Election 2024: It ain’t over ’til it’s over

Listening to and reading all the justifiable (depending on your politics) joyous or despairing or even neutral analyses of Thursday’s presidential debate, I was reminded of New York Yankees star baseball player Yogi Berra: “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

Listening to and reading all the justifiable (depending on your politics) joyous or despairing or even neutral post debate analyses of Thursday's presidential debate leading to predictions of replacing (previously) 100%  presumed Democratic presidential candidate President Joseph R. Biden (D) with another candidate for the upcoming election reminded me of  that late, great, philosopher, political analyst and oh yes, New York Yankees star baseball player Yogi Berra's profound prediction https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34324865 about his way behind 1973 New York Mets he was then coaching,

At the time he said this (1973), Berra was coaching the way-behind New York Mets.  Sure enough, the Mets rallied, and lo! — it was over, when those way behind Mets won the National League’s division title.

The election is still four months from today, and the chances for...uh...change from Thursday night’s doomsday Biden predictions are many.

Below are some possibilities: 

  • Can anti-Trumpers and pro-Bidenites hold their noses and vote for Trump?
  • Will Biden rally enough in his next debate to overcome undecided voters?  Conversely, will an over confident Trump stumble?
  • Will some still yet undiscovered (minor) scandal about Trump be blown up out of proportion by his many enemies, causing a Trump defeat?
  • Will another major international crisis emerge or an existing one loom larger, leading voters to believe “don’t change horses midstream”? 
  • Will the Trump-haters — and there are many, and they are influential — um, tamper with the voting results?  By extension, will certain voters be allowed to “vote early, vote often”?
  • Will all the illegals be allowed to vote — even though this is illegal?  (Reread the above point about Trump-haters.)

And many more possibilities.  So be alert, stay tuned, and remember: “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

<p><em>Image: cagdesign via <a href="https://pixabay.com/photos/vote-vote-here-vote-sign-5333477/">Pixabay</a>, <a href="https://pixabay.com/service/terms/#license">Pixabay License</a>.</em></p>

Image: cagdesign via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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