AOC goes bonkers at Bronx Bowman rally, breaking out into black English

Is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez going off the deep end?

Sure seems like it, given her manic campaign appearance before a New York City crowd on behalf of beleaguered pro-Hamas congressman Jamaal Bowman, who's running for reelection, following a string of disgraceful incidents in Congress, such as being caught pulling a fire alarm in an apparent bid to disrupt Congressional proceedings.





Her mania can be seen here, too:



She not only got out of control, bouncing up and down and waving her arms, she fell into speaking black English, complete with 'yalls' and other words and phrases that Democrats think will appeal to blacks in front of black audiences. Hillary Clinton did this, Kamala Harris did this, and so did many others.

None of them has any sort of down-home black background, it's pure cosplay for them. AOC herself comes from a middle to upper middle class background being raised mostly in Westchester County just north of the Bronx, but that's what she and the rest of them do, they cosplay, which in their cases comes off as June Cleaver doing black English, as actress Barbara Billingsley did in the satirical movie 'Airplane.'



Here's what looks like a more rehearsed and controlled ad:



Here's Bowman's obscenity filled rant to the same audience:



Now the mania can probably be explained away as a sort of over-enthusiasm, either real or contrived on behalf of her extremist candidate. We have seen this at times on both sides of the aisles. On the left, we have seen AOC's squad ally, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, do the crazy act, too.

But what's most obnoxious is the black argot, a lingo they slap on in front of a black audience and then take off when they return to their regular lives. It's phony, it's racist, it's patronizing, and it's inauthentic.

It's certainly something President Trump has never done, consistently using his Queens accent in front of black, white, Southern, Latino, California, and other audiences, no matter how they may speak. He certainly didn't in his decorous and peaceful rally in the South Bronx a few weeks ago. He doesn't go into an imitation mode in order to 'connect' with them, he connects with them on ideas.

Democrats, though, connect on identity, culturally appropriated if necessary to them, which is why they whip out the black accents.

Why anyone would vote for these phonies is beyond me. You'd think at least some of them would be offended.

Image: Screen shot from Twitter video.

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