Dems finally unsheathe the long knives for Biden

Following last night’s presidential debate on CNN, I’m watching the CNN panel pummel Joe Biden’s debate performance; “widespread panic in the Democrat party after watching this debate,” “a disaster,” “a trainwreck.” 

I must confess, I’m shocked!

I thought Biden overdelivered for most reasonable expectations.  I fully expected the Biden-friendly CNN panel to be singing his praises and popping champagne corks simply because he didn’t fall over or defecate himself.
Something very fishy is going on here.  This looks to me like the beginning of the execution of the plot to remove Biden from the ticket.  I don’t know who with and seriously doubt it’s Kamala Harris.  There has been widespread speculation that this has been the plan for some time now.  We’re now seeing the wheels in motion.
If there were a mix of reactions from the CNN panel, some favorable, others not so, that would strike me as relatively legitimate. 
But that was not the case.  The panel was unanimous in characterizing the night as a total disaster for Biden.
These are leftist corporate DNC media hacks.  The last thing they do is think, or speak, for themselves, but their natural instincts would be to spin the debate to their favored candidate and that most certainly is not Donald J. Trump. 
My sense is that the directive has come down from on high (Barack Obama?) that the time has arrived to dump poor old ‘Scranton Joe.’
Make no mistake, I am MAGA all the way, but I try to observe and comment on these things from as open and objective a viewpoint as I can muster and as such, didn’t see Biden’s performance in nearly as negative a light as the CNN panel presented.  Sure, he lied almost every time he opened his mouth, but that’s to be expected and as such, I thought he did a bang-up job of it. 
I’m no Joe Biden fan, I think he’s awful; small, petty, dishonest and corrupt (unfortunately, a generic 21st century American politician.) 
Joe wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer even when he was at the top of his game. This time four years ago I predicted that come November 2020 there was no way Joe Biden would be at the top of the Democrat ticket.  Obviously, I was wrong, but my point here is that even then, Joe was showing serious signs of cognitive decline.  I suppose it should be refreshing that the DNC media sees it now and is saying so out loud.  But I don’t trust any of them any further than I could throw them.
It is just so unnatural for a panel of CNN media flacks to speak ill of ANY Democrat, much less the president they worked so hard to install in the White House.  To my mind this makes it official.  Biden is out, the only remaining question is who will replace him.  I expect the betting odds would be on Gavin Newsom (when we turn the rest of the country into California, where will productive citizens flee to?)  There has been talk of Michelle Obama, too, and Hillary Clinton is always lurking in the woodwork.
A competing theory may be that CNN is trying to salvage what’s left of its tattered reputation and credibility, but I don’t buy into that.  A leopard doesn’t change its spots.
Stay tuned, this is about to get interesting.
Image: Screen shot from The Wall Street Journal video, via YouTube
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