Hispanics who don’t speak English pose as Amazon workers at the door—only to bust in and hurt a woman and her children during a robbery

Is this the newest migrant crime trend? Did they upgrade from gang violence on mopeds to gang violence from cars?



I’m not going to say that I “know” these people are illegals, or “newcomers” as they’ve been adoringly nicknamed by the progressive Democrats, but all the signs are there—they don’t speak English, they brazenly barge into the home without hesitation, suggesting that this isn’t their first time hurting women and children. and their little routine appears to be well-planned, like it ain’t their first rodeo, as we see the one wearing the Amazon gear calmly knocking on the door while his buddy lies in wait around the corner.

Now, I wouldn’t have been able to distinguish from where in Central or South America these thugs likely originated, but it seems as though most of the commenters in the X thread believe these men have a Venezuelan accent. If so, it’s more evidence of the alarming level of violence brought via Venezuelan imports—Jocelyn Nungary’s attackers are both Venezuelan, as was the man who murdered Laken Riley—and the natural assumption as to why is that this nationality seems to be highlighted in national grisly crime stories is that Venezuela is home to the Tren de Aragua criminal organization, so one could rationally infer that these people are either directly involved with the gang, or so deeply saturated in its culture.

Here’s a little insider knowledge, from Breitbart’s Randy Clark:



And, did you see this?



It’s just part of the “culture” he says—that’s what the Muslim imports raping their way across Europe assert too.

Also, this?



As Starbuck points out, Amazon company policy is adding fuel to the fire, because now that shoppers are accustomed to deliveries coming by way of personal vehicles, an “Amazon worker” but no Amazon truck doesn’t raise any red flags—it facilitates criminals like this to plot in plain sight.

There is no middle ground on illegal migration, and there’s absolutely zero responsibility on the American people to accept or tolerate third world scum from every nation on earth, “settling” people who add absolutely no value to our economy and whose existence requires tremendous taxpayer subsidization.

Every single illegal that has come across the border during Biden’s reign, and every one before that still here, needs to be sent packing, and never permitted to return.

Youtube video screen grab

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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