And the memes flowed after Biden's debate trainwreck ...

There are those who pitied Joe Biden for his wretched debate performance, burbling gibberish and badly outmatched by his energetic and articulate opponent, President Trump. I wasn't one of them.

He's still the creep who opened the border, brought us inflation, fired no one after Afghanistan, peddled influence with his son and sold the country out, and went the full Hugo Chavez on his political opponent, attempting to imprison him.

No pity whatsoever for this sputtering puddle of ooze.

But for those with my sentiment, there have been the memes -- in copious quantities. Elon Musk even noted that "Tonight was a clear victory ... for memes."

Here are a few I enjoyed:

















































The twitterverse is loaded with them. As President Obama used to say, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up."

Image: Twitter meme

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