto-St. Paul's, a stunning result that raises questions about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's future.
Stewart's victory is shocking because the seat has been held by the Liberals for more than 30 years — even through the party's past low points, such as the 2011 federal election that returned just 34 Liberal MPs to Parliament.
Before Monday's vote, a Conservative candidate hadn't been competitive in Toronto–St. Paul's since the 1980s. The party hadn't won a seat in urban Toronto since the 2011 federal election.
Let me be honest.  I'm not a Canada expert but there are a lot of Canadians in Texas.  They love hockey and hate Trudeau or so they tell me. 
They love their homeland but keep warning everyone about government health care and high taxes.  As one told me, people up north pay too many taxes and hate waiting in line so long to get routine medical treatment.   
Maybe this is why so many drive south, get medical care and get it over with.
Like San Francisco, Chicago and New York City, Canada is the latest example of what happens when the liberals touch something. 
It does not work -- liberalism, that is.
There is hope because it does look like the Trudeau era is ending.  The prime minister is very unpopular and a swing to the right is coming.  
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