Be careful, Donald

I am worried about President Trump. Now that he has demolished Joe Biden in this week's presidential debate, many on the Left would like to see him vanish.

Democrats are desperate, and likely to try to stop him by fair means or foul.

This tweet from RealClearPolitics founder and CEO Tom Bevan, a hard realist who doesn't go into hysterics, is hard to disagree with:



There is no shortage of evil people who would 'Epstein' someone if the incentive were big enough.

Already many people have mysteriously died if they crossed some former presidents, so it is no secret that assassins are out there (look up “arkancide” and then when you're done with that, ask why security cameras were “malfunctioning” when Epstein “hung himself” in his jail cell.)

Trump cannot afford to be put in a jail cell with iffy equipment.

Donald Trump is deeply hated by the Deep State, by many Democrats in politics, and by those with contacts in what passes in some pathetic circles for the media.

The communist, globalist, and Islamist agendas, foreign and domestic, are in grave danger from Trump and his voters.

The Left have diligently spent the last three and a half years tearing down America, weakening her in order to build their borderless communist-Islamist Utopia. They not only crashed our economy, they crashed the culture. They love Joe Biden and Barack Obama for making it possible, but now they are facing serious challenges. Like a threatened wolverine, they will viciously strike back using any methods by any person to gain lost ground. And they are losing ground. DEI, CRT and other Leftist agendas are beginning to fail because people are hurting at the grocery store, the gas station, home buying and repairing, and everywhere else in America. Small businesses can’t survive. People on the Left are seeing that the emperor is an egomaniacal exhibitionist. Even the willfully blind can now see his nakedness.

Trump is fearless and that puts him in even graver danger. My prayers are with him daily, especially as his following and potential stable of voters grows larger. Bad people want him gone. I know he knows that.

So, Mr. President, watch your back. But watch your front as well. The sirens are everywhere.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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